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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Explicable by virtue of the fact you can leave her chillin in the Novis Monastery from Act 2 all the way to the F10 of Thabes. SoV decided to play by Gaiden's recruitment rules, and thus Genny is optional, despite the fact nobody would leave her behind save for a special challenge (you can't even have Alm recruit her like Celica Kliff and Faye and thus exclude Genny on those grounds). Most of Gaiden/SoV's cast is optional, much more than any other FE. You know how people say Corrin is no self-insert? Well Corrin is, and so is Alm, they are both self-inserts of IS's own collective psyche.
  2. You're certainly not the only one on SF who can get a little glum as you can tell. For myself, it's a combination of fearing the inevitability of death, the recognition I've wasted my youth (and life as a whole), and also realizing I lack the will to improve, even though I clearly recognize things. Plus the depressing nature of politics as well. I used my school's free counseling services a little last semester, and while I told the counselor I would make some appointments with them over the summer. I never did, nor did I ever keep a record of my melancholic moments, nor did I search out groups of like individuals to overcome my loneliness (which I can bear being Asperger's and thus generally introspective). I did nothing to advance myself in life in other ways as well- in short nothing happened this summer other than me aging and wasting my life away- I didn't even as much as scratch my gaming backlog! I feel guilt at this whole thing, it almost makes me not want to return to the counselor having terribly shirked their expectations, and yet I lament this guilt may yet not be enough to force me to action. And on emotions, that is something I profess to not being easily able to describe as well. I'm an intellectual who loves to think, but when the counselor tried to ask me how I felt, I had the greatest of difficulties. Am I thin on emotion? Yet, the melancholy takes hold even with weak emotions. I'm also without a religious affiliation, a professed Agnostic who is willing to flirt with religion at a distance (I like a spicy rabbi who argues with God for instance), but cannot bring themselves to go any further. I too need to find a way out of things, and I have a lot of free time to do so. But, can I muster that oh so precious will I have lacked for years?
  3. Thank you once again for all your hard work Kirokan. Of the dragons- Dheginsea was fairly good character. He was willing to accept injustice in the present moment, not because he liked it or didn't care, but because even if there was injustice now, if the alternative was a potentially goddess-awakening war of liberation from injustice, that would be far far worse. Dheg trusted that he and Lehran could presumably persuade Ashera "Well there has been some fighting, and some problems in Laguz-Beorc relations, but the Medallion never broke, so the covenant held and Yune must be allowed back into you. And now that you've returned, all those problems can taken care of in a blink of an eye." Nasir was quite good in PoR, and his RD role had continuity with his prior one. He never came off as an old mentor figure, even though he was a senior member of Ike's group in PoR, he was more nuanced than that. I just wish we had more details on Dheg's disputes with Nasir and Almedha. So Ena actually knew she was pregnant the whole time and just never said it? That is nice to know. If Dragon Laguz have menstrual cycles, you'd think she'd have noticed that ~20 years without a period would indicate something was up. (Then again, given the last Dragon born was Kurthnaga, so maybe it takes years for a female Dragon Laguz to go through one cycle. That or the Dragon Laguz just aren't big into reproduction.) Of course, when peace reigned in Tellius for the interlude between PoR and RD, why didn't Ena reveal it to anyone? I can understand not saying a word of it prior to the Mad King's War though- it'd be a matter of importance to the Goldoan State that Ena not leave the country to pursue her missing fiancee if Dheg or even Nasir knew she was pregnant. And this just made me realize- had the BK killed Ena in PoR like he was about to before Ike came in for the duel, he'd have killed the baby too! I wonder if Rajaion could sense or if Ena whispered to him before he died that she had their child in her. Kurthnaga was my least favorite (well not below Gareth the playable generic or Rajaion, but below Almedha), but I didn't dislike him or anything. He was just not quite notable. He does get a point for having a double FE reference for a name. On Ashera and Yune's profiles, I'm confused. When you wrote Yune "had an innocent, but devastating, emotional outburst with her divine power, leading to many losing their lives." do you mean the Great Flood? I my mind, I thought Ashunera was one person, whose frustrations at being unable end Laguz-Beorc struggles lead her to cry out for the Great Flood, and thus at that moment split physically in two. But the paragraph from Yune's profile I just excerpted, seems to say the formal split came first if the Great Flood is what it describes. Or is referring to the aftermath of the Great Flood- the newly born Ashera going around aiding Flood victims, while Yune is ignored and then has an outburst other than the Great Flood? I assume this outburst (a mass-berserking?) would be the thing which led to the need for Ashera to war with Yune and assemble her Three Heroes and Lehran. The Ashera profile doesn't make things any clearer.
