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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Pantsless Marth with an 8-Bit Falchion that negates non-Breath range 1 enemy attacks on top of the heal and dragon slaying.
  2. Whatever do you mean by this? Are you criticizing the gameplay format of SM64 and KSS, or are you criticizing games that just reference them in some smaller non-gameplay-way too much? If you mean the former, well Ninty has had Mario experiment away from the SM64 format plenty recently and them bringing it back for SMO isn't a problem because we've had 4 NSMBs and SM3DL and SM3DW. As for KSS- I think the Kirby formula, while certainly better in KSS style than Dark Matter Trilogy format or KEY, but I won't deny Kirby could use some more experimentation. As for non-gameplay referencing, I don't see it here- care to explain?
  3. So the Saiyan Twins are swordies because ease of tutorial teaching? I understand the logic, even if I still disagree with the move. A pullback from the Fates Weapon Triangle for Robin- fine by me. Chrom was the first character made, and Lucina the basis of all who play similarly to another character. Lucina was originally up for not being included that would have been *shot and killed before I can finish my ambiguous statement.* Coliseum Mode- sounds less fun than Adventure Mode in HW. So originally there was no flash, but HW set expectations for flashiness, but things then got too flashy. Bouncing from one extreme to the next. Personal relations to important characters matter for inclusion, might help predict the rest of the cast a little. Silly Japanese hubbypon and wifeypon stuff said during the Treehouse demo showing by FE fans across Japan, well whatever floats your boat.
  4. Staffers need to be fixed first. Up their healing, add Warp/Rescue, make Wrathful Staff standard on them- something to make them more useful. Otherwise Elincia Ridell Crimea being a flying staffer won't mean much. What's the point of being something unique if that unique thing is fairly useless? Though giving us a Staff-using PoR Princess Elincia, and a Amiti-swinging RD Queen Elincia would work too. Another source of Renewal will be appreciated any way you cut it methinks. Einherjar Legion in Awakening has Swordbreaker as his one "non-native to default class" skill.
  5. Makes sense. Heavy SCOP/DS bombardment would tend to break formations and make the battle a direct combat slugfest I can imagine. Never really played PvP.
  6. Beyond Javier, what is wrong with Grit in DS? I remembering hearing something about Black Bombs effectively hurting defensive strategies, but I can't think of anything else that might render Grit terrible.
  7. Only if we're talking 4-Final. Otherwise- Aran roughly tying with Edward for the 3rd best non-Micaiah unpromoted unit to dump P1 experience into (Jill and Nolan are the top two), is better than Neph in P2 (where she gets Brominated) and P3, where the GMs have plenty of members able to outdo or rival her. She's kinda fast, but kinda fragile and kinda puny and comes at a low level. I've expressed my preference for Aran in the past, his tanking is great for me is more valuable than Edward's potential doubling, as I generally don't end up bringing DBs to 4-Final. I acknowledge Aran's flaws, but still find him quite useful. I concur- that disabling of enemy range display is just annoying. Plus, aren't the enemy HM bonuses like ~2 per stat? Not a big difference over NM. And any BEXP cut doesn't matter that much since BEXP gimps unit growth generally for Beorc without several stats capped.
  8. Not bad, I don't recall FFIV's soundtrack so well. It isn't at all bad, but of course it's more limited than that of the later SNES FFs. Good music for the final dungeons, since it has an element finality in it, a calm one, with self-reflection on the long journey which shall soon end. 8.3/10 Grahf Emperor of Darkness from Xenogears
  9. Agreed. HW Link had that nice blue scarf, which freshened his very traditional design and made it pop. I have the PC wallpaper with the OoT TP and SS Link designs shown alongside the HW one, and I definitely appreciate the new design. I wouldn't ask for the scarf to come back in every game, this one time to make this particular Link distinctive is enough. Are your referring just to Marth, or TMS's designs as a whole? The former- I'll concede, the latter, not at all, not when TMS gave us Conqueror Chrom. So in other words, IS is snubbing Marth's superior game again? (Haven't actually played 3/12, but 1 I can tell from afar is inferior to 3, and 12 seems to be a significant improvement over 11 barring a few things like Chris's plot integration.)
  10. Ms. Mowz and Lakilester (aka "Spike") too! And Yoshi (with each color a separate Hero) and Bow! And if we're getting Vivian- I want international recognition of her transgender status!
  11. Avian male genitalia is internal. The good memories are coming back (but then XRay RUINED THEM!). Thank you for the screenshot, I think I'll need to play PM on my Wii U again.
  12. Intelligent Systems wrote Hyrule Warriors? They didn't, but I doubt IS will hijack the plot into a comedy of errors like Conquest.
