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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And now you've jinxed it. Provided CamusxOgmaxHardin wasn't a thing already. Does it have to be legal too? Can I ship Delthea x Ashunera?
  2. But replacing normal letters with "y"s and other unexpected ones is totally wickedly cool! Lewyn was utterly forgettable until he got his real name. Nyna sooooooo much better, it really fleshes out her character like nothing else. Eremiya is doesn't sound like a granny name or Engrish at all. Lyon >>>>>>> Leon & Leo. I'm severely disappointed they changed Yuria and Yurius, and Yumina and Yubello. Yke for eternity!
  3. Maybe it's time I make a few for the Odin Sphere characters currently in my sig Gwendolyn: Cornelius: Mercedes: Oswald Velvet: And now for two NPC OS units: Odin Ingway:
  4. The series did fine without dual screens for most of it's history. It'll be fine without them again. Things will be a little less convenient for sure, but not really any worse. They could try instituting a stats display screen with a transparent background so you can have the stats being shown while being able to make out the map itself (just make on joystick flip through the stat pages if multiple, while the other handles movement of the map cursor). I don't see FE ever having good multiplayer, unless the multiplayer mode features fixed stats on units and no weapon forging/skills grinding. Being a turn-based RPG with lots of luck prevents that. Even FEH leaves out direct PvP.
  5. Will Tetsuya Takahashi suffice? He is now in-house for Nintendo now. As long as XCX2 isn't delayed, I wouldn't bat an eye at it. I'm not bashing on Takahashi- he just so happens to have what I call "Lucasian ambition". He wants to make full budget multi-part space operas with philosophical, religious, psychological, and ethical themes. The problem? He wants to put them in video games of all potential entertainment media. He could have made a full 5 part Xenogears book series no problem, or perhaps even an anime, but video games and films aren't so cheap to make. The sales didn't come for XG. He walked away during XS Ep. 2 when the guy he left in charge wrecked it (or so I've heard), and he had to truncate a 6 episode plot to 3 as a result (plus sales issues again I think). Takahashi did tone things down for XC's plot, showing he can show restraint, and worked to develop a gameplay that would sell copies (though I can understand if you don't like it). Then came XCX and he learned how to do HD graphics and cutscenes- at the expense of an atrocious main plot despite a great premise. All we can do is wait and see if he finally gets to write his masterpiece- his life's greatest work. I'm doubtful from what we've seen of XC2 that it'll be it. So I'm placing my hopes in XCX2 for now. This multi-game learning process for Takahashi will be total waste if he never gets to actualize his talents in full. So how would TT do with FE? Well if he didn't sci-fi it up, he'd have the advantage of a franchise with long-established gameplay- so he wouldn't have to worry about that in the slightest. He might give us his old Gnostic Monad-Sophia-Demiurge trinity he employed in XG and XC, which wouldn't be bad if he kept all three away from the big "D Word" in FE (though the conflict will ultimately be humanity vs. god and not humanity vs. itself). We'd also get a Uzuki/Dunban/Nagi figure- one hella badass Jagen with a katana? I'll take it! We might get a KOS-MOS-like figure, and I'll take a powerful lady clad in white. Lastly, I wouldn't mind if he just copy and pasted Fei Fong Wong's entire psychological struggle onto the new lord. It was pretty good, maybe not perfect, but still good- it'd make them more developed than any other lord in FE history. Maybe Armor units could get special transformations that make them into mini Skells.
  6. I thought the mans puts themselves in the woman, not the other way around. Is Clive actually a seahorse? It'd be better that way if he was. Why can't FE have a house husband with a woman who brings home the bacon (or ham judging from the available provisions in SoV)? The closest we came I think was TitaniaxRhys (which sadly isn't be official canon), and NailahxRafiel- which while officially a couple, was never directly stated in RD (at least in translation).
