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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Why'd they insist on releasing when they did when they still had characters they hadn't yet finished? Knowing they probably finish them for free (unless they're evil and make them DLC) is good, but how would things have been hurt if the game had been delayed a ~month? This isn't a game with a delayx10000 history. The release would be a little closer to the holidays, but certainly nowhere near past that prime buying season, so what difference would that make in sales? And still nothing on Armor and Lance Cav.? Well, you only did half right KT. And mind you of the five chars that might be free fixed, 3 will be swords. KT, you'll still have that WT diversity statement against you.
  2. Well typical JRPG logic is telling me that either its something more powerful than sin, but which is like sin (a super evil). Or, it'll be the antithesis of sin, possibly also very powerful- a group representing the Seven Heavenly Virtues perhaps? This isn't the first time Monolith worked on a game in the sky. The Baten Kaitos duology is also set in the sky (Namco and Tri-Crescendo were the co-developers). Perhaps it'll give a slight clue at what Monolith is trying this time. The explanation, not at all a spoiler for the games, is that long ago, the Wicked God Malpercio was fought and slain. Malpercio contaminated the Earth, and so to keep humanity alive, pieces still free of pollution were lifted into the sky. A few humans who were the descendants of the people who slew Malpercio, the Children of the Earth, remained on the contaminated Earth. The Earth itself became surrounded in clouds, the clouds would absorb in the poison Malpercio left behind, becoming the deadly toxic Taintclouds, but over centuries the poison would pulled out the Earth and harmlessly diffused gradually into the sky, thus purifying the planet and making an eventual return to the Earth possible. One bit of folklore spoken once in the game before the heroes get a chance to go beneath the Taintclouds, calls them the physical boundary between life and the afterlife. Also, although Malpercio was slain on the Earth and ruined the planet, its power was sealed in the Sky. The 5 major nations (once called Whales) floating in the Sky in Baten Kaitos: Sadal Suud, Diadem, Anuenue, Mira (no, not THAT Mira), and Alfard, are floating only because a major fragment of Malpercio's power, the End Magnus, were placed in each of them. It's that power, contained such that there is no corrupting from it, which makes Sadal Suud so fertile, Diadem so cloudy, Anuenue's Celestial Tree so gigantic and flowery, Alfard so rich in metals that it can be an empire, and an incident involving the End Magnus of Mira made it dimensionally unstable. P.S. If the Switch gets GC VC, and the Baten Kaitos duo are available on it and you haven't tried them, I recommend it! Just turn off the VAs for the original and avoid being spoiled.
  3. *Welcomes entry into the Holy Roman Empire and says it has been too harshly criticized. It was no modern nation-state for sure, but it survived for centuries and wasn't totally worthless. Why if you wish it, I'll break the spines of those pesky Magyars that hold back all efforts on reform! All I ask is that my lands be spared from reactionary control of thought and expression.* *Surrounds the next poster with nuclear landmines warmed by chickens and fills the air above with fighter planes armed with pigeon guided missiles*
  4. Well that is true. They were neutral like Somalia is neutral- not in a good way. I was just trying to be artsy, and unfortunately that was the best I could come up with related to Jugdral. And sorry about the harping.
  5. Well aesthetically they're toning down the fantasy for a facade of looking more realistic and historic in Dynasty Warriors 9. And they're also trying to be modern with the game by going down the ever popular road of Open World gameplay.
  6. I wasn't trying to eulogize Arvis. I was simply correcting some errors another forum goer made, and I will admit I left out part of the details on the Sigurd murder. I'm fine with you disliking him, I once joked about an opera being written about him, but I can very clearly see why someone would dislike him. Okay, I admit I was painting Arvis in a positive light. But that was only due to how negative (and incorrect) the other poster's portrayal was. I'm not going to defend him ravenously though. He is arguably a complex character and that makes him controversial and hence very divisive. I hereby declare myself Verdane- neutral in the wars of the second generation.
  7. On Mathilda, she might be a realization of something that was dropped from FE1. Originally, Nyna was supposed to be a playable Cav/Paladin, but she was reduced to a helpless princess and Hardin was invented to take her place. Mathilda is blonde and fights on horseback, so maybe she was inspired by the scrapped Nyna idea. Curiously, FE6 was originally going to try reviving the concept it seems, but it never happened.
