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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Well aren't you being Adamant about that? Nice to see you're Careful with your word choice. I'm the same way when I try using proper phraseology for things in defiance of common misuse of words. But I think you're Naive to imagine you'll have an impact. Aren't you Relaxed? But I think you're a little Sassy too. Bold and Brave, aren't we? Perhaps a bit Rash though. Be a tad more Docile. ....I'm not going to Jolly anymore when you all come for me for making these contrived Pokemon Natures wordplays. I'll be Quiet and Docile for now. Not good enough? ...Please be Gentle on me. Unrelated to my wordplay, why couldn't they make Seals stack with Skills? That way, you can choose to go extensive or intensive with your Seal equip choices. Do you up mobility on your Amelia with Wings of Mercy? Or do you instead buff her LoD offense to level 4? I just got the idea from Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold- where you get the same choice when it comes to equipping Grimoire Stones.
  2. "Any other organized society" clarifies it for me. Country suggests something larger than a single island (though there could be unseen little islands they control too- FE world maps aren't the most detailed of things). I forgot it was in the context of the April Fools Joke when I read the "Man Love" thing. I found it to be offensive simply because it'd be like calling Basilio "Black Guy (or Brute)". While Leon's notable characteristic is his gayness, it's still not a nice thing to objectify someone by reducing their very name to one trait. In the context of the one little April Fools Joke, it's more acceptable as a wordplay they just had to use because it existed. (If someone was named Mara, I wouldn't mind them using it a little lewdly once in a joke setting- though I'd be offended if they continued to use it lewdly when addressing that person in a serious setting.) And I guess I forgot about the whole "marriage won't be coming back soon thing" from the interview in my original comments (I was kinda rushing them). It's good to know that after the modernist excess of Fates, FE is pulling away from certain aspects that'd hinder what they can do with the plot, world, and characters. I wonder if they're thinking of avatar reform? Now just what is FE16?! They haven't said anything so far, and I'd rather they drop the bomb right now. If it's radically different, I'd rather know sooner than later, so I can ease myself into liking it. But the problem here is that if it is radically different, they can't reveal it too early, because what if they backtrack on the details of what they said earlier? It'll come back to bite them. Please IS- hand me the script, hand me all the character profiles, a debug battle room with all the new gameplay features testable. Give me something. The dread and fear of the unknown is getting to me.
  3. We can make it work, somehow. I know! During the time/dimension travel, Catria splits into three, each a different age. Thus Shanna, Thite and Juno are all related to Catria. What class would they be? Kris doesn't have a default one like Corrin or Robin. They do wield a sword in the official artwork though- so Red Infantry? For some reason I'd like Fem!Kris to be a Pegasus Knight. Bow Horses! Yay! PoR Astrid is cuter! But Wolf is so very pitiable! (Wolf basically commits suicide via battle recklessness at the end of NM b/c he can't live without Hardin.) I wouldn't mind seeing this scenario in gameplay- provided I could pick to play as Michalis and watch him win. Or, he maybe he conquered Jugdral- perhaps the holy bloodlines had died out by then. (If you made the right 1st and 2nd gen pairings, I'd expect the 3rd gen (or 4th) to get Games of Thronesy- the honeymoon and era of prosperity in Jugdral is over- let the infighting among nobles and rulers with claims to 3 thrones each commence!) I thought Kris did everything in NM and Marth was the sweet little figurehead who has to have everything Kris did attributed to him because the people need a god Hero-King? In this case, Kris is just giving Marth all his love and devotion, with Marth being the passive partner.
  4. I hope she doesn't cross over to Elibe and fall in love too soon. Otherwise it's a giant age gap (and many years oddly without a baby), which is ewwwwww.
  5. That'd just be a promotion to little sister-in-law. Didn't put in enough effort to think of him spur of the moment, but that's not a bad choice at all. But if Abel suddenly died in an accident, Palla could possibly be like "I loved Abel, and I know you're like a brother to him, would you please marry me Cain?". There's a Biblical term for this kind of marriage, but I can't name it. I don't think FE has ever tried it, and it'd be worth trying once I think.
  6. I'd say why not make her into older men and give her Frey, but who does Norne get then? Since I can't think of anybody else really, I'd say just give her Michalis.
