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Posts posted by camelpimp

  1. The name has nothing to do with what animations the weapon loads; the location of the weapon data does. I have no idea what you're talking about. (I've been testing it, and I've been testing it in the original Japanese) I don't really wanna "swap" the Yewfelle and Gungnir anyway, that's gonna cause problems with the characters that use the Gungnir. But thank you anyway.

  2. I'm trying to change the Yewfelle from a bow to a lance. I changed the weapon type to throwing lance in Nightmare, but the animations it uses are glitchy, and it's clearly still counted as a bow. I assume because it's a holy weapon there's more I'd have to alter than if I were trying to change a regular weapon (although I futzed with the holy blood editor and that didn't seem help.) Also, the character that's receiving the Yewfelle has a different class and sprite, and the convo that gives them the weapon tends to (but doesn't always) lock the game, and is visually glitchy. Is there a way to solve that?

  3. Eirika is an idiot

    Leif is an idiot

    Lyon is an idiot

    Tailtiu is a very, very hard unit to train

    Nino is too

    Sain is a creeper

    Inigo is also a creeper and frankly just awful, which is weird why I like the Laslow version, considering they are the same character

    Johan is a creeper- you know, I have a weird affinity for the fuckbois of Fire Emblem. Dunno why.

    Jill's heel-turn doesn't feel wholly earned

    Soren is an asshole

    Shinon is an asshole

    Delthea is an asshole

    Myrrh doesn't have enough agency in the story

    Mozu isn't as useful a trainee as many of the previous ones.

    Catria is a bit bland.

    Fredrick is more... gimmicky than interesting

    Glade is too good for this world

  4. Honestly, if I had to guess I'd say that the gender ratio is probably 50-50, even maybe approaching female majority. They just aren't in the place you're looking. I mean, in the Awakening art book, the popularity poll they have in there had 68% female participants. Okay, only 700 people polled, but still an shocking number, ya know? 

    Women tend to prefer story based games. This is why JRPG fandoms are pretty woman-dominated. It still amuses me that whenever the creators of these games meet the fans they're always surprised they have such large female fanbase.

  5. Story wise I gotta be boring and say Corrin and Roy. It almost kinda feels pointless to pick on Corrin, though, since the writing in Fates is so scattershot that no one with significant amount of dialogue makes it out unscathed. Roy is just... dull, but I have to admit to just plain not liking fe6, so I'm biased.

    Gameplay wise, hm. I know Leif, Roy, and Eliwood are considered the holy trio of bad (gameplay-wise) lord, but as for Leif once he gets over his shitty starting stats he's fine. Especially since he's always going to be overleveled after the prison escape, and he is one of rare sources of magic damage you have early on. Roy is bad, but in the context of his game he's not that bad (he's a pretty decent dodge tank) and of course he get the Binding Blade. So I guess I'd say Eliwood. Leif's usefulness goes up and down, but he is genuinely useful in a pretty tough spot of the game, Roy is a god in the endgame, but Eliwood is just mediocre to bad the whole time. It really doesn't help that he's inevitably going to be compared to Lyn, who can at least dodge-tank, and Hector, who is Hector. I've never had a good Eliwood, anyway.

  6. I'm pretty sure all staff accuracy, included status staff accuracy, are calculated the same way; base 60 plus Skill times four. I mean, once you hit 10 skill even status staves never miss. I'm pretty sure status staves don't roll for evasion whatsoever.

    I dunno, on the one hand it'd probably be for the best if a hypothetical remake limited staff range, reduced status staff accuracy (while making healing/buffing staves auto-hit), and make status ailments wear off over time. The player couldn't cheese through the later half AND overall it'd be less frustrating. On the other hand, I think that'd be taking something away from the game. 

    Also in said hypothetical remake I hope Veld stays pathetic, because it's endlessly funny.

  7. My heart will always belong to Catria, but I also have a soft spot for Cordelia.

    As for non-fe... Vampire Lords from HoMM 3 count, right? Because goddamn they're busted. You can chug on for a surprisingly long with with just a mass of vampire lords and a growing skeleton hoarde. Also the upgrades Harpies, which are massive pains in the ass to fight.