  8. Iago wasn't a surprise? Validar wasn't a surprise. Celica wasn't a surprise? No Azura in the base game wasn't a surprise? Koei likes surprising us, just not in the way you'd expect. Silas. Peri. Sophie. Stahl. Sully. All of these can use a lance on a horse and are in the other two games. And IS and Koei cater first and foremost like most Japanese video game developers to the Japanese audience, who are guaranteed buyers. And yes, this isn't NMS or StH06 bad, but by FE and probably Musou standards, it is a controversy of no small note nonetheless. We had no expectations for the plot, all we cared about were the characters and the gameplay, and both have been snubbed by bad roster selection. KT said they'd make a Musou game like Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem has traditions and traditional classes, like Armors and the Weapon Triangle- KT failed to represent both. We have the right to call them out on it. Why'd you choose Dong Zhuo of all people? Cao Ren would be better. Or Tadakatsu Honda? Xiahou Ba, Yoshihiro Shimazu, and Ieyasu Tokugawa count too. Why Ginchiyo Tachibana was pretty well armored by female standards in SW3.
  9. That is going to be hard to predict. Takahashi, despite my theorycrafting, did place a blatant Gnostic trinty of Monad-Sophia-Demiurge in XCX, so he might be attempting to move away from it. Pyra as the Sophia or somehow related to it might be a safe bet for now. Elysium was intended only for the virtuous and extraordinary, the masses ended up on the Asphodel Meadows, which is pretty bleak, and the worst of humanity goes to hellish Tartarus. Of course, this doesn't make it sound any easier to determine whether the Demiurge or Monad made it. I'd think the Monad, but who knows how deceptive the Demiurge is in its efforts to lead humanity away from divine insight. Architect sounds pretty god-ish, and the obvious god is generally the Demiurge I think. The Monad should be harder to discover (virtually nobody thought the Monado itself was a sentient god despite its name until the end lets face it). I was thinking that too, but wasn't quite sure how to word it. Bloodlust is lust, and as our friendly SS Valter makes clearly, one needn't be Wrathful to be wanting of bloodshed. If Bravely Second could get away with this (skip to about 32:50, the relevant segment ends at 37:50) despite having a rather kid friendly aesthetic, XC2 could get away with a nice bit of bloodlust. Though there are other forms of lust too.
  10. Let's hope they don't go down the dark route of fanservice with this one. Make the lust lusty if one must, but not overdone. Given the child friendly aesthetic, I don't think they will. Actually, I originally played XCX in Standard Definition, it was awful for the text and I had to play on the Gamepad much of the time because it made the text easier to read. Once I upgraded to a HD connection on a new TV of about the same size as the old one, maybe a little bigger, things were so much easier to read and I never had to squint or swap to the small screen again.
  11. Yet how could Nintendo/IS give bad advice? How did they not see the roster being complied? How did longtime workers on FE not point out the flaws? It's hard to believe Koei would by itself come up with such a bad roster if they worked on it from a largely what seems best for FE-Musou gameplay blend perspective. If Koei was operating wholly based on what it thought was popular, and a limited, hastily assembled understanding of what FE is, then I could see this roster coming together. The absence of Tharja and Gaius seem to contradict the idea they were operating wholly on popularity, as does the inclusion of Hinoka, but on the contrary, it does support the idea they had an imperfect idea of popularity. For FEW? Well Marth, Chrom, Lucina, Lyn, Celica, Xander, Ryoma, and Corrin has a prf weapon and so does Leo and Takumi and Caeda and Tiki too since she's the only Dragonstone user so far. That's a sizable proportion of the roster. Japanese players, gut this game as fast as a master sushi chef can filet a fish. We're hoping there are untapped depths just waiting to be revealed, but we're so wary given what has been shown so far. End the uncertainty and let us move on until the DLC releases!
  12. KT selectively listened to the fanbase and heard how terrible Armor Knights were. So rather than fix them, they decided to throw out the irreparable class altogether for the player. Aren't we happy now?
