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Fabulously Olivier

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Posts posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. 5 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    I don't remember much of Sun. I do remember wild Pokémon calling for help being annoying; the only time I liked that mechanic was a moment where I was looking for a Cubone with a specific ability.

    As for the totem Pokémon, I honestly found them fairly straightforward overall, as I found that their strength was more than balanced out by there only being one of them. It felt to me like fighting a gym leader that had only one Pokémon. It didn't feel balanced, but I think I found it unbalanced in the opposite direction. I could be misremembering; it has been a while.

    Incidentally, what Pokémon have you picked so far for your team? I picked Rowlet as my starter, I had an event-only munchlax as a result of buying the game close to day 1, and then the rest of my team consisted of the following: a midday Lycanroc, a Wishiwashi, an Alolan Marowak, and a Mimikyu.

    So I picked Rowlett as my starter, I've got a Pikachu that I intend to evolve to Alolan Raichu, and I've got a Salandit I intend to evolve. The rest of the team is up in the air, and being rotated around as I catch things/as needs be. I may put a Poliwrath in there. My Moon run is less planned than my last couple games were.

  2. My initial impressions of Moon are extremely negative, by the way. For one, I find it unfun that basically every wild Pokemon can call for help, which makes them considerably more annoying to grind and WAY more annoying to catch.


    Two, I'm consistently having to grind a lot to beat every totem Pokemon, and I'm currently on the jungle one. They're honestly stronger than your Pokemon even 5-10 levels over them, they summon help, and some of them even just spam full heals on themselves. Super annoying, doesn't feel balanced at all.

  3. 1 minute ago, vanguard333 said:

    Interesting; on my first playthrough of Y, I also picked Aurorus as my fossil Pokémon. It had good offence, but it was constantly being defeated almost instantly because it's a slow Pokémon with Ice/Rock type in a game full of Pokémon with steel and fighting type moves. In all subsequent playthroughs, I went with Tyrantrum.

    Similarly, I had picked the grass starter as my starter on that first playthrough, and I liked the idea of a knight-themed starter Pokémon, but the game is full of fast flying type Pokémon that beat it quickly, so I used Greninja in all subsequent playthroughs.

    Aegislash is a Pokémon I also picked because it's a sword Pokémon, and I really enjoyed it both because of it being a sword and because of it being a very fun Pokémon in gameplay.

    Yeah, Aurorus was godawful for most fights, and I'll never be using it again. I wasn't happy with Aegislash's performance either, personally. Nidoking was actually my MVP, and Charizard & Greninja were carrying me too. But there really are so many good Pokemon in X that I intend to make playthroughs a sort of annual thing for the forseeable future. Alongside Soul Silver & Alpha Sapphire.

    What I've noticed is that aside from picking Sword, I always pick the game with the softer color/theme.

  4. I don't really have a lot to talk about in June, because I came back to Warframe after a roughly 5 year hiatus. Seeing how far the game has come, I'm proud of the little game I backed as a master tier founder way back in college. It's always been a game I play so excessively that I burn out, but I'll also always come back eventually.


    44. Pokemon X


    Cleared 6/13



    My team was Greninja, Nidoking, Absol, Charizard, Aurorus, Aegislash.

    (I didn't mention this during my Diamond review, but my team was Empoleon, Luxray, Honchkrow, Lucario, Weavile, Garchomp.)


    Pokemon X is a grossly underappreciated entry in the franchise from what I've seen. It gets a lot of flak for being too easy (and I guess it is, if you do any grinding). My other complaints are that swarm battles are terrible and the new rivals outside of Selena suck. They're too friendly, and they're dorks.


    Aside from that, it's honestly pretty peak. Mega Evolutions are the best gimmick mechanic in the franchise, and should have stuck around. The QoL has been ramped up massively. The visuals are great for the platform. It's the first game in which I required ZERO grind. And the mon variety is so high throughout the whole game that I could see myself replaying it many times.


    45. Immortals of Aveum 


    Cleared 6/16


    A mid shooter with great visuals, okay gunplay somewhat lacking in oomph, a mediocre story, annoying characters, and a lack of enemy variety.


