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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. They are of highest craftsmanship I think, but yeah there isn't anything legendary about them. I also watched a French video of the S tomes in PoR- they labeled Rexcalibur Fimbulvetr in that translation. Rexflame is also in a sense Forblaze, because both the FE7 version of Forblaze and Rexflame involve bathing your foe in intense heat- one with flame, the other lava. Rexbolt is the only one that truly lacks a 2D equivalent (unless Mjolnir is- I never played FE4). Wishblade is worse, because it isn't a sword and sounds like wishbone- the thing at Thanksgiving you make a wish on and then break. Double Bow at least has the suggestion of something about its design. And Vague Katti and Urvan are both good. The FE7 weapons were worse than RD's in terms of lore, but they had nice names outside of the misnamed Excalibur- even the Regal Blade (though Ike's Regal Sword and Alm's Royal Sword made it less good in retrospect).
  2. I think that could be the case. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the hierarchal nature of the Medieval period was "everyone has a place and everyone should be in their place doing their place's duty". Noblesse oblige was the idea the nobles alone were suited for public service right? Well just have Clive operate according to this hierarchal structure, believing that it is sincerely true. Putting commoners in noble-suited positions is like having pugs do the job of bloodhounds, the natural order of things is overthrown and true justice cannot happen no matter how good the intentions behind the move.
  3. If I get this game at all, I'll hold off until the holidays or until the DLC is announced. My purchase is up in the air right now. As for sales- do people not buy multiple games at once? Do people not buy games later?
  4. You underestimate what the finest alchemical techniques are capable of. Physical splicing might be useful, but with proper magical techniques, you can push dragon organs through one's skin without the slightest feeling of pain and no incisions either. What does matter is that you hold absolutely still during the insertion operation and do not panic. Heightened states of emotion will interfere with the infusing of the dragon body part and its power into the human, and may result in said power hijacking your body. Failure to adequately merge at initiation, also leaves a chance of said life-ending nightmare happening later on during another emotional high or low if things don't go awry right away. But if the marriage of human to dragon remnant goes well, the individual will have the wrath of a god in their fingertips. Why, this procedure is possible in non-humanoids even, you can insert Grima larynx into a horse for a maldeiter steed, or you could put a Naga finger into a fish, or even a tree! All this said, the failure is I shall admit to be... fairly high. That'd provide for a good source of Deadlords at least. And, Lucina, who happened to start this tangent in the first place, is a fine choice for becoming a benedieter. The Lucina I refer to however is not the one who traveled from the future, rather it's the infant one from Chrom's world. Having a god part inserted into a very young child has a very high success rate, the highest of any age group. And if we use a part from Naga, well Naga is by nature nice, so unlike using a chunk of Grima, the chance of being devoured due to failure to harmonize the dragon remnant and host is quite low. Plus she already has some Naga power in her. And since you brought up Owain, we should have enough fragments to make baby Owain and even his grown self both deiters of some sort. We could do it will all of the children of Awakening. And if we divvy up Anankos, we can do the same with the Fates kids. And pieces of Duma and Mila could be used to create the ultimate heir to the throne of the unified Valentian continent. The possibilities are almost endless! Just call me... Doctor Welus.
  5. What Chrom needs is his Conqueror outfit from TMS. That alone would propel him in popularity (or so I wish). Add his Great Lord outfit for those who prefer the angelic type. I don't develop hubbypon or wifeypon attachments to vg characters. But I do develop closer bonds than perhaps I'd be willing to admit. I generally instead cast characters as sides of my personality/how I want to be/am. The Anguished One is one such character, Soren is another, Presea used to be one (the symbol of my depressive side, but she's faded from me over the years).
  6. On the GMs, nothing, beyond Greil's wishes I guess. On the CLA, it couldn't be a Begnionite that leads because it'd undermine the idea that Crimea is an independent country- and Elincia lacks military experience. And like Alm, Ike's parentage is unknown when he is given the reins of the CLA and it remains that way until the beginning of Chapter 26.
