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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Well for the 100+ superbosses, one should have a maxed Agility (since Agility boosts hit) gem on everyone probably. In addition, you should fight them all at night for the massively helpful accuracy boost from Night Vision gems (Ancient Daedala, one of the superbosses, is the only source of Rank VI Night Vision materials, so you'll have to settle with Rank V gems until you can farm him). For Daedala and Blizzard Bezelgas, both pack Spike Damage, so equip a Spike Defense VI plus Melia's Spike Damage reduction skill for a near total mitigation of spike damage (or two maxed Spike Defense VIs or one plus Dunban's(?) Spike Damage reduction skill will block it all). For Abassy, all you need is one maxed Debuff Resist VI on everyone, and I think the materials are dropped from Deinos Sauros- those T-Rex knockoffs in Makna Forest, which should be easy to get. Don't know what you'd need for the superboss Bunnit, but Final Marcus should be a joke. All in all, this is probably less setup than taking down X's legions of superbosses. Farming for the Ares 90 and proper Augments (the cheap way to kill most superbosses) takes a good deal of effort to make- more than gem crafting in Xenoblade.
  2. Wasn't aware of that- quite interesting! This said, the use of a Definian is still bad here. They're supposed to be rarefied elite soldiers who do important stuff, just standing around waiting for a passing human to trick seems beneath their status. If they had gotten rid of the Definian and used a different scenario to get Boze to change, maybe it wouldn't have come off as so bad (note that I had rather recently finished Definian Downfall when I did Boze's 3rd, so I was kinda saturated with them).
  3. Didn't mean to be overly critical of your favorites, only analytical of their movesets. Sorry if you took offense to that. Well Zelda had a solid design at least, perhaps a little topboob (but thats only if you want to be hypercritical), but otherwise free of fanservice and fairly princess-like, but with a warrior's touch. I did like the aesthetics and idea behind her weapons by the way- the rapier + light arrow is stunning. Plus the lightweight Rapier forms a blade trio of sorts with Link's middleweight Hylian/Master Sword, and Ganondorf's heavyweight Great Swords (or Impa's Giant's Blade).
  4. I didn't mention X's sidequests, but they are very good and the world is overall built quite well. The combat is good too once you get the hang of it, it's just not for the uninitiated, and the customization aspect is strong. I did a gauntlet run through most of the non-mandatory Affinity Missions, and the quality is highly variable. Boze's 3rd has a completely random Definian involved (misuse of an interesting idea) and is bad beyond that. Murderess's 3rd is a little illogical in the situation at the beginning, but ends well. Irina's 2nd is awful, and L's duo do nothing for him- though the second does have a point. As for the cast of the original Xenoblade- Shulk is a typical softer JRPG male protag, Reyn's a bro, Riki is an irrelevant mascot (but he fights well), Sharla is cleavage and a medic, but otherwise does little else post Colony 6, Seven should possibly not exist, Dunban is a badass, and Melia is the one real standout for me. The plot is Xenogears-lite, Takahashi purposefully held back on his grandiose urges to do more to focus on the world and gameplay. That level curve is something I loathe as much as anyone else by the way- it really ruins things at times (if they'd set it to 10 levels difference instead of 5, it wouldn't be so bad).
  5. Same here. But alas, here we are in a literal contest of opinions, one must win, and another must lose. This sad truth is what fuels this lashing of the tongues. The sooner this Gauntlet ends, the better for us all.
  6. Interesting way of looking at things. Quite valid unfortunately.
  7. So Garon goes to war to get his people clothing? I guess all the Knights and Generals in Nohr are secretly naked beneath the iron shell to save precious fabric (the underwear you see in gameplay is pure censorship). It is a big part of her character. And should we not be critical of those who we believe fail to justify their being sexualized?
  8. Hawkeye could be considered fanservice sure, but he is a grown man with a daughter and dead wife, he certainly wasn't intended to be fanservice at all. His design is a manly Igrene first and foremost. And none of his supports features romance or sexiness at all, nor does his language or behaviors. Camilla on the other hand was clearly intended to be fanservice. This said, I'm not denunciative of Hyrule Warriors's Cia (or Bayonetta just to bring her up).
  9. Ah, the low and terribly slow DPS of the classic team of Shulk Reyn Sharla- don't we all go through that learning phase? While I enjoyed Xenoblade, if your critique is in gameplay as it being just mashing arts, I can understand it. Fetch quests, level-craziness, and weak characters are all valid criticisms too (all of which I have).
