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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Um..... The plot is generally seen as the saving grace of Genealogy, it's rare you see that much thrown against it on SF. But, I can see the logic behind the criticism, and admit to noticing beforehand the Loptyr Cult is a little too perfect in the 1st Gen in string pulling. And that Sigurd and Deirdre are rushed. And that, as someone else pointed out, Manfroy blackmailing Arvis doesn't make sense, since Manfroy is the head of the Loptyr Cult. Even if Manfroy let out the news of Arvis being Loptyrian, Arvis could point out "well look who's spreading the news!" and Manfroy gets roasted along with him, and I don't think the Loptyr Cult would want their leader looking a little ashen. Genealogy is grandiose and ambitious, it does have a lot going for it. But being a video game that isn't a VN in the 90s, it's expected it'd fall short, sadly. As for agency, if you don't like no heroic agency, don't play Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, and FE Conquest probably. Still, it might be better than the opposite extreme where the hero has full agency and the villains none, see Shadow Dragon and Alm's half of SoV. But ideally, both good and evil should have agency that fluctuates over the course of the game.
  2. Is it just Sakura's Musous, or are there other attacks too? If it's just the Musous (so they target Res, right?), well that's something they could improve on for the sequel. It's good to know that they did include some form of offense hybridity to reflect on Str/Mag dual cannons in FE regardless. Given DW7 & 8 had weapon swapping, perhaps they could try adding it in FEW 2, that way we can have things like Heroes able to use Sword and Axes. All they'd have to do is program individual attacks with the Weapon Type property- so only the Axe hits would be effective on Lance users, and they'd do little against Swords, but the Sword hits would be good on Axes, weak on Lances. Of course this would require some form of balancing so monotypes aren't strategic liabilities with nothing going for them. One way would be to nerf the WTA benefits that multi-types get, so less of a damage reduction/increase in stun resistance, and less of a dealt stun/damage boost compared to monotypes. Another way would be to give Ogma (to use a name) two half-movesets (so 2 Charge Attacks plus a Swap Attack), one Sword and one Axe, whereas Navarre the monotype has one full Sword moveset. Ogma might have an Axe juggler in his arsenal, but that won't matter when he fights a Sword user who he can't juggle due to WTD, and his Sword halfset lacks a juggler.
  3. So Tiki crosses the sea between Archanea and Valentia, sneezes and unknowingly wipes out the native population? That explains what happened to Alm's One Kingdom. As for Corrin, I'm sure we could dress up their dragon form like a turkey. Wonder how Silent-ish Dragon Qilin tastes? How about we rename it then? What do you suggest? Civil Wars? FE-mily Feuds? Whip-your-foes-until-their-backs-are-caked-with-blood Gauntlets? Character Cockfights? Popularity Pugilism? Dateable Dudes and Dudedettes Duels?
  4. Stop. Average time! Level 20 Camilla (transitions out of Malig into WL at level 5): 40.1 32.35 10.35 30.15 30 20.5 30.05 19.15 20/20 WR-WL Beruka: 41.5 28.5 3.55 35 23 26 35 15.5 20/20 Wolf Keaton: 57.2 39 0 18 26 18.4 33.4 14 20/20 Merc/Hero Selena: 43.4 28.05 4.45 28.05 34 20.15 28.95 17.2 20/20 Archer/Kinshi Mozu: 33.1 27 6.7 34 32 29.7 23 26.05 So is Camilla... inaccurate? Not really, 30 Skl is plenty, axes are a bit inaccurate, but not that much when once we add WTA and weapon rank bonuses. Her HP is comparable with all of the above except against Keaton's, and her extra Speed makes her much better than Beruka, since Beruka is subject to being doubled without help. Her stats are perfectly viable, and it's reasonable she can hit 20/20, whereas everyone else listed, particularly Mozu, will be less likely to max out without late use of child paralogues, 20/15 is more appropriate for comparing them vs. Camilla.
