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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. FE6, being the first of the GBA FEs, is the crudest of them all in gameplay. FEs 7 and 8 corrected some of the issues of FE6 and tweaked it, in the same way Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising, fixed up some of the original Advance Wars's issues. The spirit of FE4 could be totally maintained with the inclusion of FE6-10 Rescue, that plus an extra point of move on everyone (or at least the foot units), would be a major help. More side objectives or enemies between castle could help too I guess. I played the Turn-Based Strategy game Steamworld Heist and in that game, if you move to any space within your orange movement range, you can perform actions afterwards. However, you also have a blue movement range- sprinting- which lets you move twice as far, but you can't perform actions afterwards. Maybe this is what FE4 needs to fix the polarizing map issue?
  2. Yeah it isn't too difficult sans pair up on Classic Hard, my Einherjar-only playthrough showed me that. Harder, less soloing the on the enemy phase, but not too bad.
  3. From the looks of the custom character species traits. If you're a true Sonic pro, only Bird and Bear matter for you. Getting hit/killed is for the less experienced. Wolf may have some utility if you really need to collect rings for some reason. If non Bird/Bear characters lack a double jump and or homing attack completely, then this may seriously affect level design. BB might break stages at certain points, or their abilities might be very weak and very unneeded. It'll take conscious effort to avoid either extreme.
  4. All lords keep hope dear in their hearts, despite anything which may push them towards total despair. (Can we have somebody who actually submits to their despair? They can jump out of it later and save the day at the last minute. I'm just asking for one who cuts a deal with the big bad/runs aways from it all/wallows in grief without regard to their true duty, for some time, with some consequences (killing off a nice NPC guy and some allied peons/a village or two will suffice)). As for most pessimistic, Micaiah is the one who comes closest to absolute despair, though her situation only gets this way because of how RD's plot works out, and not because of anything innate to her. Late Part 3 pits one lord against another, and because IS made it so the two sides had to fight, somebody (at least for some time) had to lose. And in Ike vs. Micaiah, the demands of the plot and realism (1 kingdom vs. ~3) forced Micaiah to be the victim. And the sense one gets is that Ike and the Laguz tore through Daein's army like they were devouring plates of spicy chicken wings in the mess hall. Lucina is in the gray zone as far as being a lord goes, but if she counts she would probably be considered even closer to despair. Her world was destroyed, unlike the rest of the lords, she knows that it is totally possible for things to end 100% mega super terribly badly.
  5. In terms of maxed out potential, the kids will exceed their parents. If you're into min-maxing and the rather minor multiplayer experience Fates has, then you'll be focusing on the kids. Sans grinding your way to the Moon and back (which isn't necessary to beat the game), they will be inferior to their parents, unless their parents are mediocre already. There was a recent topic about this. That said, many of them can still be useful if recruited late (when they get an Offspring Seal), even if they are worse than parents. Children only first appeared in FE4, where you absolutely had to use them. Children reappeared in Awakening, and then due to their popularity, Fates. In neither Fates nor Awakening are kids needed, they're totally optional. In fact I only once bothered to recruit any kids in Awakening, and in Fates I make due without them most of the time.
  6. The general advice for Dragonshields is to give them to units who already have decent Defense, instead of fragile ones. +2 Def is much less likely to help Raigh (to use a unit you've already mentioned) survive another hit, than it would Milady for example. If you throw Milady into a pack of four physical enemies (reasonable) which will hurt her and all hit, the Dragonshield will have reduced the damage she took by 8 points. Which means she could probably take yet another average enemy grunt's hit. Talismans are the same as Dragonshields, except for magical attacks. Unfortunately, units with moderate Resistance are rare in FE6; and Pure Waters and Barriers aren't that commonly available either. While Angelic Robes work equally well on durable and frail units, that Dragonshield are better for higher Def units means they should be your go to stat booster for helping mages, healers, and low defense physical units live. Goddess Icons should either go to: One, units with low Luck and see visible critical rates from normal enemies- as in those who aren't using Killer weapons or have innate critical bonuses- Raigh would be a such a case, Milady too, but she is pretty bulky and won't mind a critical from a random Steel Lance critical from a Cavalier or something if you don't play too close to the edge. About 10 Luck is enough. Or two, those who have high Speed and rely on dodging to survive- Sue and Swordmasters for instance. Secret Books are those with hitting issues, simple enough. You can use Goddess Icons to fix hitting issues too, and while they're half as effective as Secret Books for increasing hit, if you don't have any other use for them, you can use them on this. Everybody likes an Energy Ring, but when used on a unit who doubles a lot vs. one who doesn't, you get effectively a +4 damage boost vs. a +2 damage boost. Everyone likes Boots too, use them on anyone your heart desires. Note that C16 has a Secret Shop that sells infinite Angelic Robes. And the C21 Secret Shop sells all stat boosters in infinite quantities. Buy some for your favorite characters if you want, just don't run out of money for weapons.