  7. The Issach Campaign led to the conquest of that country. Sigurd helped destroy Agustrian independence. Silesse was invaded (it's army smashed at Belhalla) and all but the northernmost regions conquered offscreen. The Manster District was conquered with a little help from traitors to the MD and the Kingdom of Thracia. The Miletos District also fell to Grannvalean control. Yied was their's as well. Only the Kingdom of Thracia and Verdane (which being barbarian land was unwanted) were not controlled by Grannvale, and neither could truly pose a threat to the Empire. This empire endured for fifteen years, the first ten or so being quite prosperous. It took the wonder kid of destiny Marth 2.0 (Seliph) to end this.
  8. FE feels rather short to me vs. all my JRPGs. Not only do I get them done fast, nowadays I do followup runs right afterwards- even when I should be working on other backlog games.
  9. My brain fortunately can't remember every little gaming incident within a game. but when my first PS3 died, I lost all my progress on Valkyria Chronicles and Tales of Graces, plus my Digital Devil Saga 1 file which I would have transferred into DDS 2 (I'll just have to settle playing on Normal without the transfer Rings and Skills- thank goodness I didn't go for the Amala Ring or all maxed out Mantras- now that would have been rage inducing). I also lost my Nocturne file- I had cleared the game on Hard on the "Return the world to normal route", but had a second file before attempting the 5th Kalpa I had planned to go TDE on. I also had a memory wipe on GBA Tales of Phantasia when all I had left were the final dungeon and bonus dungeon. I also once lost a bunch of GBA and DS games (Advance Wars Days of Ruin and a load of Pokemon games) at school once. Curiously, I later bought DoR again- there was a Campaign file that stopped at Waylon Flies Again- which was exactly where I had gotten stuck. Did I rebuy my old copy??? Well all the Design Room maps were gone, and I think the Trial Maps were cleared differently from what I had done too, but then maybe not. I had at my grandparents' house a second Gamecube and a bunch of games with it. When one of them died, i went back over to take some of the stuff back- but my Pokemon Coliseum copy (complete with Jirachi Bonus Disk) was gone, as was the Gamecube with GBA Player attachment, and a bunch of game guides, Nintendo Power magazines, and the LoZ Anniversary Gamecube collection- (the thing with LoZ, AoL, OoT, MM, and some WW demos on it), and the OoT with Master Quest. What happened to all that stuff? Well my grandparents' were too kind and let a societal leech of a relative (and druggie as I've come to realize in my maturity) live with them. They must have sold the stuff for cash. I will never forgive them. And coincidentally, I still have, right nearby, the GBA Player Disk- forever without the base which it supports (or games, since I sold my GBA collection a while ago). Lastly, I once had a sibling delete a SM64DS fIle of mine- a file with 100+ Stars! (The ones I hadn't obtained were mostly DIre Dire Docks and Jolly Roger- I have an irrational phobia of 3D platformer water levels- blame a childhood with SM64's Unagi the Eel, Sushi the Shark, and also the shark in Banjo Kazooie; Gringills in SMG and even Cheep Cheeps in SMS scare me to this day, but not as much.)
  10. As befitting the SNES era. How are you supposed to know about the Paladin Shield in FF6? And there is no great hint telling you about how to save Shadow either. Or how about the Casino and the Lazy Shell in Super Mario RPG? Modern games tend to make their secrets a good deal less hidden, but they still keep a few, partly because the Internet makes finding out the hidden stuff really easy if you have a problem missing out on the good stuff (which is understandable for RPGs, since they're long enough you'll may only play them once).
  11. True, plus there is no need for a "Hi I'm Mercenary!" "Hello Mercenary! I'm Pegasus Knight! We're working in the same army, so let's get to know each other!" Pre-established relationships means the characters don't need to introduce themselves to each other, nor learn to deal with the surface quirks of each other. They can explore facets not so readily apparent in other supports, because in those other supports the characters are only starting to get to know each other. And if someone knows the other well, it means that they might be able to more readily notice nuances or contradictions in the other character's behavior. None of this obviously has to be true, but it can. There is truth to this as well I admit. One PoR support that I noticed has recently received general praise as a good one (if a little one-sided) is Rolf-Tauroneo. On the surface, the kid archer of the Greil Mercenaries and a former Four Steadfast Rider of Daein have nothing in common, so they shouldn't have anything to talk about and thus no support. But, IS wrote a support between them anyhow, and wrote it in a way that the interaction had a sound logic to it, and that Tauroneo's past presented within it is not at all contrived just for the sake of the support.
