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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Oh, now that is hideous! On the bright side, looking for the hideous art, I think I found a treasure trove of it in the 25th anniversary artbook- which gave us the Einherjar DLC artworks, l think I found the worse Mist ever in it: And Nino is bad too, though not as bad: And Lyon is Leona:
  2. You mean this one? Because if you do, oh how bad it is indeed. If not? Then I dare to wonder what it is you dread so. Isn't that the case with every decade from the 70s or 60s on in America? It the shop must cater to all crowds. I don't care if there are lolis if I get stranded on a deserted island since childhood Ryoma (with his hair just as it is).
  3. Oh Mila thats awful! Also, if you look carefully, Luthier is the same way, the artwork just doesn't show it so well. Also, I just noticed it, but Gordin's old FE3 appearance and Merric's aren't exactly shorts or pants either. Now SoV Boey in the same outfit- I'd like to see. His new dark complexion should make it look so very nice. Actually, let's make a banner out of it! Timeless characters in their old outfits!
  4. You're implying Fates has worldbuilding. And that Soleil was made to be serious lesbian character and not a Japanese joke. If they made her work better in the NA release, good that they did that, but it doesn't hide the origins of her personality. And that, Nohr just wasn't intended to be fanservicey. This is the game that let you marry your siblings after all- the ones you were raised with, and the ones that by BS you aren't actually related to. Not to mention babyrealms! FE always operates according to some blend of modern values, with just a hint of actual medieval ones. An actual totally medieval FE would turn people off. If Tellius were actually medieval, the Christian Beorc would kill the heretic Mohammedan Laguz and Ike and Ashnard wouldn't exist. Instead, we get the modern idea of cultural pluralism and tolerance and understanding as being important. No discrimination towards the non-noble and those of different cultures.
  5. I can't see that happening, it'd be too easy to get kids that way. Has to be plain old banners so Pay to Players will spend money pulling their for their favorites.
  6. Where did the Calill love come from all of a sudden? She does look good I admit, and not a bad personality at all. I'd praise her inclusion.
  7. What!?! This might be IS pointing out that in different cultures, what is considered sexualized is different. Boobs might be okay to show in one culture and they aren't sexualized, but shoulders are sexualized. Plegian/Grimlealan civilization is one such culture. Or, maybe its like how Beach Volleyball players say their bikinis are just work clothes to them and that a one piece would have sand stuck in places. For Tharja, it's what just works for being a hexer. Or, maybe its a sign of Tharja's (unexplored?) upbringing being quite terrible. But then again, I seriously doubt any of these are the answer. Yeah, in desert conditions you want to wear thick clothes for water retention, avoiding sunburns, and to keep the wind from blasting you with sand every time it picks up. No wonder Tharja is angry all the time- her skin must be in complete agony. Also, on your point with the dancers- Kaga has his weird thing with female slavery, but I think at the end of the day he's condemning it (?). I'm less critical then I let on. Pegasus Knights in skirts and Zelda showing a bit of top boob in her Warriors outfit I give a quick sigh to but move on and accept. Rikku's outfit in FFX-2, now that I will tear apart (she also looks uglier compared to her FFX self too), though I exercise some restraint knowing that game was always intended to be so lighthearted. Yuna's new outfit I'm mixed on- fix the innerboob showing, and I think it works well. Interesting this topic seems to have been a little derailed by Camilla. She breaks topics the same way she smashes the CQ early-midgame.
  8. She's evil and exists to seduce Brendan, her appearance has a reason. If Limstella had the same outfit, then then I would complain since she has no good reason to be sexualized and Ephidel would then need a giant codpiece. As long as there is good justification for a character's sexualization, I'm fine. But if there is a preponderance of evidence to suggest fanservicey reasons for it (such as boob and panty shots), or they have no justification at all, then I criticize it. So I criticize Ophelia's outfit, but not Charlotte's. The former is an innocent girl, the latter tries to seduce for personal gain all the time. I don't criticize Nailah because she is a strong independent character for one. And two, Volug, a male, is similarly scantily clad, so it must be a Hatari thing, which is further justified and given they're both Laguz who live in what is probably something desert or desert-like, the attire is fine. This said, it is just dawning on me that I'm a hypocrite- in the past I've criticized Camilla, but not Hyrule Warriors's Cia, thinking the latter had justification and the former didn't, but their situations aren't that different. Is it fair to distinguish between the two?
  9. I tried speedrunning Pirate Mode in Shantae and the Pirate's Curse- didn't take me long to realize I was terrible at it and massively behind where I should have been by a certain point. I just don't have the talent nor the restrain from the nonessential for speedrunning. I don't watch more than snippets of LPs, speedruns, glitch videos, and other interesting gaming stuff. Gosh you're good.
