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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. For Eirika, Forde comes off as the most natural and interesting to me. Innes comes in second, since his competitive side gets in the way of things. Saleh has no real romantic chemistry with Eirika, I think they work better as Mentor-Student. Seth has romantic chemistry, but the princess and her knight in shining armor thing can be very cliched and very dull. Tana is just Eirika's BFF who isn't L'Arachel, but they're cute together. Ephraim, Myrrh to his dying day will probably look as she does. So really she is just going to be a little sister to him, Tiki 3.0. Tana and L'Arachel are about equal for him. Tana has a more natural romance with Ephraim, but I like L'Arachel's personality more. I'll say Tana.
  2. "They won't be able to work together for long. They just end up killing each other or the heroes will do for them. The same will befall Nergal and Jedah and Izuka. But don't worry, I arranged it that way. All is going according to my plan. I talked to each of them behind their backs, and lo and behold, they take my advice. It will not be too long my master! Your holy blood hath perished, but a new body will soon be yours!" "Veld, report to me, how is Manfroy progressing?" "Very well, all is according to plan my True Master." "Excellent. This world is a pitiful thing, in need of starting over. The black masters will gather so much dark power altogether, Manfroy will then steal and attempt to concentrate all this power into one form. But, it will fail, there is simply no way to stabilize it. I cannot let that dark power implode though, I need it to explode. But to make it explode, I need a force to hit it with, fortunately, in response to the efforts of the forces of darkness, the heroes of light are massing the holy power. Once they have amassed it, I will trick them into developing it into a weapon to smash Manfroy's creation, and then I will take control of it and combine it with my liege lady's power. Light and Dark, in concentrations the likes of which have never been fathomed before, will smash into each other, and the annihilation reaction shall purge this entire world of all pretenses of life, save for my Goddess and myself. Thus, we shall be able to start anew, and create a world free of suffering."
  3. Makes me wonder where all the other pairs of Boots in the series came from. I recall Tauroneo handing Micaiah a pair in RD, I hope he didn't "fetch" them himself. Though I can see the pair you get for stealth operations in Revelation coming from some random person who tripped into the Bottomless Canyon and "lent" them to Valla. ...Oh god! Anna! What in Naga's name do you engage in!?! There are Secret Shops in FE1 and FE6 that sell Boots with no end!
  4. Why would they now choose to introduce Shigure/Dwyer/anyone new? I mean they did it with Charlotte already, but I don't get the point. People are going to want to use said characters in their base selves on top of in a costume. Thats a pretty big exception. And really it I hate the idea that the parents would be so callous as to let their children be raised in another world. Don't they want all the good years of memories of raising their kids through the lows and the highs? Isn't that at the core of the joy of being a parent? I think of a certain part of DQ5 and it makes me sad and really abhor what the Fates parents did. There is a reason I had them murder their parents and join Zephiel in one fanfict snippet I did.
  5. Well in FE4, both tomes summon dragons right? Naga is the only Light tome to be Green so far, no? Well we can tweak Loptyr into being Green on the ground it is "summoning magic" and summoning magic is Green. Viola! Light and Dark were neutral against each other in FE4, so that can justify them being the same color too. As for mitigating the Loptyr effect, well just make it so the effect isn't really relevant when Julia fights Julius on a typical basis. And as a bonus, when we do get the big evil sorcerers eventually, they'll glut Red with legendary tomes, so shifting Loptyr to Green reduces that. Tell me, where do the boots come from if you kill Shura in CQ? I always spared him since the Ninja Den of Evil is soon thereafter and an extra healer and Bow user is very useful for it. Plus the free Killer Bow itself is neat too.
  6. I have a problem with Iago getting in. I don't actually know about all the evil he does, only that he still loses in spite of being very powerful (like Anankos) and is a spineless lackey of Garon with no ambition of his own. My problem is with him he wastes two very good Shakespearean names: Macbeth in Japan, and Iago abroad. Having seen Otello the opera, with its splendidly evil Iago (who is apparently more one-note than in the original play in exchange for his greater evilness), anything less will not suffice. IS, only give Shakespeare names to those who may be worthy of it, I don't need Ophelia to drown herself when insane out of heartbreak, but I do need a solid character regardless. If you ever use Hamlet, please for the love of the Bard of Avon use it wisely! And I too protest the move on denying us Metal King Slime, who does have unique moveset potential in abundance. The use of three evil sorcerers bespeaks of laziness, and hammers home one of FE's archetypal weak points in storytelling. It also reminds me of how Heroes has not yet included a single one of all FE's evil sorcerers, although programming a new character for Heroes is seventy-two million to the sixth power metric tons easier than it is for Warriors I admit.