  13. Well the personality aspects, but archetypes are a blend of looks, personality, and gameplay. From a gameplay perspective, a Navarre starts as an enemy (Lon'qu was supposed to be fought, but Lucina coopted him), is a myrmidon, is male, and has a Killing Edge. Recruitment via conversation with a nice lady is optional. Of course, each member in an archetype differs a little or more from the standards, and some individuals questionably belong in an archetype (like Erk as a Merric). I'll concur here too. But having kids in Fates is nice for lategame unit slot filler, as long as you're not one of handful for whom doing their Paralogues late is all too nasty. As for FE4, thank goodness they give you Seliph and Leif and Ares and Shannan and Oifey. What if you made terrible/no pairings? Like the royals in RD, they exist to keep things possible under the worst of circumstances. The Awakening children are the weakest though, particularly with their weapon rank issues.
  14. He didn't realize Deirdre was his sister until after they were married. Arvis was being blackmailed by Manfroy since he has Loptyr blood and the public would be willing to lynch/witch hunt anyone associated with the Loptyr Cult. He didn't mean to mock Sigurd when he brought Deirdre out, he heard rumors about Sigurd's missing wife and was afraid the amnesiac Deirdre was it. He brought her out to see if his fears were right, they were, and so he murdered Sigurd thinking she would abandon him. Arvis is insecure, his heart is cold thanks to his daddy being a philanderer who committed suicide after his wife, who was beautiful and innocent, ran away. You also ignore that for the first decade or so of the Grannvale Empire's existence, Arvis sought to be benevolent in his rule of the world. Of course governing in Belhalla over such a huge empire means the peripheries are bound to be subject to the unchecked avarice of the regional officials, but Arvis didn't want it. Arvis wanted to do good. Child hunts and the super terrible stuff didn't happen until Julius got possessed by Loptyr, Deirdre was murdered by him and Julia escaped as an amnesiac. You can like Travant more than Arvis, but don't misunderstand his actions and motivations.
  15. It was her Tiki support that made me dislike her, and then that Hot Springs dlc ending made me really dislike her. Before that, she was fine as a slightly mysterious mascot girl, and she wasn't bad in TMS either. Outrealms are fine, over-reliance on them and the subset called Deeprealms, not in their different time flow aspect but their baby dump aspect, is what is problematic. I also like EliwoodxLyn, see this topic for part of my opinion on the matter. EliwoodxLyn isn't so damsel-y as Eliwood's other supports, it's a friendship that reasonably turns into romance, as opposed to feeling like it'll end romantically right from the start with Fiora and Ninian. As for Lucina, I might slightly rip on her favoritism from time to time, but I'm ambivalent towards her. Her touching reveal as Chrom's daughter is what I consider to be the zenith of Awakening's plot. Everyone in it? I can understand Navarre and Samto and Shiva and Rutger (and does Guy really belong in it?) and Joshua and Lon'qu. But Zihark too? He isn't overly edgy and he's fairly open about his past, he's a fairly nice and amicable average guy once you get past his looks.
  16. I get this too. It doesn't help that the main character isn't always the most interesting of people. There is what I call "potato-ism" with a couple (Robin, probably Corrin and Kris, Eliwood to an extent, Ike, and I'm guessing Roy). I don't think anyone eats potatos for their taste, they use them as a flavorless mass onto which you apply cheese and grease and salt and chives (all the non-Lord supporters) and whatever else you like for actual flavors. You could also call it bread-ism or pasta-ism, but I like the sounding of potatoism. And then there is the matter of the Robinsexuals, Corrinsexuals, and the unremarkable Krissexuals.
  17. His looks got much worse, as did Hector by the time their kids first met. Though surprisingly Hector managed to make a rebound by Binding's start. Stats-wise though, he managed to age fairly gracefully, while Hector's muscles atrophied. And I'll second children should be a special mechanic brought out only once in a while.
  18. What was the point of the heroes even having babies? If you're so insecure about their safety the only place you can send them is to a dimension where time flows differently, then what is the point of having kids? It isn't like the populations of Nohr and Hoshido are on the brink of extinction and you need more bodies ASAP. As I pointed out on the Heroes forum quite recently, I can't help but compare what Fates does to what happens in DQ5. What DQ5 treats as a terrible tragedy and is one, Fates brushes off as nothing. The 1st Gen of Fates does not deserve to be called parents at all, for they parent not at all and do not truly care for parenting. They are surrogates and donors for the children of Outrealm parents, nothing more. I don't think that is unreasonable, you want happiness and interactions, very understandably not everyone wants terrible tragedy in their entertainment. Plus one could add that FE4 throwing a massive reset in halfway is just jarring from a gameplay perspective. I wouldn't mind doing a prolonged war for a narrative, with that justifying the time skip. The 1st Gen is playable until the phase of the war they're in ends with a ceasefire or truce or treaty that lasts for 20-30 years. Then when hostilities break out again between Heroland and Villaintopia, the 1st Gen is largely too old for the frontlines and passes the responsibilities to their kids (though a few vets would remain). Call it Fire Emblem: The Hundred Years' War.
