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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I don't get why Warriors has leveling at all. All it does is unnecessarily pad out the game and make progressing through things and 100%-ing the games more tedious. We already have weapon grinding, and a separate measure of skill grinding too in some games. What would be lost if leveling were suddenly gone? Shouldn't difficulty settings be enough for adjusting the extent of the challenge?
  2. I have an excess of Lucina's Masks, got any Ryoma's Headpieces? I'm short on them and could use the trade. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the material grind either. But just prioritize the essentials and don't sweat the rest. In HW I found the essentials to be the cheap to unlock combo unlockers, the Stamina Fruit (the WPS booster) and Farore's Wind (the Keep taking booster), but the rest you don't really need so badly. The Focus Spirit extender is nice for YL, and characters with good Specials plus YL want Fierce Deity's Mask upgrades for more Special bars, but that is about it for the must haves. Hopefully FEW will be the same.
  3. While I liked the villages in SoV, there are a couple changes I want made: One- give the villages names, all too often places in FE go without proper names, even capital cities. Two- owing to the fidelity of the remake, SoV didn't let us explore the capitals of Rigel or Zofia, all we get to visit are boondocks, castles, and fortresses- no in betweens. I'd sign a Blood Pact cursing the entire world if it like me walk around Melior, Nevassa and Sienne. On HP consuming Arts and Spells- make them a special set of command skills, apart from passive and procs, and traditional tome/staff magic. Shields and Rings were probably the best use of non-weapon equipment in their very short history in FE yet, bring them back for sure. Do include class stat minimums for promotion (it helps combat stat screwage), but arrange it so that if a unit exceeds the minimum they get a fixed stat increase too. The Forging system was opaque in SoV- unusual because FE is generally clear about things, but sure, bring it back. It's the best incarnation yet. If summoners should be brought back- nerf them by limiting the number of times they can do across the whole game (via rare and limited staffs) or in a given battle.
  4. Yup, hidden treasure always works like that in FE- just end a unit's turn on one of the highlighted spaces (you don't have to select Wait- if there is an enemy or ally in range you can attack/heal them or whatever and still get the treasure). Thief-type units have a guaranteed chance of finding treasure in all games but RD (though they have like a minimum of 40% in that game- far above the rest still)- the chance for everyone else is smaller and the exact chance varies from game to game. You can use Rennac too- he joins just in time for that chapter. Field both Thieves if you want to shave a few turns, or try having your non-Thief units with higher Luck stats find the treasure to help out as well when they have a spare moment.
  5. To be fair, he did spend a little too much time with Lachesis while his wife Grayne was away with Ares for a few days. Infidelity must run in the family, if Lachesis is anything to go by.
  6. "Alm" is the name of the Aum staff translated into the Valentia dialect. Celica had an unhealthy obsession with Archanea's legendary resurrection staff- as a princess of a glorious kingdom, she insisted it belonged to her and was hers to use. But alas, she could never lay her hands on it, and but one day, while pining over her unobtainable love, she was whisked away to Zenith, where she well in love with the equally slender lance of a princess there. Celica didn't care for the princess's affections towards her, but put up with them so she could touch the weapon which so recalled to her her first love. Ever heard of bonobos? They're peace-loving chimps who settle all disagreements with sex, including between parents and kids- and bonobos never fight, unlike other primates. The world would be a much better place if everyone could S rank everyone else in full glory, barring the possible spread of certain diseases it would bring.
  7. Now that is positive- I have difficulties opening up to the casts of the more recent games for fear of being burned by them (and the plots) by opening up. And I'm not without some justification- Anna lost likability from me the way she abuses her connection to Tiki in her Awakening support. Thus, I spurn the characters completely and play for the gameplay alone. Tis a little hallow though- because I know I'm missing out on something.
