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a bear

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Everything posted by a bear

  1. RD in a nutshell. Is meh if you don't care about the main plot at any given moment because that's where 99% of the game's focus went. Don't care about Sephiran? Too bad, here's another flashback.
  2. I'm struggling to think of something that people aren't regularly jumping on, be it here or elsewhere. I dunno. I like Virion's EN voice? Surely that's unpopular. ONE FOR ZE BARDZ Yeah Virion rules. Also reading people's Ike complaints leads me to believe that it's actually backlash against Ike hype, which naturally turns into that arbitrary bitch-eating-crackers hate. I think if I was more interested in defending him I'd write up a big thing about his character, chances are I'd get the itch to go nuts defending other random characters people off-hand mention not liking. @SoulWeaver Have ye interest in buying a copy of PoR?
  3. All of this. 1.5 RN favoring hits on WTA and misses on WTD would be neat though.
  4. The main argument for limited supports is that it's a compromise for writing quality. Most people would be down for Everyone x Everyone if IS knew how to manage all of it, but we've seen them try it with Radiant Dawn and somewhat with the 3DS games. Whether that's better than GBA-style is another matter; I suppose I actually prefer 3DS-style just for the flexibility even if there's a lot of garbage (but then there's always crap supports, so eh). Alternatively, the ol' silent avatar with monologues for supports and a personality defined by voice clips. I'd rather have my guy talk back though.
  5. Whew. Took me about 20 crests of only picking 692 or higher (my absolute range seems to be 686-700) and got pretty lucky. Rank #1942 for now, cutoff is 2412 so I think I made it. Gonna miss my smiling infantry and Cherche team. Time to embrace stern horse team, I suppose.
  6. The night of the Serenes Massacre is the biggest one for me. There's a lot of weirdness in how quickly everything has to have happened for Sephiran to despair in the forest, then find Ashnard to tell him about the medallion just in time for Ashnard to fly back to Serenes mid-massacre and snag Lillia and the medallion before she escapes or gets chopped up by angry Begnion chumps. The slaying part was in one night with the fire burning for three, right? Everything else in all of Tellius I can imagine actually fitting together in a realistic manner, but that's too much for one night outside of Hotel Dusk.
  7. Sephiran was still just some traveling sage to society at that point, right? Just after leaving Goldoa for the first time (4-E3 flashback) and meeting Misaha (4-E1). I think we're just left to assume that it probably wasn't much of an issue for two super competent dudes -- one with magic -- to obfuscate their histories in a corrupt medieval empire. I would say it's more odd that people didn't notice either one's lack of aging after 20-23 years, but it's possible that everyone thought they just aged really, really well. Probably wouldn't buy it a few more years past RD though.
  8. Gradivus forever, plus some other things I enjoy visually.
  9. Geoffrey's got some decent bits in the RD parts where you play as him. Having Kieran around makes a big difference, and I think a PoR support between them would've been great. As is, he's kinda like a less interesting Frederick you never get to use. I could go on for a while about favorite Tellius characters because I'm pretty sure I'd just list everyone from PoR and the better-developed RD originals. I'll throw out Boyd, Brom, and Calill for greats who haven't been mentioned yet.
  10. Expecting male as default, expecting female as an alt. I doubt there'd be so much voicework compared to regular FE games, Smash, or Heroes for them to drop one of the defining aspects of avatars.
  11. Did it with Xander, Camus, Julia, Olivia. Won on the 5th attempt and managed to do it without any zany skill investments I'd never use otherwise. Definitely don't need Xander, but he does a great job here and happens to be an excellent unit anyway. Any red should cut it depending on stats/skills/support. Just don't forget about Panic if you expect to take a hit.
  12. Ambivalent about this. Open connected areas are something I've wanted for a while, but the gameplay looks off and I won't be buying anything to play it on anytime soon. Can't imagine Switch doesn't get an international original release by the end of 2018.
  13. It's funny since Elibe got tons of love in Heroes alongside the same three other games represented in Warriors.
  14. Oh shit, who do I even have other than Wrys
  15. I assumed Lucia, Geoffrey, and Bastian weren't in Melior when Ashnard invaded. There might be some bits in the script to support this too, I forget. As for leaving Geoffrey, I got the impression that Lucia and Bastian were conditioned to flee since they've been in hiding for a year. Contrast with Ike's group coming off of win after win after win.
