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a bear

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Everything posted by a bear

  1. I can safely say that I've never once seen anyone do what you're claiming.
  2. Sharena has the advantage of being in a game with very little story, so she only needs to succeed in terms of design and in-game performance (check and check). Wouldn't surprise me to see IS using her as the official face of the game down the line considering how terribly unremarkable that other guy is. We're definitely due for a stand-alone female lead though, for sure.
  3. Julia: 8,019,561,043 Tharja: 7,989,199,109 edit: the 3x bonus is a hoot, at least. If the rounds were shorter or the conditions for triples were different, Julia would actually have a pretty great chance here
  4. Four sword GHBs in a row is barf. Tiny part of me is holding out hope that the Omikuji or whatever is a sign that they're changing plans and Camus is coming first. Ah well, only a few more weeks.
  5. I don't think FE can have live PvP without designing a game specifically for that purpose, but I do think the potential is there. We've got hundreds of maps across the series as ample inspiration on how dynamic battles can get. Turtling/stalling stalemates are typically seen as the biggest issue, but that should only apply in a dual-rout map with zero incentives (bad maps). Let Player A take their time on a turn, and Player B can either look around the map or minimize the game entirely -- whether this is a mobile game or console should be irrelevant, but I think it's critical that the game allows you to take your time without forcing your opponent to sit and wait like with Scrabble in real life. Co-op and indirect PvP is fine too, even if it's just a simple side attraction. I'd like more flexibility with people's rosters (or at least avatars) in this situation though, it's not that interesting seeing the same tacticians and their versions of your units every single time because that's all anyone gets.
  6. Thank you @immatx and @HyperBowser for your glorious dancers. My first battle since I added you two gave me Julia/Julia/Ninian, threw me for a second. Do let me know if my Xander needs replacing. #GoTeamJulia ?
  7. @wizzard of soz Eagerly awaiting all the undecideds who pick Julia to follow suit. WHERE'S MANFROY
  8. Holy fuck I need Julia friends to save me from all these clowns leading with more Julias. A single Vantage Ryoma stopped me and I ain't havin it today. 3682385057 is me code, I've got Xander in there right now but will change by request.
  9. Kinda wish Defense feathers went to 1000 with a 501+ score, ah well. I think the Oasis map is my new favorite, it's really easy to clog the AI along a side and let them suicide against your favorite wall. Defense tiles are amazing.
  10. Nashville winning would be great for a number of reasons, and honestly I'm cool with a team winning twice in a short period of time as long as it's not back-to-back and they stop winning after #2. Did I mention Nashville is great yet? Go Perds edit: grats @Anacybele on Pens avoiding the shutout (also bonus goal for effort)
  11. Best post of the thread for me. Leaders are respected, not necessarily liked. Even then, it's great to see dissent amongst the ranks like with Shinon rather than blind obedience from <Fates character>. It's a shame IS tends to reuse the same concepts for a decade or so, I'm going ape for that Ares idea. Anyway, my own perfect lord? As a teenager around 2001, anytime I could make a custom dude in a fantasy setting, I'd usually make a rugged, handsome, blue-haired dude with either a gold greatsword or a silver blade polearm, usually in full plate armor. Speaks his mind, jumps into fights balls first, heart of gold, etc. Needless to say, IS has me covered already. So at this point, I think what I want to see more than anything else is simply a female lord who doesn't share the spotlight with a male, preferably with a different personality and design from what we typically get. Sharena from Heroes would be a perfect example: white and gold color scheme! Lances! Loves to par-tay! Assuming of course that they wouldn't botch it by focusing on Alfonse (they would). Micaiah was a decent attempt at least, so I'm optimistic about the future (I shouldn't be).
  12. My heart goes out to anyone and everyone suffering from ear pain. The honking of a 3-1 series lead I typically reserve for not-defending-champs, however.
  13. Team Julia signing in / Don't have Linde, Leo, or Sanaki, but I should be fine for a finals bandwagon with everyone else available.
  14. @eclipse @Falcom I've actually gotten more +Spd than -Spd. Also I'm already in the -Atk gang, we bump fists with limp wrists. The biggest thing it seems is that I've just now crossed the threshold of too many 5* swords that all players must one day reach. Neutral Spd would've done more to set her apart, but I guess she'll come in handy sooner or later. Classic Mode probably.
  15. Got an Atk+/Spd- Lucina as my only 5* from the almighty Hector banner. It's a shame, my wife really wanted her. I have no idea what to do with this kid. Too slow to double everything, too soft to tank more than one round. Trying to avoid my habit of slapping Fury and Vantage on everything but I'm sure that's what I'll end up doing.
  16. The thread is about the quality of love interests, specifically for the sake of the OP's writing skillz. There's absolutely nothing to gain by indiscriminately excluding tons of concrete examples -- which are still worth examining despite generally sucking -- for the sake of honoring (head)canon, and derailing this thread to seek the almighty "correct" choice because that's what you wanna do is pretty shitty. @phineas81707 Do be careful when writing three parallel stories, them's frightful bad luck.
  17. Fates says, that's who. The implication of alternate universes here is that every choice a player can make in Fates has been made somewhere, sometime, by someone, and each option is as correct as every other. It works as long as IS leaves things open-ended, which they generally do outside of using specific designs for Robins and Corrins in Smash and Heroes and such. Granted, yes, there are some options that are pushed harder than others for whatever reason (Roy x Lilina, Revelation, etc.), and you're free to consider some of these more worthy of discussion. You'd be robbing yourself of some primo material for the conversation everyone else is actually having, but that's your decision. You do you.
  18. Thinking of promoting a new Blue to get to fill in for Sharena (poor girl needs a vacation, I've only pulled six 5* since launch and none were Blue). Not really diggin' most of my options except for a 4* Res+/Def- Reinhardt. Anyone using an effectively neutral Reinhardt, possibly without DB3 or horse buffs? Curious to see how far he could go with what I've got on hand.
  19. The 1+2 always gets a chuckle out of me for some reason
  20. You thought wrong! Micaiah x Zelgius is just one of those things I like based off potential rather than what can explicitly happen. It's the same case for almost every single romantic pairing in RD anyway, including Ike's bro endings for not being any more clear than Ike x Elincia in English PoR. Also the idea of canon romances or player genders in Awakening or Fates is just plain silly. Canon is for sequels and such to clarify on old variables for the sake of simplicity. Very few exclusive events actually require that level of unambiguity, things like "Abel survives the events of FE1" or "Ike beats the Black Knight in FE9."
  21. A good love interest stands on their own rather than being defined by a relationship to someone else AND improves both characters through said relationship. Interdependence, basically. I like Ike x Elincia and Micaiah x Zelgius each for a number of reasons that my tired brain can't elaborate on right now, but the biggest thing is that all four characters work even without any romance. Satellite love interests like Sothe or Geoffrey typically only work when people aren't all that interested in the character they revolve around. My understanding of Gaiden/SoV is limited, but I hear Celica is always doing her own thing and Faye is defined entirely by unrequited love. Those two would be perfect contrasts of good and bad love interests if that assessment is correct (if someone wants to clarify, do skip the script details).
  22. And new options come as people obtain more characters. Also even a "do everything" team will still run into challenging fights because doing everything doesn't mean crushing everything.
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