  7. The belly shirt! Oh dear! Sothe's shirt is so tight RD Ike would have it ripping them at the seams! A free colonoscopy? Complete with potential polyp incineration? Not a bad deal. I think that's what a guy named Vlad in Wallachia was all about. Pantsless Marth is becoming so passe. Gordin though looks so very manly when he skips the shorts. I don't consider Azura and Shigure Hoshidan myself, since yeah they exist on all routes and have no qualms destroying Hoshido. And Shigure is culturally a citizen of Babyrealmia 2. I like it, she is like a Siren. Her honeyed words and otherworldly song draw you close to her, and then swiftly she takes your life. She keeps them close, enraptured in her voice, and while they enjoy their bliss, she does evil with the bodies which now belong to her. It is why Corrin goes along with her schemes, and why everyone else does too. As for the cosplay aspect, that would very adorable! I'll take: Tormod as Muarim, and Muarim, forced by his Little One, to dress like him. Since I'd imagine Tormod would as a little kid envy Muarim's beast features and abilities. Ophelia as Owain. Leo as Forrest. The Whitewings as each other. Or at least Catria and Est as each other with neither wanting to be Palla much to her sadness. Abel as Cain and Cain as Abel. Lyon as Ephraim to impress Eirika and because he envies Ephraim's strength. Eirika as Ephraim too since Ephraim says he'd like her to take the throne and that she could pass as a man given her stature (odd I know). Serra and L'Arachel as each other. Soren as Asbel (not to his liking those shorts!). Mordecai as Lethe. Lethe as Ranulf, Ranulf as Skrimir, Skrimir as Naesala, Naesala as Tibarn, Tibarn as Vika, and Vika as Mordecai (to complete the cosplay chain). Ogma and Navarre as each other. Lucius doing his best to look like Raven and Raven, Lucius, complete with demeanor swap. Leif in Lifis's clothes with Lifis sitting humiliating in his underwear next to him. Why? Because to recruit Lifis, you must capture him. Capturing lets you steal weapons and items from enemies in FE5, why not clothes too? Sigurd as Deirdre and Dierdre, Sigurd. Roy as a mishmash of his three potential mothers. Sonya as Delthea.
  8. At least it means he's never really dead when he "dies". And even when he finally does pass on, you can still wear his essence as body armor. I shall cry tears of blood in joy of this day!
  9. Looks like an FF Moogle to me, one with an attitude. Reminds me a little of Gouto too from the Raidou Kuzunoha games in the SMT franchise with the visage of seriousness. I guess the expression is appropriate for a grumpy old grandpa. As for Nia and Dromarch, cat lovers will rejoice with this game I guess.
  10. Well the format gives the feeling of an actual war I think. No tiny battles, you fight on entire halves or whole of countries at once. You can take all of FE4's battlefields and assemble them roughly into the world map itself. To parcel the giant maps into fragments would destroy the grandiosity of Genealogy. I think its a case of gameplay not being adequately adjusted for the atmosphere and plot. Those being things which FE4 seems to excel in. RD had a similar issue of its gameplay not working with the Part system which attempted to do so much in plot and world. And to be fair, you can battle save, so finish or about to finish seizing a castle and save and take a break if you wish. That'd be a good time to do from a plot immersion perspective. Adding a clear suggestion of doing this in a remake might be a good idea. Because map design may be integral to the feeling of Genealogy as far as I can tell, I don't want its big maps parceled. I'd rather they take moves to fix the big emptiness of the maps, just as Wind Waker HD tried to fix the void of the Great Sea with the Swift Sail. Give more Move to infantry, add GBA-Tellius Rescue (something I'm sorely disappointed SD and NM didn't have), add more enemies to maps, bolster the Move buff of roads. Only as a last resort consider parceling them. Holy Weapons can be nerfed, go ahead, halve the bonuses and reduce the Might, just don't make them only slightly better than a Silver weapon. I'd be okay with adding natural doubling and making Pursuit make it easier. Critical can stay locked though since it's a glorified proc. Keep the arena the same because it's different, keep the weapon system, but do lower the durability and raise the value on things like the Silver Sword so they're less spammable. The independent gold system can work, just make it so thieves and lovers decide how much they want to hand over, plus maybe a "bank" that for transaction fees lets you move funds from one unit to another regardless of who they are. Whatever IS does do for FE4, I'll buy it regardless.
