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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Well Python's personality type might be suitable enough to round out an abrasive Archer group. I like Shinon, though he's utter trash in PoR gameplay-wise, but very solid in RD. He is a rather irrational Ike-hater as he admits, and he is a bigot, but he is pretty complex for an FE character. He admires Greil, admits to not minding working with Titania at all, keeps Gatrie from suffering too much from his gullibility, serves as Rolf's mentor and wants to protect all children from war. Even his bigotry and Ike-dislike are interesting in the sense they make him stand out from everyone else, and the former proves that not everyone in the player's army is a moral paragon. Plus his Janaff support is a more realistic approach to overcoming racism than other supports have been on other issues. Shinon magically doesn't stop being racist, but does make what is clear improvement, it teases me so much the way it ends.
  2. Ingesting that bird might cause some gastrointestinal chaos if you know what I mean. Unless she has a radiant bronze stomach that is. I don't see the point of Mia in that pic, but it does bring to mind the incident where Ilyana tries eating Mia's leg (and although I loathe Ilyana, that was funny I admit). Plaha (that is Petrine's Japanese name) has the problem of her signature weapon being a magical lance- something DeNA hasn't shown a willingness to tackle yet. Plus she'd need to be GHB and I'd rather have Ashnard Ketchum or Le-mon first, and maybe even the Wretched Sack of Lard before Titania's evil twin sister.
  3. For a RD banner, Micaiah is a definite staff user. Sothe is even more attached to her than Soren is to Ike (and the connection is creepier- he ends up marrying the girl who used to be his mother/big sister, then ended up becoming his wife), hopefully he'll be a good, and rare, addition to the Dagger pool. If we stick with a standard 4 char banner, I'd say Edward and Da Vinci fill up the other two slots, but Nolan would add more to things. For PoR 2, Jill would be amazing I agree. Astrid could give us a bow cav not CYLyn. Tormod would make for a Red Tomer (and I'd love to see if they give him some new movement skill to compensate for no Celerity). Gatrie/Brom the Chap would expand the armor pool if DeNA wants to do that with more than just the BK. And just when with Elincia Ridell Crimea show up? Her Majesty deserves to get in. If Neph isn't a TT char, by some very very slim chance, we could be getting a Crimea-themed banner. The Princess/Queen, a commoner, a Royal Knight, and someone else?
  4. Hector carries a gigantic book, and with his brute strength he swings it around like an Olympic throwing athlete. Once it's launched into the air, it becomes lit with electricity, and unleashes a shocking explosion upon contact with the foe. Why are people speculating CYL Roy is a manakete? And how is that different from normal Roy who people already outright assume is a manakete parakeet? (Mamkutes forever!)
  5. Wonder if they do HW-styled elemental weaknesses, but they probably won't since the WT and flier weakness exist. If they were, it'd be a light glut again, but dark is pretty thin.
  6. There are such things as unwinnable or very very tedious/difficult to win scenarios. But this isn't a problem if to get into such hells, one must consciously put oneself there. FE is a Strategy RPG- both demand some inflexibility for the sake of true strategic and RPG elements. If an unwinnable scenario can be stumbled across without the need for conscious effort, then there is a problem. Rarely does FE demand it that you use a guide. Some games definitely benefit from it (T776), but any game can be played blind perfectly fine. Sure it'll be harder and you probably won't get everything right, but FE is plenty forgiving, and all games are harder and more difficult to perfect blind- not just FE. Also, fun fact- Ike's base Str + promotion + Ragnell deals exactly 1 damage to RD's final boss. It's impossible to be screwed here unless you have no way of getting the final boss down to 1 HP.
  7. But what happens when Infernal starts feeling easy from practice? What could come next, Apocalyptic Mode?
  8. Agreed. FE7 wanted to show that Zephiel had potential to be a good king, but went a little too far- retrospectively you might as well call it avatar/lord worship. Nergal is a tragedy, albeit a tragedy that requires an arcane Gaiden chapter to discover. And even then, they leave some holes in Nergal's background. Him being but husk of original self also destroys his agency in his own actions. Very true. Nergal's constant interacting with the heroes does make him stand out as an FE villain. Unlike say Medeus, Anankos or Ashera. And then there is Ashnard, an oddity in that he interacts with the player a lot via his frequent chats with subordinates in "Nevassa" (aka Melior), but never at all Ike until the final fight. The player establishes a connection with Ashnard which Ike doesn't at all- a dissonance. Staying on topic, I haven't played Binding, but because Nergal is a shell of a former human being who did nothing on his own, but simply acted on the impulses of darkness, I think I have to put Zephiel above him personally. Though I will add that Nergal's original idea- resurrecting his wife via Dark Magic, is proven totally feasible ten seconds after his death when Bramimond does it to Ninian. There is an irony in this.
