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a bear

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Everything posted by a bear

  1. Will orb for Elincia for sure. Art is okay, voice is great. I've got high hopes. Neph seems okay but they totally botched the voice by not giving her the thickest country accent. Not a fan of Julie Ann Taylor either. Oscar looks eh, I might pull blue if his stats and other lines are good. This banner is weird and I'm not as excited as I should be despite Elincia's inclusion. No real connection between characters, three units total, two blues, etc. At least TT Black Knight means I save some feathers promoting him.
  2. At last, I can stop setting my alarm for random sleep hours and telling Mrs. Bear that it's just someone from work texting me.
  3. They're definitely overestimating Camilla's hourly gain for some reason, probably due to the post-multiplier bump skewing the average. Reminder that this projection also didn't think Ike was gonna come back from Hector as late as 5 hours before the end last night.
  4. Not that one's individual flags matter too much in the grand scheme of things, but it's better to push Camilla into a bonus sooner rather than later. I always save 400 until I know for sure we're not getting another multiplier though. One never knows!
  5. Irrelevancy to Fates' story helps make Hinoka the best royal. She knows better.
  6. This happened with Mist vs. Lissa which had a super long multiplier drought. 7.3 Mist, 7.4 Lissa, 7.5 Mist. Lissa won of course.
  7. Pulled an Atk+/Def- MIGHTY ROY. I wish there was a reasonable use for Bonfire/Ignis on him so his move would match his art. Also went 3/3 on having him shout "FOR MY FATHER" when he killed Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn. Good kid.
  8. #906 with 665,217 points in the penultimate hour. Not as good as it could be but this is fine.
  9. @Motendra I too burned all me flags for good king Chrom and just barely stuck in the top 1k. Guess I shouldn't be so eager to burn my flags on a losing team early in the morn. off to Team Ike I gooooo
  10. Also sports being based off of skill, where LeBron and Gretzky can still honk it on a given night even if they're generally dominant. The VG being a popularity contest is the most fair way of scoring (why else should Lyn beat Lucina?), and it's a slog after the first few hours when scores move in a straight line.
  11. @Ice Dragon I like Blue Shells, it's my alarm clock I hate.
  12. Assuming they're even online to take advantage of the multiplier. That's my beef with the multipliers. Would be an improvement, every VG thread after the first day devolves into complaining about every part of it (except "I got your Ryoma and it was bitchin").
  13. CYL hasn't been a good indicator for matchups previously anyway. @Motendra also I somehow forgot I have an Atk+ Summer Tiki with 32 HP and Fury+Vantage (takes one swing and goes into Vantage mode immediately), I might send her out for funsies, or actually just because she's better at tanking mages.
  14. Deal. I put Cherche in the lead 'cause I figure you wanna share the color your leader beats. I got Julia, Fae, Soren, and I'll be getting Greil tomorrow if Cherche doesn't cut it.
  15. Team Chrom! I can't pass up on being a part of Chrom vs. Hector and I'm trying to avoid an Ike overdose. ID is 3682385057
  16. I think the Blood Pact is mostly fine as is. Granted, I dig extortion in any form so I'm down with it. Can't say I care for the idea that Sephiran had a hand in the non-Ashnard pacts though, the writers are right to make it all Lekain. That's his thing. If I were to change stuff: - Ditch the silly "N people mysteriously die on the Nth day" bit and just have it be a literal plague born of magic with actual plague-like symptoms and whatnot. - Say that Ashnard used his as a cover for a series of murders rather than waiting for his entire family to die. Maybe a few of them really did die because of the pact directly, but it's more in his character to expedite the whole mess. - Probably some explanation for why Lekain didn't do anything about Kilvas raiding Begnion ships for years. Naesala even sells Oliver some art stolen directly from Lekain's ships. I don't even remember RD mentioning bird tribe piracy at all.
  17. - The multiplier needs a change in either timing or personal scoring. One's hourly schedule shouldn't be the defining factor in performance. Comebacks as a general mechanic are fine however. - Each team should have 3 or 4 bonus units instead of just the leader. Encouraging the use of different characters is fine, penalizing people for not getting a single specific unit less so. - There needs to be more incentive for a team to win -- not the individual's prize for being on a winning team. Have the winners and maybe runners-up become available on a banner, as prizes from quests or TT or what have you, or usable as bonus units in other modes. There's more I'm sure, this is just off the top of my head. This mode has a lot of problems, but it's fixable.
  18. Copying someone else's strategy still requires having said units (which even among freebies you may have missed or sent home) and spending time on EXP/SP. Cheesing the Voting Gauntlet is as simple as having one friend and one level 1 unit. That's a huge difference. If IS cares to fix it, they just have to limit one's selection among friends to those with a similar value, pulling a second stranger if none are available.
  19. Underdog feathers require snaggin all them bonus hours, especially for in-army scoring. Also each victory on the winning team is worth more than an individual cumulative rank.
  20. Charges won't work as long as the multiplier is around (now you're even more fucked by missing a multiplier hour), but the system definitely needs something like stamina or dueling swords to determine participation. That and at least 3 bonus heroes per team. And maybe a whole bunch of other non-bullshit things.
  21. Boy I really wish they just let you fight twice every hour (starting on the hour) instead of a 30 minute cooldown. That or if someone woke me up 30 minutes earlier this morning, both good.
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