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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Sephiran isn't killed not because Ashera won't (though she won't if you try attacking her if you have him do it), but because Sephiran is special. Sephiran is her most loyal servant, who is so blessed by her that he still lives ~1000 after RD despite Ashera having been in coma that whole time, and despite the fact he should be many times dead judging from a Heron's expected lifespan. Sephiran was spared only because in Ashera's eyes, he is worthy of the highest trust and not like the chaotic rabble at all, he is beyond them. Sephiran can only die by force or if the Goddess is willing to grant him that reprieve. And I don't think Sephiran tells Ashera when she wakes up his suicidal desire or everything he has seen which has made him despair. Ashera acts not because she sees the depths of Sephiran's heart, but because the Medallion seal broke she thought, and Sephiran said it was in his opinion that the world could not be saved in the remaining time until her natural wake up. That is all she bases her judgement on. Ashera is herself manipulated by her own highest servant. As for punishment. Eradicating all of the Laguz and Beorc is punishment enough if you ask me. Everyone you're related to, know and love, gone. Note that even if you make a fool's move and have Reyson/Leanne/Rafiel use a Card to attack Ashera, she won't respond to them. The Herons on the whole are so Orderly that she sees them as savable even in the worse conditions. The Dragons might have survived the first judgement for the same reason, even if she planned to get rid of them on the second judgement which is what is implied. Micaiah too is strangely on Ashera's do not attack list, but I guess that's explicable given she is the True Apostle and keenly aligned with Order; Mist isn't Orderly enough I guess. Dissecting Tellius is my thing, in case you can't tell. Can't do it with Archanea, Jugdral. Elibe, Awakening, Fates or SoV so much, but with Tellius I can.
  2. I can see some reasoning behind this statement. Non-HP stat boosters are still +2 in Awakening and Fates, despite stat inflation making +2 matter a little less than in other games, not that it can't matter at all, it certainly can in CQ Lunatic for instance.
  3. Don't know if this has been mentioned, but the script PoR's Epilogue cuts short. What it leaves off includes some very ominous lines Sephiran says when Ike leaves his vicinity. Including something to the effect of "Ike, your journey is not yet over.".
  4. His appearance as a whole distinctly does not cater to the Japanese ideals for a anime-ish protag. He's popular still, but if anything it's in spite of his appearance I think, especially his RD self. I should have been much clearer than that. My bad for being lazy. For Female Mark, Marsha is still open, that's close-ish. Phonetically, you can pronounce it the same as Marcia, but you can also pronounce Marcia "Mar-see-uh", so there goes that issue. For their appearances, making them hooded (the FE7 sprite doesn't show one, but we could add them) and hiding their actual appearances for the most part could let the duo be the closest we get to playable Kiran. As for what to give the FE7 Tacticians in weapons, well they never fight in game, so they could be a bit creative and do something like Dagger Mark and Tome Marsha (if we ran with that name). In line with their more backline role.
  5. And yet, we loathe it when we get Celica and Eirika types. Although nobody complains about no naive males, since Marth, Roy, Leif, and Seliph all have a gentleness to them already. So the guys get the best of both worlds- strength and weakness relatively free of complaint. They tried making Ike not an effete softie, he didn't sell. Innes is said to be a good strategist, even though we never see him in action (he did blunt the Grado invasion of Frelia it is mentioned). Roy has a reputation as a strategist lord too. I haven't actually played FE6, but Merlinus certainly isn't composing the battle plans from looking over the script, and there is nobody else but Roy who could be doing it. On that note, wonder how they'll handle Kris? They can use the default artwork for both appearances, but I wouldn't want them to both be sword infantry users. I'd take Fris as a Peg Knight instead (she can keep the sword, perhaps give her physical durability so she's not just a poor Elincia). Neither gets a personal weapon in NM, so mayhaps they could get the 4-5 downgrade.