  5. I'll agree Archanea is underdeveloped, and your ideas for improvement are good too. Archanea has potential with its countries, which are different, but not so sharply distinct as what has come to be in later games in terms of geography and unit composition. It would have been nice if we got to see the potential at work. Your comment on Ashnard isn't exactly right. We don't know what Daein was like pre-Ashnard, and he was likely a major changeup for the country. And Crimea does have its pesky nobles, but we do get the sense that it and Daein alike are freer from stifling tradition than Begnion, and that Daein is harsh and Crimea is peaceful and mild. Our images of the Laguz nations are notably weaker than the Beorc ones, partly because we never fight there. Yet the Laguz on the whole are well understood. Most JRPGs give us the names of capital cities, FE rarely does. We have the Beorc half of Tellius, all of Elibe I think, Jugdral sorta but not truly, Ylisstol in Awakening and Pales in Archanea, are Krakenburg and Shirasagi the actual names of their countries' capitals, or just the castles? I speak of this one simple parameter because it's simple world building. FE generally lacking them doesn't mean FE has weak worlds by itself, but taking five seconds to do this is helpful. This said, no amount of world building is too much in my eyes. Tellius was great at spinning its themes throughout its world, but if the next FE can do better, I'm all for it.
  6. Valla doesn't exist. That was one afternoon of smoking some mold Corrin found while hiding in a ditch and became addicted to. Please, let's not turn Leo into Shadow. Otherwise Garon turns Black Doom and the story of Fates becomes even more disjointed, with unnecessary guns and cars added to the mix. Takumi in the meanwhile mutates into Silver and Anankos turns into Solaris, with Possessed Takumi becoming Mephiles and Blight Dragon!Garon is Iblis. You don't want this now, do you? Interesting references to Cipher, but I'm not sure if I like Ryoma's outfit. Xander's isn't so bad.
  7. Goldoa is neutral in all conflicts! Thus, Goldoa has refused to participate in this Voting Gauntlet. Know full well His Majesty King Dheginsea does not approve of it! (Nasir, in my heart, you've already won. Then again, Soren, Xane, Dheg, Forseti, and Nils might have just gotten multipliers in my heart for me having said that.) Awakening had lore? Lore died after RD, and all chances to resurrect it Awakening were instead spent on Spotpass paralogues. Manaketes are still alive in Awakening, but we never see any beyond the recruitables. Bantu gets referenced (somehow he still lives- has to die soon I think). And where was my Xaney?! I wanted to see him again! Ideally having lost his pretty boy looks and grown into one handsome dude, with a few good words for Tiki after all these years. I'd like to have seen more of their relationship, both to get ideas of what their old one was like, and to see them develop a new one- I like to think of them as cousins in my headcanon, kinda siblings. This Voting Gauntlet was brought to you by Medeus! Whoever wins becomes one of his generals in his latest plan to conquer Archanea, and then all the Outrealms! More seriously, the absence of Camilla, Tharja, Lucina, Ike, Lyn, and Conquest royals (barring Corrin) has led to a nonexistent toxicity level for this VG so far. This is nothing like CYL. More low key VGs might be for the best. Okay okay, if I had to support someone, I'll pick.... Adult Tiki.
  8. Don't forget that in SoV she has Rescue. If she wants him, she she can bring him over whenever she wants, she does view him as an ally.
  9. They did make Pokemon Conquest (which was okay- it's lacking as a SRPG though). But doing a full fledged Musou? Expectations for everyone's favorite would be much lower because there are so many more Pokemon, and since we have Pokken (not a Koei game, but it's a fighter, kinda close), we have an idea of what they'd include. Mewtwo, Pikachu, Charizard, a slew of other starters and legendaries with a few others selected for typing or interesting combat tossed it. By the way, I think Pokemon, Smash, and Mario Warriors are all bad ideas. If Pokemon Musou had the player using trainers instead of just Pokemon with movesets based around summoning and returning Pokemon, that could be intriguingly different though. Give each trainer (some OCs, others Villain leaders, Gym Leaders, Elite Four, other notables) say 3-4 Pokemon (Lance would pack a Dragonite, Charizard, Gyarados, and Aerodactyl) and include some Pokefield armor that prevents the trainers from being actually hurt when attacked, and that could be fun. I doubt it'd ever happen though, too much effort and too much promoting violence to humans. As was pointed out before, in the first week HW sold 69k in Japan. FEW is doing a little worse, but nothing terribly so.
