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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. In case you weren't aware, nothing, absolutely nothing, is truly sacred. Jugdral had good plots it is generally agreed (though the second half of Genealogy isn't quite as strong as the first), but the gameplay is highly divisive for both games. Genealogy might be grandiose in map sizes (and they actually form entire countries), but they're criticized as so very very empty and making Horse Emblem better than it is in Heroes. Thracia had a lot of interesting gameplay ideas, but the execution wasn't the best being it was the first time they were tested. Yet I don't need holy purity or perfection in my games. I just try to enjoy whatever games I'm interested in and accept them for whatever flaws or arguable flaws they may have. No one's life is perfect, but one tries to live and enjoy it just the same. As for SS, yes, it is good if you come from playing Awakening, given it has a world map you can roam and grind and shop on just the same. It's better than going from Awakening to Blazing or Tellius, since they lack the easy grinding, and Blazing forces you to shop during the battle itself. They're not quite as friendly to Awakening acolytes. Not to say they're totally cold and uninviting (that'd be Thracia if any game), PoR Easy Mode is easy, and Blazing has the giant tutorial of Lyn Mode and very pathetic enemies on Eliwood and Hector Normal Modes.
  2. Laura heals, that is it. Even though Laura requires rampant staff spam (and there aren't any high EXP staffs around) to get anywhere near level 20 to promote, she does just fine healing your team in Parts 1 and 3, maybe even 4 if you can keep her safe during it. Laura has 70% in Mag, Skl, and Spd, (good Lck too) but sadly terribly low Spd caps of 22 and 31 keep her from ever doubling and gimp her 4 Final potential. As a Final Staffbot, Rhys and Elincia can do the same job with far less training. On top of this tomes are fairly weak in RD, enemy Res values high, and getting her to SS Light for Rexaura will be difficult (barring use of all those Arms Scrolls you can find hidden in places- but they also give 4k each so you may opt to sell them).
  3. I don't like Vigarde. They'd have to invent a personality for him, since he's completely dead save for the flashback where he dies in front of Lyon. He's an armor yes, and generally I focus more on gameplay than personality. But "Vigarde" is a shell of a former human being, a husk preserved by dark magic that cannot speak once its master abandons it, and which then disintegrates upon defeat, leaving nothing behind. Duessel is thus the only true bearer of Garm if the Black Axe is to have one. And though he be not a royal, he is nonetheless one Grado's three greatest generals alive in SS, bestowed with the awesome title of Obsidian. And once the adventure ends, he remains a pivotal figure in reconstructing his country. I would very much like a Elibean Heroes of Yore Banner. But given we're talking legends of old with very little substance. Three of whom we never see, one has only a Mario Kart: Double Dash Bonus Disk appearance where they give away free goodies, another two each get 1 cutscene, another has 2 cutscenes, and only one, Athos, has any significant time onscreen- and all he does is be an old wise sage. Don't get me wrong. I love Bramimond, he intrigues me in how he attained ultimate mastery of darkness. Neither succumbing to a vegetative state, nor going mad and wild with lust for power. Bramimond sacrificed part of his identity and all hopes of a normal life to gain this power, but he managed to retain his free will. He is one of the greatest magic users in all of FE lore, and a rare case of FE doing something genuinely unique. But alas- what power doth Bramimond, or Athos, or any other of these heroes of yore have to sell orbs?! ... ... ... Stillness. Emptiness. Nothingness. The defining trait of Bramimond's millennia beneath the Shrine of Seals, that is the answer. Conquest on a strictly gameplay basis is what is meant whenever people say Fates is the best. Story, characters, DLC, Birthright and Revelation- all of these are left out of that statement because people know they're either nothing special, or terribly done. Perhaps you could avoid Reddit a bit if they overhype SS. To call it better than Awakening in every way is certainly going too far. Perhaps SS has better map design and plot, maybe even characters overall, but it was a fairly uncreative game that was released at the end of the GBA's life cycle as a side project to PoR.
