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Posts posted by AuraGuardianR

  1. I've been running Xander, Nino, Ephraim and Nowi for... decent results. I have had two "deathless runs" (Eph and Nowi die to Veronica and Xander/Nino kill her) but it's been quite inconsistent. I have a backup team of Hector and ATiki (TA2/GTB3) with whoever else I need to clear Veronica's map. Currently on about 10k, after 1 stamina potion, so I should be able to get there (I hope). Nowi is there to tank reds with TA3, but is mostly there with Renewal 1 and Reciprocal Aid to act as a makeshift healer, because TA3 Eph doesn't take much damage from reds anyway.

  2. I'm having a tough time deciding what set to run on my Bridelia, because as powerful as the LaD set is, the -Spd really hinders her effectiveness compared to the Death Blow set. Both sets lose to -raven TA units, so I'm not really looking at those, but these calcs all have the Fury 3 override.ss.png.a58d3718dd46f35aba05ec1d5118f94b.png

    I'm leaning towards the Death Blow set because it means all I have to do is pull a Klein and I can get Brave Bow+ and Death Blow 3, as opposed to 5*ing my Gordin and Effie separately. Both of these are with the offensive buffs from my Ephraim (+3Atk/+4Spd), who will pretty much always be on my team anyway, so I'm not worried about that. The LaD set is assuming Desperation is active (26HP), though looking now it doesn't seem to change her matchups much, losing a win against Xander, and the loss with RobinM becomes a draw (Though this is without TA3, so it would still be a loss against standard RobinM anyway).

    I seem to have actually convinced myself that the DB3 set is better while writing this, but second opinions are still appreciated.

    (I don't have any of the fodder required for these builds yet anyway other than Luna which she's already learned, so it's not like there's a rush.)

  3. 1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    This already looks like a fairly solid team. What, specifically, is giving you issues?

    Mages specifically I guess? Tharja/Celica/Sanaki/Julia all hurt my team badly, and I've been facing 2 per team or one paired with 1/2 dancers, with them both being merged to like +6. These maps also haven't been very friendly to my team, I can't move my team around very effectively (though that is 100% my fault).I kinda feel like I need a higher Res unit that can carry R Tomebreaker but I don't really know who would work if it even would.

  4. Would I be able to get some help with my arena team? I've had no trouble getting deathless runs up until now in tier 16. My team is Hector, Xander, Ephraim and Nino.

    Xander: Siegfried, Fury 3, QR 3, Swap, Bonfire

    Hector: Armads, Distant Counter, Vantage 3, Spur Def 2, Swap, Bonfire

    Ephraim: Siegmund, TA3, Lancebreaker 3, Hone Spd 3, Rally Def, Moonbow, Fortify Res 1

    Nino: Gronnblade+, LaD 3, Desperation 3, Hone Atk 3, Ardent Sacrifice, Draconic Aura

    I keep running into teams of units who are +6 merged despite having no merges myself (I guess this is because I have more expensive skills?). and I can't really compete with them...

    The list of available units I have is here.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  5. What's a good build for Xander? I'm looking to use him in the arena next season as I didn't pull a Celica unfortunately...

    I was thinking:
    A Skill- Fury 3, B Skill- Vantage 3, R/G Tomebreaker 3 or Quick Riposte 3 and then C either Fortify or Hone Cav (though I don't have a Cav team built yet). Speaking of, in a team of Cecilia, Xander, Camus, (Insert blue tome cav here), who should get Hone/Fortify? I assume I want two of each?

  6. Pulled only reds hoping for Ike, got 2 3* Henrys, a 4* Eirika and the wrong 5*, +HP -Spd Alm. No idea what to do with him, though I finally have a Falchion user I guess.

  7. Beat it first try with a team of 5* Nino,5* Hector,5* Ephraim and 4* Nowi, Nowi took care of the mages and then Hector swapped her out of there, and Nino and Hector whittled Zephiel into kill range for Nowi.