  13. Outside of Ganondorf keeping everyone alive after he takes their Triforces from them, and the fact that Link and Zelda brush off his appearance at the Temple of Souls, I don't think HW had any glaring plot issues. By no means good or anything other than something epic to make the action happen, but it's not something so bad you'd write essays about its atrocity. Just keep things constantly moving. Cut to the chase and emphasize action and fighting, and keep the actual periods of talking in peace to a minimum.
  14. Not with Gharnef as the goalie- only a Starlight Kick can penetrate his defenses. Marth's looking simple, generic, and very blue as always- never bad, but never terribly memorable (I generally prefer his white recolor in Smash). Anna's design looks like it might derive inspiration from the Fates one, and I agree the beret doesn't do much for the design. Wonder what weapon she'll be going with this time. She's done Sword & Staff, Bow, and Axe. It looks like she'll be physical again, I don't think the outfit goes well with magic, but who knows?
  15. While some people complained about BW's absence of non-5th gen Pokemon in the main game, I actually kinda liked it. No more falling back to Gyarados and Kadabra. It was refreshing in the sense that it also got rid of the tedium of seeing the same old Pokes returning yet again (aka cave Zubats). This said, if a game only features the Pokemon of its gen in the main game, there better be good variety in types, accessibility to all those types, and diversity in stats too. Alternatively, just keep out the trite continually rehashed 1st gen Pokes and go for latter gen ones that are more niche.
  16. I forgot to add- how about a Session skill? Sessions are the main source of damage in TMS. "If an adjacent ally has a weapon triangle advantage and or a effective damage bonus when attacking, this unit will deal a single follow up hit for (either 1/4 or 1/2) normal damage. Will not trigger this unit's Special, but will accelerate their Special count by 1 if the Special is not charged yet." We lack a Dual Attack/Offensive Stance-like skill in the game as is, so this would be a TMS skill kinda like an essential Awakening/Fates mechanic too.
  17. Invite your neighbors to dinner and sacrifice them. That I find always works out well, be sure to change neighborhoods afterwards however. Why going in the back door twice? Me want! Me want very much! Well Touma and Yashiro and Kiria mostly, but I'll take them all! We should make Uta-loid Tiki a Staff user too so we have a round 8 characters- enough for two standard banners. Plus, that'd be Tiki no. 4- you could make a full Tiki team! That's worth partying over right (make it a luau b/c it's a Tiki party)?
  18. You have until October for that. Unless you're really really into Awakening or Nohrian characters dressing up in costumes, I don't think you need to save for that right now.
  19. You forgot the part where it becomes "Silque warps Alm, Alm murders somebody, Faye rescues Alm from a suicide mission". But otherwise you got things pretty much on the mark.
  20. *Summoner has appeared on the battlefield.* *Summoner has summoned four-armed uglies!* *Defeat Summoner before it summons more four-armed uglies!* Two minutes later... *Summoner has summoned four-armed uglies!* *Defeat Summoner before it summons more four-armed uglies!* Eight minutes later... *Summoner can no longer summon four-armed uglies.* *Summoner has left the battlefield.* The monsters look rather strange for an FE. But a single still shot doesn't do them justice- once we get some footage I'm sure they'll look a little more normal. Well the purple one is targetable and there is only one of them, while the reds are many (and smaller?). So red = peon, and purple = captain I think.
  21. Ah the Galdrar of Warpskip! Where was that during Part 4? The three Herons combined in the atmosphere of pure Order Ashera created could have easily sent all the judgement survivors right to the heart of Sienne! Of course that'd mean no Baselard, Laguz Gems, Vague Katti, and Stefan. No Volke, no Balberith tome (possibly none of the Anima Rexes either), no Fortify, nor time for Caineghis and Giffca to make to Sienne with the Urvan, and no Goldoa battle either, so perhaps it was for the best the Herons forgot the ultimate song. Your answer does make more sense than the alternative though.
  22. True enough. But Thieves can open doors too if you don't want to carry Door Keys around. And it's also nice if you don't want to play things too slowly, as chests and thrones (every chapter in Marth's games is a seize) aren't always near each other. So you'll save some time if you field a Thief. Julian is none too shabby a fighter too- his bases aren't the best, and he can't promote, but he has very good growths (70% Str in all but FE11)- I've raised him a few times.
