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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Gosh we like talking about Swordmasters. I'm going to say we should dump the FE6-13 2RN hitting system for good in favor of something where the displayed and the true chances of hitting are closer to each other. But maybe program it so that SMs actually use the 6-13 two RN system for dodging (which at 25% displayed would equal a 12.75% true), if that wouldn't be too difficult. Restrict other classes' access to the more evasive formula.
  2. Comment "I hope you have your BD personality and not you BS one. Speak that overused awful anger line of yours' more than once, and your beloved gets it."
  3. Are there any particular pieces of video game music that you think can truly transcend the limitation of "being made for a video game" and have a wider appeal? ("Once We Parts Ways" from Xenoblade Chronicles is one that I think does.) An introvert. Can become obsessive regarding my interests and oblivious to others when I'm boring/annoying them. Though also very self-conscious of trying to avoid that and to a degree is overly self-critical. Never bursting with personality on the surface. Also intellectual, indecisive, and a tad dramatic/poetic and melancholic.
  4. *Slaps razor blades on the Gae Blog and Gungir and calls them poleaxes.*
  5. More "realistic" costume designs, but Dun has a fairly modern haircut. The environments look very good I must say. So close to being real. I wouldn't be surprised if the PRC commented on this.
  6. Just a little creative thought I was throwing around (put it on the general gaming board b/c not sure if it'd be okay on the general FE one). Take any character(s) from any game you like, and convert them into a Fire Emblem unit. I'll start: Name: Mercedes Class: Fairy Queen (Winged/Foot) Movement Type: Flight, but can land and become Standard Foot type. Move: 7 when airborne, 4 on the ground. Affinity: Light Personal Skill: True Name: +10 damage dealt and taken against those wielding fire magic or fire-infused weapons. Weapons: Crossbows Personal Weapon: Riblam 5 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 1-2 range, 20 uses. Deals magical damage and uses the user's Magic stat to determine damage. Can deal consecutive hits (the Brave effect). Cannot break, but uses can hit zero. If Mercedes is grounded, she can use the "Reload" command to replenish all of Riblam's uses, but doing so costs her her turn and leaves her unable to counter on the next enemy phase.
  7. And if Miccy is significantly speed screwed, she can get doubled in 1-9, which makes it much harder to survive that chapter. Looking at 1-8 HM's stats (1-9 aren't available), we're dealing with 15-16 AS. Miccy only averages 13.65 at 20/--, the first speedwing doesn't come until 1-E. At 23 HP and 6 Def minus the robe and shield, Miccy's dying in two vs. 23 atk. 25 Lck doesn't help her dodge that so much vs. 115 hit. So yeah speed is sorta a big deal for Miccy.
  8. FE7 is middle of the road when it comes to maps, maybe upper mid on a good day. BBD is the one heavily despised (I like the idea though), NoF which follows it is terrible on the terrain front too, but not bad. 19xx is a chore to get to, and Living Legend is a challenge if you're playing on HHM or with ranks or accessing Genesis in mind. HHM Genesis, VoL, and CoD are also nasty, but generally not too complained about. FE7 was at least a major improvement over FE6's endless seizes. I was going to rate everyone in FE7 based on their supports, but I never got around to it due to the sheer number of them. Overall, I get the sense that like in FE9, which I did fully rate, that we've dud supports and dud characters, alongside much better or at least averagely executed ones. Harken and Rath are duds, so is Vaida (save for her Heath). Canas is very good outside of Bartre and Vaida (CanasxPent is king). Pent is also wonderful. Renault's worth is almost entirely in his good supports. I like Lucius too. SerraxHector should be a pairing. I'm not overly fond of her, but I do think the two would make a nice couple. Though the friendship of LuciusxSerra isn't bad either.
  9. From a gameplay perspective, Corrin is certainly very good, though not broken. In the base Nohr Prince/cess and Noble classes, Corrin has the choice of having a powerful physical offense with their balanced personal sword the Yato, or a solid mixed defense with okay magic offense via a Dragonstone. HN leans towards physical with staff utility, while NN is glassier with a good mixed offense. On skills, Corrin gets a nifty exp boost, a powerful very early proc, the amazing debuff in Draconic Hex, plus the nice Nohrian Trust and Hoshidan Unity, only Dragon Ward is bad. Also, nice personal skill. Though theoretically Corrin has access to nearly every class, it requires a ton of grinding to do so. Still, the ability to pick Corrin's Heart Seal class adds plenty of flexibility, and barring any weapon rank issues, they do nicely in any class as long as their boon and bane aren't totally inappropriate for that class. Xandy and Cammy and Ryoma outdo Corrin for sure, but none of them have the availability of Corrin, and for Cammy and Ryoma at least, far less starting flexibility.
