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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Bifrost is useless in Fates- it comes too late to save anyone but CQkumi or Azura. Aum also comes extremely late and is optional. Valkyrie is very optional. Forgetting about the Sacred Springs of Valentia though is not really explicable.
  2. Is there a problem if I prefer sprites over 3D models? This said, playing SoM on iOS has been rather annoying- but it's the only legal way I reasonably can. Hopefully this remake addresses some of the issues with the game. Also, if the Switch gets the remake, I'm expecting no Tiger DLC costume set, or at least that Prinn's outfit will gain some in coverage. I don't see much of a point in making her outfit so skimpy in the first place- it's out of wack with the simple, innocent fairytale aesthetic of the game.
  3. "And Celica fades from existence. All is going according to plan. All I need now... is for Faye to be my scapegoat. Then, with Clair having rejected me for that olive oil boy, I alone will have access to Alm's heart. That unpleasant envy I've felt for years will be gone, once I know Alm and all his glories are mine alone to keep!"
  4. Well I don't think the genderbents would deviate that much in personality. So Xandra would continue to be stern, though perhaps in more womanly manner, and accompanied by loyalty to Mother Ga'ran. For hair, I'd say longer than not, and her tiara-crown would have a black veil attached to it.
  5. Not to mention Barons get that useless Heavy Armor bow damage halving skill. Like arrows pack that much of a punch against the things with the highest Defense in the game? I'd rather they get Apotrope so they can tank everything- Dreadies already have Speed and mobility on their side, why do they need to be anti-mage? I'm more concerned about Priestesses, Sages and Celica though. They are stuck with 4 move, yet Saints- the magic class that should be seeing combat the least, has 5. Priestesses are supposed to have Sword combat too, but none save Celica will ever really use it, partly due to the low Mov issue. The promotion gains I wouldn't mind seeing return, to an extent. If a unit is at or above the class bases, increase their stats by a fixed value (as in all FE5 and later games). If a unit is below their class bases, increase their stats to the base value on promotion, and if fixed promotion bonus > difference between the class's base value for a stat and the unit's current value, then increase that stat by the difference plus promotion bonus. (So if +2 Spd is a fixed promotion bonus, and a unit has 14 Spd and promotes to a class with a base of 15, they'll get +3 Spd.) All that theorycrafting aside, I disliked that Res values didn't increase on promotion. And I disliked the crappy bases of the Sage class. The experience curve was rather annoying, but I could see it working a bit better if it was moved up from ~10 to ~15. The Soldier class was unneeded, at least on the player's side. The other triple class sets were more okay.
  6. Ah yes. Skip to 3:38: And while we're at it, don't forget her victory scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRJMGjB_x9Y
  7. I concede the latter- I knew of it (but it won't be as obvious to a new player as Julia). The former requires a Berserk Sword proc or dead/unmarried Silvia, plus a rigged hit on Julius- exactly how easy is that?
  8. FE7 has the worst ultimate weapons because you only get them during the very final battle. Unless you're talking Link Arena- what are you going to do with the Rex Hasta? The dragon can be taken out much easier and faster with Athos and Forblaze/Aureola/Luna. And Nergal is cake if you're not OHKO'ed by him. At least Naga had broken bonuses and was the easiest way of destroying Julius- the S ranks of FE7 have not even that.