  10. I was rushing that post I admit (hence my factual errors on magic effectiveness, I didn't have time to check completely). All I was going to say is that it sounds nice to absurd player units, at the same time it'd be unfair to non-absurd units. If there is something Heroes shouldn't borrow from standard FEs, its total imbalance. They could still make the Laguz Royals very awesome though, as broken as Heroes will permit. Just give them some nice exclusive weapons and skills and maybe CYL type boosted BSTs. If they have great starting skill kits, all the better it'll make them compared to units who have to inherit a bunch of things.
  11. Random thought, perhaps it'd be for the best if the game's release went like this. At end of a Nintendo Direct: "Hello, I'm X from Intelligent Systems, here to update you on the most recent installment of the Fire Emblem series. It releases tomorrow, you can preload it right now. Here is the title art from the game. I hope you enjoy playing the latest Fire Emblem experience. Goodbye." *Direct ends*
  12. Sounds nice, but it ma Fine, I made some real factual errors which I shouldn't have and concede defeat. Rather that than continue this argument. No hostility here.
  13. Thracia. Excalibur and Shaver in FE3 and 12. Aircalibur in FE6 (but not Fimbulvetr, but by FEH standards thats Blue, and Blizzard wasn't effective in Archanea either). Excalibur in FEs 7 & 8. Fates only has Excalibur for wind and it's effective (that junk Disrobing Gale lacks it but who cares?). So barring the glaring exception of FE4, and the minor exceptions of FE1 and Valentia, Wind has always been effective on fliers. They have bow weakness too. And as I stated in an earlier post, I'm okay if they cut a couple corners, which they are oft to do. Excalibur and Bow weakness is enough for me.
  14. For those not into ladies, we need Volug, Ranulf, and Kaden(?). When its time for the 2nd Gen to gets its time in the sun. Though only one of them will likely get in on the first 2nd Gen Banner- the other you'll have to wait another year for. Anyhow they have fixed parentage, so they're not really an issue. I haven't played FE4, and have no interest in experiencing the 13 and 14 kids, but if I had to choose my choices: FE4: Ced, Coirpre, Patty, and Tine, Arthur, or Shannan. Make Ced Coirpre and the Tordo siblings all Lewyn's kids- you can't get enough Forseti. FE13: Laurent, Gerome, Kjelle and Annette Nah. FE14: Forrest, Kiragi, Shiro, and I guess Ophelia (but do something about her outfit). Or Kana cosplaying as DQ5's Parry.
  15. And yet I don't hear you demanding that all those human mounted fliers suddenly get a Green Tome weakness. If Excalibur could do it, I don't see why Rexcalibur can't or Wind can't. And Excalibur already interferes with the whole Color Triangle thing. If you wanted to be accurate to effective weaknesses, all Fliers should be Green in Heroes, but instead they chose to blend effective weakness with the Weapon Triangle. Even if it means TA Caeda can shrug off Excalibur. Yet she is an Elibean Manakete and in Heroes shifts into dragon form in combat.
  16. So many many choices as to what they can do... Which lot should I throw myself with? Maybe Laguz should be whatever color they want on an individual basis, barring the Dragons (Red Red, White Blue, and Black Gree works for me here), to diversify them. But then again, there is a strong argument make them colorless instead, since Colorless currently lacks Melee access. And since Laguz and shapeshifters in general are finite in number compared to the conventional weapon types, making all non-dragon shapeshifters Colorless wouldn't result in a pool of sameyness relative to everything else but Dagger users. As for the Laguz magic weaknesses- the Birds and Hawks would count as fliers, so there would be no issue with them. Sure Beasts would lose their Fire weakness, but is such a small sacrifice of accuracy to the base game really all that bad? And last time I checked, shouldn't Ninian be weak to Durandal, Armads, the BB and Mugalir? Heroes cuts corners on base game accuracy when it wants to already. Whats another snipped? For the weapon type matter- just make one for all and call it Strike, give it things like Brave Strike, Slaying Strike etc.. The Laguz Royals can get personal Strikes called "Great Whatever-They're-Mauling-You-With". The Black Dragons do lose a point of Move on shifting- something no other Laguz class endures. Black Dragon also counts as flying movement however, which puts a twist on things. I do think Dheg would be cool with a higher BST though. Add Dragon Fang as an Ire replacement (or Blazing Light since he has his Light AoE) and do something about Mantle and he'd be set.