  6. I can't believe I forgot about Robin's Fell Blood. Getting a Grima variant (not hard to do: red evil eyes, malicious expression, discolored clothes) with Dark/Fell/Expiring Breath wouldn't be a bad idea. Of course, which sex gets used for that? And we don't need two Robin!Grimas. They should've waited on doing this until Myrrh shows up next year or something, she'd be perfect for it. Though I'm not a Myrrh fan, since the Manaketes were shoehorned into SS and she's another "little sister" loli. This said, if they made her a flying Manakete, since she has usable wings in her humanoid form, then how will she work regarding buffs? Would she be able to grab both Fortify Dragons and Hone/Fortify Fliers? That'd make her very versatile, able to swap between two different teams and serve a unique role on both. She'd be a much wanted pull as long as her stats were servicable. Myrrh, Nils, the remaining Manaketes, and the Dragon Laguz if DeNA ever wants to touch them, are probably going to be added very slowly. Since we have far fewer of them than we do Swords, Lances and the rest of the types barring Daggers. Lewyn, by reason of his 2nd Gen self, would be great here too. Now what time this month will he (I so hope) enter the fray with Forseti? The weapon better be good! And if they want to do some form of festive Breath unit- how about Fae after competing in the annual Askr Garlic Eating Contest? Halitosis Breath anyone? Or perhaps Alpine/Snow Breath from Ninian in a Winter Wonderland Banner? Hyperglycemic Breath from Nowi in a Halloween Banner? Hungover Breath from Adult!Tiki after she celebrates her 3021 birthday with a bang she can't remember? I'm surprised F!Robin is so close to M!Robin. It's nice to see a girl dressed head to toe for once instead of being all fanservicey, but I'd though she'd do much worse. Perhaps it's the fact you can wed to her Chrom in Awakening and have a MC power couple? I like the pairing myself, but that support was awful.
  7. Absolutely. The trend towards young girls has worn its welcome. Nowi was particularly excessive since she's at least partially supposed to be a reference to SD Tiki, but we also have Tiki in the same game so she wasn't needed. And where she comes from, nobody knows. Nagi was good, and Naga I'm fine with but now Mila has worn the welcome on Archanean styled women Manaketes. I don't want to see light green hair again. At least the royal Goldoans had dark green and Dheg was bald. I'll take another woman, just make them visually distinctive. I'd be fine with another Nils or Kurthnaga, or Nasir, or Xane, even Bantu or Gareth (the forgettable). Or something else. Just not what we have been getting. Corrin is more a hybrid, and his dragoness is unimportant. Kana is the child of an avatar, and using them as a dragon isn't ideal at all thanks to Dragonstone limitations.
  8. So is anyone placing bets on what is going to happen to Tiki in the first round? Her vote is going to be split in two, which sounds like a recipe for doom unless the multiplier kicks in. It'd be funny (and unlikely) if the final round ended up being a Tiki Tiki party by sin virtue of the multiplier. Why did we need two Tikis? It feels desperate that they had to do that. Soren could have occupied the last slot, or even a Fates royal.
  9. This might answer your question: Heron Queen? (NA version only) In Part 3 Endgame, Tibarn refers to Lillia as the “Heron Queen”, but she was referred to as a princess in Path of Radiance. “Heron Queen” was a mistranslation and should have been “Heron Princess”—”Queen” and “Princess” are easy to mix up in Japanese.
  10. I wouldn't count vulneraries as healing magic, the MC deserves to be healable in some way for gameplay sanity. Otherwise they'd be so delicate you'd never want them to be as much as scratched.
  11. Magic immunity could be balanced from a gameplay perspective as the above posters make clear. Just make sure their defense isn't too high and that if they have special weakness, enough enemies target it. From a writing perspective, I was pondering, what if it went both ways? The MC is not only immune to attack magic, but cannot receive the effects of healing and support magic either. If they break a bone, no Heal staff to the rescue. Nor be Warp Staffed, and, hypothetically, even if they had the Major Holy Blood, get the quad +20 stat boosts out of FE4 Naga. They're both more durable and more fragile than an ordinary person. A fair dilemma.