  4. No. I wish eighteen hundred thousand curses upon you for this. ArvisxDeidre? It's the only incest that is guaranteed to happen, is very very very bad since it was all engineered by the pure evil leader of a pure evil cult to create a pure evil empire led by a pure evil god for the sake of doing pure evil. ClaudxSilvia? It's never outright said they're siblings, and even if they are it isn't like they truly know it- Silvia has no Brand. LachesisxEldigan? No matter their strong feelings for each other, it can't actually happen and Kaga ultimately decided against it by inventing Grayne for Ares. He also opted against making Marita mothered by her father's half-aunt. Kaga knew when his incest tendencies went too far, and stopped himself. ChulainnxAyra? We don't know how closely related they are, they should be at least 1st cousins, probably more 2nd cousins or something beyond it and they don't know it- that's fine. AresxNanna? Give me the Japanese. I don't trust a fan translation written during a beer party. But even if it is- it's one instance. LarceixShannan/Luchar/Lucharba? 1st half-cousin incest, not really that bad and in the latter case they weren't raised as family. Edain childxBrigid child? Genetically than normal 1st cousins, but not terribly bad. ArionxAltena? Arion seems to know Altena isn't his blood sister from the start, it thus makes things a bit different. Honestly, Julia and Seliph shouldn't have even been compatible with each other at all- that 490 love points be damned. Why does it exist? Well Altena exists outside of the marriage pool, neither Julia nor Seliph do, and Sigurd and Ethlyn had fixed lovers. Even Seliph and Julia they did develop some romantic feelings for each other prior to the half-sibling revelation, they didn't maintain them thereafter; not that Seliph or Julia speak all that much if at all on the matter. If Princess Leila and Luke Skywalker got over each other, then it shouldn't take lightsaber or Tyrfing up either Julia or Seliph's posteriors for them to get over each other. Those who harp on and on and on about incest in FE and Jugdral in particular do the series and Jugdral alike a massive disservice. You make FE out to be a giant inbred porno with no value whatsoever beyond brothers breaking in sisters. Much like that wretched talk of making characters the husbands and wives of your dies-as-a-virgin avatar in the more recent games, it has very little basis, if a kernel I must admit, in the games themselves and comprise not even .01% of the game's content, and on top of that is completely optional. Let me warn you now, do not continue in this way. Now come Arvis. I have rage I still need to vent, and I want you to burn Verdane to the ground. Afterwards, we invade Gallia and do the same. And this time I will slaughter every beast that approaches us with my bare hands. Perhaps then I shall feel serenity again.
  5. Olivi Grass. It transforms you! *Shifts into a Cerberus Laguz (or so I think)*
  6. The Three Brothers also lacked Supports, as did Marcia and Makalov, Ulki and Janaff, Geoffrey and Lucia, and Lethe and Mordecai, and Calill and Largo, and Tormod and Muarim. I see the logic- they're so close they don't need Supports, they do get crit-giving Bonds though. With Ike and Mist, you see plenty of them in the main story, and the other pairings have bits of plot and or Base Conversations with each other. The problem is that we have characters who give Bonds and Supports too. Namely: Ike and Soren, Rolf and Shinon, and Tanith and Marcia. In addition, not all longtime best buds lack Supports- Shinon and Gatrie have one. As I've mentioned before, PoR had many cut Supports in its data, and although we find none of the above character pairings in the cut Supports, it is fair to say IS just didn't have the time or will to include all the Supports they could have. To make this a little relevant to SoV, the unused data for this game doesn't show any sign of cut supports from what Vincent dredged up. That's in a way more insulting than RD (which at least in the unused data revealed plans for unique convos, at least the A rank, for certain pairings), as it suggests there was no ambition for more Supports in SoV. So unless they cleanly extracted unused Support ideas from the data, or only inserted what they knew they'd make real, SoV's development team sincerely thought that given their time and budget, they were satisfied with what Supports they had created. In which case, I say they should have stretched further and the writers have worked a little harder. How much time and creativity does it take to make a good Support?
  7. Just wait until T776's Ronan gets added. His Iceberg is gonna hit like an entire Antarctic Ice Sheet (Glacies would be the entire continent). His non-Iceberg hits? With +Atk, can you say 0x2 on bulky mages? Eirika!Lyon is huggable and great if you're the person who loves to gush out sympathy. Ephraim!Lyon is less a shy purest pity magnet, still very pitiable mind you, and comes off as more of an active player in the fate of Magvel and his own life than Eiri's (though in the end, the DK still tricked him). Eph has the better Lyon if you ask me, but which Lyon will we get in Heroes? My answer? Either a totally DK-free/lines suggest neither route's version Lyon, or one who has contradictory quips that clearly come from both Lyons.
  8. What about RD? The 3-10 range Dark tome there is called Fenrir. The names of the B and S Dark tomes are Carreau and Verrine instead.
  9. So it's like giving Hearts to Palutena and Viridi in Kid Icarus: Uprising? An utter waste of time. Be careful what you say... DeNA is unpredictable. Faye!Archer, Tobin!Not Archer, Amelia!Axe Armor, Seth!Sword, Lukas!Not Armor, Adult Tiki!Red Breath, Narcian!Axe. You never know what they'll do next.
  10. Very true- Gilliam is the only Knight you get. As an aside, Garcia and Cormag are the only Fighter and Wyvern Rider you get. SS has one of the smallest playable casts if you subtract Creature Campaign. And since Amelia has gone Armor, maybe Ewan will go Dark. But it doesn't really matter for him- he'll be Red I'm expecting (since he starts with Fire), barring a random decision to make him Blue or Green. And giving us only 1 trainee at a time might be for the best. It means you can milk growth units lovers 3 times over. And afterwards milk them again with a Focus rehash.
