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Status Replies posted by Zanarkin

  1. Has to do a seminar.... But what the heck is that?

  2. Finished watching Yu Yu Hakusho.

  3. A bucket of ice cold water would be great over my door right now

  4. A bucket of ice cold water would be great over my door right now

  5. A bucket of ice cold water would be great over my door right now

  6. Has to do a seminar.... But what the heck is that?

  7. Tictacs omnomnom

  8. A bucket of ice cold water would be great over my door right now

  9. A bucket of ice cold water would be great over my door right now

  10. officially Graduated High School.wOOt.

  11. Has to do a seminar.... But what the heck is that?

  12. Waaaaah!!!!! I want a degree in geophysics and apparently only 40 colleges offer that. None of which are in Indiana. =(

  13. Wants to change his name...but what ever to?

  14. A storm may darken the sky, but it cannot destroy my art

  15. A storm may darken the sky, but it cannot destroy my art

  16. A storm may darken the sky, but it cannot destroy my art

  17. Lost the neighbors unsecured internet and is now plotting to take over the world in his deep subconcient.

  18. wants to eat Mr. Seph cause she loves him veeery muchly :)

  19. A storm may darken the sky, but it cannot destroy my art

  20. wants to get Other M already!

  21. Holy crap. six dots now.


  23. Is now in Grade 11.

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