  10. As others have said, anything demanding good reflexes beyond the lowest possible difficulty.
  11. I didn't like was Wyvern to Griffon, particularly because the two wyvern riders we get in Awakening both have an attachment to their mounts. Pegasus to Kinshi was similarly bad, albeit not as much due to less an attachment by a rider to their mount. Peg-Dragon Knight I'm fine with because it goes back to the original FE. I'd say mostly keep within the genus. I can buy a standard wyvern magically turning into a zombie or serpentine version, or a pegasus turning dark, but don't turn a pegasus into a dragon or something else altogether different. Though I'd be fine with the abolition of branched promotions too.
  12. In this day and age there is always alternative costumes, expensive DLC ones yeah, but they're there. Retro costumes of course would be included. The paradigm shift out of the DW7-8 one is going to need time, but hopefully KT realizes this and will proceed slowly. The "state combo" I guess would be: trigger hit, followed by a checking to see what state the enemy is in after the trigger, are they: standing flinched, guarding, knocked down, or juggled into the air? Then after a string based on the enemy's condition, you get the charge attack/finisher, perhaps also based in part on the enemy's state of being.
  13. That is unused DLC. It's on one boss in the game, and there is an item version in the data (implying it was to be DLC), but it is unobtainable by the player.
  14. I don't deal with the wifeypon and hubbypon thing. Do know I'm with you @Sunwoo and anyone else who agrees that Chrom was brainless when it came to the final decision. Chrom should be an awful political leader judging from that decision. He doesn't have a single utilitarian bone in his body (not that you need, or should, have a full skeleton of them). I do have one meaningful question to ask however, and treating this a general character discussion, I might as well include it: I haven't read all of Tiki's supports, but is her relationship to Naga ever really brought up? And by that, I mean what does she think of Naga her mother? Tiki has probably zero memories of her mom, who after all sacrificed herself (shortly?) after she was born by tearing out her great fangs. Nonetheless, Naga is Tiki's mom, and she must have some thoughts about the woman who gave her life for the world's sake instead of spending her time with her daughter. Similarly, I wonder what Tiki thinks of the fact she is the Divine Dragon Princess. Even though dragonkind has presumably declined to near oblivion and there surely isn't any true society (much less a prosperous one) for her to be a princess to.
  15. Um, Sacae is more Mongolian than Native American. The "Father Sky Mother Earth" thing might be Native American-esque, but the Mongols are the major influence on Sacae- their buildings are basically yurts after all. Mongols were also shamanistic prior to their adoption of Buddhism.
  16. Looks like Awakening didn't invent Pair Up after all.
  17. I flipped through about 20 pages not finding the answer but I didn't see it asked. How do RNs work with hitting in this game?
  18. Favorite asterisk user. So many to choose from. But at the moment, my primary tastes are in South and Southeast Asia. For a species, I think I'll go with the Naga- serpents with their upper halves being human- like mermaids. To pick a lone bestial individual... I was thinking Vishnu's divine mount the bird-humanoid Garuda, who ironically despises the Naga. For my European likings, aristocratic vampires rank fairly high (but not the cruder varieties which are basically brainless zombies). The gorgons are neat too. SMT has introduced me to loads of different types of demons and fairies too. Of the varieties of fairies, the Silky is my favorite. To name a lone individual creature, I'll go to Scandinavia and say Jormungandr.
  19. I disagree. His speed is so low that one enemy mage in a group and he's roasted. Wary Fighter is knight exclusive too, so he'll be doubled forever without samurai to salvage his terrible speed growth. I'd rather use Oboro to tank. I do like what they tried to do with Hinata and Hana. A myrmidon who isn't overkill speed without any strength, and a samurai with great durability, contrary to the usual squishiness of myrmidons.
  20. If you don't find Marcus to be the Antichrist, consider having him tackle the east side of the map by himself he should get you the Torch Staff no problem. It'll also free up everyone else to handle the west side and the center island, making things easier there. At 12 Speed, Uhai is kinda on the fast side for this point of the game. Either trick him into using a bow and then rush in, or stab him with your durable lance users. Be careful because at really low HP, Uhai might actually move (for the sake of fleeing to a fort for healing, but he might hit somebody too). Leave a sword user with Merlinus for sure if you want to defend him, anybody works.
  21. The strategy aspect of FE kinda clashes with the "use whoever you want" aspect. But ultimately, if you have the will and patience, you can raise up anyone. Will agree though that some games make that harder than others (though Azelle probably wasn't the best choice for GotW, at least he gets a horse on promotion- not all footsies do).
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