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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. If you're looking for a Naga user, there is no guarantee Deidre will get it. The only Light tome she ever gets her hands on in Genealogy is Aura. And what might be even more worrying is that she'll be Lucius'ed into a staffer, since her first act of love for Sigurd is Silencing some baddie better than any S support. As for her stat build, if DeNA opts for base game basis (they may, they may not, flip a coin I tell you), then she'll just be slow Mag-Res one shot wonder. Miracle if given will be eh, but Renewal is nice if they should give it to her. I have no hopes for any sort of Nihil. Well he is, and I'm 99.99% certain he'll have Valflame as his personal tome. But, if DeNA had a intentionally very cruel side, they could just throw him a sword, since he packs a Silver Blade in Gen 2 besides Valflame. It's as useful as one's appendix though, since 70 Atk hitting Res from Valflame is very very unlikely to ever be outdone by the Silver Blade. My picks for the banner are as I have expressed before: Sigurd and Deidre (duh) and Lewyn first and foremost. Deidre can get the 4-5 downgrade. And for my fourth... Since a Legendary is all but guaranteed to lock you to 5 Star, no to Quan since Gae Bolg, and no to Brigid since Yewfelle- we need more 4s. Instead, Lex, Midir, Azel (as a Mage Knight) and Dew (Dagger) are all characters I'd like prefer to see added, since they could contribute more diversity. Not sure which of these should get the 4th spot though.
  2. SethxEirika is traditional but bland. SethxEphraim is a bit better. I like EirikaxEphraimxInnesxTana, though I'll settle with Seth and the twins interlocked together. And a heads up, Roy (when in his wild twenties and early thirties) is the father of Tethys and Ewan and Joshua. Ismaire's husband faked his death because he came only for a stint, ended up loving it too much and stayed much too long, eventually he realized he had to return home, and rather than confess to Ismaire the truth, feigned death to escape. Lastly, Amelia has her own harem. Franz does the cooking, cleaning and childrearing. Ross does the carpentry and heavy physical labor, selling some items he crafts for side income. Ewan handles the finances, and engages in entrepreneurialism when he isn't in charge of the children's educations. What does Amelia do? She manages the estate, its fields and its livestock. What estate? Duessel's, he adopted her as his daughter and heir, and after trading his estate in the south for one in West Grado (so it's earthquake proof), Amelia and her husband moved there. The air is fresh, fields are fertile, the stables filled with healthy horses, the nearby forests are filled with fine timber, Bethroen's libraries and markets aren't far away. Amelia is generally pregnant since her three beloved each want many kids to call their own (but they love their stepchildren like their own of course), and she is only willing to provide bundles of joy in such a happy and prosperous life.
  3. Nope. No idea what the calendar system in Tellius even is, the games are too old for that Awakening invention.
  4. This is the land that made a white fluffy tail you can attach to your waist and which swings back and forth according to your heart rate. So if someone turns you on or you're nervous, the tail will wag back and forth really fast and everyone will know. Pelleas and the other two must be in charge of the PR department! He's such a wuss that he couldn't give things a consistent direction! (I do like Pelleas though.) Zephiel must be using our reactions to prove that we humans are unworthy of ruling this planet. Glade must be angry we hate him more than Ralph and just wants to see us suffer. As for the Blood Pact, talk about a gradual kill machine! Every few seconds the KO count goes up, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... 100, 101, 102.
  5. Good point made. Risen are pouring into the world since Chapter 2, but never is there a sense of Risen apocalypse. They feature not at all in an apocalyptic capacity in the Gangrel and Valm Arcs, you only get anything of a sense, a weak one, in the Grima Arc. Awakening is just too distracted and too lighthearted. Future Past does provide some apocalyptic bleakness since it is when the apocalypse is nearly complete, but that is of course optional DLC, came long after the base game (so the developers had a long time to ruminate on it), and isn't in Chrom's world.
  6. And now I'm reliving my Cucco Mode trauma from Hyrule Warriors. Oh, the pecking, the clucking, the button mashing because you have literally nothing else! What sounds like it'd be a fun five minute distraction turned into a twenty hour tedious grind!