  9. I completely agree, which is why I'm never ever going to play Heroes. It's iOS trash to the max. Why would anyone want to play a watered down luckfest with god awful art? Nope, never going to play it, ever. Then again... maybe I should. I have downloaded after all- three touches of the finger at most and I can be playing it. But no, let me stay contrarian, I'm loving that. No you aren't, you're hating it. Not true. Really? Okay... I might want to play it, but only once it has enough that interests me. Oh and when will that be? The BK from your treasured Tellius games aren't enough? By the time the Laguz come the game will be 3/4s dead! Your desires are unsatisfiable. I want to be fashionably late! I want to say I don't have X when somebody gives me advice because I've just joined. How irrational- you're missing out on so many orbs, which will hurt since you must be FtP. My loss. Well I'll start playing when my Touma sprite request is finished! Why would that change your mind? He won't actually be in the game. B-because Touma is Touma! Yet Swimsuit!Ryoma turned you on more than Touma ever could. How dare you go there! You don't understand the magical time we had at the beach together that one day! Oh I don't? Odd, because I was there through all of it, even the most magical moment of all. Because I am you, and yes, that was quite lovely ^_^. Well it's nice to know we agree about something. But you are not me, I reject you Yune! Please, I'm Ashera and you're the nut! Shut up! Go away, leave me alone! I say the same to you. That's it I'm- going to destroy you! Actually, screw suicide, how about we just stalk the Heroes boards instead as we always do? Fine by me, I'll get you to yield to your true desires eventually. And I'm sure I won't. Or maybe I will, heck I probably will. Who cares? Who cares!?! After what you just put me through thats what you say?! I was having fun. Fun? You. Are. Weird. And so I am. This was brought to you by the Chamber of Internal Dialogue. Remember to keep the conversation going!
  10. Scraggy/Scrafty. I hereby null all objections to a Dark gym. Fighting type is the "heroic/honorable" type in Japan right (hence Fighting being effective on Dark)? Scraggy is a gangster- underhanded, but at the same time operating under a set of rules and traditions. This suits a Villain Team more than a Gym Leader to be fair, but Giovanni was a Gym Leader in Gen 1. And would it be the worst plot idea if they brought back a GL with a villain connection? Yet even without that, they could easily make a Dark Gym Leader. "I, Gym Leader Tenekai grew up in the slums and became a rogue in my youth, but I didn't like what I was doing and reformed the way I lived. Today I help unprivileged youths who are just like how I was. By aiding them and training Dark type Pokemon, I hope to show the world that we street urchins have value in society. Now, witness the techniques of me and my Pokemon, those of the shady underworld disciplined into a force for good!" Shall I add that Poison type isn't the most honorable either? Koga's Toxic + Double Team spam is pure trickery. And so is Green's Trick Room gymnastics and Gen 2 Faulkner's Mud Slapping silliness. And villain team use of Darks. Just turn the villains into pure justice freaks and change their type usages- problem solved.
  11. Rather upbeat, a little jazzy, a touch of elegance. 7.65/10. Rogueport from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  12. Ever heard of a computer virus? That's what you get for linking up with a cute somebody who happens to have a trojan horse and doesn't tell you about it. Say that all you want. A certain someone made the soundtrack of his life your motto, and he got blown to bits! Lucina will be Elynminated.