  12. ...Except for the fact that he gets it as level 18 Mage/7 Sage! That's extremely slow for a spell which isn't worth the super long wait and which everyone else gets so much sooner. I doubt Boey will even get to promotion by the Mila Temple (after that I find my hanger-ons drop off in usefulness), much less ever learn Excalibur. Nomah is essentially a freshly 12 promoted Boey at base (except with Excalibur). Sure Boey turns out better in the long run, but I don't see Boey getting much EXP in Act 4.
  13. How can you forget the value of a Kadabra or Hypno? Team Rocket packs a lot of Poison IIRC, and it lets you sweep through Koga and Eirika (save for the Tangela) as well. I used one of those two, a Blastoise (I'm pretty sure it was that), and the Legendary Birds, namely Zapdos (no EVs, no IVs, no Natures- so there is nothing to worry about when catching them). That plus the necessity of HM slaves was good enough to get me through the game.
  14. The dialogue at the start of Chapter 17- the Pirate Ship one- changes to this: Narrator:After speaking with the Ostian spy Leila, Eliwood realizes he must travel to Valor, the Dread Isle. They head straight to the port city of Badon seeking passage. After a long journey, they spot a fog-enshrouded isle on the horizon. Eliwood’s father is on the isle, as is the Dragon’s Gate. As they draw closer to the isle, Eliwood no longer fears that his father might be one of the conspirators. As the moment of truth nears, Eliwood only prays that he is safe. The next person to speak is Fargus- so yeah, he does show up with no introduction. Which is why I find Port of Badon being a Gaiden rather odd. It's like the chapter happened without the player getting to experience it (which might not be a terrible way to handle Gaidens). I don't think there is any other chapter barring NoF (because Sonia then dies of wounds anticlimatically dealt offscreen by Brendan) which feels so odd if left out.
  15. Beginning with Thracia 776, Fire Emblem games have sometimes offered optional battles in the format of what Thracia called "X Chapters", and which are commonly called Gaidens (Japanese for sidestory) on SF. After Thracia, these then carried over into Binding and Blazing, and were revived by Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem. Awakening and Fates then rebranded these chapters by taking away the awkward-to-speak "X"s, naming "Paralogues". I like Gaidens/Paralogues, much more so than skirmishes, and more so than DLC battles or Trial Maps (dungeons aren't bad, but can be a little dull in combat). And I'm curious what everyone thinks of them and how they should be implemented in the future if they are to return. (Not that they have to return, Tellius told decent plots and built a good world without them.) Now for my take on it all- divided according to the overall style of the Gaidens/Paralogues in the games: FE5 and FE7 seem to share the same idea when it comes to Gaidens. They add to the world a little, and the battles you could imagine taking place as part of the main narrative were they not optional- they seamlessly fit in. In fact, Port of Badon, Night of Farewells, and Battle Preparations from FE7 should have been mandatory, and I guess you make a similar argument for a couple of Thracia's Gaidens too. In addition, FE7 attempted a subplot with Kishuna contained wholly in Gaidens, and hid a massive revelation about Nergal in a super hidden Gaiden that unfairly takes luck to unlock. FE6 uses its Gaidens to build a little lore, and provide the Divine Weapons one will be using for the last few chapters which they unlock. However, the Gaidens could offer more lore on the Scouring and the Divine Generals, and they more variety as to the story happening during them- it's always the enemy haphazardly defending the Divine Weapon- but I think part of the blame here falls on FE6's use of Seize as it's sole map objective. FE11 is rightfully criticized for the fact that all but one of its Gaidens require you to slaughter your army, but beyond that, they're okay. You can clearly tell that all of the Gaidens (barring maybe the last) are there just to recruit the characters they offer, and they read more like filler than most of FE7 and FE5 (these games did have Gaidens that focused on characters that were recruited within them, but on the whole I think they handled it better). FE12 based its Gaidens around the new Assassins subplot, and also added Fog of War to a bunch of them- something which didn't exist in FE3. Awakening's Paralogues are overwhelmingly built around the characters they contain. The majority of Paralogues exist simply to contain a character, and don't contribute at all the world or story. There is only 1 Paralogue without a PC in it (well two, but one has Anna, who is recruitable in a different fight), and it is utterly forgettable. Fates continued in the path of Awakening- all Paralogues exist solely for the recruitment of Mozu or a child, and by virtue of the Deeprealms being a ridiculous concept in itself, the Paralogues come off as inferior to Awakening's, even when they really aren't. Paralogues aren't helped by being unconstrained