  7. Level 20 Averages: Chad: HP 32.15 Str 12.5 Skl 12.5 Spd 20 Lck 15.4 Def 6.75 Res 2.85 Astolfo: HP 34 Str 10.5 Skl 12 Spd 20 Lck 12.5 Def 9 Res 5 Chad is slightly better at dodging, and better at hurting things. But both thieves are weak fighters, and their primary use is stats-free stealing and lockpicking anyhow. Astolfo's concrete durability leads are small too, but they are still more important for thieves than attacking. Not to mention that Astolfo starts at level 10 and Chad 1, Chad needs a lot more training to be marginally better offensively. Not worth it. That said, Chad does snag you some good stuff in the chapters before Astolfo joins. Plus FE6 has chest bloat (as in treasure chests) seeing how enemies don't drop stuff for some reason. So in many cases you may consider fielding two thieves instead of one to speed things up. In which case, Cath is the crappiest, and since Chad and Astolfo are the only other two, you'll therefore be fielding both.
  8. Coming off Xenoblade Chronicles X, seeing FE in full HD glory would be great. Though I'm open to an aesthetic that isn't overly realistic as well.
  9. I know I'm late to the party, but I just completed Chapter 12 of Xenoblade Chronicles X today. The fights were cake, mostly because I did some grinding and spent all my funds on one of every Medium and Heavy level 50 Skell. Plus some of those Fuel consumables I loaded up on from the Division Rewards let me maintain Skell use into the final phase, breaking it with Meteors and Busters. But a year and a half after getting the game, I just wanted the story done at last. Now I can play with builds not Longsword-Assault Rifle and casually complete all the quest lines, affinity quests, heart-to-hearts, recruit Mia, and tackle the Global Nemesis. Although I though Lin and Tatsu were too prevalent, and the villains were generic, I felt the feel of the plot and the world was good. The Avatar was handled decently (they weren't overly special or praised to high heaven), barring the strange lack of choice on that one C11 moment. Elma was the real main character and was handled pretty well, but the plot wouldn't work if the player could see inside her head from the get go. Here are my speculations by the way- (Xenogears and Xenoblade Chronicles spoilers) Now I get to my topic question. I've never played any other MMORPG before, so I don't know how they handle sequels set in the same world (not expansions- I don't think it'd work here). But Xenoblade Chronicles X begs for a sequel at the very end. So I'm wondering, since humanity probably won't be leaving Mira in a sequel, and the planet seems completely explored and is no longer exotic to the player at least, how would a sequel work from a gameplay perspective? How could a fresh MMORPG experience be maintained?
  10. She's +4 Strength over her average, +2/3 on Skill, -1 on Speed and Resistance. Everything else is where it should be. That is very good! Rath would be proud! Milady's Speed is +2/3 over her average, and Raigh is +1 his average. Provided the rest of their stats are doing well, use them both too. Sue's 6 Con promoted means she can use Steels Bows (and Murgleis) at -3 Attack Speed, Longbows at -4, and the Brave Bow at -6. But Silvers and Irons are fine for her, and Killers are a mere -1 AS. With her naturally high speed, she should be fine. Milady is a similar case with Lances and her 10 promoted Con, -3 from Steels and the Horseslayer, -1 from Javelins, Axereavers, and Maltet, and -4 from the Brave Lance. Raigh's 5 promoted Con means no AS loss from Flux, -1 from Nosferatu, and -7 from Apocalypse. Eclipse is -4, but when are you using that? Raigh would prefer a Speedwing I think. Sue or Milady can get the Body Ring, but Sue should be so fast that barring Sacaen Swordmasters and Nomad Troopers, I'm not sure if there will be anything she can't double with a Killer or Iron- the two bows you'll probably be using most. Milady is also likely to hit her Speed cap, but it's much lower and a Speedwing will do nothing to fix this. So for the Body Ring, I'd give it to Milady, unless you want her to rescue heavy units, or desperately need Sue to double with a heavier weapon. Raigh is not in the competition at all.