  9. I enjoyed Awakening when I played it. Never got really into the characters or supports, and I intentionally ignored the children, but I liked it enough- it was more FE, that was good. I loved the Einherjar and all the references to past FEs, and Pair Up and everything else was fine at the time. It took until later for the game to lose its luster. (Future Past by the way is possible without pairing the parents- you can 1 Turn FP3. FP2- Owain and Inigo won't be attacked by dangerous enemies ever, or at least not for a long long time. FP1 is the big headache- Noire can be sniped from beyond the wall.) If you are looking to experience the Platonic Ideal of Steak, there is only one way to serve it: dry aged, cooked rare or medium rare, add a little salt and pepper, but nothing else- no steak sauce (not even Peter Luger), no garlic butter, nothing- let the steak speak for itself. If you're making a steak at home and you're not a 5-star chef go ahead and dress it up and cook it to medium- you won't be able to get that heavenly Ideal on your own. Likewise, if you're looking for things other than Steak Platonism in your order from a restaurant, that's fine too. There is nothing wrong with a Hawaiian flavored steak, or a garlic steak, the same way one can have vodka by itself, or in a cocktail- they're different experiences that represent different things but are equally valid. But whatever you do, unless you're feeding someone 12 or younger, never serve a steak well done, and never with ketchup. You absolutely ruin the good cut of meat and might as well serve it to a dog seeing how you're so willing to throw away money. If you have the financial means for a good steak and insist on consuming it well done and or with ketchup, you will have my undying ire.
  10. The royals, Corrin, Azura, and a bunch of NPCs are the only characters from Fates that matter in the plot at all. The retainers don't, the non-royal non-retainers don't as well. If this game had Jugdrali characters and someone whined about Sigurd being in but no Chulainn, I'd be just as "well duh!" It's not always about popularity, it is with FE Heroes's Seasonal Banners and the Selena-Odin-Laslow and Caeldori-Rhajat-Asugi trios in Fates, but it isn't with the Fates Royals being in this game. It's plot importance plus playability, popularity is secondary. FEW will have a plot, a bad plot, but a plot nonetheless, and it'd be nonsensical to leave out of FEW's plot characters who were plot-wise important in their original games. Some of the Fates Royals like Hinoka had no importance you say? Well she at least had pretensions and the semblance of being important, which is more than Benny or Ophelia or Oboro the demon wench can say (pardon my language).
  11. Once more, thanks be to you Kirokan! I'm amazed by all the character portraits they logged. They even had several you wouldn't expect- like child Ike and Mist. A few other comments on them: I don't think I ever really noticed Micaiah's eye color change when possessed before. I never had Lethe die on me before, so I never saw Kezhda before. He doesn't look half bad for a named generic. The rest are pretty ugly. Veyona had black hair in the actual game I think, at the least I'm pretty sure it wasn't so bright. Looking at the NPC portraits- I don't think they ever used Ruffian 2, did they? That distinct appearance made me think I'd recall it if they did. I think there might other NPC portraits that went unused.
  12. Some obvious picks would be Luciano, Xanda, Lea, and Charles (Charlotte) from what the Seasonals have been so far. I don't think we'd be getting a Eliot (Elise) on the grounds Shotas haven't really been added yet to FEH. Now who would actually look good genderbent? Hmm.... It's hard to say. Obviously the men shouldn't be turned into frilly ballgown wearers, nor the ladies buff musclemen. Lucius becoming Lucia would be interesting to see, simply because he is already very feminine looking, so i wonder how they'd bend him. Genderbent Ike wouldn't be a terrible idea either methinks (so Mia?). Takumimi (I have no idea how to bend Japanese names) would be cute too. I'm actually interested in Luciano, and I'm not a Lucina fan at all really, because in a genderbent world, we'd have Martha instead of Marth, so Luciano dons the disguise of Masked Martha. And, I think the Hot Springs Scramble DLC suggests Lucina is naturally flat instead of just binding her breasts for her disguise. So that'd make Luciano naturally bumpy. Weird.
  13. Zephiel wants to conquer the world to eradicate the vileness of humanity. Clarisse, Legion, Valter and Ursula work for guys who want to conquer the world. Camus, Lloyd and Xander are all Camusey and work, with some hesitation, for someone who wants to conquer the world. Only Navarre and Fobin are totally in the clear.
  14. Uh what? Are the GHBs bombarding Zenith with hormones? Well I'm fine with Shareno, Anno, Alfonsa, and Veronico.
  15. Why was I summoned? I think you meant to invoke someone else, but pulled the wrong name. That'll be ten orbs for the mis-summon. Or if you can't pay that, sacrifice in my name ten Sorens and burn some beef brisket on an altar. Also give me your Valter so I can evolve my Clefairy.