  17. My problem with RD Staff attacks is that not only were they useless, but if you healed someone, you were stuck with having a Staff equipped on the enemy phase barring a trade equip swap. This wasn't a problem for anyone but Elincia and maybe your Tower-ready team really since healers in RD are very fragile, but it was still an issue. I'll say we lock Light Magic to Staffers and Staffers to Light Magic barring special exceptions. This way, Light Magic has an actual place in things alongside Anima and Dark, if we opt to have the FE Trinity of Magic divided into distinct groups. This said, how FE6 and Tellius did this was very much less than ideal. Just because I feel like mentioning it, TearRing Saga made two of your healers dragon shifters with ridiculous abilities- but they couldn't gain EXP shifted, and their shifts ended randomly on the start of an enemy phase- leaving room for some serious "whoops!" since the dragons have invincibly high Def and Res (and both Clerics would give a game over if you let them die).
  18. Yeah, isn't Parthia able to hit the Thabes superboss without trigger their movement or something?
  19. Agreed. And unlike FE, there is hardly any RNG involved in AW unless you're talking Flak/Jugger/Nell, which makes it fairer to both players. Though I'm interested- how did TearRing Saga handle multiplayer? I'll buy into giving Generals full WTC control and taking it from Great Knights. Shouldn't enemy generals be a tough nut to crack? And if you're playing Conquest on Hard or Lunatic, the game should be hard. And its more than marginally better- it keeps them from being nearly ORKOed by magic, and helps them survive even the strongest of physical enemies. If Generals had Wary Fighter in SD, maybe they'd actually be useful on Merciless outside of Wolf and Sedgar.
  20. I have my headcanon that he led the vanguard against Maricle in the Issach Campaign- he has a horse unlike Reptor and Lombard after all (and I doubt they'd want to dirty their hands on the frontline). The Byron and Maricle came to appreciate each other as warriors as they fought, which served as an excuse to blame Kurth's death on him, even though Reptor and Lombard intentionally kept Byron away from Kurth. After the betrayal, Byron had to go into hiding moving from place to place until he caught wind that Sigurd was in nearby Silesse and he had the chance to escape. Issach should have plenty of hiding places- Seliph survived there for over a decade without being caught, and Byron would've had the advantage of the fact Issach would have been still relatively unfamiliar to and only lightly conquered by Grannvale. But Soldiers aren't as exotic as beast shapeshifters or as obviously unique to Tellius. Though I agree that Awakening could have used Halberdiers- it's why Falcoknights got Lancefaire, there wasn't a mono-Lance class to give it to. Without the silent T, Subaki can't be confused with Kamiizumi's cat Tsubaki in Bravely Second- who I think is more of a threat than Subaki ever could be. I'm glad they came up with the name Valla though. In Japan it's called Touma, which would be a little funny in English given my fav TMS character is Touma. Suddenly the Valla Curse got a whole lot better, or worse since I'd hate not being able to speak of my beloved Touma.
  21. One, I like lemon. If we're at a restaurant and you get a glass of water with a lemon wedge, I'll gladly take it and immerse it in mine; bacteria be damned, I have an immune system. I drink sour lemonade like hot cup of Turkish coffee- slow sip by slow sip (but sometimes I rush it). There is also one place I know with a wonderfully zesty glazed lemon poppy scone, every bite packs a kick. Two, after an initially chilly reception, I'm starting to warm up to the OC protag duo a bit. Sure they'll have rather generic movesets and personalities, but what else is new in FE or the world of JRPG protags? Rowan doesn't seem all that appalling now, his hair reminds me of a boddhisattva for some reason. Lianna still needs hair dye though.
  22. You'd get Rally Defense one level later if waited for Savage Blow- not all that long. And leaving a stat booster sitting around is less useful than giving it to even the worst of units or selling it. As for Trample, I only brought that up b/c you said that Malig had worse skills than Falco and Kinshi, and promoted classes only have two skills. As for Veteran Intuition- I think you're being a little too obsessed with crit evasion- Camilla isn't Arthur. With the reclass to WL you're suggesting, Camilla has 15 Luck at base, 21 by level 20. Add the +4 of Luck Tonics, and thats 9 to 12 crit evade, which is less than the 17 of Effie or Laslow I admit, but it isn't gigantic. Sure she might have few visible crit points against her, but the classes that would likely have that are: SM (she'll live if she has the Dual Club equipped), Master Ninjas (they can't ORKO her even with a crit), Spear Masters (with WTA she can live), and Snipers (which shouldn't ever be attacking her being she's a flier). How much crit evade is enough for you? Is it 30 or bust? Sure a 5% crit will happen once in a while (Yukimura did it actually at the end of a Fort Jinya fight, forcing me to reset the entire battle), but I wouldn't consider it to be such a threat that I run from every encounter with a unit that has visible crit on one of mine. If it happens, swear and reset and move on- it was a fluke and shouldn't happen again for a long while.
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