  7. I know Tiki is going to transform into a Divine Seahorse, thats how they looked in the DS games and Awakening. But I hope they don't look too seahorsey, because I'd have a bit of a hard time acknowledging them as a dragon if they were. And as such a frail thing, said dragon is probably going to rely on flame-like breath and solid ice-like projectiles, no physical clawing or chomps. Hopefully that big bad evil dragon they've shown will have a playable smaller form that does integrate more physicality into their draconic arsenal.
  8. Agreeing with M!Robin as Zhuge Liang, Xander as Cao Cao works, and Ryoma as Sun Quan makes sense too (I have a problem with Quan being too mediocre for Ryoma, yet Jian is too old for him, and Ce just wouldn't work). For the heck of it I'd give... Liu Bei to Marth, the two are similar in character. Chrom can take.... Xiahou Dun (I don't think things need to match up in terms of personality or alliance). M!Corrin can be BENEVOLENCE!, er Jiang Wei. Leo is Sima Yi (Cao Pi? No!). Takumi gets Sun Ce. Frederick is the God of War Guan Yu! Rowan is either Lu Xun or Zhao Yun. Navarre can have Zhou Tai. F!Robin is Wang Yuanji. F!Corrin is Yueying. Camilla can have... Zhenji? Hinoka will be Big Breast- I mean Lianshi! Sakura shall be Daqiao. Elise gets Xiaoqiao. Lianna is Sun Shangxiang. Lucina is Xingcai. Cordelia is Zhang Chunhua. Lissa is Diaochan. Caeda gets Guan Yinping (because I'm running out of ladies). Lyn gets Zhurong (because she's tribal). Celica can have Wang Yi. Tiki gets Bao Sanniang (because I'm really running out!). Azura is hereby Cai Wenji. Phew! I think I cleared them all so far. So many ladies! Any more and I'd have to push into Warriors Orochi or Samurai!
  9. Keeping things in the era of mixed weaponry warfare would be for the best. No modern guns or anything, but super sci-fi fantasy (Tales-esque) might have a slight chance of working in a small dose.
  10. Mark did actually have stats hidden in FE7, but they aren't pretty.
  11. You never mentioned she loses her pants upon becoming a Sentinel. And then you have that strange flourish at the end of Impale after the stabbing where she just jumps and spins towards the enemy, almost like she's saying "can't touch THIS 'cause you're dead!". Oh ze irony! What could be further from the truth for her in FE6? Well I guess Heroes's whole "everyone starts trash" fixed her biggest issue, because her actual stats weren't terrible once you got the fuel of EXP in the tank, though for her it was like drilling for oil using Paleolithic stone tools. Methinks Seth ingratiated himself too much with Franz and Forde back in Renais. I do not approve. Kyle is the better specimen. Leave Franz to Amelia and Forde to Eirika.
  12. Well the player can fill in on Lyn Mode battles. And for NLoC, have the player fill in for Eliwood and Hector's team, and throw some appropriately named generics to Lyn, or staff her with player units too.
  13. Well they can always go back and invent a side role for her. As in "While X was happening to Blonde Sun Shangxiang and her brother Odin's Second/Third/Fourth Child and their crew, Celica and Lyn were going around doing Y, which actually played a role in Z, which was important to the plot". And having Lyn means we can have history battles from FE7. Well at the least the 11 Lyn Mode fights, and maybe Noble Lady of Caelin, which I do think would make for a great Musou battlefield, possibly even better if we juxtaposed with it The Distant Plains.
  14. Thinking on HW, we mostly got recolors there. There were few genuine costumes: OoT, TP, SS, Trainee Knight, Postman, FD, and OG LoZ Links. The Guardian costume for Lana and Cia, plus Lana's Skull Kid costume. Zelda's Ilia, SS, OoT, and TP costumes. Ganondorf had WW, OoT, and TP ones. This said, the recolors everyone got were generally very good and frequently loaded with references to other games. Darunia's Darmani recolor even gave him the belly scar/gaping wound that killed him! So I hope that even if we don't get many costumes (and if we do I expect $$$ for them so I won't be getting them), I'm hoping we have similarly high quality recolors.