  7. I did an Einherjar only playthrough once myself. I don't think I still have the file, but I do recall that Jamke was indeed a non-broken standout- he's the one good and easy to use Archer in this game. I used Arthur, he had crappy Magic, but very good Defense as a Dark Knight- Lex was obviously his father. I think I used Maris, Matthew, maybe Florina, and definitely Marth and Roy (who played second fiddle to Maris) and Mycen. I forget the rest.
  8. https://serenesforest.net/general/heroes-of-fire-emblem/ Hanon the horsewoman (mistakenly called a man in the NA release) is the Eight General of Sacae who used Mulagir. In the NA version (don't know about the Japanese), Athos, speaking poetically in all likelihood (but given its been 1000 years it is certainly possible genetically), calls Lyn a daughter of Hanon (and Lycia's Roland).
  9. Bravely Braving Bravest Braved Braver Brave Bartre the Bravest Brave Braved Braver Braving Bravely. Or BBBBBBBBBBBBB for short. You know what's confusing? They're calling it the Brave Banner- but nobody is using Brave weapons.
  10. None of these characters are remotely appealing at all. Roy is Marth... I think its 3.0? Lucina is well... LUCINA! Camilla is fanservice (with some real wasted potential I guess). Lyn is Tutorial the Girl. Tharja is a mother who should lose custody of her daughter, and then be slapped with a restraining order- on top of being demagicized if such a thing is possible. Ike is Sigurd 3.0 (or is it Alm 4.0?). Chrom is a Sigurd-Marth hybrid. At the end of it all, there is only one character of any redeeming value- Sigurd 2.0 (or Alm 3.0)- Hector. But I'll sit on the sidelines rather than raise a futile axe for him. There is nothing mysterious about it. Lyn never existed in BB just as Hector was never badass there either. She was invented simply to introduce the international community to Fire Emblem, and having a nice lady as the tutorial bot is better than having a male. As for her being the "ultimate myrmidon", well in FE7 she's more a castrated nomad trooper since she has no horse, and no critical bonus like actual swordmasters. Sol Katti was trash too, but hey at least she had pretty attack animations, Manicotti, and didn't have to be fielded the majority of the time. That was Gaiden Leon- SoV hadn't released yet. SoV turned characters thinner than graphene (a one-atom thick layer of carbon atoms) into actual human beings. Now if only SD had done the same with Archanea. I already upgraded my devices with that functionality. To protect myself, I always wear a haz-mat suit and have covered all my electronics in a layer of plastic, plus I only use them in spaces where nothing of value will get soaked. Download the Boktai Heroes Solar Sensor App, and you'll generate Feathers while playing Heroes outside in the Sun. The brighter the sunlight, the more Feathers you'll earn, why you'll even generate Orbs at large intervals. *Nintendo, Intelligent Systems and DeNA deny all responsibility for any harm you should endure due to looking at the Sun, or due to radiation damage caused by Sun overexposure, blacklights or any other source of UV rays* So RoyxLilina is incest? Even so, I'd rather breed a Roy with Hector's nuclear Str and Def than Ninian's incredible Spd and Res. And Roy would look better with Hector blue than Ninian light blue (imagine how awful that would be).
  11. I'd rather take the remains and shove them inside people and make an army of maldeiters, benedeiters, and plain old deiters out of them. If they're so overflowing with magical power, they should be able to transform whatever weapon you give them, and they'll have incredible stats to boot. And it isn't like novices could use god dragon remnant weapons safely or at all well- you'd have to train them first, so your pool of weapon wielders wouldn't exceed deiters by that much if at all. And I'm not talking just dragon blood transfusions- somebody is going to have Grima's liver (or a piece of it- a giant Fell Dragon should have a giant liver) inserted into their abdomen, and another is going to have Naga's right pupil dropped into their right eye. The only issue is making sure the dragon body part properly unifies with the host body- things would be nightmarish for the host (and perhaps even a catastrophe for everyone else) if it didn't. Counter! Counter-Counter! Counter-Counterx2, x4, x5, .... Counter-Counterx16! I'd think that eventually, if you have to counter the counter of a counter of a counter, the thing the first counter was intended to stop will become viable again. Why? Because you don't have room on your chars to counter everything. Or, things reach a plateau where an uncounterable setup emerges that everyone uses. I'd prefer the former outcome though.