  11. But who could she clone off of? Though this is fairly good news I guess. Although I can get a bit of logic why they held back on it if the duo are NPCs, or if KT was making a mangled response to the "too much Fates" complaint. Where'd the footage come from by the way?
  12. I don't think Glennstavos is being totally unreasonable. If archers really are capable of knocking a flier from full to red real quick, it'd be nice to be able to identify amid the hoards of all blue, red, grey/whatever color samey looking peons which are the archers before I get to pounding away at them. Also, if I'm using the map and trying to plan out where to send Caeda during a battle, I'd want to avoid putting her on a course through archer-infested territory. How could I know this if everyone is an identical red dot? I do acknowledge that archers in their more threatening DW incarnations are manageable if you just keep moving around so you're not stationary pincushion, and that they might be the same way here. But if they are THAT dangerous in FEW for fliers, a little more heads up would be appreciable.
  13. It's not him not killing Jarod when Micaiah asks it that is seemingly out of character, it's him saying so before Micaiah asks for it, even though Jarod probably would have wanted to fight to the end if he could. Though considering Zelgius isn't so aggressive when he isn't the BK, adding in his heartfelt persuasion by Elincia during Heart of Crimea and his sparing of Skrimir before that, I guess it really isn't out of character for him to be merciful. And even as the BK, he did spare Ike and go easy on his crew in PoR.
  14. You could copy the data pre-final battle pre-sidequest grind. Kill the FB on one file, and then do the sidequests on the other (and perhaps attempt the superbosses, you have only a couple unlike XCX- Final Marcus, Ancient Daedala, some Bunnit, Blizzard Bezelgas, and Avalanche Abassy).
  15. I'd save the BK's love for when Micaiah finally shows up. I liked her affection for her Knight in Ebony Armor. Of course, Micaiah only knew a good side of the BK (which really wasn't good since Sephiran did it to get a puppet on the Daein throne for P1, to keep the chaos alive in P3, and only P4 is it done out of goodness). Unlike Ike, she never felt his bad side, or knew much at all about him in general. If she had known, I don't know if she would be able to sustain her fondness for the BK, but a line cut out of the international release post BK death (which Micaiah doesn't try to stop or appear at all, which is strange given her affection and is just proof of at how she gets snubbed in the Tower) says she did wish for him to remain by her side. This said, even if the love was bound to be doomed if Micaiah had known everything, I do like the romance, if you could call it that. Was the BK deserving of Micaiah? Perhaps not, but it brings to mind a similarly doomed love built on a one-sided understanding by one party. What love am I referring to? Well it's spoilery, but it's from Odin Sphere. Yeah, I just took a jovial post and made a serious and sad reply to it.
  16. I very much like Soren as well, and it'd be nice for him to know he has a refuge in Goldoa if he ever wanted to have a safe place to live his long Branded life. But beyond that, I'm fine with Soren never knowing he learns the truth about his origins. Should he be burdened with the thought that Ashnard is his father? He isn't the kind of person who'd be interested in having a kingdom to rule either. Honestly, some revelations are best left unsaid. Petrine was done quite well as Etrurian Emperor explained, she is Narcian-like in her bravado yet lack of skill, mixed with Sonia's sex appeal. She appears early and good and reappears later with meaning. I consider Bertram the worst, since it's hard to imagine a ghastly warrior like him being able to do as much as issue commands. To make Bertram work, perhaps he should have had a "second-in-command", who was the real commander of the battle. Bertram in this scenario is just a savage beast Ashnard has unleashed and which the second controls. Add a bit of background that since Crimea fell, Bertram appeared and began ruthlessly slaughtering the slightest hint of resistance. Thus, Bertram gets a reputation as a mysterious, silent, swift and ruthless reaper of death, like the Riders being alluded to. Bryce could have used more plot appearances, he is strangely absent in all of Ashnard's "Nevassa"/Melior chats despite being in the area. He and Tauroneo are a decent contrast, but yeah, he was underdone. Besides giving him more conversation, I'm not sure how they could have fixed him. Agreed. Despite its length, RD doesn't really drag on at all for me until maybe early Part 4. The plot moves at a brisk pace, and it works well for P1, P2, and P3 until 3-12, when things become rushed and the plot hits its nadir. The Tower overloads the player with revelations, but I think it was tackled well. RD was ambitious, and some plot elements and characters like the DB and Renning were hurt by this, on top of gameplay issues. Yet RD did much right as well, and that too should be acknowledged. Certainly, this game was ambition realized to higher degree than Fates, Awakening, and possibly even Genealogy.