  11. If they were going to make Amelia axes- despite being a lance infantry (or even cav if you like the Franz support) girl- they should have given her Garm- the sacred axe of Grado. But I guess we'll be waiting on Duessel for that- the question then becomes how much the AS boost it'll give will be able to counter his inevitably bad Spd stat. (And if they give away Sacred Twin users in pairs, that'd mean with Gleipnir- I'm expecting junk on both the part of the weapon and user, but here's hoping he makes good fusion fodder. Though then if they continue twinning the Sacred Twin users, it'll be Lute or Saleh or Ewan (I don't see a trainee getting an ST) who gets Excalibur to go with Joshua's ironclad claim to Audhulma. And then we have the mystery of Rausten- will L'Arachel get Invaldi and Natasha (just because) Latona, or L'Arachel Latona and Artur Invaldi? Or will we get two L'Arachels- one with Latona and the other with Invaldi?) Seth, yeah he is more of a lancer (Forde is the sword cav of SS if anyone is), but as someone did point out, his scripted first battle (the first battle in the whole game) with Valter does have him using a Steel Sword, and almost dying were it not for "I must save Princess Eirika!". Glen hopefully will be a sword draco if that's the case when he finally shows up in 2019. As for Innes- I like him, and Tana isn't bad either. But is this the dream banner I've been waiting for? No. So here I'll be, waiting for the day someone finally comes along who'll be willing to walk into the deep end with. When that day comes, I will finally be able to call myself a Heroes player.
  12. You keep good logs! But what if no banner ever comes? What use will all those orbs be then? They'll be useless, just useless. They seem packed with energy though, perhaps they'll be an excellent addition to the food reserves! And they're bite-sized too! (Or whatever size you want them to be, coconut or pine nut- all you need to do is will it!) *Bites down on an orb- teeth feel great pain* Maybe that wasn't the best of ideas... But I know- I'll just swallow them! *Slips ten orbs down the throat in desperation* Well where's the energy? Maybe I should give it a moment to reach my stomach... Ah, there's the feeling, I'm feeling quite energized, all will be good so as long as I don't run out of orbs. I could survive for weeks, no months, no YEARS without a new banner! This feeling is gre- huh? Ugh! What is this pain!?! Why does my gut feel like it's going to explode? Aggghhhhhh! *Flesh and bones and guts go flying in all directions. Accompanied by a blinding flash of light.* "Did someone summon me? I don't see anyone, only a bloody mess. So I think I'll just figure out how to return home later. And for now take a nap on this boat with my scaly partner."
  13. Agreed, I visit this board partly for the nonsensical chaos, but this is graphic to the point of being Too Much Information! I might have lost the rights to say that when I fawned over "Seasonal" Ryoma in the Sprite Assembly Thread. But at least I kept it clean of direct sexual acts and human excrement. It's only a matter of time now before somebody starts writing up cheesy low grade romance novel porn in the opening post of a new banner topic with no or only token talk of the banner itself. Once that egregious low comes, this board will be under constant watch by the mods and we'll never be allowed to discuss sex and the absurd ever again! Don't push the envelope people!
  14. A generic "Strike" weapon type has been the one idea that has been passed around for all save the Dragon Laguz perhaps. I'd not want to relegate the various Beast Bird and Dragon Tribes to a particular color, and color them instead on a unit-by-unit basis. Colorless wouldn't be bad either, and has the advantage of fearing nothing but -ravens. But shoving 3 cats, 3 tigers, 3 lions, 2 wolves, 3 ravens, 3 hawks, 4 Fates beasties, and 2 Taguels into one category might be a bit of a waste.
  15. Hinoka will marry Hinata. And Hisame will then become a Kinshi Knight. A+ Kiragi if you wish to get him access to Quick Draw. Why this? Because I feel like making Hinata and Takumi brother-in-laws.
  16. I will deny this topic with another Bravely Second character! Kaiser Oblivion And time for a little Paper Mario fun (I'll try making more later)! Yoshi- Available at 5 Star Rarity in Black and White colors, Red, Blue, Orange, and Pink at 4 Star Rarity, and Green at 3 Star (color difference is purely cosmetic beyond determining Rarity).
  17. Well you do get the Jill betrayal possibility in PoR, and Zihark can leave the DBs if you have him talk with Lethe or Mordecai in 3-6 (he can't attack them, and if they attack him, he won't counter, but won't betray either- you have to be the one to initiate it). It wouldn't be a terrible idea if they threw a few special instances of potential allied betrayal in each game. As long as we get a heads up that in essence if not outright says "Commander, I'd be wary of sending X to fight Y". As for Seth, if I field him in C5, I frequently let him take out the leftmost zone beyond the wall. Somebody might as well clear it, and the only units who could do a solo job are him and Gilliam.