  8. Never heard that myself, and while I think Hector > Ike personality-wise, I can totally see Ike being inspired by Hector. Though I, out of criticism of FE's writing, have derided all lords as to being either to: perfection with soft appearances- Marths, warriors with tough appearances- Sigurds, and cliched females. It isn't quite this bad perhaps, but I think its rather too close still. Dread during the Voting Gauntlet, dread after the voting gauntlet, dread before the next one. Dread is a natural part of life I guess- but if FEH is what dreads you the most, how fortunate you are! Would unpopular characters be worthy of being in a gauntlet? Would their fights be so intense? I doubt it. By the way, why were all of us (including myself I honestly profess) like elephants in musk? Seems rather silly and meaningless now. Perhaps we should rob a nitrous oxide (laughing gas) plant the next time a Gauntlet comes up. Instead of "Robin is too perfect- to hell with them!" we'd be saying "Robin, Robin? Purrrrrfect!" and "Sooorreen, flllyyying! Everyone now!"
  9. I'd end up supporting no one. I can't commit in video games unless I completely have to- its partly why I stopped playing Harvest Moon (Robin and Corrin I have no problem pairing off though- because they aren't me). As for who I'd support with each other- well I think I'd be no-fun and keep it utilitarian. But the bonuses look small enough that it wouldn't really amount to much of a boost at all for anyone, so opting for fantasies is hardly worse than optimizing things.
  10. Boots, called Swiftsoles in SS for some odd reason, can be found in the Desert Chapter (Scorched Sands). The map of the hidden treasure is here. Beyond this one guaranteed pair, you can obtain more, but only at tiniest of chances from certain monsters. However, a trick exists for easy limitless Swiftsoles, but it does take a little time for each pair.
  11. In my personal written musings of an FE Warriors at least a year before it was also announced, I actually did include a mode for classic FE battles Musou-ized, hypotheticals like Marth being badly injured in battle and Hardin picking up the mantle too (wonder if they'd try that). I'm hoping they make a mini battle out of FE1 C1- the very first battle in FE history. It's no 1-1 from SMB in terms of design, but as the first map it still is memorable. In HW, though I never did it, if you could drop off Player 1 in a safe spot or have anyone random person keep P1 out of harm's way, you could use P2 to invalidate the difficulty on missions where you were forced to play as a certain character. Agitha's 3 Tier Weapon a problem? Just hide her in some remote keep or the hookshot corner of the map, and let P2 Master Sword!Link destroy everything for her. They could make a map gimmick where you have to escort someone to a magic circle or something before Gharnef is capable of being injured- though I doubt they'll Starlight a necessary actual weapon to defeat him. (Also, I very much apologize @eclipse for my earlier indiscretions in this topic- I let my anti-Validarism go a bit too far. Having raised the axe of righteousness over my metaphorical neck, that will not happen again I assure you.)
  12. PoR Ike is basically Marth/Roy/Eliwood at base, and then becomes a juggernaut who lacks only for Magic (his Res is a respectable 17 at 20/20). His RD incarnation has a much better start, but has Res issues from the beginning, and a relatively bad Spd growth (but his rather high base Spd makes him nearly immune to being doubled).
  13. People in the towns did tip you off to new combos though if you didn't use a guide/discover them on your own. Plus Hyper Arts were learned as soon as you got the book needed to use one. I spoiled myself on LoL's plot, and I never have finished the game, nor can I since the PS3 apparently freezes at a certain point, but I have done up to the final dungeon of the second land. The game is good and I wish it got remade. The fighting game flair of it was unique, and I liked the magic system.
  14. Uh what? Warpskip is alive and kicking like a Radio City Rockette in FE11. If it is at all nerfed, it went from hitting like Hydrogen bomb to a Uranian one, either way thousands are dead.
  15. A Falcommie? Where?! *Readies my Buster Sword* Ya better get gone ye Reds! This forest is for 100% Final Fascists only! I'd consider getting into Nihon Falcom games, but I don't have Steam nor a PS4, so I don't have access to their lineup really.