  4. Totally skipping the story is what I did with Fates and SoV. Though you'll find skipping the story harder in FEW given you'll have to deal with in-battle dialogue progressing things on the battlefield (including new mandatory and side objectives). As for friendship- yeah its overdone in game plots and such. As is romance, and after playing Bravely Second, I asked myself "why do VG heroes think professing love to someone else is so hard, when they shouldn't be saying that in light of all the crazy fighting they do?". But hey, at least this game isn't Tales of Graces F- where "The Bonds of Friendship Are Eternal" is literally on the back of the game box. Warriors plots are never great, no better than typical Hollywood action flick stuff. Just look at the pretty animations and ignore the rest.
  5. There should be. Warriors games need the option to turn down voice volume. Hearing the same generic enemy captain lines 10+ times a fight will become very grating on the ears. I never did turn them off just because, but I really should have. Well think of it like this, there is always worse voice acting. I'm looking at you Baten Kaitos, the VAs were recorded underwater for that game, and one of the primary VAs did some recording while high.
  6. My faith in SF has declined. *Sigh* Here I thought this site was above such petty feuds.
  7. Last time I looked over the averages, a 20 Marcus is fairly comparable up to roughly 20/10 Sain/Kent/Lowen, with some tradeoffs, but no crushing defeat for Marcus or anyone else. If 20/10 is considered to be endgame level, that's significant. And Kent's Spd lead can be called ignorable by virtue of his poor Lck (limiting his dodgetankiness), and the fact outside of a select few promoted classes (Heroes, SMs, Berserkers, Valks and NTs) that don't show up until late, enemies are generally slow, or at least can't double Marcus even if he can't double them. On Normal, Marcus's bad stats, insofar they are bad, isn't a problem because Normal enemies are jokes. And on Hard, you often find yourself limited in unit deployment slots I find, and this is why I often resort to Marcus. The lack of unit slots but the desire to get all side objectives done and not at a snail's pace makes Marcus, with his weapon diversity, high move, and solid bases very valuable to me.
  8. In your skin, without your skin- does it make a difference? I don't know exactly what Valter thinks of the matter, you'll just have to walk into his personal chambers and find out. Tell me what it's like, if you can that is.
  9. And so the sadomasochism begins. If you got those eclipse glasses on hand from today, they'll make a good substitute blindfold. Valter will treat you well, very well, your skin will crawl, your skin will... well, let's not say what happens exactly. Have a little mystery.
  10. It was wonderful watching the eclipse, got to see like ~70% coverage before the clouds came in. Natural phenomena are awesome, and should really be cherished. Getting the glasses were a chore though, yet it was worth it- better than the cereal box thing. Watched some of the TV coverage too. The next Total Solar Eclipse that will be in the US will happen April 2024. The path of totality will pass through Texas, and proceed on an arch that shall pass through upstate New York I think. Well for premodern humanity who didn't understand what eclipses were, they saw the events, like comets and meteors, as an aberration of the natural order in the heavens above. Eclipses were ominous because they stole the Sun- the life giving source of all life, even if for just a short time. The Aztecs (or was it the Maya?) would offer sacrifices to stave off eclipses.
  11. I'm in agreement- final battles should be an entire stage of challenge, with the final boss prominent in it. I think my problem with Anankos is the fact I'm walking on eggshells the entire time. For C27 it's an assassination via Rescue, or a long drawn out battle where you spend lots of turns killing everyone before finally taking down the big bad. I chose the former option because it can be done quickly- which is good since otherwise you've wasted a lot of time if you have to reset during C28. And C28 Rev isn't like C28 BR, where you can afford to go slow on C27 because C28 can be one-turned rather easily. For C28, I think my problem was that I was rushing things a little too fast wanting again to just assassinate Mr. I and get the fight over before the endless reinforcements on this very open battlefield killed someone. I was being closer than not to hyperoffensive fearing a more gradual approach would kill me, not that I didn't dedicate units to taking out the reinforcements. Given on Classic Mode the death of just 1 unit = a reset (well 2 if you're willing to have someone use Bifrost) for most, multi-stage battles without saving between them in FE is rather perilous. I should play Rev 27-28 again for the sake of it, but overall, I don't like it as much as Ashera by virtue of a screw up costing you so much more time. I'd loathe the Tower of Guidance in RD if I couldn't save between its 5 parts. And I'd like Ananny more if I could save between 27 and 28, perhaps in a Battle Save slot to avoid locking myself out of My Castle access if I need to go back to the drawing board and grind/buy stuff.