  17. EliwoodxLyn, I don't like the Ninian support and its too mellow a pairing. Fiora is Ninian, except there is no plot relevance and ends up being much worse. I can understand mellow going with mellow realistically and people liking it, but I'm not so fond of it. For Lyn, Rath is too stoic. The Hector has some plot relevance, but it's too eh for me. Kent is mellow, but he is surprisingly not totally flat, with him having issues controlling his underlying desires (something you also see him do with Fiora). Eliwood as I said before is her best, and Kent is second best. Florina is different since it isn't romantic, I'd place it third. Hector, I don't like him with Lyn that much. I really don't like him with Florina since the support goes nowhere until the A since Florina is so shy. Farina is therefore by default the best choice, and the support isn't too bad in all honesty. If I could, I'd do HectorxSerra though.
  18. I think Lucina says in FP that some of the gemstones were lost and that contributed to her need to flee. FP does indicate that Grima's conquest took a while, and to be fair: Grima is likely immortal to age, had the Fire Emblem in their control which in practice was impossible to reclaim by the forces of good, and had already offed Chrom and co. aka the greatest threat of all. Grima didn't need to hurry, and if they like death and destruction, why do so? Mind you, if Grima followed Lucina through the Outrealm Gate or whatever it was right away, Grima was already keeping very close tabs on her crew. Grima probably then chose not to kill Lucina since it'd give them the chance to conquer more worlds.
  19. On the plus side, Jarod is to a degree understandable. A career soldier from what it seems, probably not from all that great a social standing, stuck with the boring job of watching over Begnion's control of a defeated enemy state. Not enthralled in the least by it, Jarod puts up with it and his corrupt and incompetent aristocratic Senate masters and does his job, hoping perhaps it might lead to something better down the line. His great speech does show off his honor as a soldier. If hypothetically speaking he was fought in Part 3 as an enemy officer by the GMs, perhaps he'd be a little happier and portrayed better depending on the situation he was put in. He'd actually have a better chance at advancement and would actually be personally fighting instead of sending orders all the time from some boring gray capital.
  20. I probably threw the old Love Point system under the bus a bit too easily. Being able to see Love Growth more easily and being able to choose whether or not a couple gets married would probably be sufficient changes for making things work from a mechanics perspective. Just make it so when you have two units in a castle together and they've maxed LP, you can select to marry them instead of them tying the know without your knowledge. A stronger heads up on and encouragement to marry too could help. But I can't see them not adding new dialogue in some way, and it'd open the door to the SD/NM critique of keeping the cast in the past and dull and forgettable for all eternity. I don't want that! I guess going with the scrapped RD idea of letting everyone support and giving non-generic ones only to certain couples, except applied to the full support chain instead of just the A, would be a compromise between quantity and quality. Would there be complaints about why X pairing is generic when Y pairing isn't? Certainly, but that is something that would just have to be tolerated. I don't really want to consider radical overhaul of the gameplay in conjunction with marriage reform. That's tying two rather separate issues together, one of which is highly controversial and which I'm on the fence about. As a side note, if IS wants to insert a slim modicum of questionable progressivism as they did in Fates and SoV (Niles/Rhajat and Leon), they do have some room for it. The 1st Gen has a glut of men vs. women unlike in Fates or Awakening, so while 1st Gen lesbianism is off the table, they could give a couple guys some gay choices, since at 6 of them are guaranteed to be left unwed if nobody dies. Since kids don't exist as a worry for the 2nd Gen, they would be able to feature female-female S supports, and have more leeway overall for a slightly progressive touch.