    Really enjoying using Zephiel now, is there any point in getting him any of his skills other than Wary Fighter? Reprisal seems like it might be good but idk what else suits him.

  8. 2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    Axebreaker is one of the lower tier Weaponbreakers, since axe users aside from Hector are somewhat rarer and weaker defensively compared to red or blue units in general. While I wouldn't personally recommend it, Noontime can be used to offset Fury recoil and maintain high HP uptime, especially when combined with a passive regen skill like Falchion's renewal. Make no mistake, neither it nor Sol are for tanking.

    Which units would you like to use, aside from your flier team? Sharena, Nowi, and Effie are all considered pretty excellent for Arena when promoted, but I'm not aware if you have the feathers for it. Just a suggestion though.

    I currently have my arena team as Cordelia, Y Tiki, Ephraim and Hector, though I swap Cordelia for Nino when doing offense.

    I have Nowi trained up and she has TA 3, but I need to get 19,000 feathers to upgrade her... Also need someone to give her Swordbreaker, though I could give her Quick Riposte from Klein too.

    I do also need Lancebreaker from Arthur for Ephraim, but that'll take forever with the rate you get feathers at...

    So no-one really appreciates Axebreaker? I was thinking Michalis could use it to deal with Hector and win vs Minerva etc if he had Moonbow.

  9. Would it be worth to give Olivia Noontime so she can survive a bit more? I know she shouldn't be fighting anything other than greens or maybe some weaker reds if she has Swordbreaker, but I don't know who to give Noontime to otherwise.

    EDIT: Is there anyone who would appreciate Axebreaker from Laslow if no-one really wants Noontime?

    I don't really know anything about who wants what, other than everyone wants Moonbow p much

    Units I want to keep/use (other than Palla/Camilla, I'm using them fr my flier team rn):




    Units I don't mind losing:




  10. I'm f2p and I have 10 5* units now.

    1. Hector (+Atk -HP)
    2. Camilla (+HP -Spd)
    3. Young Tiki (+Res -HP)
    4. RobinM (+HP -Atk)
    5. Cordelia (+HP -Res)
    6. Ephraim (+Spd -Atk)
    7. Eirika (+Def -Spd)
    8. Peri
    9. Maria 
    10. Lyn (+Def -Atk)

    Forgot to check what Peri and Maria were before I levelled them up, they aren't 40 yet, and I doubt they will be for a while.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    You'd have to think long and hard about what you need vs. what is cool. Do you have:

    1. Good bow user

    2. Good tome user

    3. Coverage for each color

    For example: M robin, Lucina, Takumi, Michalis would be a good team cause you have 1 tome, 3 physicals and one of them is a bow for range. Basically I'm saying you need one of each color at 5 stars and one of them has to be a tome before you can five star stuff for super epic vantage war strats.

    At the moment I have two reds in Young Tiki and Eirika, two greens in Hector and Camilla, and then 4 blues, Cordelia, Ephraim, Robin M and Peri. The only other 5* I have is Maria, who isn't really worth it, since I got her today and I already have a lvl 38 4* maria for the training tower.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Rygalla said:

    I know for a fact I can't even clear the Tenth Stratnium with any unit, so there goes 12 orbs down the drain.

    On the other hand, anyone having problems with the First-Third Stratnium quests? I did the requisites for the first stratnium one (even having Alfonse alone in a team by himself) and it hasn't even increased by one point.

    You need to have a team of four for all of the quests, they all say "All four allies must survive."

  13. 1 minute ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

    Hector with Wary Fighter of course, Eirika with Defiant Attack imo over Defiant Speed because she has mediocre atk and add along Noontime so that she can heal herself at least and given she backs up after initiating an attack it saves for from being attacked by other incoming foes within range. I pretty much wanted her to still be a decent attack unit but for the most part a unit that needs to stay alive and support the team with buffs.

    Doesn't Wary Fighter cancel out Armads' ability? It's nice to be able to hit twice on attacking Takumis and the like.

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