  12. Only 5 classes for a dungeon crawler? I guess Code VFD is a step up then and I'll just play that when it gets a little cheaper. It seems to be more of what you described the second game to be (except VFD is supposed to be easy). Not that that is a bad thing- I have the 3 3DS EO titles and plan to pick up EO5 for the holidays. And while it can't be called an improvement exactly, VFD's NPC dating aspect often ends in implied sex I've heard- even if your leader character is the same sex.
  13. I posted this idea in the Pull Topic, but since some other questionable ideas (namely auctions and trade) have had their own topics, I decided to invent one for what I generically and for ease of explanation call "fusion"- as I borrowed the idea from Shin Megami Tensei. It really isn't fusion- call it "Sending Summoning" or "Essence Summoning" or "Bond Summoning", I'll just continue saying fusion for the ease of it. Rather than alchemically fuse humans together, you're sending the summoned Heroes you've selected away in a ritualistic fashion. As they leave you, each leaves a parting gift of the time they spent with you- a piece of their "essence". The two distinct essences merge in the ritual, and this is then used to reach out into the multiverse and summons a particular Hero to you. The specific and unique combination of essences combined determines what Hero is drawn to you. What I call "Sacrifice Fusion" involves having another individual do the same as the first two, but in this case they offer a little more of their "essence" than the other two- a "soul shard" let us call it (not their whole soul, just a little piece they which they can live without) . This soul shard is added to the essences, and when the essences find the right Hero to summon, the soul shard is merged with the newly summoned Hero, enhancing their abilities (SP and EXP at base, Skill Inheritance). "Special Fusion" lets you use up to 5 Heroes in one of a handful predefined summoning "recipes". For instance, all the Nohrian royals plus F!Corrin could give you King Garon. Or blend a Lucius plus a Karel and a Fir to make a FE!6 Karel. Certain units, like Seasonals, GHBs, and TTs would be off limits from being made by fusion, as would characters in new banners- at least until they're added to the normal summoning pool- so right now you couldn't fuse a Tana because the Magvel Banner is ongoing, but you could later once it's over. Yet even Seasonals and the others could be used as fusion material. Of course, they could use Special Fusion to force you to get a full set of seasonals + extras of your favorites. Take one of all the Nohrian Summer units and fuse them to summon a Summer!Camilla. So you're not actually creating Heroes, you're just selectively summoning Heroes with the help of other Heroes. You're using their power to control and direct your summoning through the tangled and infinite web of the multiverse. Of course, the essences and soul shards won't be enough to fuel the process- hence the need for Orbs, and maybe even Feathers. If Fates allows you to create new life in the form of Bond Units via your strong bonds to other players- why not make the summoner's strong love and friendship bonds with the summoned do as I suggest? For a player, if you knew the fusion chart stuff well or used the online fusion guide that'd invariably spring up in the fanbase, you could work your way towards a desired result over the course of many fusion rituals. But all that for just 1 unit? It'd take a toll on your Orbs supply, and who knows- maybe the process leads to you burning through lots of units you'd otherwise consider for Skill Inheritance- or what if the route most readily available to you takes one of your coveted 5 Stars? And in the end, "fusion" would be a net loss to your unit supply, so you'd have to do normal summoning sooner or later to replenish your "fusion" stock, and you never know if you'll get the most desirable of ingredients for working towards your ultimate goal of a "fusing" a Sonya or whoever it is you're after. And I said nothing about dropping the randomness of boons and banes from the equation. In other words, it wouldn't make it too easy to get your heart's desires, and the challenge in getting your favorites is needed to get people to spend time and money on gatcha games. The major issue I think is DeNA making an organized fusion chart of archetypes for determining what-makes-what for a game with a constantly growing list of units.
  14. The game looks soooo different from the GBA's Resurrection of the Dark Dragon version which I played (and the translation is clearly dated). The game was slow, but that's partly because I grinded up everyone via Egress spam- had I just stuck with a core team it wouldn't have been so bad. Is there any good reason to play the Genesis version over the GBA one? A better Bleu, and less broken Hanzo, but other than that? The GBA additions of Mawlock and card collecting, Narsha and Zuika were all nice, and giving Max a new spell in Supernova was cool.