  16. Got my first 705 win after ten runs of trying different skills, eventually settled on this team for starts and it's been pretty smooth. Lucina (+Atk/-Spd): Falchion, Reposition, Aether; Spd+3, Renewal 2, Spur Atk 3, Spd+1 seal Sharena: Fensalir, Rally Atk, Noontime; Spd+3, Vantage 3, Fortify Def 3, Fortify Res 1 seal Julia (+Atk/-Spd): Naga, Draw Back, Dragon Fang; Fury 3, Renewal 3, Breath of Life 3, Atk+1 seal Takumi (+Def/-Res): Fujin Yumi, Draw Back, Vengeance; Close Counter, Vantage 3, Threaten Spd 3 Lots of room for improvement between these guys and all of my closers, but I'm content with how consistent they've been so I'm just gonna roll with it. Renewal is the new queen and I wish I had more than one Fae. 6016 points in ten runs so far. Still got 80 stamina potions so I'ma gun for 100k. Boy I hope scores cap at 99999.
  17. Hoping this is the start of a trend, I could use a free neutral Ike.
  18. I get that people are annoyed by how nothing Ike does carries any negative consequences, that's a legitimate complaint. But consistently good fortune isn't the same as being a chosen hero. There's no prophecy, no brand, no holy blood. None of his allies are obligated to follow him, Ragnell doesn't choose him, and nothing he does aside from the Ashera killshot couldn't have been done by anyone else (and even that probably could be done by anyone if Yune wasn't so picky). I'll probably respond to each bit individually later when I'm not posting from my phone.
  19. Sure, why not. I like the idea that it's a married couple who also serve as a pair of Jagens. They're both fully confident and capable, there's very little drama and a whole lot of jib-jab and fooling around, their relationship is never in jeopardy, and generally speaking they don't grow or change significantly. Their own histories are told through bits and pieces throughout the game, most of it in optional bits like supports. The entire rest of the cast is full of young trainees and recruits; they're the ones doing all of the growing and changing and emotional-moment-having and such. Yes. Parent Emblem. Make it happen, IS.
  20. The real issue is RD's character endings being generally weak and extremely limited. Between that, no support dialogue, and the flat new cast members, it's pretty clear that all of the focus on writing went towards the main plot at the expense of characterization.
  21. Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time? I default to eggs whenever I've got nothing in particular to eat. Probably because there's always a ton in every fridge (so I don't feel bad for eating a bunch), they're the one thing I ever feel like cooking (I'm lazy), and they're full o' prots (best stat in the game). Other than that, whatever I finds, I eats.
  22. I like this take on that idea: "And so, after her many ordeals -- ending the tyranny of Emperor Julius, bringing peace between Nohr and Hoshido, sealing the Dragon's Gate, among countless others -- Becky single-handedly brought the world the peace it deserved. She left for new lands with her husbands Camus and Zelgius, the sacred Falchion at her side. Also all her stats were capped. The End." - Fire Emblem Switch Supports are already slightly locked in Awakening (S ranks, children, specifics like with Chrom) or significantly in Fates (same as Awakening plus path differences). Even then, seeing all of the supports isn't something you're expected to grind out in a single playthrough anyway. I'd consider it a bonus to want to play the game again to see new dialogue anyway. The main reason for limited supports in the first place is for writing quality. Having everyone support multiple personalities means either every personality is written the same (making personalities meaningless) or IS has to write supports for each personality with each character (meaning they'll likely be terrible given the sheer amount of writing to be done). Even then, do we really need our self-insert to always be everyone's best friend?
  23. Was planning on giving her Moonbow anyway, which apparently guarantees a ORKO against any unmerged/unbuffed/non-HP seal Hector. Running through all the maths and it seems +Spd is just the tiniest bit better, so I'll just hold off on doing anything until I get one.
  24. Olivia users: best nature? I'm leaning towards +Spd/-HP, already have +Atk/-HP and +Atk/-Res available but haven't promoted anyone. Planning on going with the classic RubyFuryWoM setup for green baiting. +Spd seems best since she'd reach 39 base, -HP seems ideal since -Def and -Res are 4 point drops and defense tiles are a thing.
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