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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I always run into issues trying to pick single favorites. Based on largely on appearance, personality, and history (because I'll always use good gameplay units) FE7: Bramimond. Doesn't count? Then Hector. Pent ranks highly too. FE8: Ephraim Mode Lyon is good if he counts. If not I'll say L'Arachel. FE9: Soren, easy. Jill and Shinon rank very highly as well. FE10: If Sephiran counts given his much bigger role in RD, then him. If not, Skrimir is great. FE11: Merric. FE13: I don't really know. Tiki or Stahl probably. FE14: I don't know them personality-wise, but I'll say Takumi. Random Berwick Saga comment (I haven't actually played it)- Kramer, I like that you look like Ogma Jr. Slivia combines confidence, pride, maturity, and a bit of sexiness in her artwork. And Czene- you look like someone I would want to sit down with at a Parisian cafe on warm Spring day and have some polite conversation with.
  2. It's only speculation, they've been pretty much dead set against showing us the plot, we won't know the truth until a couple days hence when the game comes out in Japan. But as I said, things are fishy with Darios right now. And even if he is a villain, he should still be playable eventually at least. And if Darios does get added to Heroes, being a villain could mean GHB so you wouldn't have to worry about your chances of pulling him.
  3. We don't even know if Darios is playable at the moment. He has to be no doubt, but they never showed him off even once. Speculation has it they're doing this because he's actually a villain, and they want to save the surprise (but by not showing him they're being suspicious ironically). I think he is yet another sword user too.
  4. I'm wondering if they ever rerun the Warriors battles. Maybe they'll time it with DLC pack releases? And we need time to see what legendaries the Lemonheads get. It'd be weird to first find out in Heroes. And kinda related about we give them skills based on Peri's Personal/Fate's -taker skils? Why did I think of this? Because Musou has you chopping downs hundreds of foes per fight, kill-based stats boosts would blend in on Warriors characters. No Lifetaker though, hyperoffense units would probably benefit from that too much.
  5. I'm wondering if they ever rerun the Warriors battles. Maybe they'll time it with DLC pack releases? And we need time to see what legendaries the Lemonheads get. It'd be weird to first find out in Heroes. And kinda related about we give them skills based on Peri's Personal/Fate's -taker skils? Why did I think of this? Because Musou has you chopping downs hundreds of foes per fight, kill-based stats boosts would blend in on Warriors characters. No Lifetaker though, hyperoffense units would probably benefit from that too much.
  6. I forgot to make this comment earlier, but what does it say that for a free DLC costume we're getting Bride of all things? What started as a silly little support-based DLC class in Awakening intended to be the female contrast to Dread Fighter, has been featured in Heroes, Project X Zone 2 (right?) and now Warriors. Given IS kept it out of Fates and SoV, I can't say it's blowing up like a ballroom gown, but it is strange that such a fling of a class is continually showing up. To be fair, what could they else could they package as the free costume? It isn't like FE has all that many notable alternative outfits it could go off of barring Pantless Marth. And all HW got for free was Dark Link, a simple recolor I'm saddened they didn't let you apply to everyone. So Bride is actually rather good in the sense it took effort to make it.
  7. In FE7, you don't have to be perfect. One of its oddities is three character endings for the Tactician, which you get depends on your ranking. I think its better to underperform than overperform since I don't want to start a war. Is this relevant? Well the BHB is FE7 themed.
  8. It can just cling to her via invisible Lucina forces- weren't you taught that back at IS High? More seriously, costumes are about looking nice, practicality isn't their thing. If there is no sheath, that isn't a problem, since she canonically isn't wearing the costume or anything, its just an optional eye pleaser. Even if the absence of a sheath will be offsetting to some. We're all 13 on the Internet, sooner or later, a sexual joke will be made about anything and everything.