  10. It also makes good yaoi! You'd think the writers might have actually adjusted the writing if they knew Ike was getting to praised. But I guess they'd written themselves into a corner by then. Still one of the best lines in RD though, and Part 2 has some solid writing, and early Part 3 even.
  11. Kinda random comment, but I need something to take my mind off of Ogre Sex Battle: March of the Black Dairy Queen. I don't care for cosplaying at all really. I understand the reasons why people do it and tolerate it, but for me it ruins the ideal. 9.999% of people who cosplay as say Link could never ever truly imitate him. It's a disgrace to me because I want to worship and appreciate characters in their ideal, which is almost impossible to make real. I love Sephiran and like Nailah too, but I'd never cosplay as either because I'd be a very far cry from the real thing- which exists only in video game pixels and official artwork.
  12. I can't help but wonder- does IS think we really like Camilla? How in fourteen hells are people so motivated by hormones for a video game character in a voting battle competition? More like cold deformed lard sacks. Ike, cut through them like a hot knife through a ball of good mozzarella! If there is a "reverse Nyx" spell- make Camilla a hag, make her spine be dragged down and her features giant ugly prunes!
  13. Benny I could see being made into the Dual Wall to end all Walls (not a Tank- Walls don't have cannons to shoot back with). High HP and Def, with very usable Resistance, and the absolute worst Spd in the game, and meh Atk. Wary Fighter too obviously.
  14. At least they wrote in the "it temporarily weakens the user" clause. Sure we never see that happen in game (the BK's stats are as good in 1-9, 3-6 and 4-3 as in the Tower and Daein Arise), but it at least gives a hint of logic as to why he doesn't just murder Elincia in her sleep (besides the important fact Ashy almost wants Elincia to oppose him to make chaos, which is what the BK's real master wants too). Bastian packs a Stiletto when he joins in PoR, which does have Armor effectiveness. A Wind Stiletto with Armor effectiveness wouldn't be totally worthless. And in the mean while as Calill and Bastian attack each other with knives (with Volke in the shadows ready to finish Calill if Bastian should fall, but the passing by Heather is into MILFs and would take the blow instead to save Calill), Soren is contemplating going emo with his knife, but holding himself back because it'd impair his ability to serve Ike. Ilyana would go around carving up anything that looked edible- including random objects and people. Tormod would run cheerfully around trying to get antisocial little Sothe to play friend with him, only for Tormod to trip and injure himself terribly- don't worry Muarim is on it!
  15. PoR!Sothe has innate Blossom- which buffs his growths in exchange for reduced EXP gain. If anyone in Tellius deserves to be the trainee, it's him. But little Sothe will take forever to get in, since his RD version is the obviously preferred one. The former exists for what- five seconds? She didn't even have a trace of unit data- Elise's old lady did. And the latter has had more significance in Heroes being a pool toy model than they ever did in all of Fates. So in other words *readies my Brave Machine Gun* no! Ewan has it nearly as bad, but yeah Marisa was an afterthought. How in the world did she get the title Crimson Flash?
  16. I wasn't in love with any of Zelda's movesets. As in Smash, Sheik outdoes her. The Baton is slow and vulnerable- but the AoE is good. The Dominion Rod is decent on all fronts, but tricky to master due to its weirdness. The Rapier has its light infused mode which is made for strong hits and AoE, while the normal mode is fencing made to be fast and good on single targets. The problem is the light infusion has very weak AoE, and the C4 is very slow and awkward to aim- as a result I never use the light orbs. What I'm left with is a weapon okay on officers, but with very poor crowd clearing capabilities. It's like the opposite of Fi (okay crowd control, weak as pudding officer combat abilities).
  17. There was a topic about this a few months ago. The majority of characters recruited post-split would go with Eirika, because most are shoehorned into Eph's route. As for those from before it, well Seth is almost inseparable from Eirika (maybe Franz could go too, but Amelia makes more sense on Eph's and Franz and Ameila go well together), as is Kyle and Forde from Ephraim. Colm and Neimi- I don't see them with Ephraim, though I could see Garcia and Ross. Joshua has to go Eirika for clear reasons, Natasha going back to Grado sounds good, and the remainder could go either way. What can be agreed on is that FE8 needs more units for make a simult-split work.
  18. Begnion's name is derived from Babylon I believe- though not its cultural appearances. Phoenicis is derived from Phoenicia- a series of city-states of ancient history (now in modern day Lebanon). The Phoenician city-states which shared a culture and language (though they did fight amongst each other and against foreign powers) and formed the world's first great maritime empire of trade in the Mediterranean Sea. I doubt Tibarn looks remotely like an actual Phoenician. As for what Begnion would be, its having of a Senate and an Empress is clearly derived from Imperial Rome. Style-wise, things don't match perfectly, so I'd think Begnion also has some Holy Roman Empire influence (not to be confused with the Roman Empire of antiquity)- but I'm not totally sure on that.