  16. Yet having Ganondorf, Ghirahim, and Zant did nothing to keep the Darkness out of Midna's moveset. And it did nothing to stop them from later giving Midna a second and very different form and moveset also Darkness-based. On top of adding Wizzro and Cia and even later Skull Kid. Magic is so easy to contort and make new movesets out of.
  17. The easy way to change things would be hair and eye colors. A simple solution would be to have it so when Kyle is asked what they hope the baby is the answers available are: Boy, Girl, Twins, I Don't Know, and I Want To Be Surprised. The first choice makes Aaron look like Kyle and Aria like the wife, the second choice does the opposite, the third makes both kids look like Kyle, the fourth makes both look like the wife, and the fifth randomizes it. I'd also like each mother to modify the children's stats a little bit. Alicia being a fortune teller would increase Intelligence for instance, and Yue being a purveyor of many goods, would boost the children's weapon use levels. Similarly each mother would offer 2nd Gen perks- Rosalind being from the local rich family comes with a hefty 2nd Gen starting inheritance and a weekly/seasonal allowance, while Mana allows you to do more lessons in a day (and maybe Douglas gives you a small discount), Julia would enable you to bathe twice a day. I'd also toss in another 1st gen marriage rival who goes after Alicia's heart. I was thinking of this because if both of Kyle's kids exist, then the children have a gender imbalance of 1 slanted towards the females, and having another marriage rival who has a son would fix this (yeah, this is a petty want).
  18. Getting off to a good start is always a good thing. So of FE starting bands of characters, those who join in the early chapters and (hopefully) have group dynamics, which is your favorite? (Personality/charm and gameplay alike can be ignored or used as criteria.) How large is the starting group? Well for FEs 3, 5, 9, and 13 it's really easy to tell since the groups have proper names. But for other games it's blurrier. You could include Wrys, Ogma and the axe bros into FE1's starting group, but I don't see Darros, Castor, Matthis, Julian and Lena really fitting in, but I want to include Merric too. So for blurry situations- I'd draw the line at C4 for FE1 (because Hardin's Wolfguard in C5 is clearly separate from Marth's force), C7 for FE6 (because Zelot's band is very much separate from Roy's). I guess Silque could be slipped into the Villagers of Ram (and Lukas is a part of it), but I draw the line at Clair b/c she is certainly Deliverance. For myself, it has to be the Greil Mercenaries- the early chapters of PoR really hammer home the group dynamism, and they have the luck of RD to keep it going. The departures and later re-recruitments of Gatrie and Shinon, plus Titania's exchanges with Soren and the two Triangle Attack convos with the brothers offer little reminders of the close-knit GMs later into PoR.
  19. I admit that monsters aren't the funnest of foes, and that the monster battles tend to be more fillery than the other ones (the route split monster fights are totally filler), but they aren't all that fillery. 4 introduces monsters, 18 ends with the Renais Sacred Stone smashed (and it's kinda strategic with the rush to the eggs before the Gorgons hatch), and the 20 and Final are the final battles. In a game where monsters exist and are important to the plot (they're the Demon King's minions and a sign something is wrong in Magvel), I don't see how monsters being 20% of battles is awful. Sure they're generally easier than human enemies barring Mogalls, Gorgons, Draco Zombies and the Gargoyle sneak up in Eph 11, but how is giving them a mere 1/5 of game battles too much? If we dropped it further, would they really be relevant to the plot? If your problem is that monsters exist at all in the plot, and that you'd rather have a pure human conflict with no Demon King in the background, well that's fine by me. But I'd rather you say outright "I wish monsters didn't exist" than say "they should have appeared less", implying you were okay with them at all.
  20. There aren't that many monster fights in the story. You have: 4, a lone Bael in 6, Eir 11&12, Eph 11 and ~50 of 12, 18, 20 and Final. That is it. The world map itself is pure monsters barring the Valni or Lagdou Thief for chest rivals. I don't consider SS to be that much wasted potential- the game was a side project to PoR, that it exists at all is surprising. To be wasted potential, a game must have ambition, and 4&5, 9&10 (more so 10), and 14 all can be considered ambitious if you ask me.
