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a bear

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Everything posted by a bear

  1. Off the top of my head, I like Virion, Tharja, RD Ike, Micaiah, Ilyana, probably some others. Can't say I hate anyone, let alone anyone popular, but Lyn is probably the top of my zero hype list. There be a lot of characters who I felt ambivalent about initially that I've decided I do enjoy after all. Is it from headcanon bullshit? Sway from opinion pieces online? Pulling them in Heroes? Maybe some of those, but I figure it's just a matter of focusing on the good parts over the bad. There's always a good part if you're willing to look.
  2. I assume the majority of people who still want them are only in it for the gameplay. Some folks just won't get attached to characters no matter how well they're designed. I figure throw that crowd a bone, bring kids back, just skip the hassle of dressing everything up at the expense of the main story. Not having to write for them or explain things beyond "magic happened" should allow anyone to pair with anyone as well. Two dads! What's not to love? Or just ditch em entirely, whatever. I don't like Kidz Emblem anyway.
  3. I'd like to think with decent designs and voice clips they'd be fine. They can still use actual characters too, even older FE characters if they're short on ideas, it'd be kinda like in Heroes. The main point really is just to have the same kid system functionally without all the writing and scenario baggage that comes with it. And there's a lot of that.
  4. Did Infernal with Cherche, Hinoka, Olivia, Lissa. Had to change Cherche to a tank build and probably would've used someone like Michalis or Narcian if I had them at 5*. Wings o' Mercy 4 eva
  5. Avatars: A thousand times yes. I'll even take a trash avatar farting up the story over none. There's fun to be had with characters you can customize even if their words and actions sometimes clash with what's in your head. These can be done well and I'd prefer IS kept trying. More customization, please -- actually, just go ahead and make Fire Emblem: Animal Crossing. Romance: Hell yeah. Romance can build characters or play towards people's imaginations. I'm for it either way, even if I'm occasionally rolling my eyes through pages of tripe. We've had enjoyable romances as with any other relationship, no sense not to continue with that. Children: Fuck no. I don't want recurring time-based plots, I don't want teen weddings, I don't want a huge chunk of the cast segregated from everyone else locked behind two dozen paralogues. Replace them with an expanded Bond Unit system where any two units can make a "child." Include a whole bunch of possible aesthetics these folks can have beyond just Generic Myrmidon or RNG Corrin. Keep all the skill/class/stat goodness. Throw in simple support conversations RD-style or just have them copy support levels from their "parents," whatever.
  6. I'm guessing @Zeo is going by what these characters 100% have access to, which in Ike's case is Swordbreaker and the ol' Heavy Blade+Aether tanky combo. Maybe you're drowning in Abels though, who knows. Also FRobin can survive and kill Reinhardt on Map 3 Hard as long as Leo doesn't rally him (easy enough, just bait Rein or Leo on turn 1), neat. @lilacshadows If you park Xander on a defense tile, Takumi ends up needing Vengeance to kill him. Alternatively, blow him up with your Reinhardt: 44 Atk normally, 50 on a defense tile will kill without a special.
  7. FINE I'll go buy the goddamn game already, IS. Happy?
  8. Feels like the best use of 5* Tobin is to feed him to 4* Alfonse for the Armorslayer+. 1 extra Atk, slightly better Arena rating, and you never know when armors are creepin. Or I guess I could just keep him around, he ain't hurtin nobody.
  9. I dunno, any of em. All of em. Luke definitely so I can feed his stupid ass face to everyone for Panic Ploy.
  10. 2858 for 40k, which if you wanna SP farm with 441 points per run (Hard 5, A/A, 40% bonus unit) is 6.5 runs a day.
  11. For sure, although Priam's existence on a meta level -- along with his given skills and weapon -- does credit the idea that IS (at least as of Awakening) sees Ike as someone with a lasting legacy. Likely through blood because it's the simplest explanation, but not necessarily. Anyway, Dad Ike is just Greil with a smaller nose.
  12. Camus, mostly because it seems like there's way more reds than usual on the final map. Using the traditional Free Horse Emblem team of him, Xander, and Cecilia, with Alm as my bonus unit for easy 705 scores. Or at least I was doing that until I got sick of it and decided to SP farm on Hard for my new Hinoka.
  13. oho Diggin' this game more and more even after the character thing rained on the parade a bit. The voicework sounds better here than in Heroes, the art style seems entirely dependent on good lighting but mostly fine. More Awakening is totally fine by me and I'm really glad Fred made the cut. Did we get a North American date yet?
  14. I keep reading this as Squid Assault. Look out! They're everywhere. Map 1: Cherche, Olivia, Charlotte, Gwendolyn (4*, Sapphire Lance) Map 2: Ike, Lissa, Odin (4*, no SI), Sharena Map 3: Camus, Xander, Cecilia (4*, TA3), Ursula (4*, no SI) Map 4: Chrom, Alm, Jaffar, Reinhardt (4*, no SI) Map 5: Takumi, Lucina, Lil' Tiki, Julia Definitely made it harder than necessary on the final map by forgetting to balance my dudes, especially with blues and physical attackers. I noticed Jagen and Alen (is that how we spell it now?) are the only two enemy blues while Fred and Camilla are the only greens, so it's pretty easy for some 3-4* dudes with Sapphire Lances or Blarraven to save the day.