  9. It'd be a waste of potential if the DLC characters couldn't bond with the base characters, since you'll be guaranteed to have them no matter what and it'd really restrict their bond options. I can see them keeping DLC characters from bonding with those of different DLC packs though.
  10. To be fair to use Westerners, and maybe it extend the post-release hype in Japan, they'd wait until the game's international release to do that. On Halloween, let's think of some weapon ideas. Who is getting the Pumpkin Tome? How about a Trick or Treat Tome that attacks the foe with a blizzard of candy? A Reaper Scythe for an Axe? A Devil's Trident? A Cauldron Tome that bubbles over and scalds your foe? Bloody Knives/Sword for a serial killer costume? *Insert your favorite guy here* wearing only wings, a halo and white underwear as Cupid with a Heart Bow? Oh wait that's Valentine's Day.
  11. And that creates all sorts of plot flaws! I'd be okay with poor poor CQ!Takumi, Skadi could be fun. And although I doubt they'd got this far, doing the phantasmal aesthetic of Vallites/Anankos possessed humans would be visual stimulating in Heroes (not if not that kind of stimulating). I was thinking, they might possibly be able shoehorn a DK!Lyon as a Breath user by having him use the Dark Stone to momentarily summon illusory visage of Formortiis who while appearing breathes his breath (or uses Demon Light). TMS Medeus would be weird and impossible to make playable, but it would make an okay "special boss stage" foe. As would TMS Excellus- a boss that can change its color give its minions some of its own HP.
  12. Well I guess, yes. The message by the way was supposed to be sent to Chrom. It's how Camilla thought she could help break the ice between Cordelia and her heart's desire. Not that Cordelia learned this until after the moment it was sent. Stupid typo. I really should have checked that!
  13. How about... (gosh the roster is so boring in this regard) Sakura and Celica on peacefulness? Marth and Xander on kingship? Chrom and Rowan to give an OC one? Camilla's advice? Drinks lots of milk, and message them once in a while.
  14. I'd prefer they leave tutorials out of the map design itself as much as possible. 13-14 (and I think 11-12 had them) slide tutorials worked. Any opinions on Tellius's optional Anna tutorial clips? I thought they were fairly clear in explaining things, and not too long for any given one.
  15. I can't see him being the head hancho though. And who knows? By friendship's ferocity he might end up, if not becoming playable, do a self-sacrifice to help the people he once called his buddies but turned on. He does have a potential cold and arrogant bad guy look to him, that's for sure. Have we ever seen gameplay of him by the way? How large is his blade?
  16. Lyn just exists beyond her tutorial mode and is shoehorned into the main plot of Eliwood and Hector. The Black Fang is terrible for a league of assassins. Nergal doesn't squash the annoying bugs the heroes are when he could have. Too many battles without good plot reason. If you can get past these issues, things aren't too bad. Now that I think on it, you're right I'd say. Binding and T776 perhaps made steps towards in the direction you described, but FE7 did take it much further. The small scale is pleasingly different too, though the stakes were pretty high even so (unlike T776). As for the world building, it builds on top of Binding, adding more detail to what it already had. There are some minor contradictions and other faults to the additions, but overall they're fairly good.
  17. One, why is Nomura wasting his time here? Doesn't he have FF things to work on? And two, Masked AC Cloud reminds me too much of Yelv from XCX, not that I dislike Yelv, but I be making a few Yelv-spoilerific comments about this as I play. I'll also be asking where I can get my hands on Photon Saber, they were relatively underpowered in X, but I liked them. I'll agree that Pyra could use some anti-fanservice touchups. Any chance she of all the Blades will be getting a couple costumes? Of course it'll be fanservicey a cat costume though, hopefully an Elma one would included though. And I don't mind multiple artists if things maintain a degree of cohesiveness. Multiple composers worked well for XC. That "Plot Bingo Board" thing someone said earlier, well I'll put down a "Will fight beings named after the Seven Deadly Sin demons" on the card. This means Lucifer, Mammon, Beelzebub, Satan, Belphegor, Asmodeus, and Leviathan. To that card, I will add "Hikari and Pyra are "sisters"..." how should i finish that? "...from a project" or "...derived from the magical foundation/god of this world". How the plot rolls I'll let it roll, my focus will be on the world and gameplay. Now, there is no chance of this, but I'd like it since we didn't get it in XCX, a cameo battle. I was thinking a "Face off", either Yaldaboth by itself, or a trio of Nemesis, Metal and Jade. No rhyme nor reason to it, just a good hidden cameo fight. Which reminds me, somewhere a Telethia should be present in the game. If X had them, they have to return again, being a superboss is optional.