  15. It's not totally worthless, I know that. You can get good useful information aplenty, and there are posts of meaningful criticism and positive praise- I myself have used it without joining for info, though I never dare contribute. Yet certain boards for certain games are quite acidic, and FE boards tend to be among them (things like EO and Kirby and DQ, not so much). SF is certainly better on curtailing the awful random crude repetitive hate, but that I guess is a natural advantage of a smaller franchise-centric website over one that covers all of gaming. You need fewer moderators for the fewer and less active boards and the result is superior modding and thus blocking of such bile, plus being a smaller site almost tautologically means fewer users. People analyzing a single card to high heaven. What is this, Cipher? Persona? Baten Kaitos? Yugioh? Chill. We'll know eventually, probably sooner than you think. If you don't mind potentially being burned, raise your hopes. If you do, keep them low. Whatever you prefer.
  16. Fix her low Speed and the fact that RD just hates mages and she'd be good. Fragile as a mage tends to be, but good at killing at least. Lycia rests directly between Etruria and Bern, so I'd expect it to have lot of trade at least. The landscape looks well watered and fertile too. I'd expect it to have a higher population density than either neighboring country, and to be closer in sheer numbers than you'd think. A lot of southern Bern looks like uninhabitable mountains too. Sacae is bigger (in fact its eastern edge goes off the map), but anyone with a little knowledge in pastoralism, or the history of the Great Plains of North America pre-Europeans or the Central Asian steppe, know that such environments can't support that many people per square unit. It's why they're nomadic- the land can handle grass but not agriculture. Ilia is Russia or Scandinavia, too cold for a good growing season able to support a high population density. Hence even if Sacae or Ilia are bigger, they might have comparable if not smaller populations than Lycia.
  17. *Takes 1 damage and is blinded since you hit me in the eyes* Taiyooooh! *Locks the next poster in a coffin and begins blasting them with super concentrated beams of sunlight.*
  18. Well if they go to Vall- *liquidified* then I hope its the nice bright outdoors ruins side of Valla- not the bleak forest or bad indoor parts. HW did have a wonderful choice of venues with distinct and contrasting aesthetics (but I wish HWL had added Clock Town). FE might not be quite as fantastical as LoZ, but they should aim for battlefield variety.
  19. One, please do not bring up the cesspit of GFAQs here. You're talking about the site where the SoV board is predominated by "Clive bad Clive bad Clive very bad very worst worst than anyone" and Fates is "Rinkah bad Rinkah very bad, Camilla is sexy". While Cammy gets her attention here on SF, we try to stay civil and don't beat dead horses or dead onis. As for the roster size being a secret, no surprise there, why would they want to say it? And it doesn't mean much since people are still going to argue over the roster size and who will be getting in anyhow. My present interest is in who else we get for OCs. Since the thin crossover narrative is ultimately going to be based around them for the most part. We don't have a villain or named enemy generals who serve said villain yet. All we have is an evil dragon with no name, and nothing else.
  20. Well at least we learned Sothe likes belly shirts and wasn't just wearing his old one out of necessity. Which is weird since he promotes in a snowy chapter. Why couldn't Micaiah have gotten a Chaotic/Radiant Flame tome, or used Lehran's Medallion (aka the Fire Emblem) as one? Having Yune in her and channeling her powers through her you'd think would let her kill things with chaos. Of course that's Dark and not Light, but it glows, so I guess you could BS it as Light. It's saying something that the best thing she can do in the Tower is staffbot (and to be fair she's the only free one you get). I wonder if she'd get a better Ardent Sacrifice or just be slapped with the generic old skill. Sacrifice is one of the things that makes her special (but is plot-wise unimportant), something like 20/15 HP healed for 10/5 spent would nice. Or 10 HP for 10 plus debuff removal. I just realized that my personal weapon argument thing being all horse and armor killers had two exceptions I forgot to mention (I already spoke of Leif and Corrin). Alm's Royal Sword and RD Ike's Ettard. The former is cool in SoV, but Recovery (Renewal) and Double Lion (Brave effect) are the only things it has I can see working from it, Scendscale can't and Subdue is the opposite of what you want in a legendary. Ettard has nothing special about it, but watch them give it Heavy Blade so RD Ike is free to have some wicked new ABC Skill. Sigurd and Seliph don't get early personal weapons oddly enough. The closest thing we have are the plain old Silver Sword Sigurd gets from Arvis (and which lets him destroy a lot and is generally expected to hit 50 kills), and Seliph starts with a Slim Sword of all things (but it's a bit better than the typical Slim).