  12. Ah the good memories of RD, particularly Part 3, where almost every battle had some form of war room or discussion of the best course of action. PoR had a fair number too, and Awakening had its strategizing moments in the Plegia/Gangrel and Valm/Walhart Arcs too. All FEs have some form of filler fights: This does not at all excuse Fates profundity of filler however. It is a common criticism that "nothing happens" in Birthright- you find two brothers, and charge into Nohr, making a pit stop for a Yato up. That is it. Revelation is just excuse after excuse to recruit everyone in the first half, and the second half is a trip into Valla. A land in ruins, lifeless (literally you just fight ghosts over and over), desolate, featuring one boss three times over without any of the panache of a SRW villain you fight ten times over. Half the maps are kinda pretty, but the other half is dull. Your foe is very charismatic (sarcasm), and has anyone else ever noticed the land beneath Valla doesn't look at all like Nohr and Hoshido? What the heck is it and why is it there? Conquest starts not so bad, but then devolves into getting Garon to dump his facade on a royal throne (and why is Hoshido's so special in the first place?). The Wind Tribe and Kitsune weren't in the way to Shirasagi. If you look at the map, C18-21 (Izumo-Kitsune Hamlet-Wind Tribe-Eternal Stairway) is a zigzag movement- how is that efficient for any journey military campaign or not? And why bother the Wind Tribe and Kitsune? Aren't they neutral parties in the conflict? And who would pass through the Wind Tribe given the narrow and windy paths we see when we fight them on CQ and Rev, and the sands on BR's battle with them? Mount Garou makes no sense in BR's movements either. Then we get into Paralogues. Instead of use all these bonus chapters to build the world or extend on the relevant conflict, they exist just to add the children (and hint at Anankos I guess). A criticism I also made of FE13 and its Paralogues. Optional fights should have some greater significance, it doesn't have to be huge like Night of Farewells in FE7, but something.
  13. Gharnef comes within walking distance of killing the heroes during the Khadein fight, and unlike Julius who can, as the script acknowledges, be defeated with Seliph with the Tyrfing, Imhullu is impossible to penetrate save for Starlight. Tellius then gave us the Black Knight, whose Warp Powder might weaken him according to plot, but that doesn't stop his armor from being immune to all but blessed weapons and the strongest Laguz + castles. That he doesn't murder Ike's crew and Elincia outright is because his Master and Ashy wouldn't like that. Lekain can Rewarp from Begnion to Nevassa in a second, but doesn't since he lacks the same strength as the BK and Nergal and such, and he has no reason to slay Micaiah, just the opposite her wants her to live so he can get Daein to kill the Laguz Alliance. Even SS has overpowered villain teleporting as C6 shows. Novala warps in to Eirika, and then warps away willy nilly. Have Valter or Riev warp to Eirika in the dark of night, and bam! Instant bracelet get. But they don't. I think Awakening and Fates might be the only cases of all cases of worlds where teleporting villainy doesn't exist.
  14. A somewhat radical character premise I wouldn't mind seeing them toy with. Celica's Charge Attacks and perhaps her Musous gradually drain her HP, which Nosferatu could replenish. Or, she could get innate gradual HP recovery over time like the Recovery skill in SoV (and which originated in OG Gaiden). To balance her, either low Def or HP that isn't too plentiful could be given. The benefit of this blood price could be really strong, large, and or long ranged attacks, which would justify using her despite the danger.
  15. That looks legit at first glance. How dare you! I was considering a Prism Bow idea. Colorless by itself, but it takes on the color of an adjacent ally. If multiple adjacent allies of different colors, the weapon takes on the most advantageous/least debilitating color. Lets you have an ally who can be another Blue, Green, or Red on the fly. Inferior to a Dancer? Yes to most of the time, but it has its uses still. Well she is a goddess: Ms. Goddess of Thunder is very powerful from a gameplay perspective in FE4. Her detractors dislike her I think because she goes along with the child hunts and Julius's other questionable stuff too easily. She's in love with an egotist, and her hopeless love is why she fights at all.