  15. FE has a hard time doing final bosses, mostly because it isn't built around 1 v. 1 combat. It's why both Ike-BK duels are badly done- they just couldn't do anything right with them by virtue of FE being FE. Ashera is the best though- the Auras and her various attack shenanigans makes the final battle with her more than a 1 v. 1. Ashnard has the fact he moves on his side, so that's a plus. Takumi was quite different, I like that. Ananny however just felt like an HP sink (did he really need the eyeball alone phase- what difference did it make?). Ananny was like the final phase of Polaris in Devil Survivor 2, but not so well executed. But it's the FD and Idunn who take the cake for the absolute worse. Birdo at least has a set of Deadlords you have to chop through first.
  16. On Ogma- that is a good example of what you mean. It's a rugged knight and his princess- a platonic loyalty relationship. This said, Caeda is something of a flirt given all the men she recruits, and if she's a Arthurian Guinevere to Marth's clueless King Arthur, then she may have one particular man who is her adulterous Lancelot. Who is? Well the man has to be quite accomplished and talented to be like Lancelot- so is it Abel, Cain, Jagen, Hardin, or Ogma? Those are the first names which spring to mind, but it could be somebody else or a whole bunch of men instead of one. What can be said? My life is currently directionless and meaningless. I thus spend all too much time thinking through and writing posts for a gaming website. It is a sad existence, of my own choosing really- had I the will, it could be quite different. Why not play actual video games you ask? I've got a lot of JRPGs, and I feel I have to be in the right mindset to play them given the plot emphasis of many of them, but perhaps I'm too finicky with said mindset needs, and being on SF for a period of time anyhow derails it. *sigh Hopefully the starting up of my education once more in the fall will give me something else to focus on. That, and when banner of worthy of my attention (or something acceptably close to it) comes at last, when I feel I finally have good reason to start playing this crappy iOS game at last (excuse the use of the word "crappy"). And then, my reputation on this particular forum can be built around something other than ridiculous postings, going overboard with create-a-hero, and rarer more normal posts, and I won't necessarily have to try so hard then. But don't envy those who have too much free time or misuse it. Then again, in our finite existences which may end so bleakly, is there such a thing as too much free time?
  17. I can't play Street Fighter if my life depended on it, but this is quite good. I could envision it being retooled as a character's theme for an SRW game no problem. It's quite rockin' with plenty of heroic energy behind it. 8.3/10 Since today is the long-awaited Eclipse Day 2017 in the US- how about... Eclipse of the Sun from Hyrule Warriors (I definitively prefer Eclipse of the Moon, but the eclipse today is Solar, not Lunar).
  18. One- thank you for choosing your chosen profession. We could always use more going in the medical fields. Two- thank you for temporarily curtailing my caloric intake via your rather unappetizing comparison. Anyhow, I'm an ice cream fan as well. And anyone like gelato?
  19. There is no Revelation like problem. Eirika and Ephraim have their routes differ in their portrayals of Lyon- but neither is truer than the other. Each also covers details the other doesn't. Ephraim's does reveal more important stuff than Eirika's I think, but it's not so important as to affect the final outcome of the story. The stuff is only background details and hints at what the post-ending future holds (and such a future comes the same on both routes). In terms of characters being recruited, everyone save Amelia feels better included on Eirika's route, though a few others aren't terribly integrated into Ephraim's route, just not as well as the Eirika's.
  20. Yessssssssssss!- I hope! But I don't have a gaming PC. Will a laptop suffice? Take your time, I'll be thanking you for your toil, as I currently am doing right now. I really want to play Berwick Saga because of how different it is, and I want to know more about it. How are the characters? How built up is the world? How is the story? How much of a role do all these Side Missions play in contributing to the above?
  21. That's the strat I was thinking, if you wanted to both routes. Note that Ephraim's route is generally considered more difficult overall. Not to say Eirika's is completely devoid lacking of challenge, but given a side-by-side comparison of each of her battles to each of Ephraim's, her path is certainly easier. Once you get past Scorched Sands, the differences in the two routes weakens, though there are still some minor differences in subsequent chapters.