  18. I'd guess so. There would likely be some graphical issues given he isn't supposed to wear it, but I don't think it'd be entirely dysfunctional if the two share a gameplay "skeleton". Now if could mod it onto M!Robin or Frederick, the wedding could be held at last. It's a shame they aren't using the DLC for diversifying the games featured, but if the DLC chars have solid movesets and the rest of the included content was good, then that would suffice. I severely doubt we'll get a second wave of DLC, Awakening was all too exceptional unfortunately. But if we did, that would be the chance to add Ike and Hector and expand the featured games. If there is no second wave, well here's to Fire Emblem Warriors 2 on Nintendo Super Switch! (Or whatever they'd call the successor.)
  19. The problem is what if you scan TZ and haven't bought the DLC? Tetra I guess exists though for the 3DS version. And one question. When I pick up a Switch eventually, I might get FEW, but I'm curious about the other Musou experience that'll be on the system. How is Dragon Quest Heroes for those who have played it on other systems? I've only beaten DQV and am at the final dungeon for DQVIII, and I really want to play DQIV some day (and maybe VI), and for whatever issues it has I'm developing a liking for the series and wouldn't mind playing it in Musou format. I heard the games are a little more RPG-ish and the first is tower defense-like, but I wanna hear from my fellow SFers.
  20. They've explained this before. They want to teach the all-important Weapon Triangle and you simply absolutely have to start with Swords. Since you get to choose which sibling you play as during the tutorial phase, they both have to use Swords. Never mind that the posterboys of Samurai and Dynasty Warriors are Spear users. Which if you ask me would be just as viable a starting point as Swords (Axes not so much). I can approve of their choice of games for the starting roster, and I wouldn't have minded clones if KT was upfront and said characters would be lumped into "class movesets" or something. The major issue is the failure to show off a diverse roster that clearly fills all of FE niches in good numbers and covers the Weapon Triangle well. There is also the issue representation for each chosen game.
  21. It might not be bad idea for someone to post a little heads up for all forum goers saying "Please refrain from displaying anything spolierish from FEW for the next couple months (say until the end of January). Thank you".
  22. This game has villains? How strange, and here I thought the heroes were fighting against each other and a nameless legion of somethings that spring out of a void for no reason. I like playable villains. But we simply don't know enough about the game to say whether they'll be playable, and if so, how and when. That they chose Vali over Waly or Gangy makes you almost wonder if they'll pull Arete or Iago or Hans over Garon. I mean Vali is the Grimleal leader, so he has a reason for showing up, but Vali has zero popularity and it isn't like I'm expecting Grima to be the big bad, it'll be an OC.
  23. Not going to buy unless I know who else is in and I get an idea of the moveset situation. Unlike Hyrule Warriors, this will not be an unconditional purchase where I didn't know who was in prior to the buy for the most part. I will stay away from plot and mission data stuff though. Not because it'll be good, but so that when I play through everything the first time there will be sense of surprise and freshness.
  24. Agreed Eirika got played for laughs. Totally unlike this bit: Lets just hope there aren't too many comparison conversations in FEW, they're cheap references and don't actually make for much real bonding.
  25. To be fair, it was Einherjar who said all that. Einherjar aren't the most fully perceptive of beings.
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