  16. You could have done better. Namely the fancy chapter opening with the unexplained symbol in the background in SS, with the chapter title listed being that of C8: It's A Trap! Hush! The less talk of the Angst Banner the better! They should give you a boost if that happens. How about the Lucky Sevens? For all three: +7 HP/Atk/Spd/Def/Res/Weapon Might and... something else not Move, maybe guaranteed Specials all the time. Compensate for the lack of variety with sheer power! Or a bigger point bonus.
  17. Just to add a little instance of my own Rev. ups and downs. I have a Xander who is like 20/15, but only proced Def once, maybe twice on Lunatic. I used him since he's easy to use, but he was ugh and more of a liability; Hinoka made a lovely WL though, as did Oboro. As for Ryoma, dodgetanking is a cruel mistress. I never found him capable of destroying entire armies, only selectively killing half armies. Swords are always too accurate for him to reliably sidestep, and he has to pick between dodging Lances/Shuriken and Axes/Bows depending on his equipped, he can't dodge everything at once. Generals particularly screw him over since they pack Lance and Axe. Sorry if I came off as hostile at all or anything, didn't mean to be. Just stating the standards of debate, which can be kinda cold and arrogant looking I admit. They never did. Degeneration doesn't exist, so I guess it's totally different species. This one picture shows us what the Zunanma looked like: So I'm guessing that first came the animals, which included: wyverns, and the tigers and lion and wolves and cats and hawks, ravens, and egrets/herons, whatever became the Beorc, and any animals that became Zunanma groups that went extinct before they could become Laguz or something else. Then they evolved further into Zunanma, and from the Zunamna the Beorc and Laguz. It can be inferred that not all wyverns/Dracoknight dragons took the path towards Zunanma and then Dragon Laguz, and hence remained as they are. Just as wild hawks and crows should exist in Tellius too. Not all chimps and apes IRL became Homo Sapiens after all, though Homo Erectus and Neanderthals were completely replaced by Sapiens. Which could be an easy analogy for what happened to the Zunanma- they were all replaced by Laguz and Beorc.
  18. I don't believe this. The BK's failure to kill Ena in PoR was done for dramatic effect- well letting her be struck was, letting her live was done for story. It adds to Ike's reasons to win against the BK, not only will he avenge his father's murder and help Crimea win its war against Ashnard, he'll save Ena from death. If Ragnell and Alondite couldn't kill the innocent, then I'd think we'd see more of this since story writers don't add properties to their weapons and other devices without some greater reason behind it. What greater reason is there for Ragnell and Alondite being unable to kill the defenseless? All you have to go on is that once instance of Ena and the Jarod line, neither of which must be interpreted as you suggest. The BK is merciful as Zelgius, so mercy is in his underlying character and he could have simply been honoring Alder's sacrifice since he likes a loyal soldier (he was certainly not pitying Jarod). Ena, again, the blow was for dramatic effect, nothing more. Ashera had no qualms petrifying all of the Beorc and Laguz, including countless innocents who had nothing to do with the breaking of the seal on Lehran's Medallion. So much for her being merciful. If Ashera had bestowed can't-kill-innocent blessings on her swords she gave her greatest Beorc warrior, then shouldn't that be reflected in how she in her ultimate judgement treats others? As it stands, she "killed" thousands if not millions, and would have let them really die had not the heroes stopped her.