    46. Path of Exile


    Cleared 6/19



    So let's start with the negative. This game is WAY too hard. The number of times I died in less than a second or to outright one shots is unacceptable, and I put a lot of points into elemental resistances, armor, and evasion. And I had a shield in the final act. As a consequence, my damage was also poor. 

    It's certainly possible that my take on the Cyclone Slayer build was just that unoptimal that I made the game borderline unplayable. But here's the thing. I'm a seasoned ARPG player and a buildcrafting enthusiast. If I, of all people, cannot intuitively make a good character without using someone else's build, very few people can. And if the game is being balanced around meta builds, the entire glorious build system is pointless.

    We shall see when I experiment with more characters in the future, and I'll rescore up or down accordingly. And that's the thing. As bad as my entire Part 2 experience was, I do want to play again sometime.



    Now onto the good. The passive tree is one of the greatest things I've ever seen, and it gets my neurons firing in the best way. The story is fascinating, and the lore is deep. The combat isn't as good as D3, but it's a lot better than the D2 it was inspired by. The game is content rich, and always getting new leagues. And the first half of the campaign was a well-balanced blast consistently.





    What do you get when you match up Dynasty Warriors, Destiny, and Titanfall in a dating app, and they have a beautiful baby. You get one of the best 3rd person shooters of all time, and the best f2p game on the market.


    Warframe is a ridiculously huge, content dense, glorious time waster. It's fast, it's fun, it's got so many playable frames and so much weapon variety. The gunplay is snappy, the parkour is fun, the action is hectic, the lore is fascinating, the community is friendly, and it has a bottomless well of actitivities and rewards.

    On the bad side, it's a really obtuse game with poor user onboarding, Archwing & Spy missions aren't fun, and certain map tiles can be really confusing to navigate.


    I foresee myself playing a lot more Warframe going forward as I catch up on my many missed Primes and other rewards. I started Pokemon Moon. I've also been playing a fair amount of Samurai Warriors 5, a little bit of Astro's Playroom, a little bit of Gauntlet Slayer Edition, and some of the Trails Through Daybreak demo.

  5. 1 minute ago, vanguard333 said:

    Regarding Prime 4, who is the character that appears at the end of the Metroid Prime 4 trailer? I've seen people online talk about that character appearing at the end like it's a big reveal, but I have played Metroid Prime Trilogy and I have no idea who it is. Is this the person whose ship was following Samus at the end of Prime 3?

    Overall, I am definitely looking forward to Prime 4, but I do have one small concern about it; namely, the controls. I played Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii U, and it was easy to just hold the Wii remote in my left hand and the nunchuck in my right, enabling me to aim Samus' arm cannon with my left hand since I'm left-handed. From what I was able to gather about Metroid Prime Remastered, it, like every Switch game with gyro controls except Nintendo Switch Sports, mapped all the gyro/pointer controls to the right joy-con's gyro with no option to have those controls mapped to the left joy-con's gyro instead (and both joy-cons have the exact same hardware for motion controls). I'm just a little concerned that, without a left-handed option, the controls in Prime 4 will feel like a significant downgrade for me.

    I believe that was Sylux - one of the rivals in Metroid Prime Hunters and a favorite to get in Smash.

  6. This was probably one of the best direct's over the Switch's entire life cycle, objectively speaking. Not a whole lot for me personally.


    Though Dragon Quest looks great, the announcement of 1 & 2 HD is a big deal.


    Phantasian on consoles is good. I've heard good things.


    Finally a Saga game whose characters don't look like inbred demon muppets.


    Metroid Prime 4 is finally here.


    Looks like Fire Emblem is probably next gen or cross gen. Same for any future licensed Warriors games. Probably the right call.


    My brother will be delighted with new Mario Party and Ace Attorney games.

  7. 2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I think BOTW Warriors 2 is a safe bet. Its been just a year since Tears of the Kingdom so the game is still very topical, and the original BOTW Warriors was the best selling Warriors Spin off, so it makes sense for Koei to want to give it another try. Its also a game that likely won't require a lot of work since so much of the assets can be ported over from the original BOTW Warriors.

    You get Hyrule Warriors: CDi Zelda and you're going to like it.