  21. And I think KT is taking the 7-8 approach again. Include everyone now to satisfy the masses, and make them unique later to please the true Musou fans when the fanbase has earned its next paycheck. DLC alternate weapons to fix some of the clone issues might not be a bad idea at this point. What to call them though? I don't watch 95% of new video game trailers or videos, but Celica makes adds to the argument Camilla is directing FEW's development. Why? Because it feels like the developers are flying by the seat of their panties. Do they have even have a direction? They had to at one point, but between Celica and Lyn, it seems like the fan backlash might have forced them to scramble some new things together. The Weapon Triangle is overrated- it's a hindrance in the DS remakes, is nearly nonexistent in T776, and does not that much in FE4 or FE10 beyond affecting dodgetanking. SoV proves we don't need it, FE3 too, and so does Kaga's post-FE Sagas. I wouldn't mind in future FEs if it was a property of certain weapons in a type, but not all, like an actual inbuilt skill. We certainly don't need it in Warriors, FE has other ways of being strategic you know. The logic that one should teach the triangle starting with Swords was bleh too, since what makes them ideal for training people? I can understand not starting with Axes, but Lances are the balanced in-between of Swords and Axes, neither fast but weak nor strong but slow. Rowan as a blonde Yukimura Sanada/Zhao Yun wouldn't have been for the worst, or they could've made him a Halberdier since nobody is going to get a moveset like one a Halberdier could bring.
  22. She never gets a personal legendary weapon for some reason. Unless they decided to lock the SS Light tome Rexaura to her (Nidhogg and Vidofnir were never locked to the Frelia sibilings, nor Parthia Jeorge, so they could do that), Thani is the way to go. As for Rexaura, it's innate effect in RD is +3 Def, hardly meaningful when Micaiah is too slow and so frail.
  23. They only die on one path apiece. I wouldn't mind a recolor of Takumi based on his possessed self. They've made music instruments into weapons before, they can weaponize singing. As for refreshing, temporary stat boost of some sort works.
  24. I'm not a fan of Phina losing Rapier access in NM, I like the idea, derived from some developer interview that said only royals/nobles can use Rapiers (which is true barring T776), that Phina has secret noble blood. The Lady Sword was really unique in FE 3, and 12 just nerfed it into an E rank Silver Sword (though with forging, you'd never have to fear bandits and barbarians ever). I find it a bit odd we don't have a Rapier at all yet, but I guess that's because lords get their ultimates in this game from the start, so their initial personal weapons get brushed aside. And to be fair, they lack variety in effect with Armor and Horse effectiveness across the board (well Leif's doesn't, nor Corrin's). Adding to this, if everyone had them, the only viable Cavs would be CYLyn, Rein and Olwen, the rest would be Wolf Beil and Reginleif snacks; the little thing called Armor Emblem would cease to exist. Hopefully Micaiah can get Thani though, she's going to be painfully slow if RD is something to go by, so she better pack the single dose of hurt on as many targets as possible and as massively as possible. And thinking on Corrin, I'd not mind a True Ganglari variant (give it Fury), just call it... Revelatory Corrin? Make Forrin a Hoshido Noble in design with True Ganglari, and Morrin a Nohr Noble with Silent/Valla Breath or something.
  25. True, but that is only useful for grinding- and you want legendaries to kill things, not make the grind easier. Mercurius would be getting screwed over again. By Hermes I want something good for it!
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