  19. Garon should have been this: Fates could use a whole lot of improvements. Beyond getting rid of Gooron completely, reducing him to a feverish mental influence on Garon could work as well. Here is one idea for giving Hoshido flaws is to make it out as less than perfect. Think of it like this: Sumeragi dies suddenly, Mikoto fears little Ryoma will be the tool of evil daimyo in his Regency and beyond, and then fights a civil war to "protect" (maybe the daimyo weren't totally in the wrong) him. The daimyo dislike Mikoto because she lacks royal blood- the consort of the king should step aside now that he is dead. China and Japan knew famine too, make it so that just when Nohr turns to Hoshido for food at the pivotal moment which ultimately sends Corrin to Nohr, Hoshido had just the past year come off a series of bad harvests and even with a good one in the present year, couldn't spare foodstuffs. Another thing we can do is politics with the Kitsune, Wolfskin, Wind, Fire, and Ice Tribes- make it tension-ridden for both Nohr and Hoshido, indigenous minorities vs. giant powerful states is a fun topic. Some of the children characters are likable and salvageable (make Shiro a royal cousin for one), but Deeprealms were an awful idea and the kids only exist to pander to the Awakening crowd. Their Paralogues do make the possibility of meaningful sidequests that do contribute to the greater world impossible. Dropping royal siblings? That'd be a tough one, but to remove two, make it Elise and Hinoka. I think we can slash the retainer count though, that way we're free to have more characters who contribute more to the world. As for whose retainers go, I can't come to an easy answer, but probably Odin, Selena, Peri, and Effie on the Nohr side, with Kagero, Setsuna, and Hana dropped on the Hoshidan. Gunter and Reina shouldn't be ones either. Mikoto needed to live longer, and be a questionable villain in her own right in the story. Sumeragi should have been Corrin's father, and at least Takumi and Sakura should have been Corrin's full siblings. BR's premise is undone by Awakening pandering taken to another extreme. Revelation, if it deserves to exist, should have been handled much differently, because as is, it is superior to the other two routes in outcome. It takes Heirs of Fate to undo the wrongs of CQ and BR if I heard right. Make it bittersweet (which all routes should be), Corrin flees to a neutral kingdom in the north called Valla, who then becomes entangled in the Nohr-Hoshido War. Corrin helps fight with Valla and ultimately becomes royalty there or something. Corrin amends relations with both Nohr and Hoshido, but is never able to return to either a royal. Azura- less mystery, less magic, more an actual character. And give her a retainer- it's odd she didn't get any despite being practically a Hoshidan royal. We need metric tonnes of world building and lore. Fates has a potentially interesting world, but it isn't. Nothing is ever explained. Let's shatter the Yato! Let's exterminate the First Dragons! Let's downplay everything magical and make humans and human agency, not destiny and degenerate dragons, the heart of the plot! Magic should be just a tool of humanity, not humanity a tool of magic!
  20. I think my point still stands. Athos should have been privy to how Harmut got the Binding Blade; even if Durban and Bramimond weren't very social, the Eight Legends I imagine would have been close friends. So unless Harmut found the Binding Blade in a shrine of unknown origin (which is how Anri discovered the Falchion IIRC), then if it was forged by Dragons, Athos should have known and thus not have been surprised by Arcadia. Hence, we have reason to object to it being dragon-made save for the situation I just described.
  21. It isn't hard to figure out the averages of the non-kids, there's a calculator for that which I can plug the char and classes into and viola, math-free results. I bring up averages because it's the only way to objectively argue FE chars, screwage and blessings aren't possible to truly measure. But any tier list in FE should come with a "Your Results May Vary" warning, since in individual cases characters can and will deviate from their averages to varying degrees. I've had screwed Oscars in PoR, and so I dumped him whenever he did go that way. But the Law of Large Numbers says that in the long run (many playthroughs, many levelups), everything will average out to the averages. Personal dislike is irrelevant to gameplay arguments, but play as you wish, have fun, whatever your definition of fun is. As for canon class, Camilla being a Malig Knight doesn't have much character-backing. She is no Cherche where her mount comes up all the time in her conversations. I don't think Camilla ever talks about it, there is no name for her Revenant Dragon, nor any lore as to what said dragons even are (a shame). The Dual Club you mean? You do get it the chapter Camilla joins. I didn't mention that since there is only one on CQ to use, but it is there. And given your other natural axers (Arthur, Charlotte, Beruka) are generally problematic (Percy alone is the exception, barring late-recruit kids), Camilla can prioritize it. If all it takes is a harmless couple levels to get, might as well. Let's face it, no 1st Gen character is probably going to have a shortage of skill slots. With zero reclassing, each is only getting 4 skills. With one reclass to an unrelated class (like Nohr Noble to Master Ninja), we'll be looking at 6 skills obtained for the majority of the game (as in pre-20/15, which will be reached only near or at C27). MK and WL are awesome classes, I don't know if Camilla ever really wants out of them, cutting into her skill selection. She could probably afford to hop into Hero/Berserker for some quick skill learning with no real effects on how a chapter turns out for certain fights, and going just one of those reclasses for 3 levels is upping her skill pool from 4: Lunge, Str+2, Savage Blow, Defense Rally; to 7 (or 8 with Fighter and a second reclass): HP+5/Quick Riposte, Gamble/Good Fortune, and Sol/Strength Rally. Given Gamble and Good Fortune are both objectionable, Sol is unreliable too, Rallybot Camilla being situational, and Lunge being replaceable at times, I think Savage Blow can occupy a skill slot without reason to object in practice. Dark Mage does offer the nice Heartseeker to resolve hitting issues, but that'll require two levels in a class where Camilla will be stuck using her subpar Magic or a Bronze Sword over a powerful axe.