  13. Just thought of another game that needs a sequel: The Last Story. The game had some solid ideas, but unfortunately it failed to fully execute them. The gameplay is in particular in need of improvement- the action RPG approach it took wasn't bad, but it needed more complexity. The spellcasters needed more spells, the fighters needed actual physical attack arts/skills, stealth needs refinement and greater usefulness, character heals and revives are overly plentiful. For the plot- well it was okay, and the characters were the same- but I liked the microcosmic setting restricted largely to one island and Lazulis City as a whole. The weapon system was solid, and the character appearance customization options were great and should totally return. I'd love to see its online multiplayer system brought back, but with refinements to make every character unique and usable instead of characters who play identically, and others who play just better or worse than another. On a similar note, I'll take an Ever Oasis sequel. The game is good, but it needs more: more nuanced combat, more oasis management, and more developed characters. I'd want a Resonance of Fate sequel- the world was interesting (the manual describes an interesting lore which the game never really speaks of), but the plot was junk and the gameplay rather simplistic despite the appearance of overwhelming complexity at first.
  14. Blackie and Neph are getting in? As a Tellius fan, I'm happy. Though Neph isn't a favorite of mine, I still welcome this news, and wonder why the BK didn't get a GHB back with the PoR banner. Better late than never though. I need more still before I'll hop into things, but this is step in the right direction. Blood Runs Red, the PoR chapter referenced, had an excellent bit of plot attached to it, if a little problematic for first time players.
  15. I just remembered- all who would serve the Girl From The Plains, unite into Lyndis's Legion! May they make shepherd's pie out of Chrom. May they make Lucina's future as hopeless as the one she fled from. May they teach Camilla how to modestly bounce breasts and go without undies instead of fanservice-ly. May they make ketchup out of Tharja as Lyn did to the evil shaman Heinz. May Ike go the way of Glass- with Sain's spear up his... you know. By the Mani Katti Hector will be served up as a hot plate Marquess Manicotti. When told "Roy's our boy!" may they speak for Lyn and respond "Then let yo momma kick you in the Blade and Emblem! Oh that Emblem is gonna be on fire when I'm done with it, and that'll be one Blazing Blade!". I may favor Hector, but I'm a bipartisan rallybot.
  16. Either is a possibility. Monsters have prowled Magvel even after the defeat of the Demon King. However, the number of monsters appears to have been few, and concentrated around Darkling Woods (and perhaps the totally unexplained Lagdou Ruins). It's only recently that monsters, which the spidery Baels are among, have appeared in significant numbers across all of Magvel. So perhaps the Bael in C6 has been there for centuries- there is only one of them, not a horde, a lone survivor of the passing centuries sounds feasible. But on the contrary, maybe it's a stray newborn instead. Every... Gradoan? so far who has spewed hated of Renais has been an officer yes? Well that might be explicable, since if you recall the end of C3 with Vigarde (sweet name and looks by the way) he made some... questionable military promotions with elevating Riev, Valter and Caellach to Gemstone rank. It's possible all the named officers the player just so happens to fight are similar cases, and the honorable good ones are being killed offscreen/as peons. I do like Novala for cussing off his superior- rather rare that you see an evil minion (and a Shaman of all things- not a brute) do that to an evil boss- more often they fetish them. As for the teleport- well in FE5, you can steal/capture some Rewarp staffs from the enemies for infinite-self moving (though they don't appear until very late I think). Toss one on Forseti!Ced or Resire!Linoan watch them destroy. And in Shouzou Kaga's Fire Emblem clone TearRing Saga, you do get a Witch named Sierra with an infinite self-teleport skill (with the ability to attack afterwards) called Warp, plus a final chapter Gotoh with the same skill. Sierra's stats are a bit lacking, but given Janura (Nosferatu) she can tank well enough, or you can give her anything else if you just want damage- she's a bit too good so I've heard, particularly if you do the trick to getting her early. To make self-teleport work for the player without it being broken, they either have to give the unit stats that won't be too good, availability issues, or put some restriction on the teleport- like no attacking after warping, or restricting the warp range- things that Fates and SoV did.
  17. So a wonder bra/spanks? I don't care for breast enhancements made later down the line. Twili Midna got a breast boost in HW and I didn't like it one bit. To be fair, Nergal used her to control Brendan Reed and the Black Fang. Given her terrible personality, Sonia's proportions had to be the thing that got him into her. I mean her official art looks like a stripper: Though the odd thing is that Nergal made Sonia before he went for the BF I think. So unless he already had taking the BF over in mind, he just liked making a sexy morph. Now I wonder how Camilla would look in the same pose and outfit.