  21. Interesting to see someone bring this game up, I played it a bit as a kid. I liked it enough, yet I never cleared even the first town, but I think I came close (those residents get angry too easily). Yeah RF1 made the series, and had an okay plot with an interesting ending (Raguna appears to be a lost prince of Norad and Ivan is his brother), but gosh it is outright horrible compared to every other RF game there is beyond that. This said, RF2 could use a remake too- I want both Aaron and Aria to be playable as twins! The Gen 2 opening is so sweet that it's a tragedy you only get make of Kyle's kids.
  22. On Albert Camus, I know they could easily deny them Gradivus and give them different stats and skills from Camus, but does anyone think one reason we don't have Zeke or Sirius yet is because Camus is a GHB?
  23. As a tangent, I find it a little odd that Lekain is stated to have planned the murder of the Herons, given he is 51 in RD, that mean he was only in his thirties or late twenties during the Massacre. If he really planned it (as opposed to some geriatric or now dead guy), he must have been quite the masterful Senator at a young political age. No wonder he ended up becoming Vice Minister later. Could you imagine stronger political leverage over your colleagues in corruption than "Excuse me, what gives you the authority to override me? Let me ask the question- who murdered the Apostle and got away with it? Was it any of you? .... Silence, just as I thought. Now back to the matter at hand..."? Also, Haar should kill Levail. Haar gets the best boss convo with him, I rather like it actually: Haar vs Levail Levail: Captain Haar! You are still alive! Haar: What happened that you didn’t expect me to survive? Levail: Um… Nothing, I suppose. It’s just that it’s been a while since you left Begnion. Haar: Yeah. Twenty years ago, wasn’t it? Levail: I was still very young at the time. You had just been dubbed a knight. Oh, it brings back such memories… The bravery of the dracoknights, especially the Fizzart Platoon. It was legendary among the soldiers. But then you suddenly defected to Daein. Haar: I got sick of taking orders from corrupt senators, so I ditched the country with General Shiharam. Levail: I joined the army after I came of age. But it was different after you all left. It was as if you took its spirit with you. The only exception was General Zelgius, the general of Duke Persis’s army. Haar: I see. Is that why you’re under his command? Levail: Yes. He is the last true knight. I will die for him. Haar: Yes, Levail. You will. Levail: How I dreamed of fighting a proper foe! I am honored, Sir Haar! Have at you!
  24. I can understand @eclipse's scathing remark on the characters- I mean I can't consider ToS the absolute worse given its place in my childhood, but I can totally see why you would dislike everyone. It was one of the few JRPGs on the Gamecube, and the world was nice, and the dungeons complex. The gameplay doesn't hold up I shall admit as well. Celes was one mean boss- largely because you have to fight her solo in the Coliseum- itemless too right? But if you can't beat her, you can't get the ultimate sword, so she's worth besting. The budget was clearly small on DotNW given the non-Tenebrae and Aqua Centurions never actually showed up. Emil was kinda pathetic (but complete perfection vs. a terrible wimp, I guess the latter is better), but fairly fun to play as. Marta I never really used (Photon spam is great though- both Symphonias make it powerful), but she was a good healer, and a decent character when she wasn't trying too hard to win Yew Genealogia's Emil's heart. Richter was pretty good- I liked his weapon combo and he worked as an antagonist and I liked how he behaved around Emil- reflecting the complicated feelings he has towards him (though some may wink at his devotion to Aster). I consider the plot of DotNW to be ToS Gaiden- the stakes are high at the very end, but they're generally much lower than the original's. Emil's journey isn't as impactful as Lloyd's, but it was still a nice little journey in the unified world. It's plot-wise a better petit sequel than FFX-2 at least (rather than what we got, i'd have liked a ~30-40 years later sequel called Reformation: Final Fantasy X-2, and when I say Reformation, I mean the real historical deal).
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