  16. I meant in the long run, I wasn't referring specifically to what they'll be doing in FEW.
  17. Sima Zhao could surf on enemies, and Pang Tong could surf on a staff in DW7 (which was the basis for Lana surfing on Argorok) so KT has done surfing animations before. SoV is just the flavor of the month. Once FES comes out, it'll be left by the wayside. And SoV will be totally forgotten by the time FE4/6 Remake rolls around.
  18. Baseless means with no basis in evidence. Which means one needn't have anything to make a baseless assertion. And thus it is inevitable someone will say twincest, what we don't know is whether it'll catch on like with the Renais twins. And on the note of baseless rumors. I hereby declare that Fateslandia is located on the Moon, and that the Deeprealms are in fact portals to the Earth (which in this world rotates at a much slower speed than the Moon- thus via the General Theory of Relativity results in time moving faster there), and that the Astral Dragons run space colonies. Anankos is a scientist who sacrificed himself and became a "dragon" to save the people of the Moon from a post-apocalyptic world. Being more serious, Rowan I guess is better to me. Lianna looks not very pretty and will likely be less entertaining. I'd rather have a watered down Sun Ce/Sima Zhao than a watered down Sun Shangxiang/Wang Yuanji. But they both have bad color schemes and appear to be pretty generic. Here is hoping I can recolor them- but honestly I'm not sure what I'd change their appearances to.
  19. On the male side, Nasir is a GDILF. His expression, his blue-white hair, its contrast with his clothes and tanned skin- he is amazing. I like Naesala, but he feels anachronistic- he looks too much like an Americana 1950s-60s punk. Tibarn isn't bad but is too much from Pirates of the Caribbean. Sephiran is very handsome. Zihark caters to a specific anime crowd, but looks great too. Shinon's personality is a turnoff, but I don't think one can deny he looks rather good. RD Ike of course gets points for being very distinct for a lord in FE. On the female side, Ena is great, though not as good as her granddad. I'm surprised Nailah hasn't gotten more attention, but judging based on her outfit alone, I think I can understand why (it looks too Camilla-esque, even though Nailah is no Camilla in personality). Titania looks perfect for her role, as does Almedha. Heather's outfit also looks good. Overall, I think Tellius did well with its character designs, fairly realistic (although I've heard some criticize the armor as Gundamy, and of course its skimpier than what reality would demand, if not skin showing bad), with no real fanservice barring things like the mere existence of catgirls.
  20. Yeah that was a stupid move, and the only reward you get out of it, not that you're told in advance, is a Renewal scroll- which equates at 10% of Max HP restored per turn to at most 6 (well 8 with Nasir). What do you lose? The lone refresher, two second rate fliers, your chance at the Knight Ring, and now barring a blitz kill on Homasa you have to fight Naesala- which like C3 Eldigan (the Knight Ring made me think of him) is not a foe you want to fight, at all. Can you kill him? Sure! But it won't be pretty, and if you're an average player who doesn't do something like a Marcia BEXP dump, it'll be downright ugly. The turn 19 thief in 21 is the only thief to appear on difficulties below Maniac, so that's why it's there, but it was still a terrible idea. My problem with map is Kasatai is terribly weak and can be easily circumnavigated. I think assassinating Schaeffer in C22 was a wise move. The treasure consists of a Silver Bow, Tomahawk, Nosferatu, Sleep, Bolganone, and Spirit Dust- nothing invaluable. There is no way I could put up with the extra Bishops. The Oribes/Riven Bridge appears to be the sole point of connection between Daein and Crimea, and that plus the fact the bridge isn't that deep makes the pitfalls seem like a terrible idea. I never took the approach you did to this map of moving everyone forward, I generally left a small group at the starting zone to intercept the flankers. So many promoted enemies on C24! Even your Marcia had a challenge surviving (were it not for some dodges). Geoffrey's willing sacrifice made very little sense looking at the map on the lower difficulties, but on Maniac I could see myself going "maybe Ike should listen to Lucia and Bastian- what does Finn 2.0 contribute really?". The boulders will be ugh, but I find the reduced movement more of a chore on the mountain map. No other FE puts you through that I think.