  7. Agreed. The majority of will-be buyers aren't even following the game developments we're learning about. I'd expect them to see a little advertising, watch one or two videos, hear some word of mouth about who is in, and that'll be it. Those who follow the game so intensely as we do are few in number.
  8. Nino was being chased too. I just left that out because it seems odd to chase after a happy little girl who only did messenger missions save for her last job (which nobody should know about).
  9. And then end up abandoning your infant twins in an orphanage (though to be fair Lucius can provide both maternal and paternal guidance) because you're obsessed with finding your beloved Jaffar. And then you end up finding him in Ilia, he disapproves of you finding him, this leads his bounty hunters to catch him, you watch him die as he commands you to flee for your own safety. You then spend the next decades alone in a ramshackle house on the outskirts of an Illian village, incredibly depressed with no life beyond sorrow, being kept alive only by the rare charity of fellow villagers. If you're lucky however, your children, drafted into war, end up finding you and bring an end to your agony of fifteen years, promising instead good memories from here on out. (That second part is my own little fantasy in case you can't tell.)
  10. My want of playing this game almost actualized into me playing it. I DL'ed the game, and with three taps of a finger, I could start playing this. But I have a question first, which may, if not right now, eventually lead me to start playing. (I had posted this question in a different topic, but for it went unanswered there quite understandably, I'm reposting it here.) I've heard about this Senran Kagura injuries-stripping-clothes element, and it's nudging me against playing the game. Will turning animations off- if they can be turned off- allow me to skip this voyeuristic element? Or will I have to just put up with not having way to work around it, barring not using certain units? I don't mean to obsess over the superficial, and I grin and bear with overly sexualized outfits in other games. But still, for this simplified FtP FE, I wish to know.
  11. Hm? Sephiran's final fight recruitment isn't inexplicable. He never truly wanted to destroy the Laguz and Beorc, he only did it in the depths of his despair- a despair he never sought nor felt good about. We also get a hint in him saying had he known Micaiah the true Apostle was alive sooner, he may have deviated from his course of action. In other words, though he went on with his path, unlike some other villains who yearn for an end to suffering and their own suffering, he was not totally lost. As for Sephiran being the man behind Ashnard's Blood Pact, it's much better to imagine it to be him than some random old man.
  12. 108? Congratulations, you've recruited all the Stars of Destiny! You can now obtain the True Ending!
  13. Thank you Kirokan! It's always appreciated whenever you translate the littlest thing! (Any chance you could translate this old Gaiden manual if it already hasn't been?) Now, my comments: First: Leon's name is literally spelt "man love" in Japanese? While I like having gay characters in FE, that is insulting! Second: I kinda thought that the reason behind the DF loop was ninjas being originally peasants. That's confirmed. Third: What is this pirate country to the east of which they speak? Archanea is to the east, there is no room for a pirate country- how can it exist? Fourth: Faye began differently? I wonder what she first was like. And ask how could she be allowed to... change... so? I wouldn't mind if we had the Xander issue of two totally disparate characters in one if that's what it took to save the old Faye. Fourth: The essence of the plot is a simple a boy and a girl romance. I don't a problem with romance being in games, but don't make it overshadow everything else- such as the grand themes of power and compassion, and classism. Tellius never let romance get in the way of its story, and it did so without being a sausage fest. Fates to be fair didn't let romance overpower the plot either- but love in the form of avatar-worship did. I'm not raking the developers over hot coals, they only intended to do good and thought what they did was okay. Thane, if you read this, and anyone else who does- please don't derail this topic with an exuberant cascade of sharp critique about the plot and characters, even if it is justified. As I have already spoken on the matter, I cannot deny you the same right. But let's try to restrain the negativity and keep such remarks from getting too long. No essays please.
  14. It has only 1 use, and is really expensive, but it's in the game. It does require killing/old maiding Silvia, since Charlot is necessary to obtain it (and Laylea gets the Barrier Sword as well).
  15. Nothing wrong with a little spite, so as long as you don't develop an unhealthy repressed desire to give in and embrace that which you spite. Take it from me, I don't play this game partly out of spite (I DL'd it, but have yet to actually open the game). And if I do, I'm going to be all PETA and not make a Horse Emblem team. Instead, I want to see what I could do with mono-colors/colorless and mono-Staffs teams. Not to say I won't use mounties or mixed color teams obviously, I will if a challenge requires it, or if I feel I don't want to put up with a hassle, or just because I feel like it.