  19. I've played Xenogears. The game is one of the biggest flawed masterpieces in gaming. The first disc is long and good, the second is clearly rushed to hell and back. The plot also does a lot of things and the poor translation quality of the PS1 era doesn't help. The gameplay is simple, easy and weak, while the visuals aren't good, and the music- well some love it, I didn't, but it does have some good tracks I admit. On the character side of things, nobody is incredible, some PCs are filler, others get a little time, but not that much. The hero Fei is special, but pathetic and honestly I'm not sure of my opinion of him; the heroine Elly is cliched, but not too bad. Citan I like though, and on the NPC side, Sigurd is cool too. As for the plot- well that's its shining grace. I love the big villain trio the game sets up, and Fei's psychology is very well executed overall. Some of the religious/psychological allusions are clearly forced (the crucifixion scene), but others are handled more carefully. The second disc ratchets things up and brings everything to resolution, but the way it does it is still bad. You'll need to look things up online when you're done to fully understand things.
  20. I once ordered "french cakes" from a little breakfast place (everything on the menu was sweet- not remotely a healthy breakfast cafe). I thought "this sounds nice, french toast dipped in pancake batter", I forgot, or rather ignored, as someone pointed out to me at the time- they left out the word "fried" on the menu. Add maple syrup, and the whole thing, rather embarrassingly (I'll spare you the details), gave me bad gastrointestinal issues later. Also, the forgettable and minor US president Zachary Taylor may have died, in full or in part, of eating cherries and iced milk in hot and humid Summer weather, and while in the heavy clothing of the era.
  21. And I don't want Nanna or Leif or Petrine to undergo the same injustice! How hard would it be to make a "Transmute" Skill? Now that DeNA has invented skills locked to certain characters with CYL, there is no reason they couldn't either: one program the "Transmute" effect into the personal weapon, or two, make it an actual, level-less skill locked to that character (maybe a B?). As for the fact that Fire = Red, but Lance = Blue, Breath is whatever color the user innately is, so Fire Breath can be Blue, and Lightning Breath can be Green, and Light Breath Red. Because Petrine is innately Blue, she would use the Flame Lance as a Blue character. And as a plus for her, she'd be rather flexible if you have her inherit another weapon. If a battle calls for a Blue physical, she could swing that way with a Brave or something; if it wants Blue magical, she could go that with the Flame Lance. But she wouldn't be broken she could only target one stat per fight.
  22. This doesn't defeat my point though, since there have been several Dark Elite Four- and shouldn't the Elite Four, being the regional leaders (interregional for Indigo Plateau) superior to Gym Leaders, be even more morally pure and outstanding than them? And as for the evil teams again, N might have had a Zoroark, but ditch Ghetsis and Plasma isn't very muahaha at all, they're closer to being justice freaks. And doesn't some of the philosophical mumbo jumbo that gets tossed into BW in a way imply that, again dropping Ghetsis (and the Sages?- I don't remember them well) and focusing on N, that the struggle between protag and N was honorable and based in two distinct concepts each in its own way valuable? Complains about a Dark Gym needing sufficient new Dark type Pokemon to work? Shall I bring up Ecruteak Gym? Everyone including Morty uses just the Ghastly line, not one packs a Misdreavus- the lone Ghost type Gen 2 added. Then we have Jasmine who is the lone trainer in her gym. While I do not like either gym design move (and they could've fixed them like they did Green/Blue's and Blaine's Gym in HG/SS), then they could do it again. Just be sure to throw a lone native Poke of the new region on the Leader's team and make it their signature pal. In other words, go ahead and throw us a Dark Gym!
  23. Unless you can Card to bypass it (I don't know), Sanaki and Sephiran refuse to attack each other. Having Micaiah kill Sephiran would be interesting- were it not for the fact the two have no chemistry, whereas Ike has a history of interaction with Seph (and for all we know, just might have been Elena's father in the earliest versions of PoR's plot- so the Ike connection has always been there).
  24. Heathe- oh wait, she's RD darn it! Well they could make Neph a Colorless (her Brom support mentions her originally having to share a bow with another girl in the militia). Brom then uses a lance for Blue, and Largo gets to be Green- free butter for everyone who pulls him! (Just don't pull on his right arm- it's sensitive.)
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