  21. Micaiah was being compassionate and asked the BK to spare him since Alder had just sacrificed himself. The BK was also being out of character and compassionate too. Here is the dialogue in question: Soon thereafter, Micaiah and the BK meet with Sothe and she has a vision and realizes she messed up by sparing Jarod. In other words, Micaiah was being a Eirika/Celica lite. The fate of FE heroines is unfortunate. Jarod wasn't bad, but him randomly stabbing his own men out of frustration was just too cartoony, even given what Alder said (and it makes Alder himself seem twisted in his appreciation of Jarod). Yet he finished very well, and he was much better than Ludveck. But overall, Jarod was held back by being a bit too disgruntled.
  22. Well who knows? It could have been a totally different one from Binding's. Desmond vs. Mordred bypassing Lycia and instead duking it out in western Sacae for a couple years sounds like a possibility. Since I doubt Zephiel would go that far for any individual (...until FE6 Remake that is- well I hope not).
  23. I think we can all agree that FE4 should be in line for the next FE remake, or at least after FE6. And furthermore, I think we can all agree, the most conservative of us regarding remakes, that Supports would be a welcomed addition that should be added. I think we can likewise agree the various conversations already in the base game should be left in on top of Supports being added. Now FE4, for better or worse, was the first game in the franchise to feature Marriage, and it is pretty damn important, much more so than in Fates and Awakening. Insofar as I, someone who hasn't actually played FE4 can tell, marriage dialogue is generic barring special battlefield conversations. Though that is better than pre-martial conversations between units, which are nonexistent barring those aforementioned special conversations. None of this will fly in New/Echoes Genealogy, fans have come to and have the right to expect better. So, here are my speculations on what they may do and or will be faced with confronting when tackling Marriage in FE4: The old Love Point system will be modified, if not totally scrapped. How to modify it? I'm not quite sure. But scrapping it wouldn't be difficult, just institute CBAS Supports. I wouldn't layer the two systems on top of each other, it'd be a little too complicated I'd think, but they could. One benefit of Supports is that they can't be accidentally triggered, unlike FE4's system where I here it isn't uncommon for someone to accidentally marry Silvia and Lewyn. I would make an exception to the CBAS system just for the Lewyn-Erinys Silesse conversation- that is just too good to modify. Now if they went with CBAS, which I'm expecting they will, how many Supports would there be in total? Well we have 13 stunning bachelors, each able to freely marry one of 7 beautiful bachelorettes. 13x7 = 91 Support chains. I'm not sure how that compares to Awakening and Fates, but that seems like a lot of conversations to write! We should also factor in about 2 same-sex Supports as per character, such as Quan getting Sigurd and Finn. It'd be great if they added Supports between Quan and Sigurd and their spouses like Pent and Louise did, and Sigurd should have ones with his sister and the Chalphy trio since he has a fixed marriage and would otherwise be lacking in Supports. And then we get to the Second Generation, which while not as important regarding the Marriage thing since kids don't result, I'd expect them to add Supports here too. What we're looking at this time is 14 men x 8 women (I don't need to rule out siblings since they'd be getting non-marital Supports too), for another 112 Support chains, on top of same-sex supports and whatever Altena gets. And what about Subs having different backstories from their counterparts, and what if I have a Sub and a non-Sub supporting? I can't fathom what they'd do about the Second Gen, it's just too much! I think we might have to settle with many Marriages without Supports here, restricting them in numbers to SoV levels for the sake of the writers' sanity. And we the fanbase will end up making complaints about supports not changing to accommodate different fathers even so. Needless to say, Support quality will likely be sacrificed again for Support quantity. And the FE4 cast isn't so blank slate compared to Gaiden's, they have stronger predefined personalities, which although they may be modified in a remake, we can't expect them to have as much zest and exoticism as the Awakening and Fates crews. The supports might be a little dull as a result, though I'll be looking forward to see if Azelle throws memories of Arvis around in his Supports.
  24. You know you have to scrap this now right? Also, I'm expecting more OCs. Edit: Sorry, didn't read the top stuff.
  25. Racism! Playable Medeus would be cool since he was the original evil dragon. And it wouldn't be all bad, since he turned on humanity only after they attacked his people. Although Medeus has never been portrayed super sympathetically, he is a tragic figure in principle. I'd say make his Earth Dragon form his base moveset, with Awakening upgrading him to Shadow Dragon form for double dragony goodness.
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