  16. We need Rinkah and Flavia. Meg is said to be able to lift a cow, so she's a must. And Almedha too (she is supposed to be very strong despite losing her powers- Tibarn had a hard time holding her down). I'd also take a Hinoka who throws Pegasus at people (or should Juno do that?). Reina gets to club people with Kinshis though (taxidermied Kinshis who died of natural causes). Cherche can hide in Minerva's stomach until the time comes to be tactically vomited out like a rocket, smashing through the enemy's armor with her bare fist.
  17. Sorry about my misuse of the terms. Though I kinda used the terms Shotacon and Lolicon in the sense of a gathering of Lolis and Shotas (as in "convention"- like Comic-con). So in total (or near total) potential Shotas to be added include: Franz (?), Lugh, Rickard, Jubelo (if you though Odin had bad magic, you're in for a treat), Kurthnaga (yay Laguz Shota!), Ryan, Chad, Tormod, Wolt, Rolf, Asbel, Hayato (?), Ricken (?), Dew, Coirpre/Charlot, Percy, Nils, Ross, Ewan, PoR Sothe, Kiragi, Forrest, m!Kana, m!Morgan, and Gen 1!Finn. We also have some teenage males whose appearances are soft enough to be debatably Shota or who are on the border of it and maturity (this is partly dependent on art style)- like Edward and Leonardo, Julius, Leif, and Kliff. Now if they want to have fun with the Shotas, they should give us Gen 1 Shannan and Oifey, FE7 Roy, plus Prologue Alm, Grey, Tobin, and Kliff. A little Red heavy, but they could get around this by giving Tobin a toy bow with blunted arrows, and Kliff can get a child's storybook he wrote called Kyclone (he's learning his ABCs- but he hasn't mastered them yet). Or, they could use current popular characters and give them imagined childhood forms to sell more orbs. There would be many who'd buy spent money for things like Child!Takumi and Child!Leo, maybe little Hector or Ike, Eldigan or Reinhart (with their little little siblings of course). I wouldn't mind them replicating Genealogy's Prologue in miniature. A turn into a fight, Arvis shows up with Valfame, Close Counter, abnormally high stats, and the Heroes enemy only skill that mitigates all damage taken. Not made to be a hard battle or anything, just a little fight in a story chapter.
  18. Are the battlefields large enough to accommodate green NPC units on top of players and enemies? Wouldn't want things to be too cluttered. And how could they use greens for protect missions, something they'd certainly try, if enemies could get to them in 3 turns at the absolute most?
  19. Does such a thing anti-pedophilia therapy exist? And on a related note (which can't help but come off as creepy given the first), we have plenty of Lolicon so far, but not so much Shotacon right?
  20. I know that. If we're tiering characters, we must assume we can pull and have pulled anything and everything available. We have a unlimited quantity of feathers and all the right natures and skills available too. However, tiering operates in a world of ideals. And the world of ideals for Heroes is much more out of touch with the reality than in main series FEs due to the gatcha aspect. Thus, in practice (for a non-whale), personal experience means more, and tier lists hold less value. They aren't meaningless- I won't say that of tiering. But the few characters a player may have with relative or absolute certainty in practice may hold more a little value than tiering lets on. She is hereby my Purple Peanut Butter Cup. Her Tattle dialogue was always nice- gotta thank the people who wrote the copious mountains of it. Goombella is cute and perky and a little nerdy at the same time- a scholarly girl who isn't geeky or shy. Plus Multibonk is very powerful if you can nail the timing long enough, and Rally Wink can be very strong if Mario is decked out for mega damage (I've never done it, but Danger Mario ought to love her). Though Bobbery and Vivian are easier to use. 'Tis better to be sexualized in a spin off, than sexualized in a main game. Though 'tis best not to be sexualized at all if it contributes nothing to your character. This Senran Kagura injuries-stripping-clothes element is stabbing what became a nearly actualized want of playing this game. Will turning animations off- if they can be turned off- allow me to skip this voyeuristic element? Or will I have to just put up with not having way to work around it, barring not using certain units? Barring Distant Counter personal weapons, DeNA has yet to add generic range 1-2 physical weapons to Swords, Lances, and Axes (and magical weapons). They appear to either not want to address these, or don't know how. How hard would it be to balance them? How should they be handled?
