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Status Replies posted by Zanarkin

  1. Has no clue what to do anymore...

  2. It seems to get worst every week...

  3. Reminiscing on the good ol' days.

  4. Reminiscing on the good ol' days.

  5. Reminiscing on the good ol' days.

  6. Reminiscing on the good ol' days.

  7. Reminiscing on the good ol' days.

  8. Reminiscing on the good ol' days.

  9. The lonely summoner.

  10. is surprised he was told to set his status 50 times!

  11. The lonely summoner.

  12. has not set their status

  13. Post some sketches? Y/N?

  14. has not set their status

    1. Zanarkin


      You are still like this. Seriously, set it now!

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  15. Formulas, applications, theories, examples, exceptions, graphs and solutions combine in the mind of the calculus student.

  16. Formulas, applications, theories, examples, exceptions, graphs and solutions combine in the mind of the calculus student.

  17. Formulas, applications, theories, examples, exceptions, graphs and solutions combine in the mind of the calculus student.

  18. has not set their status

    1. Zanarkin


      I'm amazed, its been like seven months and you haven't set this yet... You lazy bastard. Stop procrastinating and change it!

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  19. Beat his friend on the science test :awesome:

  20. There's something that I've noticed... Interesting.

  21. Got an 85 in science and a 79 in english. And one of my friends has like a 90 something in Science. What is this. Bullshit i tell you. Bullshit!!! I shall rise and knock off all competition.

  22. has a lot of things to do... ;_; tham applied classes with no work and damn academic classes with a lot of work ;_;

  23. Has to do a seminar.... But what the heck is that?

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