  8. There's a Direct tomorrow morning. So let's get those predictions out of the way.


    I'm thinking Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest HD-2D show up. 


    I don't think it's time for a licensed musou game. I'm thinking that Xenoblade Warriors ends up being a launch title for the next Nintendo console, and that's why Omegaforce's output has been lower.


    My not-unplausable prediction is Pokemon Party. My totally unplausable hope is Golden Sun.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Is Tevinter the setting this time around? That was always my big hope. 

    Pretty sure that's been confirmed for a long while now.


    The game starts at some point following the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition, particularly those of Trespasser. The location has been confirmed to be Tevinter Imperium.

  10. In terms of new announcement, I consider Expedition 33 to be the game of the show, and it's even coming to Gamepass. 


    Existing games wise, Dragon Age looks damn good, Metaphor looks better every time I see it, and I'm sure I'll have some fun with The First Descendant as a junkfood game.

  11. Honestly, there was nothing for me (that I didn't already know about).


    And I hate that Dark Souls has poisoned the modern action game climate so much. Now every single cool looking third person action game I see with big bosses (you know, the most generic thing), I have to ask myself if I'll even be able to play this, or if it'll just be more exclusionary trash.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Lord_Brand said:

    I don't follow Sony news ever since I disavowed them in 2020, but in the interest of being informed I looked it up. So...what's the problem, exactly? Girl's got defined booty cheeks?

    Essentially to boil it down, a half-decent NieR Automata clone has been made the center of attention because dwindling right wing content creators made up a fake controversy that people are so mad about this fanservice game (they weren't). And then the game got further controversy because the western release added slightly more fabric to some costumes, and removed a probably-unintentional ingame "Hard-R" reference.


    But like, it's not exactly unique. You can find plenty of censorship debates, including with Fire Emblem itself, and always based on fanservice.

  13. 13 hours ago, Randoman said:

    Between Sony being really censor happy with most games releasing on their console

    This is a non-issue that always says more about those complaining than it does about those doing the "censorship." The censored thing is never anything of substance. It isn't speech. It isn't philosophy. It isn't anything political - and indeed, a vocal minority of gamers loudly advocate for censorship of politics in games. No, gamers complain when vapid things are censored - namely, nudity.

  14. Alright, predictions time. I'm going to shotgun out 10 predictions. And since we just got one, none will be musous.


    1. Devil May Cry VI - possibly as the mic drop final trailer.

    2. Titan Quest 2 release date trailer.

    3. New Tales of game, releasing next year.

    4. Lord of the Rings PS2 hack and slash trilogy remaster/HD collection.

    5. Megaman Star Force Legacy Collection

    6. Star Wars Diablo-like (think Marvel Ultimate Alliance)

    7. Dragon Age Dreadwolf release date trailer

    8. Soul Calibur VII

    9. Borderlands 4, but it's probably a long way off.

    10. Marvel vs. Capcom returns

  15. Certainly a niche unpopular opinion, but I don't subscribe to the "Samurai Warriors is better than Dynasty Warriors" consensus. Hyper attacks make SW even more mindless and button mashy than DW. DW has far better overall character design.


    And DW has 3 (4) distinct, iconic factions. This matters because it makes the story easy to follow and gives you a team to root for. SW is made up of so many distinct factions, and most of them are literal-whos. The story only really cares about the Oda, Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa factions. The game has a massive Sanada bias. And you're probably only going to care about the Date clan if you're a Sengoku Basara fan.

  16. 18 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Is that confirmed? Because an Oc being selectable alongside the other characters seems the more likely scenario.

    AFAIK, it isn't totally confirmed.


    I think the likely scenario is Story Mode - Create-A-Character OC, Free Mode - other characters.

  17. 16 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

    Nothing, State of play was a joke with nothing looking good. 2 more hero shooters? Why, nobody wants that. While I was hyped for Silent Hill konami once again ruins everything they touch.

    Maybe there is something good. The way I feel about Where Winds Meet is that if it has difficulty settings, it stands to be the AAA Wuxia game I've always wanted. (But if it's just more Soulslike/masocore guff, no thanks).

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