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Fabulously Olivier

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Everything posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. Point taken. I had just always associated Pelleas with the color blue - namely because he wears it and I associate dark magic with blue/purple. I avoided Kurthaga because.... I dislike him. I consider him to be useless and uninteresting. I kind of consider both Dheginsea and Altina to be worthy of a legendary slot, and I highly doubt they'd release two legends at once. I also laughed at Reliable Turncoats. I just thought of it and had to post it.
  2. Sorted by banner. My most desired characters are in bold. Yes, I'm aware I have a Tellius bias. I don't care. Tellius has the most characters, and most of them are more interesting than in other games in the series. Redeemers of Grado: Cormag (Sacred Stones) (5 star) (Flying lance) Knoll (Sacred Stones) (3-4 star) (Blue tome infantry) Natasha (Sacred Stones) (3-4 star) (Infantry healer) Duessel (Sacred Stones) (GHB) (Axe cavalry) Heroes of Crimea: Kieran (Radiant Dawn) (3-4 star) (Axe cavalry) Astrid (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Bow cavalry) Bastian (Radiant Dawn) (3-4 star) (Green tome infantry) Geoffery (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Lance cavalry) Renning (Radiant Dawn) (GHB, fought as Bertram) (Sword cavalry) Heroes of Daein: Jill (Radiant Dawn) (3/4 star) (Flying lance) Zihark (Radiant Dawn) (3/4 star) (Sword infantry) Haar (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Flying axe) Tauroneo (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Armored sword) Pelleas (Radiant Dawn) (TT reward) (Red tome infantry) Heroes of the Laguz: Tibarn (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Flying green claw) Reyson (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Colorless, no-weapon flying) (Weapon slot replaced with selectable Sing buffs) Tormod (Radiant Dawn) (3-4 star) (Red infantry mage) Stefan (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Infantry sword) Ena (Radiant Dawn) (TT Reward) (Red breath infantry) Dheginsea (Radiant Dawn) (Legendary) (Armored red breath) Reliable Turncoats: Volke (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Dagger infantry) Shinon (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Bow infantry) Nasir (Radiant Dawn) (5 star) (Blue breath infantry) Naesala (Radiant Dawn) (GHB) (Flying blue claw) Sephiran (Radiant Dawn) (Legendary) (High attack staff infantry)
  3. I would be down for an Awakening remake if it came with much more content. I'm of the opinion that there is nothing inherently wrong with Awakening's story, but it required more time to build itself up. It lacked proper foreshadowing and the Walhart arc diverted focus from the main plot without having enough time to be developed in its own right.
  4. Maybe not. He's a more legendary unit than Jagen and Gunter in universe, given that he's one of Grado's 4 generals. He's also not the designated Jagen of his game (that goes to Seth, despite his great scaling potential). If not a banner unit, he'd make a strong candidate for a GHB, perhaps alongside a Grado Traitors banner (Natasha, Cormag, and Knoll).
  5. That is with the assumption that being in Fjorm's family would make him water. Gunnthra was wind. He could be earth or even fire if they want to spread the OC's between elements.
  6. He fought hard, and he will be missed. Totalbiscuit seemed to always be honest and likable from my perspective, and I never understood why he had a hatedom. He was much less of a firebrand than other youtube personalities and would usually take a centrist perspective. Regardless, best wishes to Genna. Hearing them together was always a happy experience, and I can't imagine what she's going through. No amount of preparation can soften that kind of loss.
  7. Which games in particular are performing poorly? Thus far, the only KT games I own on Switch are FEW and HW Definitive Edition.
  8. I used to just snipe the desired colors. However, I find that this tends to not give me the desired units (perhaps the game determines which units you want by what color you roll). It also tends to result in a shortage of diverse units. Ie: I lack in green and colorless units because desirable green and colorless focus units tend to be so rare. These days, I try to go for full sessions. I make an exception when I absolutely don't want the focus units of a particular color (ie: I really hate Nowi, Elise, and most seasonal units).
  9. Yes, with two caveats: 1) Prf/legendary weapons should have unlimited uses. 2) 1 use should = 1 fight, not one attack. Running out of durability mid-fight is enfuriating and adds tedius micro-management to equipment.
  10. I'm not sure why there is such an objection to a legendary Marth using the Falchion. It is his iconic personal weapon. It is the franchise signature weapon on its primary lord. No other weapon can properly represent the character, especially in his legendary state. The important thing to consider is how his Exalted Falchion can be distinct from all existing versions of the weapon and what passives can be given to Marth to make him distinct as the offensive or supportive sword infantry legend (as opposed to Ike's status as the enemy phase sword infantry legend).
  11. Ultimately, the game will release when it releases at the quality it will release at. It's always fun to speculate, but it's best to keep calm and hope for the best game possible.
  12. More likely, we'd see melee enemies in the form of storm troopers with the Disney trilogy riot batons. Jedi/Sith would probably be reserved for named officers.
  13. Star Wars is a good fit on the surface, but there would be too many ranged enemies to be fun in a Musuo game.
  14. I am happy to hear that. After getting burned by DW9, I know I should be more cautious with these titles, but I just can't help but get excited with this genre.
  15. Amnesia may be cliche, but it's cliche because it's a powerful writing tool. It can be used to great effect and has given gaming some of its best plot twists. To give an example - SW: KotOR.
  16. Just being an infantry sword doesn't inherently make a character dull. It all comes down to the skills chosen for the hero. An interesting new skill goes a long way.
  17. Perhaps in part. But ultimately, fake leaks are just part of the fun in a hype cycle. The speculation, anticipation, and outright trolling all make the wait a social experience of sorts.
  18. Yoshi's Flipping Island has to be one of the greatest names for a game ever.
  19. I'm not sure if Capcom and KT would be on great terms or even if such a thing would be desirable for Capcom, however. They do have their own Sengoku Basaara franchise, afterall.
  20. DW8 really is a gold standard for the genre. I just don't understand how the games afterward haven't been up to par with KT's love of recycling assets and mechanics. You'd think that something like cloning and lack of weapon variety in DW9 wouldn't have been a thing.
  21. I would happily embrace his suggestion on the weapon swaps to differentiate clones. It would add much needed variety through combinations of cloned movesets. Hell, it could possibly even justify the existence of clones as a good thing.
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