  15. The nice thing about being Tier 20 is being able to not care about ranking for a week, which is great considering I'm 120 orbs into the Summer banner with only an Ike to show for it.
  16. That's actually what I did, I guess I could make it into a spreadsheet online. Also you'd get 422 doing it that way, although I'm sure you can get A/A with Alm to bump it up to 441.
  17. Should be based on the Tobin picture. Anyway, having a level 40 Alm should chop off like 1/6 of the times listed. Normal: 9.5 daily for Tobin, 15.8 daily for QP Hard 5: 4.9 daily for Tobin, 8.1 daily for QP, 16.2 for 100k orb bonanza edit: I'm assuming in these cases you'd be capable of getting A/A ranks, which you'll get unless you play Ultra Turtle
  18. @phineas81707 Wiki sez you have 28 turns between all rounds to get an A in speed (not counting fights where your team is defeated). 5 or 6 turns for Hard, 9 for Normal. What's your target score?
  19. PSA: 140 runs (10 a day for two weeks) on Hard 5 with an A in Speed, B in Survival, and a 20% bonus unit (Sharena) is enough to get 50k before the event ends. 6 runs a day doing this nets you the 5* Tobin. You won't need to use any stamina potions, and you'll still get SP at level 40 for kills. For Normal 3, it'd take about 269 runs (19.2 a day) for 50k, 162 runs (11.5 a day) for 30k. 50k requires using about 14 stamina potions, more if you're unable to prevent stamina overflow. 30k requires no potions. Worth considering for anyone struggling to score well or simply sick of Tempest.
  20. Favoritism for sure, although practicality inevitably affects that. On another note: using worse units makes the game harder. Unless the game jumps past hard and into tedious, that's not a bad thing.
  21. Don't think there was ever any emotional conflict, it's just one of those old tropes where someone's completely obsessed with fighting/dueling to the death and they're also super good at it. Greil was all about it, Zelgius was all about it, and Ike becomes all about it in RD. Competitive nature taken to its extreme. On that note, they should've made it possible to save Zelgius by having Micaiah stop the duel (though not without some serious resistance). Would've added a good amount of depth for all three of them, fits in with the redemption theme, and provides a good Micaiah moment in a sequence that barely includes her.
  22. 1) +Def for sure (neutral Def Alm caps at 28), probably -Res (neutral Res Alm caps at 22). Decent enough, methinks. 2) Depends on your setup. Last TT I used Horses + healer Lucina, so I'm just gonna go with that again: (+Res/-Def) Fed a 4* Raven (Defiant Spd), 4* Felicia (BoL), 4* Jakob (Renewal), 3* Setsuna (Reciprocal Aid) and spent 1440 SP unlocking skills other than Draconic Aura (200, for 1640 total). Would be an extra 360 for Renewal 3 if I had a Fae and felt like feeding her to him, but Renewal 2 worked fine last time so eh. For an unbuffed full HP Veronica (assuming she even comes back): 37 Spd to double, 58 Atk to kill with regular WTA and no special. Double with Draconic Aura requires 52 Atk, Double with Luna requires 50 Atk, Double with Dragon Fang requires 48 Atk. Defiant skills are great if everyone else is using positioning skills and Horse/Flier buffs, especially with Reciprocal Aid spam and Renewal+Falchion healing AFTER the Defiant activates. Tiki (A) gives Atk if you don't want Spd. If I had fodder for it, I'd probably go with Spur Atk or Spd or some such. BoL isn't too bad, especially in those situations where it's just one enemy left that Alm can ORKO while everyone else stands around him.
  23. Things I do: - Summon top, upper left, upper right, bottom left, bottom right - Run in place in time with the music - Watch the full animation - "Here comes Robin" whenever picking blue - If it's the last of my orbs and I've been fully disappointed, I put the phone down and listen for dings I feel like the game would appreciate it if I bowed to my phone before each pull.
  24. The old gauntlets frankly weren't much better. Classic gauntlet had little incentive for joining another team (you could maybe earn more Army Rank feathers... or you could just join the Goliath and get the guaranteed 500 and still probably score high) and cumulative scoring was just about setting an alarm for every 30 minutes. Mage gauntlet still required you to be awake for multipliers or you're fucked. Really, the whole thing needs an overhaul. Let "battles" accumulate rather than requiring 30 minute spam, have bonuses be distributed to losing teams like once every 12 hours or so instead of a temporary fuck you bonus for a single hour, provide bonuses for units other than the lead (Elise plus Effie and Arthur! Priscilla plus Raven and Lucius!), maybe even have scoring be determined by your unit's value instead of just 10 plus 0-90 for having a friendlist (quality vs. quantity).
  25. Oof, woke up and missed multipliers on both sides. Looks like they won't be coming back, so I guess it's time to blow my flags and not care for a month. I'm wondering how long it'll be before IS realizes how awful hourly-based content is.
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