  8. Like, but everyone else dislikes: People generally don't dislike her personality, but by and large consider her worthless as a unit, but gotdamn I love Tailtiu. I get her to promotion every time. I just really, really love fe4's version of wrath. (Usually people are nicer to her daughter, but still tend not to be too keen on her. I love Tine too)

    I also don't think fe5's Leif is nearly as bad a unit as everyone says, but that might just be because in my playthrough he ended up with 10 move, unaided by the leg ring or Dain scroll.

    As for characters people like that I hate? Valter. I mean, even the people who aren't gross weirdos that wanna bang fe tommy wiseau tend to think he's a cool memorable villain, but frankly he's just... blander, rapey Kefka that dies in a pretty unspectacular fashion 2/3s of the way through.

  9. So I did this! I ended up pairing Edain/Holyn, Ayra/Azel, Lachesis/Arden, Sylvia/Jamka, Erinys/Beowulf, Bridget/Claud, and Tailtiu/Naoise.

    By and large, yeah most everyone was OK. As expected, the murder twins were too hard to screw up. I don't really count magic swording as THAT big of an upside to this pairing (Larcei ended with 12 magic at level 30, Ulster with 14 at level 29) and Ulster definitely suffers more than Larcei from this pairing, with a pretty bad strength growth. Still, hard to mess up a character with astra. Honestly, the biggest downside is HP; neither one cracked 60. Lana was also impossible to really screw over, but Lester was white hot garbage until I got a brave bow on him. Delmott also really likes having a brave sword to compensate for lack of pursuit (or a pursuit ring, but EVERYONE wants that thing). Delmott was honestly pretty good early on, but it kind hit me how low his strength and defense caps are, which is kinda mean considering that his strength growth bottoms at, what, 50? Nanna wasn't very good, a decent defense growth doesn't help when her base is so low, but honestly she's usually not very good. Fee was fine, surprisingly sturdy, and Ced.... well it's kinda funny to see a level 30 Ced with 15 magic. Still, pursuit, adept, accost, and a high speed score compensates for his shitty magic a LOT, and he can always staff-bot. Faval's lowish strength was a bit of a bugbear, but yeah Yewfelle compensates nicely, and Patty was probably the best magic-sword user post-promotion; she had 18 magic at level 27.

    Really, Tailtiu's kids were the most screwed, as most of y'all probably suspected. Still I was surprised how good Tinni turned out. She only had 19 magic at level 30, but she had good speed and gets adept on promotion. Her strength was only 8 though, way too low to bother with swords. Arthur was trash, though. He had good strength and defense, but kinda crummy speed, 18 at 26, and only 15 magic. He does have critical and wrath to kinda help to make up for the lack of pursuit and adept, but so does Tinni and she's just better. I actually gave the pursuit ring to her. Maybe I should have given it to him, given him a chance, but I'd rather make a decent character good than a bad character decent.

    As for Sylvia's kids.... well Lene's stats don't matter, and for Cairpre... I just didn't bother. I'm not raising up a level one healer with a 20% magic growth. Just not.

  10. So people like to debate who's the best pairing for so and so, but I was wondering what would be the absolute worst pairing set-up you could possibly do (but still pair everyone up)

    Thus far, my thoughts are:








    Sylvia/Finn would also be pretty bad pairing too, if only because how difficult it would be to get (but I'm ranking these more on stats/abilities)

  11. I've been trying to insert portraits into Shadow Dragon (well, I suppose, more accurately, alter the ones in the game) and I've been able to mess with the larger portraits the game uses for speech and such.


    But the smaller portraits used for the menus is stored in a different place (the "sf" folder when decompiled) and stored differently. While the larger portraits don't have a separate palette file, the menu portraits do. At least, I'm pretty sure they do. It's separated into the image file and  "p" file, and messing around does indicate that it is the palette file. I assume it's compressed? I have no idea what kind of compression it is, I guess I just have to mess around to find it? Also, does anyone know of a program that can take the information from that palette file and save into a format I can use with usenti?

  12. Been playing this. My Sharlow and Tinni never gained a single point of magic, apart from promotion. Ooops. (Didn't really bother to make the Gen 1 pairing optimal)

    As for Fee and Johalva insta-becoming lovers, I didn't go check it, but if I had to guess it's because there's a mis-match between a character's listed gender and the male/female list. That is, like Fee's gender is listed as female but her character number is on the male list, something like that. And Fee and Johalva weren't the only insta-lovers; Seliph and Larcei also becomes lovers. I'd bet that gen 2 love values are probably all messed up.

    Oh! And it does work with the Project Naga patch, at least thus far.

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