by time, you can't have Night of Farewells in Awakening or Fates- it wouldn't make any sense. Lastly, I wish I could say more on this, but there is no translation of Berwick Saga available. The game has 17 mandatory battles, and 24 optional battles- quite different! None of the optional battles contain a playable character, though a slew of characters can only be permanently recruited through the side missions. Overall, I think the biggest problem with Gaidens is when they're too focused around a recruitable character, or in FE6's case, an obtainable weapon. While new characters/weapons are great incentives to go the extra mile for the bonus battles, if they're too focused on them, it comes off as if the fight is filler and totally disconnected from the main plot. Some disconnect is more often than not inevitable for Gaidens due to the fact that they are optional, but you don't necessarily need any- as Port of Badon, NoF, and I guess Thracia's 4x show. To explain why I love Night of Farewells (divorced from the map design/gameplay), it's because it features in dramatic fashion the demise of the honorable Black Fang (barring the crazed ones under Lloyd/Linus you kill in the next fight) and you get to kill the wicked thorn in your side which Sonia has been. And this balances out the focus on Jaffar, the character obtained in this fight, and on Nino, the girl you had to recruit to unlock it in the first place. Port of Badon is interesting because the recruitable character in it is totally divorced from the (good enough) plot of the chapter. Canas just so happens to be in a house, and you have no idea he's there until you visit. In case you can't tell, I'm partial to how 5 & 7 handled things. With FE12 getting the bronze, and an honorable mention to Berwick (because I can't knowledgeably give it more). Awakening and Fates are too in a vacuum, and SD isn't much better, though it is (you don't visit out of the way places for the Gaidens, probably because you either do them right away, or not at all). And what I want are Gaidens that don't feel like filler, and either tell a plausible subplot, and or connect in some way to the overall plot or world.
  16. It's worth noting that his big bro Glen might prefer swords. His death by Valter shows him using a Silver Sword (WTD takes its victim, just as Greil would later learn). Like anyone has Raven use a sword once they promote him? Sure he'll keep a Steel at the bottom of his inventory just in case of swords, but otherwise it's all axes for him from then on out. An Iron and a Killer for slaughtering with minimal AS loss, and 2 Hands for all the 2 range nonsense Raven simply won't take.
  17. Maybe not "fusion" for the exact terminology- I was just using that out of ease of description. Rather than alchemically fuse humans together, you're sending the summoned Heroes you've selected away in a ritualistic fashion. As they leave you, each leaves a parting gift of the time they spent with you- a piece of their "essence". The two distinct essences merge in the ritual, and this is then used to reach out into the multiverse and summons a particular Hero to you. What I called "Sacrifice Fusion" involves having another individual do the same as the first two, but in this case they offer a little more of their "essence" than the other two- a "soul shard" let us call it (not their whole soul, just a little piece they which they can live without) . This soul shard is added to the essences, and when the essences find the right Hero to summon, the soul shard is merged with the newly summoned Hero, enhancing their abilities. You're not actually creating Heroes, you're just selectively summoning Heroes with the help of other Heroes. You're using their power to control and direct your summoning through the tangled and infinite web of the multiverse. Of course, the essences and soul shards won't be enough to fuel the process- hence the need for Orbs, and maybe even Feathers. If Fates allows you to create new life in the form of Bond Units via your strong bonds to other players- why not make the summoner's strong love and friendship bonds with the summoned do as I suggest? For a player, if you knew the fusion chart stuff well or used the online fusion guide that'd invariably spring up in the fanbase, you could work your way towards a desired result over the course of many sending/summoning rituals. But all that for just 1 unit? It'd take a toll on your Orbs supply, and who knows- maybe the process leads to you burning through lots of units you'd otherwise consider for Skill Inheritance- or what if the route most readily available to you takes one of your coveted 5 Stars? And in the end, "fusion" would be a net loss to your unit supply, so you'd have to do normal summoning sooner or later to replenish your "fusion" stock, and you never know if you'll get the most desirable of ingredients for working towards your ultimate goal of a "fusing" a Sonya or whoever it is you're after. In other words, it wouldn't make it too easy to get your heart's desires, and the challenge in getting your favorites is needed to get people to spend time and money on gatcha games.