  10. Ike is the father of many children, everyone wants some Radiant Spawn. Sothe has some. Mist has a few nieces and nephews. Titania picked a Greil Jr.. Mamma Mia is a thing thanks to Ike wanting to give her someone else to train against. Geoffrey signed off on Elincia hiring the world's great mercenary for one final job. Lethe asked for a few scrawny Beorc she'd train like Laguz (she got the idea from Muarim raising Tormod). Ranulf got a couple since he likes raising kids. Skrimir took yet another child when he heard Lethe and Ranulf were doing it. Zihark took two as a friend. Aimee finally got a Little Ike to call her own. Amy has a little brother now thanks to the persuasion Calill and Largo did. The list continues on for several more pages actually. And through it all, Ike never charged a stud fee. The one person who, surprisingly, didn't ask for children was Soren. He apparently finds sex gross, childrearing something he did not get in his youth, nor something he could ever give, and wasn't interested in marriage. His only interest was serving his lord, he's an ascetic, the first convert and Pope to the Church of Ike the Savior. Ike actually fled Tellius to escape the nights of constant seeding, discovering the Outrealms. After defeating Medeus to unwind and relax in the first world he hopped into, he hopped around some more for a while, and then decided to finally try parenthood with some random village girl he met in one world. And on a completely different note, Lucina time traveled back in time at the end of Awakening to the Age of the Hero King so she could see it herself and learn more about Marth who she revered, but she ended up going a little too far back in time. Disguising herself with a new name, she fell in love with a man named Cornelius.
  11. Putting Bows in the Weapon Triangle wasn't a problem for me, it made Takumi and Niles useful as an anti-Ninjas at least and even better vs. Sky Knights. I more disliked Tomes getting put in the triangle, that hurt mage damage and accuracy vs. one of their traditional strong suits- armors.
  12. That explains why Celica fights like Marth in FEW, she learned from him up close and personal how he fights. And I get that feeling. It's possibly even worse when you think of two characters being together, but one or neither aren't in the game. The Black Knight needs Micaiah, and Sothe, anyone but Micaiah.
  13. Nothing wrong with that. Since I heard Celica say perfection bores her and she ran away with her little Mr. Imperfect Tobin.
  14. How could you forget the Giant Cucco? I'm sadly going to anticipate Koei bumping the level cap to 255 again. Least it isn't WO3U, which I heard if you're a perfectionist would mean grinding every one of the 100+ characters to level 99.... 10 times over since something like Disgaea's Reincarnation thing exists there.
  15. Everyone knows Charlotte belongs with Xander. How much richer and more noble can one get than the King of Nohr? Plus it gives Xander just what he needs to sweep through CQ Lunatic as much as he can by himself. Then again, Hoshido is a land of plenty compared to Nohr, so maybe she'd want Ryoma instead. Or how about Alm ruler of the One Kingdom? Marth rules all of Archanea pretty much by the end of Mystery. Seliph can have most of Jugdral under his thumb if Subs exist. One of these i think is best. Charlotte would have to retool her ways for lesbianism (she'd do it no doubt), unless she seduced a Jake who could reach into an Anna's purse without her noticing he was cheating on her.
  16. You do get a slight boost from ranking well: Tactician Stars In the Fortune-Tactician window, one star is awarded for every 12 Tactician points obtained. Tactician points are added at the end of the each chapter, the amount depending on the Overall Rank obtained for that individual chapter: 0 for E Rank, 1 for D Rank, 2 for C Rank, 3 for B Rank, 4 for A Rank and 5 for S Rank. The maximum obtainable stars is 10. For each Tactician star, all playable characters receive +1 Critical Evade. Playable characters with the same Affinity as the Tactician receive an additional +1 Accuracy and +1 Avoid for each star. And as phineas alluded to, the Tactician's character ending does is chosen from one of three possibilities depending on your rank. If you plan to ever try Ranked. Survival is easy to 5 Star for any decent FE player. Combat means just not doing too much babying/enemy abusing/taking down foes slowly. Funds means don't use/sell many stat boosters and promotion items, limit your gem selling to what is needed at a given time and avoid buying expensive weapons, playing a few careful rounds at the arena helps here. Tactics and EXP are the two major concerns. For Tactics (and Combat) you want to use a handful of battle juggernauts like Marcus and much later Pent and Harken to plow down foes to get maps done fast. However, such a stratagem for good Tactics limits EXP gain and hurts that rank, which is helped by constantly using a wide and changing array of low level units- but that makes battles take longer. The key is to know which battles to rush for Tactics, and which you can afford to take slowly for EXP. Field a mix of units, a core elite to clear the primary objectives fast, with a revolving group of low leveled units who try to fulfill the EXP rank by killing whatever they can and that the core elite don't need to eradicate.