  18. I decided to make a feedback topic for my lengthy historical-esque account of Valentia. Link to my attempt at world building. I know it's dull, being not an actual story but history instead. But is realistic? Interesting? How balanced is my portrayal of Rigel/Duma and Zofia/Mila so far? (I know I haven't gotten to a monarchal history of Zofia yet- I will.) I know I'm light on specific names and operate in generalities, but I'll work on addressing that.
  19. Some more pieces: Roads, Transportation, Communication: Some military notes focused on the aristocratic-common divide: Sorcery and Witchcraft Some notes on gender relations: On Noble Estates: On Immigration:
  20. I bought Paper Mario on my Wii U recently, and I haven't played it or TTYD in years. Yet PM is a game I fondly remember growing up playing, and now that I was fully mature, I wanted to see it again with opened eyes. For better or worse, my memory has retained much of my reading the Nintendo Power guidebook over and over, so outside of the minor things like hidden panel Star Pieces, I still remember most of the game. This said, and barring my increasingly dysfunctional left control stick on the Wii U Gamepad (I so don't want to send it for repairs, but alas, I might have to) ruining some of my action command inputs, I'm enjoying the game. It's baby's first JRPG easy, but I can put up with that- the game is beautiful and the world is nice (Shooting Star Summit made me want to cry nostalgia), and there is plenty of advice available for guiding a blind player too if they just talk to every NPC. My major gripes are that the music loops too soon, and the characters are flatter than I remember. The Star Spirits lack any individuality in personality (Skolar, Muskular- I still adore the both of you), and all the Partners but Goombario (because Tattle) go 100% mute after joining (Bow doesn't until C3's end). I guess being an imaginative kid or prolific fanfict writer is really needed to get the most out of the characters. I haven't replayed TTYD yet, but I know that the Partners no matter how small the improvement are certainly better off. And I'm feeling PM C3 > TTYD C4, C4 is cool, but much more tedium. So, anyone have similar experiences with different games?
  21. Weren't there "forbidden degrees" of relatedness which you could file for divorce within the RCC over?
  22. I'd want a scene of good daily life between Emperor Arvis and his wife and kids- before Julius was handed Loptyr. Also, an Aida soliloquy- we need insight as to what she thinks of Arvis and her son begot by him. And of course, we need Behalla, but making that work without selecting pairings would be tricky though (at least FE4 has clearly suggest pairings like LewynxErinys and AyraxChulainn/Lex). Though they could always pull a Memory Prism thing for the eventual FE4 remake.
  23. But what color would the Scrolls be? I'm thinking not Red, but I'm not sure whether Swords or Axes are more Scissors-y (since we have the Scroll called Paper). And where's the Cat? We need the unofficial fake 13th Chinese Zodiac. And while we're at it- how long until IS gets around to referencing the Ssu-Ling? I want to Feng Huang things up.
  24. Well SD added Hauteclere- but that lacks any lore background, and is just IS borrowing a name stuck in PoR's unused data. Awakening had the issue of being a big bringing together of all the franchise, and favoring old legendaries over having new ones. Only the Wolf Berg (which I guess is Wolf Beil retranslated?), Goetia, Grima's Truth, and the Amatsu (which has a cool name seeing how it refers to the heavenly deities of Japan) could possibly classify at all for the title legendary- but they're really just personal weapons- a tier below legendary. But it was awesome having the Three Regalia + Excalibur and all the Holy Weapons barring Valk, plus a few random other legendaries and a reimagining of Gaiden's Sol/Luna/Astra weapons. Fates- well the princes get sweet legendary weapons and Corrin the Yato, they just refuse to share. The S-ranks are barebones, like the world of Fates overall, at most, we can guess the Hagakure Blade was Sumeragi's personal weapon. True on the physical weapons side of FE7. Though I disagree with Zanezphte being better than Wishblade (Sehnsucht is better though)- I get it's German, but it looks a little too Engrishy/botched translation to me (I'm reminded of how Rune Factory had the Sechs Empire- later temporarily retranslated as the Zzyxx Empire). I guess they changed the Double Bow because it looked too much like Reinfleche. Valfleche makes me imagine it shoots flaming meteor arrows.
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