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Posts posted by DivineLion

  1. Terrain plays a big part in echoes (i think around 40 - 60 avoid?). Magic attacks are a fixed hit rate so you will need to use mages to hit enemies who are in those terrain bonuses. But casting magic cost hp depending on the magic type. No weapon triangle. That's all i can think of at the top of my head right now.


  2. 3 minutes ago, bonewalker said:

    Welcome to the forest! It is true there is a bit of a divide in the fanbase, but its pretty chill here. As long as you stay out of debate threads, for obvious reasons.

    I hope you enjoy your stay! Fair warning though, for the next couple days there will be HEAVY spoilers in every Echoes related thread, so stick to other games if you want to avoid them.

    I will haha. Oh i already look into that topic, i couldn't resist but I just hastily scrolled through them which i regretted. Thanks for the heads up but ill still enjoy the game when it comes out. I may get impatient again ehe..

  3. Hi, I found out about this forum since January and now decided to make an account here in Serenes Forest. This isn't my first time in a forums site so i should get use to this set up. I like read a lot preferably Light novels and manga. In college right now just wondering what to do and stuff.  

    Anyways I've been a fan of fire emblem since i started playing Sacred Stones. Games I have already finished: Blazing sword, Sacred stones, Awakening, and all 3 paths of fates.

    Other Fire emblems that I'm in the middle with and taking forever to finish: Gaiden, Genealogy of the Holy War, and Binding Blade.

    I've heard stuff that the fanbase is split in two: Veteran players and the ones that started since Awakening. When i first played Sacred Stones, I was hook and I loved it. After that, I completely forgot fire emblem (and miss the ones like shadow dragon, PoR, and RD). Until awakening arrived which got me started to play Fire Emblem again. So then I got the chance to play some of the old GBA ones I could fine and NES that I heard about. I'm lenient to every Fire Emblem Game that is out. I like the old ones and the new ones (no matter how bad fates is and I accept its story writing even with its huge flaws and other things). And the Waifu thing (S supports)? Eh I don't mind that but not like what fates did which was forced. Echoes wont have that and I'm fine without it.

    So I'm just excited for Echoes coming out. Hah, i gotta finish gaiden before its released or ill just put it on aside again and play Echoes instead. Anyways that's my introduction. Hope I can be part of a discussion anytime soon i guess. 

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