  17. Correction, The Labyrinth pulls it out with the water and instantly freezes it into an ice tornado of doom. I came to love it whenever Kiria ad libbed since I knew I'd be in for a treat. And although I did eventually buy The Labyrinth costume for her, I never actually had her wear it since I liked to save seeing the costume for those rare happy occasions when I knew my foes would be getting it. I always skipped the J-Pop clips when they came up, being a stick in the mud who refused to have anything to do with them (snobbish disdain emphasized). But The Labyrinth sounded rather nice whenever it did play in battle. Maybe just maybe I should try to tone down the automatic distaste, there was a time where I didn't dislike J-Pop openings in video games, they weren't great, but they were acceptably okay.
  18. Have a crutch! I give you Fuga since this is his only route. His class, well MoA is good, but boring, and he doesn't have many other choices. This said, how does Great Master sound? He'll be a little slow, and has virtually no growths of course, but he's tanky, an Azama with less Speed but a usable Lance rank at the start. May he beat the wholesome Dharma into the phantasmal skulls of your foes, freed from Anankos's control, they shall be free to be reincarnated once again, and their path towards Nirvana may continue. Namu Amida Butsu! Also, I tried Blacksmith!Hinata myself once. Didn't love it just sayin'. I think the class personally suits him though. Good luck with that.
  19. Here is what I posted in a prior topic on the same matter: Comrades sounds nice in composition, but there is unfortunately no high-quality update of it, we only have the original version, which is restrained by the GBA's terrible audio quality. I haven't played a game with Join Us! And I'm not going to spoil it for myself by listening to it outside of its context. The same for Gaiden's and Thracia's. Together We Ride, well I think it rarely suits the situations where it plays. Partly this I think is because Smash has made it out to be so much more than it actually is. Not to say that is bad, I still like it very much. SD/NM's version- "Come, Join Us" is the best FE series in-game version. Mystery of the Emblem Book 2's (confusing called Theme of Encounter) version ties for second with Blazing's. The original Dark Dragon and the Blade of Light version (also called Encounter) comes in fourth. The Mystery of the Emblem Book 1 version (also called Theme of Encounter) sounds terribly glitchy on a few notes. I scarcely recall the recruitment themes for Fates, partly owing to me not wanting to actually read the recruitment conversations in the slightest, but from what I might recall, they were a little more mellow than some of the others. At the end of this process of deduction- I choose With Us!/Stalwarts Unite! RD's beta theme is too celebratory, besides being a little cacophonous in how much it includes. It's beta for good reason, it'd be better for victory music right after winning some important battle.
  20. I don't pay any attention to these things. Outside of SF, I sidestep the FE community, and fan communities in general. Memes aren't good, let the jokes happen, but don't run them into the ground to the point where they aren't in the least funny anymore.
  21. The one line given says this: Villager:“General Hannibal of Kapathogia is one of the most revered generals in all of Thracia. He has spent his entire adult life on the battlefield, so he never did marry. But he did take in an orphan several years back raising him as his own. Such a kind man.” So Hannibal was just concerned with career and duty, and didn't make time or perhaps have talent for romance. Of course that probably got tiresome and he sought some other form of fulfillment and joy in life, hence adopting a kid to overcome his possible inability at love and likely passing of most prime marriage years. By a slim chance he could be gay, as I heard the Austro-Hungarian Empire's military did become a place for the dual monarchy's homosexuals to secretly bond, but that is just one not really relevant case. (I apologize for having brought up the topic in the first place.) Gaiden had no popularity, at best its world map grinding idea had been borrowed in recent games. If Gaiden got remade, Genealogy will some day.