  11. I've heard of a FE4 hack that does just this. It lets minor holy blood characters to use their associated holy weapon, but with the stat boosts they offer major blood characters halved.
  12. Yeah, isn't the whole 30-was-old thing factoring in a high infant and childhood mortality rate? If you looked at the average life expectancy leaving out children, it would have been higher, not modern, but higher.
  13. A non-aggression pact: Hoshido no hurt Nohr, Nohr no hurt Corrin. Corrin symbolized a tense peace between two belligerent nations. Once they were tossed up in the air and for either nation to grab, the peace was torn to shreds. Hoshido began it's war against long endured injustices and sought to reclaim its lost child as well; whilst Nohr celebrated freedom from caring for dressing up a Hoshidan mongrel and reveled in being able to indulge its primal hunger for glory and conquest once more. Of course I think IS probably, and sadly, literally meant the explody sword thing here.
  14. The Last Story is an RPG that restricted its world to one city on an island for the most part. The story had some world-saving aspects, but it was focused more on the individual characters. The end result? Nothing incredibly amazing I will say. The Suikoden series tried small scale too, to some success, but it could at times be weighed down by things it didn't need (Neclord). I'd be totally interested in a smaller scale FE, but I'll admit that would not be a cureall. Good writing is good writing, bad writing is bad writing. A history of global trade across the millennia can be as nuanced and thrilling, or as illogical and dull, as a history of cloth production in a small medieval English town from 1238-1248 can be. Fates technically was small scale. Only two major countries involved, with some smaller powers tossed in. There was the potential to make everything centered on these kingdoms and a bunch of their royalty. Yet the plot we got despite this small scale was Fire Emblem: Dragon Song (to reference the game that killed the once-great Lunar RPG franchise). My general assertion is that RD had good writing until 3-11/12 brings in the Blood Pact. And if you look at things closely, Parts 1, 2, and 3, up until Daein entered the picture a second time, were generally small scale. Part 1 was wholly contained in Daein, Part 2 was even smaller scale in that there was no foreign foe. Early Part 3 is just two Laguz nations vs. Begnion with the GMs tossed in. (And just to defend some of the latter writing and not condemn it wholesale, Part 4 did well with most of its revelations and individual conflicts, if not all of them, and not to excuse certain elements and pieces of the writings and other faults.) Also, Tellius does cut some corners by leaving the laguz nations, half the continent, free from being battlefields and leaving the countries as a whole a bit undercooked. Jugdral, the other greatly developed macrocosmic FE game, did so partly via artbooks and other things not directly in the game. Plus it leaves the half of the continent not in each generation. Elibe, I'm not sure what I'd say of it. But I will say Lycia in FE7 didn't get great additional development, in spite of being at the center of the plot and most of the other countries being left unvisited.
  15. Micaiah screws up a lot in Part 3. As soon as she loses her vision powers, she's a second tier general relying on fame she accrued from Part 1, and fame from things she did pre-Part 1 we never saw because RD was already too long so it had to be cut (so again, blame IS). If she hadn't that fame and trust from the people that she could do only good and perform miracles against the odds, the Daein Army and its people would have abandoned her. Micaiah's ascendancy in Part 1 is not due to skill so much as because of those vision powers, which again go poof in Part 3. As for the people who praise/trust/like her: Pelleas is a pathetic individual who somehow thought signing a pact in blood wasn't suspicious- his initial opinion of Micaiah's merit would be something I wouldn't inherently trust. And Izuka was a manipulator who didn't care about who and if Daein was rebuilt, so as long as the Senate could control the kingdom. Sothe loves Micaiah beyond her merit. Edward, Leonardo, and Nolan are like Boyd, Oscar and Titania- very personally close to Micaiah apart from her merit. Nailah, Rafiel and Volug are aloof from things and just happen to like Micaiah on a personal level, removed from questions of her merit. The masses fell in love with her band because of the good we largely don't see that she's done resisting Begnion occupation, which are presumably mostly token and symbolic acts of resistance, not huge acts liberation and merit. Tormod and his pals are just convinced from Sothe that Miccy is doing good. Meg, Laura and Aran are just going along for the ride. Fiona, Zihark, Jill, and Tauroneo, whose initial opinions of Micaiah we partly see, are the only ones I'd trust.