  23. Yeah, back when I would randomly explore Bulbapedia I stumbled on the Mask of Ice thing and decided to integrate Pryce as a traitor to the Johto Heroes. His betrayal happens right after Apollo loses atop the Radio Tower and cries out saying he had done everything for him, then ending his cry with the word "Father", directed at Pryce. Pryce then complements his son, betrays the heroes, offers them a chance to join him, they refuse, and Pryce then arranges for the Rocket Renegades escape by using the icy powers of the Crystal Emblem- that headpiece which Suicune wears and which was torn off it earlier in the story at Cianwood, Apollo used it to fight the heroes at the Radio Tower, but could certainly not use it as well as Pryce. As you can tell from that, rather than seek Celebi, the Rocket Renegades seek out Ho-Oh and its beasts. Giovanni wants Mewtwo and Mew, Will and his OC cronies (or Snagem, but I'm thinking of saving them for the unwritten parallel story Orre Saga now) want Celebi, and Greevil wants the Lugia group (not all of Cipher features in the fanfict- only Greevil, Ardos and Eldes his sons, a female and a researcher in Lovrina, and Nascour- who serves as the intermediary between the Cipher Expansionary Force led by Greevil, and the Cipher Home Front led by Evice. Evice and Greevil don't get along- and each plans to overthrow the other- Evice wants to milk Orre to do so, Greevil wants legendary power from aboard to do so. Both in the end fail 'cause their evil and the Kanto, Johto and Orre Heroes defeat them. Lovrina is captured, Eldes betrays Cipher, Ardos stays by his father to the end, and Nascour flees Citadark to Orre after losing there (he kisses up to both Evice and Greevil out of self-interest)). I also in the uncreative fanfiction made Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and Blaine all former Rockets. Well Surge and Blaine are former, Sabrina is a powerful current member, and Koga is a double agent who joined solely to help Kanto out- leaving his daughter in charge of the gym. His betrayal happens on the rooftop of Silph Co. after the heroes fight Giovanni, Sabrina, Mewtwo, and him altogether. Sabrina's betrayal from the heroes happens deep inside the Cerulean Cave, and is responsible for forcing Blaine to undo the last locks on Mewtwo's cryostasis (imposed by Pryce and Blaine (the sole survivor, by pure luck, of the day Mewtwo betrayed Team Rocket) to end the Mewtwo Incident and make sure no one would reawaken it). Lance also despairs about humanity and seeks Lugia late in the story- but the heroes stop him. Taking advantage of the infighting among the heroes Greevil personally steal Lugia at last, and Lance is reduced to a sobbing wreck. He recovers offscreen when Lorelei visits him and together they help the heroes stop Will from time traveling via Celebi, this is also revenge for Lance because Will deceived him and silently usurped control of Indigo Plateau earlier in the story, after which Lance then charged off to Indigo Plateau. The revelation of Will's betrayal happened after the battle in the Dragon Den where Lance, Raikou and the Blackthorn Elders fought the heroes including Clair (the heroes thought that Lance was going a bit crazy with his whole "We must seriously reform humanity for the sake of Pokemon- Ho-Oh decrees it!"), and after the battle Raikou thought Lance was too weak and then abandoned him- which took an emotional toll on Lance. Anyhow, when Lance got to Indigo Plateau, Will crushed him in battle in the Champion's Room with the Silver and the other Johto heroes arriving just after his defeat, symbolically marked by Will tearing off Lance's cape. Green/Blue and the Kanto heroes then bump into Lance in Victory Road, which is humiliating for him because he's sobbing from losing to Will, finds out Moltres has just been captured, and then charges off to the Whirl Islands to save Lugia and gets its help. (The union of the Kanto and Johto hero groups happens right after this- as the Kanto bunch walks towards to the front doors of Indigo Plateau to see what happened there, the Johto heroes walk out the doors to pursue Lance and Will. By pure chance, the heroes finally meet, discuss things, and unite.) Yes, Lance is a big pain in my fanfict, but he isn't always so. Earlier in the story, during the Power Plant Panic when the Rocket Renegades yet to formally betray Giovanni (that happens at the Radio Tower Takeover) decide to sabotage the Kanto Power Plant, Lance hurries to the scene and arrives just after the New Plant is secured, and the heroes then need to investigate the abandoned Old Plant due to mysterious figures (Cipher led by Nascour going after Zapdos taking advantage of all the chaos happening) being seen heading there. Lance is at his finest here, and so he is during the Lake of Rage and Mahogany episodes. He's very serious about his duties and very devoted to Pokemon, but he's a little too brash by virtue of his strong devotion- kinda like a legendary Pokemon (Ho-Oh is very judgmental in the fanfict, and when it senses Lugia has gone Shadow, Ho-Oh makes itself the opposite- "Indignant". The final battle is the two clashing at Tohjo Falls with the heroes of Kanto and Johto split in three groups, using the other legendaries to purify Lugia and placate Ho-Oh). Too much information? Yeah, not the best of fanficts, but its one I saw to it that I actually finished.
  24. Nope, only thieves- no promotion (but in SD/NM they get a 30 level cap like Marth). Julian is the original thief, spawned something of an archetype (thief+cleric), and I think Gaius's orange hair color might be due to Julian also being an orange. There is also Rickard, Julian's little pal, but he's inferior from a gameplay perspective and ironically can only be recruited with Julian- which is bad if Julian dies before you get to him because you're then without a Thief altogether.
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