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Everything posted by TheKingOfTheDragovians

  1. I feel like I'm missing out on the theme's impact because I have yet to play Genealogy. Still though I like what I heard, gave me a really pensive feel. 7.5/10 Reminiscence from Blazing Blade, one of my favorites.
  2. Been awhile since I've posted here.

  3. 7/10 Atmospheric, I like it. Alight Roar from Birthright.
  4. I'll probably be able to get a PS4 this weekend. I was considering getting a used PS3 just so I could play this game earlier, but there area lot more game I went on PS4, so I'm waiting it out.
  5. Oh no, not jellyfilled doughnuts, how did you they were my weakness. I guess I can cook, perhaps a little too well. On second thought I'd probably cook, EVERYTHING, so that's a bad idea.
  6. If only that one Eevee hadn't stolen my Fire Stone. I think Kurama might have some.
  7. When Persona 5 comes out in four days and outill need to get a PS4.
  8. So while whenever I'm not thinking about the next time Togashi will come back from hiatus, I'm spending my time getting caught up with One Piece. I took a break from the series near the beginning of the Whole Cake Island arc, time I catch up again. Also Berserk 348 was great, I have a feeling things are going to get very dark soon. Also picking up some shows here and their, and watching Dragon Ball Suoer which has started to hit its stride.
  9. You're very talented seeing as you broke into my house, I almost hesitate to kill you,
  10. "Yeah man, so I was walking down the street whistling some Zelda tunes when this guy's door just flew open" That is a very cool house though.
  11. I'm starting to think Setsuna's not as stoned as I previously thought.
  12. If you want, and have a lot of rupees, you can go to a statue in Hateno VIllage that will exchange your heart containers for stamina containers and vice versa. So could swap your hearts real quick and change them back later.
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