  16. Ike didn't actively steal the spotlight by his own intentions, I admit to that. It'd be better to say "the writers wrote badly and cut Micaiah unnecessarily out of the spotlight and split her space between Yune and Ike". Ike and Yune are blameless, the writers blameful and should be stoned for their sins. And I will profess I don't find Ike perfect or like using that cliched moniker myself. It's more the writing and other characters speaking of Ike which is a problem.
  17. I think part of the issue in RD is Ike stealing the limelight too much. And for a touch of PoR, it is possible for Ike to be dangerously brash outside of his Apostle outburst. However the instances are fighting the BK pre-C27, which are optional and at the player's discretion. The problem here is that Ike needs at least 1 dodge with a low chance of it happening to survive the C11 BK encounter if you want to avoid a game over (and there is no plot alteration/gameplay reward for it, nor a suggestion RD that this encounter canonically happened). And the player to play it safe will probably avoid the BK on his second appearance (and again it is not certain whether the canonical instance is Ike brashly running to duel the BK on the battlefield, or doing so later that night). Basically, if you don't seriously suffer enough for your faults (and that is true of Ike even with the Apostle outburst), or if you don't have those faults made apparent enough to you and you don't learn from them, you are as liable to being called too perfect and thus as liable to being branded with that cliched moniker as someone who is perfect.
  18. The problem with making more hazardous terrain is making it so that it only neuters horses and not anyone else. We don't want a game that's 3/4s desert, hills, forests/bushes, water, and poison marshes. Height and cliffs would work nicely, but the problems here are that climbing cliffs takes a good bit of move, and if height bonuses are too significant, any enemies blocking the way are going to be a chore to take out. The introduction of ladders could counter the cliff movement consumption problem though. Historically, weren't there fences/barricades specifically designed to keep horses away? Those might help a little, but I don't think they'd be enough. An increase in the number of enemies packing anti-horse weapons is one direct and simple, if crude option to weaken mounted units. Or we could include horse durability (or "fatigue" if you don't like the idea of horses dying/making them into items).
  19. Leaders don't always have to fight leaders. For any emphasis placed on this in the plot, it is only because saying "I bested General X" has a better feel than saying "I bested the Y Army/Bandits". It's also more concrete, dramatic, and developmental having Ike beat Ashera, Roy duel with Zephiel, and Corrin best Takumi, Xander, Ryoma, the invisible marionettes of important people, and their supposedly degenerate but somehow manipulative leader. Sure they get a lot of boss convos in some games like FE9 (but FE9 is loaded with boss convos- Lethe and Mordecai trigger nearly as many special boss convos as Ike), but that doesn't mean you're supposed to send lords against bosses all the time. And what about Shiharam and Valter and Caellach? Ike tells Jill he killed Shiharam in a info conversation in the subsequent chapter, but we can interpret this loosely, and it would be even more dramatic for Jill to kill her dad. Valter and Caellach are better killed on Eirika's route by Cormag and Joshua respectively seeing how they should be desiring vengeance for Glen's and Ismaire's deaths. And who gets Nergal's head-in-a-basket by the way? Eliwood? Athos? Harken? Renault? There isn't an "anti-boss" skill that lords get (rapiers and the ilk plus legendary weapons sorta are I concede)- but don't tell me to send Hector against HHM FFO Lloyd. If lords were always supposed to be dedicated boss slayers at the expense of everyone else's capabilities of doing so, I'm not sure I would like it because it'd potentially mean an escort mission for every battle.
  20. Isn't the Stone tome unique to Veld? I mean technically Manfroy or Julius or any decent evil Loptyrian could use it, but he is the only unit with it in FE5. And Stone is a little more than just another status- it can't be cured by Restore, only the Kia staff only Sara can use (for Manfroy prevented anyone out of his bloodline from using it). Stone is what takes away Eyvel in dramatic fashion. And Leif does get a special weapon- the Bragi Sword. But like Veld's Stone and Raydrik's Loptyr Sword, it isn't super mega special. It's certainly unique, but the Bragi Sword can presumably be used by anyone with at least minor Holy Blood of some sort. It's fitting of the humbleness of Thracia 776.