  21. There are a few duds and mono-trait chars in the Tellius roster, but overall it really isn't any worse than Fates or Awakening, some would say on the whole its better. The issue is more Tellius being difficult to have access to, and maybe it not screaming anime to the top of its lungs. The retainers exist to wipe the royal behinds and nothing more. The non-retainers and non-royals are few and have little significance. I mean you could do without Hinoka, and Camilla, and Sakura, and Elise outside of her little BR stint, but at least they constitute siblings of the all-important Corrin, and have their royal ties. I wouldn't mind if VG crossovers as a whole skipped the main characters and mascots for more interesting folks from a given franchise. Like in Smash, I'd rather as Baten Kaitos rep get Guillo over Sagi and even Kalas (in a purely hypothetical ideal world of course).
  22. Yeah I can see what you're saying now. The identity split happens internally to the point where it is formal and not just haphazard, and Yune is sealed within the body of Ashunera by Ashera who controls it. The warring between Laguz and Beorc continues with Ashera trying to amend it. Yune then revolts and the Great Flood and subsequent chaos and the body split happens. Though I still can't see why the Three Heroes were needed, just who were they fighting? The one CG we get of them shows them fighting someone. My guesses are: one Yune accidentally berserked hordes of people. Or two, they fought to vanquish the Laguz-Beorc warring that continued after the Flood (which seems reasonable and would lay the foundation for the creation of Begnion and Goldoa), and during this captured Yune, who understandably may have wanted to flee from being captured by Ashera given what Ashera had done with her earlier. We still have no idea where the BK's armor came from given Yune suggests in the Tower she didn't come up with the idea of blessing equipment, and yet the fact she must rebless the Ragnell indicates that it's blessing of Order is harmless against a blessing of Order. So either the BK and Ashy armor have neutral blessings (Sephiran could have blessed the armor then- he is the greatest mage in Tellius), or Yune accidentally blessed armor when she revolted. Or PoR and RD are in contradiction here- writers don't always make perfect continuity between their works. And yet I see a line of possible contradiction in the English version too. From the start of 4-F-4: Ashera:“I cannot believe you [addressing the Three Heroes and Lehran]. You are living creatures created in our image. [Emphasis mine] So either the Zunanma were created independently of Ashunera, and when she saw them she thought they must have been created by nature in line with her form, or she created them based on what she herself was like.
  23. I think you can also Berserk Reinhardt I think, and Sleep via Blizzard tome or Sleep Staff works too. Silence lets you tank him physically. For killing him, well you have plenty of offensive juggernauts in T776. Some careful planning and a bit of luck should be able to take him out. Being able to tank 35x2 Res hitting damage (Dire Thunder plus 20 Mag) is the big challenge given physical units have crap Mag in FE5. The Master Sword is there to scare of mages and OHKO you with its 20 crit. Of course is this not excusing Reinhardt's Authority Star +15 hit and avoid boost for him and his lackeys. Marita or a Brave Sword user could potentially kill him before he ever gets a hit off if they crit or proc a skill. If you have and have trained Olwen, have her talk with her brother so she can get the Holy Sword. If Reinhardt has Dire Thunder equipped, he'll be slow and easy to double, plus the Holy Sword combined with Olwen's naturally great Magic means she can tank it easily, and the natural crit, high Might and anti-Cav properties of the Holy Sword should make for a massive crippling, if not ORKO. In short Rein is very much a threat indeed, but not insurmountable.
  24. I'm thinking Azura will show up in the plot only later. You do need late story recruits after all. And Azura is a solid standalone character who has the magical powers and revelatory talents needed to fulfill such a role. Everyone we've seen so far are probably early story recruits.
  25. According to the FE2 recruitment page here on SF, Mae and Boey were always required, as was Gray, but maybe the page is inaccurate. Then again, it could be that some characters were upped to being required, and IS just decided to be inconsistent with Genny. Or, they didn't feel like having to work another character into the story dialogue.
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