  22. Mila and Duma being divine dragons- not the best of ideas, but she's okay despite looking a little too much like Naga with the light green hair Nowi is her daughter. Naga letting them go to Valentia is in glaring contradiction to her "don't interfere with humanity in Jugdral" warning she gives Forseti though. Medeus is okay and Loptyr has potential. Grima is pitiable as of SoV, but is just "I'M THE FELL DRAGON! RAWR!" in Awakening. Still doesn't explain why there is only 1 pure blooded dragon left in Elibe despite Athos giving the impression to me that Arcadia had more in the past. Arcadia could have been handled better i think- more fleshing it out would help. I can't see how however many fled there (we have no idea of the number) could be reduced to 1 1/2 in 1000 years. And Binding in Sophia's paired ending with Roy doesn't say she dies early despite moving to Pherae. By the way, why can't she go full dragon like Ninian? Just chalk it up to not having spent time in Dragon Gateia? At least she has clairvoyance though, that makes Ninian not exceptionally out there (as in a hole in Elibe's lore and magical physics) in that regard. Corrin's dragonness is largely forgotten about in Fates's plot, and ends up being more specialness without good execution. I do like Corrin's hybridity from a gameplay perspective though (the DS makes for solid mixed tanking, more so on CQ, even if it limits their offense). The choice is less between magic and physical offense like Robin, and more between the Sword of Yato, and the Shield of Dragon. The choice of making them a Qilin instead of a typical dragon was different, but odd, and non Ananny (a mess in himself) dragons in Fates look normal by prior FE standards. Male Kana is cute, reminding me of Parry, but they are: tied to the Deeprealms, partly defined by a deep love to their bland avatar parent, and are made out as super dragony, despite being only a Dragon Quarter. It reminds me of Ceodore in FFIV: The After Years, he can awaken his quarter Lunarian blood's potential, but his 1/2 Lunarian father doesn't get such a thing (although Corrin and Cecil aren't ordinary people even so). Female Kana is another dragon loli too, albeit questionably better dressed and not screaming the cuteness card (but you can like them if you think they're cute). Kana is more worthy of counting as a manakete/dragon from a plot perspective, though less from gameplay perspective since ingame, Kana is inferior to Corrin and can't dragontank well with bad defenses. In terms of dragon integration into FE's worlds/plots I'd say: Tellius >= Jugdral & Archanea > Elibe > Fates > Awakening > SoV > Magvel.
  23. Heroes is as someone else put it, a game about philandering characters. Expect the best, or worse, exaggerated to the heights of Valla. And Ninian is too. Yet one dies in Elibe just existing, and the other has no issues living there and has presumably a long life. You don't look bad Ninian, but gosh you're awful as a plot device, a character, and a contradiction in understanding Elibe. Why is it that Fae was the only pure dragon alive in Elibe anyway? I find it hard to take dragonkind in FE seriously when it's mostly silly little girls we see so prominently- if that is what dragon civilization was like at its peak in Archanea, thank Naga it died off! Please drop the dragon loli archetype IS! I loved Goldoa, and Xane, and Nils, and Gotoh, Bantu and Yuan are okay too, and Nagi/Naga are great, and Tiki by herself wasn't bad, just stop the archetype and give us good playable dragon variety. And Corrin and Kana don't count.
  24. Whatever keeps KT afloat is good. I'm in no position to say whether the numbers are awful or superb or in between. Hopefully the close to HW sales is a positive sign. Does anyone know the total number of Switches and N3DSes sold in Japan? On the population front, Japan is over 120 million. For North America, the US is over 300 mill, Canada is over 30 mil, and Mexico is about the same as Japan. Just to put things in perspective. *Cries* The PR nightmare was short-lived with TMS though, it only came right at the beginning, no hypocrisy was involved. There was the "we just agreed to making this game yesterday" clip of still artwork, and then there came the J-Pop explosion (which I admit I was foaming in the mouth over at the time). After the Illusory Revelations came to be, the PR was honest about what the game was, and it actually had a playable Armor Knight- a cute one with a daring color scheme at that.
  25. History Mode being shorter than Adventure Mode sounds bad if you just buy the base game. But with potential DLC, that sounds like a potential boon. Since I never got around to completing all 4 AM maps- I did more or less clear the first and MQ, unlocked much of TP and MM, but never did I fully clear them (partly because of that annoying damage ranking). HWL must have been worse, since you have an extra 5 maps to clear. I do like plentiful additional content, and to be fair I never 100% any other Warriors game, but yeah I can totally see it as being excessive, particularly whenever you needed to level grind to get unstuck (why did we need a 255 level cap?).
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