  18. Warp is available in Chapter 1, has 10 uses (costs 10K total) and gives 60 EXP a use. Return gives a little more than half the EXP of Warp, comes in the same early chapter, same number of uses, and half the price. Use Dew for money and spam these. 10 Warp uses = 6 levels- that's not bad.
  19. I will agree that after TD and PR, they've burned through the nostalgia reserves almost completely. I'd vomit and dare I say possibly skip if the next Kirby game was as overladen with throwbacks as either of these. I mean PR (spoilers for the game) I want to a Kirby game again that builds itself up without the need for referencing the old way too much. Make a cameo appearance special again. Well yeah the Great Fairy looks slower moving than a normal person. The camera angle is different and more zoomed out, and she is much larger than anyone else. If you had a compact car with seating only for two moving at the same speed as a 18 wheeler truck, the car would appear to be moving faster. On that note, Horse!Link feels too slow as well. Probably because it moves at the same speed as everyone on foot.
  20. I'll second this one, though. And I'll Bravely Third! I'll gladly take Victor and Lester DeRosso- both are well developed characters and rise above the cartoonish nature of other Asterisk wielders. Braev, Janne, Kaiser Oblivion, and maybe Geist too. And afterwards, I'll take about 20 variants of Tiz (mostly BS ones, but I'd take Onion Knight and BD Monk and Ranger Tiz too). Yokai Tiz (he's one badass Kitsune), Kaiser Tiz, Merchant Tiz, Exorcist Tiz, Hawkeye Tiz (I guess Tomahawk Tiz too), Performer Tiz, Pirate Tiz, Ninja Tiz, Dark Knight Tiz, Catmancer Tiz, Thief Tiz, Swordmaster Tiz, Charioteer Tiz, Astrologian Tiz, Red Mage Tiz, Washcloth Tiz, Eastern God Garb Tiz (both the international and Japanese versions), Melodist Tiz, Sagittarius Tiz, and while we're at it, let's throw in Patissier, Knight, Bishop, Wizard, White Mage, Guardian, BD Freelancer, and Templar Tizs. Also, as a crossover costume, Hoshidan Archer Tiz (aka Takumi's outfit- Takumi gets a Norende Villager outfit in return). I guess we can toss a few Edeas, Ringabels, Agneses, Yews, and Magnolias in there too. But I mostly want the MC who has the hair of an edgelord, but a mild, simple and sweet personality that is anything but that. I'd roll for a Ratsel on rollerblades with scaled down Lanzerkanones, Schulterplattes, and a black cape. And an Excellen with a downsized Howling Rifle. And Kyosuke with a Revolving Bunker and portable Claymore Launcher. Give Ryusei a pair of telekinetic gloves for punching and sword-generating, Beam Chakram for Rai, Strike Shields for Aya, an R-gun for Viletta. Haken gets his full arsenal. A human-sized black Gespenst suit for Gilliam. Double Jet Magnums for Kai. A Black Hole Gun for Ring, Calamity Sword for Irm. Cross Smasher for Lune while a Zephyr Sword and Familiars go to Masaki. Beetle Crusher and Raptor Wings for Arado, and Oxtongue Rifle for Seolla. Shu gets an "I win" Degeneration Cannon (or Black Hole Cluster if we drop the Neo). Alfimi has a katana plus two skull familiars, a pair of gloves for Axel. Lamia gets a Angelg Bow (or Vysaga Katana). Bullet has the Sonic Javelin with Random Spike transformation, the Dragoon Blade for Kusuha. See, it's not hard to integrate SRW- just think miniature!
  21. Warriors Orochi made a moveset out of shirt sleeves. KT can make a creative moveset out of almost anything.
  22. Aww... what a shame this LP of this bizarre obscure SMT, with a sort of interesting concept (survival in Tokyo following the ICBM attack ending the first part of SMT I), had to end prematurely. Bringing ATB to SMT seemed like a good idea, demon equipment isn't a bad idea either. That world map- the green color, the urban landscape with all its tiny buildings and narrow streets, yep, it's awful.
  23. He could also be mounty because Mage Knight promotion. Miranda also leans towards Fire Magic at base (and also promotes to Mage Knight). We also have a few non-villain Dark Magic users too: Knoll, Canas, and Pelleas (and Bramimond, but he has a 0% chance of getting in).
  24. There is a solution you know? You know those armorless Soldiers? That god awful Lance Infantry class from numerous FEs? Which exists solely for early chapters and easy EXP feeding?
  25. Dong armor is stupid. It makes riding a horse impossible and suggests you're overcompensating. Pantsless Marth is so very daring- he is willing to put the most important jewels of all of Archanea in the way of all enemy attacks (the Spheres I mean). Why do think baddies prioritize Marth so much in FE1?
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