  22. Interesting idea. FE6 is supposed to be retelling of Archanea, and the BB is obviously it's plot Falchion, but whether it is physically a Falchion is a good question. We sadly don't know enough behind the Scouring to know how the Divine Weapons and BB were made. All we're told is that they were made, and that they're very powerful. Athos never explains how they came to be, which is a missed opportunity. Durandal and Eckesachs are both gemmed in their weapon sprites, so they too could have Dragonstones embedded in them, but none of the other Divine Weapons do. To douse the idea that the Divine Weapons were dragon-made, Athos (of course, FE7 could be retconning stuff we were never told) was surprised to see dragons and humans living in harmony in Arcadia. He shouldn't have been surprised if had he draconic aid in creating his Infernal Truth, Forblaze. I'm inclined to think the tomes at least were made by different means, I'd wager the achieving of the ultimate harmony with the particular magic type and its associated intellectual goal. Athos learned some philosophic truth of the highest order which let him construct Forblaze. Bramimond reached Dark Nirvana and became filled with the power that got poured into Apocalypse. And Elimine's heart full of purest faith gave her a vision which let her craft Aureola. How the physical weapons were forged is beyond me.
  23. Stale bread (I first typed beard) makes for good french toast. Take a break and come back to Heroes later when something exciting comes up/you've had time to refresh yourself. And some of us aren't just aren't inclined to slow drip games. I for one don't play Animal Crossing, because I can't adjust myself to the idea of playing an hour a day three times a week for months, I want to play five hours for five days for three weeks, but AC doesn't suit that kind of play.
  24. I'll be honest, I wouldn't be a main villain. The best I could be, if I didn't hesitate and flop and fail to ascend the ranks, would be a Levail. Someone who just exists to quietly praise someone actually talented and does little to nothing of note. I'd be better off with magic units, and would probably be best not on the frontline. Maybe a convoy guard, or perhaps positioned on some cliff raining siege magic down upon my foes strategically from a safe distance. So yeah, at best, I'd probably be a magical artillery captain, not that such a thing exists in FE, but it should. If there was a villain above along the lines of Sephiran, I'd want to help them, but I don't know if I'd be good enough for them or if I'd just be a liability. Barring a Sephiran, I'd settle with serving a Zelgius, or an Arvis or Lyon.
  25. Please, the Blue Spiny Shell is the Multiplier of Mario Kart. But at least you can use one of those rare Super Horns, some item you would have no chance of getting in 1st, or a well timed speed boost to dodge the hit. Actually, that might not be a bad idea. WARNING: INCOMING MULTIPLIER FOR X IN Y HOURS Z MINUTES AND AA SECONDS! IF BB ACHIEVES CC POINTS BY DD TIME, MULTIPLIER WILL BE CANCELED. It'd encourage the leading team to press themselves really hard.
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