  22. I totally get this, the coming out of the LGBTQ community, while a good thing for humanity, has caused the heterosexual mainstream to bring sexuality to the forefront of all relationships. If two people of the same sex interact, the first question asked is "are they lovers?"- not "are they friends?". Deep platonic friendship is something which people seem not to think can exist anymore. I don't blame the LGBTQ community- I blame everyone else with their obsession over the exotic and the strange, and some conscientious overactive element of sexuality awareness gone awry. This said, taking a sip of hypothetical mescal and lightheartedly joking inoffensively about a relationship isn't bad. It's just being overly serious about it. Ah, the drama fills my TakumixHinata fantasies. Takumi is ashamed of himself and thinks he's cursed, Hinata tries to calm him down, even offering to bring him to a city brothel he's scoped out, but Takumi's duties as a prince keep him from letting himself get anywhere near one. He's continually fearful of Ryoma learning of his likings and tries to pursue a straight relationship. ...Or so a couple of the stories have gone. Leo and Odin go through similar things, with the prince again the tortured, and the retainer the comforter. Hinata and Odin alike aren't necessarily gay, just very willing to tend to their dear friend and liege's needs and worries. On the gay/incest ships here is something I thought of from Jugdral: Oifaye-Leif-Seliph-Julius-Saias-Azelle's son (how about Lester?)-Chulainn!Febail-Lex!Ulster-Shannan-Galzus (he is Shannan's 1st cousin- as old as he is) To this, branch off of Saias/Azelle's son (that is physically possible) Ishtar's brother Ishtore (because Hilda is supposed to have Val blood, thus making him related to Saias/Azelle), and attach to him Claud!Arthur, who can then have Coirpre and Amid branch off him. At the same time, you can have Lex!Ulster branch Iuchar and Iucharba off him. So in total, we have a to-some-small-or-large-degree-gaycest fourteensome. Gosh that took some work to figure out. For the Wolfguard- well Wolf took Hardin's death really hard- to the point of suicide (though I recall hearing once that in the Bible, David reacts to his friend Jonathan's death by saying something to the effect "the love of women is nothing compared to the love he has given me", but that could just be a statement of friendship over lust- and David loved to lust). Sedgar I'd expect would be the most muscular of the bunch. Vyland- he has a rather neat look to him, but I can't say more. Roshea- yeah he used to be a boy prostitute in his terrible early years- I just know it. Camus- Sable Orgy? No. Just no. They want him, but Camus is if anything disciplined. He lets them follow him around like sad dogs, but grants them not even a peak at his shoulders- which is much less than his groin. He keeps them in line, and they are only willing to obey his slightest request. If Camus needs a chair now and there aren't any around, he simply says "Chair!" and one of them is on their knees in an instant ready to support their lord's posterior. If Camus then feels he needs a backrest, he simply says "Back!" and another is squatting with their back turned ready to be used to support Camus's backside. If Camus then feels he needs to rest his feet, he doesn't even need to say "Footrest!", for by the utterance of the "Fo", the last of the trio is already on his knees ready to bear his lord's dirty boots. And this is but one set of instructions they obey as though it were their natural instincts, if their lord requests anything, all they need is single word command, maybe with a hand gesture for directional information or if Camus is asking for them do something for someone other than him. But that isn't even necessary much of the time, as they can detect the slightest inflection in Camus's voice and thus know what he exactly wants done. When Camus returned to being Zeke after NM, he let the trio come, they'd never speak a word of the truth for fear of the slightest remotest possibility of being exiled from their lord's presence, and Camus loved their services too much. Despite all of Tatiana's protestations that they should obey her too, Zeke never even considered the possibility of giving his servants to her- it is hard to find such extraordinarily good help nowadays. And Ogma- the Bord and Cord are bit blah, but I'm sure Ogma find fun wrestling them both to the ground Ancient Valentia style (aka nude), no matter how many times they try to pin him down together. Barst is on more equal terms with Ogma. And once in a new moon, the mysterious master of the Killing Edge challenges Ogma to some midnight swordplay yet again. We all have characters and pairings we're seriously fond of. There is nothing wrong with that. Just don't take it too seriously or too far. I'm someone who sincerely thinks HectorxSerra is by far his best pairing. And that EliwoodxLyn is Eliwood's best (by virtue of his other two being total trash). But I won't ignore the strong undertones of Elinian present in the plot.
  23. Delthea: "Is it fair for the goddess to pick favorites like this?"
  24. Look up any Bravely Second video where Chu Chulainn speaks. The second half of the name pronounced "Hul-lin", which Holyn can phonetically be pronounced like (but as Ice Dragon once pointed out- English has no strict rules for pronunciation, and I sometimes for fun consciously exaggerate this). Directly borrowing mythological names for people is one thing, but I guess they thought a location like Valhalla wouldn't work so well if the name was used for the capital of a human kingdom- so they tweaked it first. Belhalla was initially eh to me, but it's better than Bahara to me now.
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