  12. Non-inheritable skills? That doesn't sound like a bad thing. And look- we finally have a bow mounted unit. Now open the floodgates and let Astrid in (ideally based more on her PoR stylings than her RD ones), and Wolf too, plus Sin or Rath for an actual Sacean who rides horses and uses bows at base, and someone from Jugdral too. Lucina's weapon is totally new right? Well I guess that had to be due to there being no truly original legendaries in 13 outside of: Goetia, Grima's Truth, Amatsu, Wolf Berg, and kinda the Gaiden-inspired Sol/Luna/Vengeance/Astra. This still isn't enough to get me into the game though. I'm just going to bide my time for now.
  13. Yeah I forgot to comment that some of the choices in the poll make very little sense. All we get to see of Lorazieh is a headshot in an artbook. Though that is better than Misaha, who we only get a handshot of. And arguably Altina who gets one crappy CG where she's seen from a distance- too far away to make out the all important details. As for everyone who said Geoffrey is attractive, any preference for one of his designs? His dark blue with muted green RD outfit? Or do you like PoR's Lime Knight? Limey pops out more for an FE unit, but I question whether it's too garishly bold.
  14. I'm curious- why does the middle child have to be the most muted of them all? Boyd was the most boisterous of his bros (or at least is tied with Rolf). I think you could come up with justification for any member of a trio being the most vocal or muted. The eldest can be most muted because they have to show leadership, or the most vocal by virtue of their seniority. The middle child can be the most muted because they are stuck in between seniority and youth, or they could be the most vocal because they loathe the fact they're stuck in the middle and want to be heard (or they can just be vocal because it's part of their personality- Boyd and Farina). The youngest can be the most vocal because their youth lends them to being more energetic and wild, or they can be the most muted because they lack the seniority of their elder siblings and must obey them.
  15. I've been writing up a lot of economics and society notes, but I keep wanting to add more, so rather than present one complete post with all of it tackled, I'll just add in new bits and pieces when I feel like it. Agriculture Alcoholic Beverages: Livestock and Other Animals: Raw Materials, Aquaculture, and Finances: Regional Population Distribution: On The Four "Traveler" Classes:
  16. If we're getting a FEW banner, please oh please let it be only OCs. No variants of chars already present in Heroes- how exactly would they differentiate them significantly anyway? So I guess we'd probably only have November for a Genealogy/776/RD banner- at least two games are going to have go significantly underrepresented this year. We know they already have Christmas material they didn't used yet b/c the game launched later than expected. But if we want to be optimistic, maybe they'll work on more Christmas/banners in general goodness for a holidays/end of the year Heroes bonanza because of that.
  17. Ragnarok with Celica if you have it. You probably won't kill in one round, but a second round when he's vulnerable again should suffice.
  18. Well in retrospect, as in "as of FE3", the reason seems to be that Gharnef wanted Elice to revive him if it came to it. Though fortunately for him, he found other ways of surviving- the Darksphere and some ritual it seems.
  19. Ever play Super Robot Taisen Original Generations? The game, like any game in the massive franchise has a cliched mecha soap opera of a plot. But, the leader of the Divine Crusaders Bian Zoldark more or less executes a version of Rudolf's gamble. It isn't quite the same- Zoldark didn't plan out any particular person overcoming him in a decade and a half. What Zoldark did plan was this: "I will conquer humanity via force to unify it and protect it from aliens. But if someone should challenge me and win, I'll concede the Earth's protection to them." Zoldark could have successfully conquered the Earth faster than he failed to, but he intentionally held back a little consistently, in hopes of a real challenger to him arising. Several officers and part of the masses of the DC and United Colony Corps (Zoldark's ally in space) agreed with Zoldark's ideals, but there were plenty of greedy and corrupt generals in his forces as well. IS could have easily adapted this to SoV. It'd make Zofia's victories over Rigel more understandable if Rudolf was intentionally keeping was one fist tied behind his back the whole time. Why didn't Rigel come to Desaix's aid? Because Rudolf knew it'd destroy the fragile flower of resistance before it could blossom. A simple line saying "If you (Alm) never emerged to be the great hero your father hoped you would be, Rudolf would have tried killing Duma himself", would add a reasonable backup plan to Rudolf's gamble. Likewise, they could have expanded the officer corp who know something of Rudolf's plans- as much as a death line rewrite by one or two bosses to "this is the might of Zofia's champion?... the Emperor has nothing... to fear"- would suffice.
