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Posts posted by Skirt_chaser

  1. 18 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    With 200 players on a team, I don't think coming up with strategies will actually matter if you assume that over half of the players in this game are casual players and that casual players are not disincentivized to play this mode (because they're not).

    It really depends on how players are distributed, with the pre registration system I assume that players of a similar caliber are in the same outrealm or maybe it will somehow distributed equally. 

    I hope there is a room for a cooperation, really depends on how good Winning Army bonus is

  2. 33 minutes ago, The_antithesis said:

    As I really like Rival Domains, I'm very much down for an excuse to play more if it!

    I can also see it being a very involved mode, with each team coming up with strategies to take and defend indiviual areas thanks to the cooperation bonuses... Only to get slaughtered when the opposing army tries something completely different?

    I'll have to check whether or not it's OK with the mods, but I think it might be a cool idea if each team were to have a separate strategy thread in this subforum!

    Discord will better for this, there going to be Separate Outrealms(game tells you in which one you are currently) and 3 armies in each, finding your allies on the internet shouldn't be hard if they are engaged in this

  3. 7 hours ago, Florete said:

    I don't like how we'll be assigned a team, but I guess they did it for balancing purposes.

    Of course, I'll need to play it to see if I actually like it. When I saw the orb with Anna it gave me hope she was getting an alt or something...

    If you could assign teams, poor Alfonse would never win

  4. On 16.12.2017 at 7:04 AM, Alexmender said:

    Let's start with fliers. Reina is a good choice for a flying archer (unless IS goes out of it's way to make her a Lance flier...). Caeldori could always be a staff flier, although that seems a bit unlikely but having a 35/35 atk/spd healer with the Dazzling+Wrathful combo and (almost) unrestricted movement would be disgusting. For mage fliers Aversa is the obvious choice being a red flying mage with Goetia, Sumia and Cynthia can also work although they seem a bit more unlikely. 

    Going into armor units. I think a few of the armor units in Shadow Dragon/New Mystery have good proficiency at using bows so there's that, sadly I don't remember which characters had that so I'm unable to give names. For mage armors the only ones that come to mind are G2 Arvis (extremely unlikely to come considering we have a G1.5 Arvis already) and Bloom who is ultra unpopular and will only come if Glade (who?) is added someday. I don't recall a staff armor ever existing in FE so that's either a seasonal or will never happen.

    And to finish with the most dreaded type, horses. Green mage horse units can include Selena from FE8. For Red mage horses I can only think of Azelle from FE4 but that depends of what version IS would use. For Blue mage horse units FE4 Artur comes to mind if they choose to base him on  his promoted class. Horse archers are pretty easy to fill, we have Rath, Shin, Sue, Midir, Astrid, Wolf and Sedgar as easy choices (although I don't think I'd like seeing more horse archers after what happened with B!Lyn).


    Fe 4/5 Barons can use staves. But there are no notable users, except Chagall, but he will probably be a fire mage 

  5. On 12.12.2017 at 2:42 PM, Kruggov said:

    Well, I'm playing in English. Why is it that you can choose Russia as a region, but there is no russian language. Even it were there, I'd be afraid of how they would butcher the terms (i'm still reeling from awful SC Remastered localization)

    And yes, english is my secondary, but I usually play games in english because, well, awful localizations, or no localization at all.

    I would like Russian in the game if it ever comes out, but I am prepared for some cringe and disappointed just like you would. But at least it will give me some laugh

  6. On 07.12.2017 at 8:28 PM, Gebby said:

    If he doesn't like the rules, that's fine. They can be subjected to change at any time IS chooses, and since in custom banners you theoretically are IS, then changing the rules is fair game.
    I've made custom units, some not broken, some broken, and I had fun with both. The entire appeal is the 'what if'. If you don't like what they're doing, then once again, that's fine, but that doesn't take away from their work.


    If that's how you feel, then fair enough.However, there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with the restrictions, and lifting them would allow for more intricate builds on healers.


    This is actually a fair point. While I don't think IS wouldn't be able to find some way around ay interface problems, I still hadn't considered this, so thank you for bringing it up. However, real world limitations don't affect hypothetical units. Once again, if that irks you, fair enough, but it still does not take away from their work.


    Bows are an actual weakness that fliers have; Bowbreaker would just be broken. Healers, once again, require extra investment to be viable in combat, and removing the limitations on their skills would allow for more interesting builds on them.

    Intricate healer builds? You mean just putting Fury on everything? Because that is what would happen 

  7. On 05.12.2017 at 12:30 AM, Rapier said:

    Understandably, the game has expanded a lot since it was released, and with it the amount of playable characters. The problem is that this increasing number of playable characters is not being accompanied by a proportionate number of orbs (I'm not saying we're not been given more orbs, only that this amount isn't really enough), and the chances of drawing characters grow ever thin.

    To at least mend this issue, I suggest a few unoriginal measures:

    - Add the Infernal difficulty for all Story Maps and Paralogue Maps and have them give one orb for each stage completion;

    - Make an alternate currency that can be used instead of orbs (for summoning, expanding the barracks, upgrading the castle etc.), like with Fate GO. This currency should be obtainable from doing quests, going rounds in the arena and obtained as Tempest Trial rewards, and it should be technically infinite - it just costs a lot to do stuff with it, and requires grinding for methods that are not quest/TT rewards;

    - Separate staff users from bow/shuriken users, because it's time we clean the colorless hell. To deal with the issue of having 6 types of Summoning Orbs, increase their number from 5 to 6 and code it so that only 4 Summoning Orbs of the same color can appear in a session;

    - Increase the chances of drawing a character that hasn't been drawn yet. I think increasing it by 2% is a good number, but I still need to think if this number is going to be the same for all stars, or which number would be ideal for each unit star type;

    - Take the "one free summon per day" idea that Fate GO uses and implement it.

    Yeah, let's separate axes and blue mages too, this idea doesn't make sense, healers just got buffed, if you don't like them don't assume every one else does too

  8. 12 hours ago, XRay said:

    I disagree, although for two different reasons.

    First, I want super Reinhardt because he is my husbando.

    Second, to balance the game, you can just restrict who can inherit Follow-Up Ring; melee infantry and melee armor need every advantage they can get their hands on. Currently, ranged units completely outclasses melee units, especially infantry and armor ones. If you are a paying player with no character favoritism, there is absolutely no reason to run melee units since ranged units have greater offensive reach without a dip in firepower (in fact, Blade mages have an insanely massive increase in firepower). A unit's score does not even matter since you can just use merges.

    It outclasses Quick Riposte

  9. On 02.12.2017 at 2:01 AM, sirmola said:

    I think it makes perfect sense for recover ring to be uninheritable, Because It is a reference from an item from fe4 that the game equiped on Alvis and trabant during scenes where they were not supposed to die (it had the obviously unbalanced effect of "restores all hp every turn"). It is impossable tor anyone else to obtain one without hacking. Follow up ring is a reference to an item that arden obtains in a cutscene, which is supposed to make him more usable. It can be transfered to other people, however, so most players use the pawn shop to give it to someone else, even though doing so is really expensive given fe4's mechanics. However, there is a good argument that the intent of that item is for arden to keep it, so i think that follow up ring being uninheritable makes sense from a lore perspective.

    Recover ring is a better version of renewal. Follow up ring is like the best B skill in the game, it SHOULD NEVER BE INHERITEBLE. Do you really want Quadhardt that much?

  10. 19 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    Since the game is pretty much in a ORKO meta, why not allow healers to be like dancers in more directly enabling ORKOs?

    We should fix ORKO meta, not encourage it. Healers and daggers never will be viable if it never stops. 

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