  21. Female Corrin is in all likelihood better because early Jakob is so so much more useful in the short-term (in the long run Felicia wins, but they both falter as the game goes on vs. other units). Early Jakob is a serviceable to amazing unit, and one of only two non-child units able use Daggers (beyond the Flame Shuriken) decently without a reclass on CQ. His growth spread isn't ideal with its abundant Skl and Lck, but he is really an offbeat Jagen, and does quite well as this. Given an immediate Heart Sealing (and you get early ones two on CQ, so it won't be too costly), he'll outdo Silas as a Paladin or Great Knight, and be a clutch unit until Camilla arrives. And even after this, he continues to be a solid ally until Xander shows up and replaces him. Afterwards, you bench him or turn him into Corrin's DS pal with a whopping -5 damage taken +15 avoid as a Pally. (You do miss out on a healer for Ryoma 1, but vulneraries can suffice for the chapter, or you can have Niles bag a Shrine Maiden from an earlier chapter if that is permissible). If you want to do even crazier things, wed him to Corrin (which can come pretty fast unlike most marriages- they can wed as early as pre-C11 when adding in Mozu's Paralogue) and give Corrin Wyvern Rider. This will let you give Jakob wings and a slew of incredible skills thanks to his unique skill-learning situation- including early Trample for a +5 damage boost on all Hoshidan units except fliers and Mechanists. (The usually crappy Kana and Dwyer would also end up decent- but that is irrelevant here.) As a Butler, Jakob will be an inferior Kaze as a Dagger user with much less Spd, but Tomebreaker will make him just as good as a mage killer. (A Ninja!Corrin marriage could make him better than Kaze though given early Replicate and Shurikenfaire.) Healing (with Live to Serve making him self-sufficient) is a plus that Kaze would always lack, but Kaze would have his own Lockpick utility. Gentilhomme should be useful for Effie, Corrin, and maybe Camilla. And pre-Kaze, Jakob will still find numerous occasions for his dagger skills and healing alike to come very much in handy. A late recruit Jakob is virtually worthless, maybe better than a late Felicia, but not by much. Early Jakob is no Seth or Titania, but can be very useful for roughly half the game before fading out of use or into the role of premier DS material for Corrin. And with some favoritism via one of Corrin's love and one of their preferred Heart choices (Nj or WR), can remain competent as a second tier combat unit. A good bit of Jakob's positioning depends on how much value you place on the earlygame vs. the late. And whether you find his use of an early Heart Seal and or the stealing of Corrin's metaphorical flower justified. ##Jakob: 8
  22. I've never really experimented with taking Corrin out of NP, particularly since I want Draconic Hex on CQ and I like the Dragonstone+. I should try it though on non CQ routes at least, because Hoshido Noble is bleh. Mono-attack stat units with mixed/contrary offense options like Beruka, Elise, Oboro, Orochi, and Nyx skip on the hybrid class unless I want their skills later. Falcoknights don't count for hybrid offense by the way- and it's the class which Subaki and Hinoka always go to. Odin is better trying to Nostank (Sorc) than have underwhelming hybridity (DK) too. Hana and Hinata always go SM, as MoA's extra weapon ranks both start at E and are thus useless. Selena and Laslow I prefer Hero for, but honestly they can't get Axe rank that much faster than they can Bow rank, and since they're really sword-locked either way, Bow Knight should be just as viable. Niles I like sending Bow Knight, but honestly he's one of the few cases where you really do have a choice. Silas and Peri also have a real choice, as does Effie (Benny has to wait until Wary Fighter to try GK). Ninjas always go Master Ninja instead of Mechanist, but I could see Kaze and Kagero going differently- but Saizo is too slow for not-MN. If I'm to use a DLC class, I wait until the unit reaches 20 unpromoted first, so they won't be too powerful the moment they class change.
  23. C16/16x is where Guinevere gives Roy the Fire Emblem too. Seeing how the Fire Emblem is inserted into the Sword of Seals later on to unlock it, that suggests it in itself has some magical power. That + the leading of the Etrurian Army should be grounds for a C16/16x promotion.
  24. Hector's incompetence at the start of FE6 and less than godly stats as a Trial character (though 30 Def is good) is owing to FE7 not being as much as passing thought at the time FE6 was made. Though Astolfo indicates they had a notion of an Ostian spy network already in mind- even if it was an afterthought (which FE7 expanded on rather nicely).
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