  19. Really? Really now. KT, you couldn't give Cavs lances? They've been using them constantly since... only FE1. This ain't no weapon-pairing-of-the-month thing like what Generals get. Tellius you say? Oh please! That was the exception, and even then we had 3 Lance Knights and Petrine too, more than any other weapon type! This is just insultingly lazy! No wonder Camus was never shown! He never had a chance! Oh, wait, I get it, KT has zero experience in making polearms work on horseback. Nope, Frederick is in this game and Lu Bu has been axing on Red Hare's backside since forever! Seriously KT? How could you not get such a basic aspect of FE down? Just what was going on behind the scenes? Good Gotoh let Camus be DLC and fix this travesty. And it isn't like we've seen Hardin yet either, despite the fact he is implied to be a Sword Cav canonically since someone gives a Silver Sword to Marth to hand to Hardin in FE1. Xander is our only Sword Cav, Frederick our only Axe Cav, Camilla our only Wyvern. Not even clones exist so far.
  20. I would, because I sort of want to actually like post-Tellius characters again. But I'm much too afraid of being burned with the gimmick garbage. I did manage to read all of the PoR supports when I decided I would for better (Shinon) and worse (Ilyana, Ulki, Haar surprisingly) because there weren't that many. And I also tried to read a bunch of the Blazing supports. Yet I couldn't read them all nor attempted to do that with SS since there are so many. The number is still small enough though that if someone brings up a particular character, I can go back and read all their supports and come up with an answer as to what I think of them in relatively short order. Yet 13 and 14 have too many supports for me to do even that.
  21. So they've put the US pricing for the season pass at $20? Not bad since thats a little cheaper than the Japanese equivalent. HW sold 5 movesets + other stuff for $20, and HWL sold 6 for 15 (but didn't have to make the 3DS models HD, so I'd expect that saved a little) + other stuff. So if 6 movesets will be coming our way, and each pack gets 2, then that could round out all the major plot-important characters in Fates, and squeeze in a little extra Awakening and SD. Albeit far less still than ideal. Perhaps they'll be generous and make each pack 3 new characters. And one to three free DLC chars would help too. I want to gripe that we'll be paying $80 for what should've been in the $60 base game. But I'm feeling too empathetic and even sympathetic to go that way. I don't want to be an angry greedy fan who doesn't understand the heavy workload that goes into a game like this.
  22. Well thats different, someone willing to buy the game based on the absence of characters. That is possible? I know that the weapon swap glitch involved characters with multiple weapons, so I guess this became a reality after Ganondorf got his fire-batless Trident? Choose Your Losers more like it. I don't totally mean that, though I don't care for it when the CYL results are brought up all the time. It was one poll of ephemeral popular opinion. And more to the point, Ashnard, for all his illogic in letting the Ike and co. get to Crimea (which isn't totally illogical since it lets the chaos grow and medallion break is what he wants) and for his lack of personal connection with the heroes, he does not deserve to be below Iago. I blame the newness of Fates and obscurity of the Tellius games on this result. Did they try at all? Did we ask for too much? Were they internally divided? Were their resources limited? Could we have gotten a better game and pre-release PR? Yes to all of these questions. Thematics, like having the whole Nohrian Hoshidan families, interfered again, and in this case it hit gameplay variety too. Garon is a puppet for big bad Mr. I in Fates. Walhart could be justified as "I have the same goals as the so-called heroes, but I'm going my own way and if the heroes get in the way, I'll strike them down." Warriors Orochi 3 could justify having Susano-o, a clear good guy, continually fighting the heroes, Walhart could be the same. I guess we need to give the Japanese more time, but it is disappointing if they don't show up at all in the Story Mode it seems. Hyrule Warriors guaranteed that all of its non-DLC PCs were involved in the plot to some measure. Dynasty and Samurai games also try to give everyone at least one little appearance in the story, even if they are never the central star of it.
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