  20. Slashing the character count to 4 might just mean the four Drivers are bettered developed characters than if we had more. But there are plenty of games that show that it doesn't have to be that way. (By the way, what is with the Nopon name reuse? Tora is the name of a Nopon that appears in a couple Affinity Missions in XCX.) I'm now envisioning Blades as mini-classes. Each Driver has access to a slew of Blades, and then can mix and match them the way one would mix and match jobs, sub-jobs, and passive abilities in certain Final Fantasy games. As a fan of the Bravely duo, I could certainly enjoy it if that's the case. The creative juices will flow as I try to decide what to make my team like. On that note- I notice how in the screenshot you provided, Pyra has "Role Atk". Presumably this means different Blades have artsets that tend towards different roles. What other "Roles" could there be? Defender/Aggro tank? Buffer? Debuffer? Also, has anything been shown of upgrading arts? Or have they dumped that? I don't think upgrading is needed- to reference Bravely again, its physical damage multipliers remain consistent from beginning to end and its no problem (though magic multipliers and its base values do increase). If arts upgrading does exist again- well with so many Drivers, you'll certainly have strategize AP investments.
  21. Not really sure if I agree with this. The Last Bastion was weird looking and its design felt superfluous. Nuibaba is either cheesed or tedium- is there a real middle ground? The only good thing about Desaix's Fortress is the Matilda rush- otherwise it's bad, and the Desert Stronghold is it but worse. Mila Temple and Sluice Gate are uninspired Arcanfests, and Dolth Keep has the nightmare of Necrodragon spam. Duma Gate was a better version of the Last Bastion, but not amazing. Zofia Castle and Grieth's Citadel were well executed I shall admit. And as for Rudolf's battle- it was on the better side of things, but it didn't feel like a castle siege- it was much more an arena. I'm not going to unabashedly praise Nomah, but he shouldn't be looked as totally devoid of value. He is scarcely worse if not better than your average no grind run Boey. Sure he joins much later and that makes him worse on a tier list, but he can Excalibur or Saggitae a few things on the maps where he can be fielded. Mycen has better stats, but must occupy one of your 10 limited Duma Temple slots, and you'd probably have better candidates than him to occupy one of them.
  22. A splendid idea, roast them and then freeze them. Even if they can survive one temperature extreme, the spontaneous shift to the other should erode any defense. Further proof that if Ninian has any reason as to why she should exist, she does not belong with Eliwood (I've recently soured in my opinion of her in FE7's plot).
  23. The nightmares of Frontier Village return! But to be fair without fall damage, I could end the misery of the Ether Mines by just jumping to the bottom (though Monolith could have done something to stop that). Interesting info overall. I dislike the removal of enemy detection method indicators, but I'll bear with it. Outside of Sharla, healing arts were always rather secondary to the combat of the two XC games- a fast offense is the best defense. Not having them at all would be hardly worse than XCX. This said, if there are none, I'm concerned about how frequent these healing potions drop- luck rhymes for a reason. Being able to interact more the environment is a good thing. XC and XCX were pretty, but a lack of interactivity dulled the immersion a little and was a shame. I wonder how many Blades will be obtainable and how many Drivers. Will you be able to swap Blades among the Drivers, or does each get their own personal fixed set? Or will it be a mix of the two?
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