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Posts posted by Rewind

  1. It's really fun although a bit on the easy side. I like the characters a lot. I know you said they've been busy but once the script gets polished it'll be even nicer. Bruce, Beo and Ray are OP though. I love how the healer has access to light magic right away like in SoA. Dancing and healing give too much xp I feel but it's your game. The mercy skill on the jeigan is also really neat. Beo and Fern are pretty adorable also. What were your inspirations for your hack? I'm looking forward to the upcoming releases; thanks for all the hard work you and your team put into it.

  2. Thanks Rainlash. Theo cracked me up. Wow, I didn't know you were a one man band. No rush, you put out quality plus you've probably got plenty of other things keeping you busy. Anyway thanks for all your hard work. It's definitely one of my favorites. That sewer level was so fun to figure out.

  3. 10 hours ago, Roosterton said:

    Here's the list:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Hands / Keena
    Hands / Sedry
    Hands / Fordra

    Keena / Hands
    Keena / Sedry
    Keena / Cassius

    Breyett / Derruk
    Breyett / Aminda
    Breyett / Janessa

    Derruk / Breyett
    Derruk / Tayli
    Derruk / Aminda
    Derruk / Fordra

    Tayli / Henley
    Tayli / Derruk

    Merran / Henley

    Gilbert / Sedry
    Gilbert / Jerrak

    Sedry / Keena
    Sedry / Hands
    Sedry / Cassius

    Henley / Sylvie
    Henley / Merran

    Sylvie / Henley
    Sylvie / Jerrak

    Janessa / Cassius
    Janessa / Fodra
    Janessa / Breyett

    Fordra / Cassius
    Fordra / Janessa
    Fordra / Hands
    Fordra / Derruk

    Cassius / Fordra
    Cassius / Janessa
    Cassius / Keena
    Cassius / Sedry

    Not all of these have been playtested, so please let me know if you encounter strangeness (e.g. text running out of bounds, the wrong ending getting loaded...).

    Thanks Roosterton. Your hack’s a lot of fun. I like the characters and their dynamics. I wish it was a bit harder though but your mage knight enemies and promoted fliers are scary so that’s on point.

  4. It was weird seeing an evil Ike and Mia though; Mia being one of my favorite characters haha. I'll gladly kill Lyre though. Are those designs final?


    Edit: Also, where's the vakar blade? I couldn't find that one. I just finished; this looping thing is so cool. I can't wait for the finished product.

  5. What are the items available in the desert map? I'm wondering if I missed any. I really enjoyed your hack; the characters had great personalities and were fun to use. Even the archers. In hacks with bow armors I tend to use though but I really liked using the ones you made. Magic felt kinda weak at times though; some of the bandits/brigands were super tanky which I liked.

  6. What's the progress on your other chapters? I quite enjoyed it; there's a lot of text to sift through and the test could've been explained better but many people probably already said that. I like how you portray the characters' personalities though. What happened between Heidi and Marian made me genuinely uncomfortable. A lot of them feel real and genuine when it comes to their personalities and motives. I liked that aspect a lot. Thanks for working hard on your project.

  7. Enemies are too accurate and hit too hard especially archers but I can live with it. Getting the map clears in time is a pain too but it comes with the territory. I wouldn't mind though, it feels really good to just get through at times. What I really like is there isn't really any point so far where I can just use a carry or carry units. Lots of units have got to contribute and it's a huge risk to attack enemies when at wtd. Do you personally make Roa into a flier or do you make him a dragoon when you yourself play?

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