  21. But don't good players deserve good rewards for doing good? Is it a fair complaint that bad players deserve to be able get the better endings of Mystery and Binding? Should the bonus things good players always be table scraps, with the very best stuff always being obtainable by all?
  22. GHB units are guaranteed to be yours if you can beat them. Banner units have roughly a 1.125% (5% divided by 4- the usual number of units in a banner) + the tiny chance I can't even fathom of being randomly obtained. Even if my calcs are a little off, to get one is far far far from guaranteed (worrying about nature makes the chance of getting what you want even smaller). Think of GHB and TT chars as prepromotes in common FE parlance. Sometimes they're broken, but the more balanced ones end up being inferior in the long run to growths units (aka everyone not TT, GHB, or Askr). However, it requires a lot of effort to get the growths units going, and you have to hope they don't get stat screwed (the big luck variable). The prepromotes will always be there able to perform, not quite as well, but very consistently from recruitment to the final hour. You can't seriously say in your personal experience Tana > Valter if you never draw the former. Next up: Veronica looks to steal an item containing a dark entity. Will it be a book guarded by a cult in a desert? Or a bronze medallion in a lust green forest? Will Funky Kong's Pineapple Launcher do? And if you want, I can make it very FE and very macabre at the same time. You almost have it. You see, Loki was born when the Archbishop of the nearly extinct Loptyr Cult, more than a century after Seliph's ultimate victory, began to experiment. He lamented at the extinction of the Loptyrian bloodline (Saias died celibate, and Seliph and Julia lacked Loptyr's blood), but had managed to obtain the Loptyr tome (which cursed as it was could not be destroyed). The Archbishop chose to try directly extracting Loptyr's soul from the tome, having it manifest without a human vessel. The extraction process proceeded slowly, but eventually the moment came to attempt a full extraction, and here things went awry. Loptyr's memories and personality were lost, and his dark power was initially weakened, but he was indeed freed from the tome. He was now a wholly spiritual being, and in such a state found it easy to traverse the dimensions, even the multiverse after experimenting for decades with his newfound power. Being without a physical form, and unable to interact with matter all that easily, Loki discovered however that he could take on the nearly real illusion of whomever he sought to be. Loki thus left Jugdral for the multiverse, just as he in his past life had left the all too hostile Archanea for the easy pickings of Jugdral. How does that relate to Xane? Well, after Loptyr gave his blood to Galle, he became so enraptured by life as leader of the Loptyr Empire, that he abandoned his real body back in Archanea, hiding it away, keeping it in a catatonic state in case he ever needed it again, which he doubted. But left for centuries deprived of its soul, Loptyr's real body thus became a soulless blank slate deprived of its power and Earth/Shadow Dragon nature. But a fragment of Loptyr's soul endured in his own body, and when the Divine Dragons and its allies were warring with the Earth Dragons and their allies, they discovered the comatose body of Loptyr. Feeling it nearly empty and benign, Naga breathed fresh life into the soul fragment, and thus Xane the Divine Dragon was born. Naga did this to deprive Loptyr of the chance of ever returning Archanea via his real body and thus make his defeat in Jugdral his ultimate defeat. And also to grant that little fragment of Loptyr, who had been a promising young dragon of some cunning and wit prior to the internecine warfare, a chance to do good. Thus Xane and Loki are the same, "children" of Loptyr who are also both Loptyr in a sense. One physically, the other spiritually.
  23. True enough, though she still has to work out of an E rank to SS. Though that should be no sweat if you're serious about making Laura good.
  24. I was assuming that scenario and trying to counter it. Otherwise they aren't related at all. This reminds me- how are Iuchar/Iucharba even close to Larcei? The game just says it, but doesn't explain how these oppressors are so close to the rebellious repressed- a few lines explaining this in a 4 Echoes would be nice. I didn't know the exact genetic level of similarity. But oh well... I knew my critique had some holes in it. (And what is Hilda's background? my headcanon was she was one of Victor's illegitimates who Arvis kicked off the Velthomer payroll. This partly explains her cruelty- she was a little rich girl living the good life until Arvis ruined it for her. But that is just my headcanon, I don't think we're actually told). This said, all the event dialogue the Ulir cousins have with each other is utterly generic- owing to the fact they can have substitutes no doubt (yet even when the subs can't have the convos they're generic). There is nothing that screams "yay incest!".
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