  18. If only we had SMT style fusion- with an Orbs/Feathers cost of course to balance it. Too many of such and such a unit? Pick another unit and see what will result from their merging! Add a third unit as a sacrifice, and the new unit will have SP/EXP to start and some Skill Inheritance (plain old Binary Fusion shouldn't have it). Perhaps they could even have Special Fusion recipes which can consume up to 4 Heroes (plus a sacrifice, which may have to be fixed to summon that which you seek) to create units at a guaranteed 5 star rarity, maybe with something special about them (Wing Spear Caeda? Off-season Seasonals?). Of course, arranging a giant fusion chart for a constantly updating roster of characters wouldn't be easy. And that I think would be the biggest problem.
  19. My guess is they wanted an archer, and also felt that so far we lacked enough bow girls. We have Clarisse, Rebecca, I Am Not Setsuna, Bride Cordelia and... anyone I'm missing? Technically they could have held off until SS for Neimi, or Jugdral for Brigid/Tanya, or the 13/14 kids for Noire/Midori, or the next FE6 with Dorothy or Igrene, or SD for Norne, but they chose not to. In addition, we already have a staffer from SoV in Genny- but to be fair we could use more of those, provided they offered staffers new niches. (And as a side note- maybe they could convert Kamui/Atlas/Jesse/Deen into a Dagger user to expand our pool there.)
  20. If playing a game automatically made you love a character, the Internet would lose a lot of negativity. But at the same time we'd lose some good as well- like Thane's sharp and well-argued critiques of SoV- and I simply can't have that. So you'll just have to make do with regarding who you hoped would be a delicious blueberry pie, but ended up being a blueberry cobbler instead. Don't forgets the men- changed would be many a man who saw Camus with Hone Thighs. Why they'd invent an "Infatuation" status just for it. Healers need some leg up on the competition when it comes to healing- they rely on Pain or Wrathful Staff inheritance for offense. If anything, Staffers need to build up their support game (but what?).
  21. Would the Shield of Thracia introduce a Wingslayer? That'd be new- if seriously impeding on Bow units (particularly since a Wingslayer would have enemy phase whereas a Bow user doesn't without DC, and almost all Fliers are 1 range).
  22. But if you wait long enough, they'll come with an Offspring Fund which can seriously help when it comes to paying for college.
  23. Now that we have the revelation behind Faye being an Archer was totally DeNA's fault, I'm trying to wrap my head around why. My best guesses are: a shortage of bow girls, and Genny giving us a Valentian Staffer (Faye's best class). Making Tobin an Archer wouldn't have addressed the female archer issue (not even if he became eunuch out of sorrow after losing out on Clair). So far, we have Setsuna, Rebecca, Clarisse, some Seasonals, and... anyone else? Rebecca, Dorothy, Igrene, Norne, Neimi, Noire, Midori, Brigid (Yewfelle better be good), and Tanya are also foot bows, but none of them are in yet. Bow girls also include Astrid, Sue and Selphina, but bow ponies are something they aren't adding yet. Sorry, it'll be Azeltiu and Lewry for the pairings in all likelihood, even if Lewtiu is better for Forseti use. If you stop in France or Quebec, I heard they serve horsemeat there. It's lean and best served as a rare steak.
  24. I think I could do with less suffering, and death, and Youtube videos I just want to wipe from my brain.
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