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Posts posted by Bhoop

  1. Glad to see I can still provoke discussion. Thanks for the responses. Its something I've been mulling over the past week and didn't really know how to put my feelings in check. 

    I should probably contribute a bit as well, but I'll try to keep it short. I think an inheritance mechanic like fe4 could work, but it doesn't feel like there are enough characters for it to make a large difference. there are maybe 15?ish character that I can see in fe6 benefitting from fe7 parents, including canon relationships/pairings like Karla/Bartre. Even then, it doesn't feel like all 15 of those characters have a parent from fe7. 
    Please let me know if I'm missing something here. I would rather pay for two very well made games, regardless of how much my wallet would hurt.

  2. Unsure if this is unpopular or not, so please feel free to correct me. The other day a group of people I was a part of were talking about how fe7/fe6 being remade into a game like fe4 would be amazing and how cool it would be. I said otherwise, and I was promptly ganged up on about how I was objectively/subjectively wrong. Your thoughts? 

  3. I would say to slow down, take a moment, and just read. Go through skills, battalions, unit descriptions, stat descriptions, etc. Just sit down, take a few hours and read what skills and other stuff does. I would also look at what classes increase what growths, as well as the skills that they give. (this latter part is up to you, since its not really in the game, meaning you don't know beforehand unless you've played it/watched it)

  4. Sounds like they use lances

    A mounted unit specializing in two handed, long weapons (IE: halberds, pikes, lances (not the weapon type), etc). They cannot equip accessories nor can they use ranged weapons such as handaxes or javelins. They are considered heavily armored as well, but use no shield. 

  5. Mmm, a nice thought mixer, to say the least.  (I assume I have to abide by TH mechanics/rules/limitations when posting/making this?)


    -->The Cerulean Sheep

    The Cerulean Sheep is a house for crafters, carpenters, and artists alike. To be assigned/accepted/apply for this house, an applicant or student-to-be must create something using materials they have gathered themselves, or under the supervision of an expert (as some materials may be too dangerous or are unable to be procured by one person). Regardless of quality or quantity of said creation, the student is accepted based on:  the amount of creativity, effort, and time put into the creation, as well as their personality. Students with a demeanor or who display characteristics of destruction (or other similar factors) are immediately denied acceptance. The Cerulean Sheep are here to create in peace, not destroy, nor create destructive items or weapons (that being said, it's not like they *cant*, it's just that they *don't*). The tuition fee is waived to some extent based on the creation and dedication of the student as well. For example, a wide eyed student carpenter might design a comfortable chair. In place of the fee, the student will sell the chair to the academy, as well as make other furniture or items as a part of their learning experience to pay for their tuition. If the student wishes to hold onto the chair, the chair will be either held as collateral until the student either pays in cash, or with another creation after acceptance. 

    As such, students will mostly comprise of young aspiring artisans who wish to create rather than destroy. Some would rather not fight. Some would to defend themselves, etc. However, there are no evil-aligned people among the students.

    If you had not already surmised, crests give no bearing for this house. As long as one is an aspiring artisan with no evil in their heart, they may join. 


    Part One would mostly consist of the professor (Byleth) helping students gather materials for their projects, whether it be wootz steel for giant wolves, wood from forests, etc. These creations would then be used to decorate the monastery, as well as provide revenue and a cozy home for the Cerulean Sheep as they all grow to love one another using their one similar trait: the love of creation. Battle would consist of mostly bandit raiding during gathering sessions, or beast attacks. The Remire village incident would happen most likely as The Cerulean Sheep visit the village to see or gather inspiration as to what common folk might use in every day life. The students would all willingly help take out Kronya and the rest to help their professor they grew to love. However, during the attack on the monastery by the Flame Emperor, the students would not fight, but rather work behind the lines, providing supplies for ballistae, catapults, medical supplies for the injured, etc. Some combat would ensue as some soldiers break through the defensive line, and chos ensues quickly as the students, who were once supporting the front lines, now become the last defensive line for Garreg Mach.


    Part Two would consist of Byleth and the House Leader (might make a custom student for this later) meeting up in the monastery, and then going around Fodlan, reuniting with the other Sheep, as well as making sure common folk and nobility alike are safe from the big battles of the war. While reuniting with the Cerulean Sheep, the Knights of Seiros would also rally behind Byleth as he travelled around. Combats would be mainly against beasts and bandits, as per usual. 

    The Knights of Seiros, once reunited under Byleth, would be sat down with Byleth and discuss the church and its rules/laws. Byleth proceeds to make an argument declaring that the church has fallen astray from the path it was once on. Presenting a revised list of rules and laws, the church would bring back its former glory, as well as peace. It would not rule over Fodlan, but instead be a background advisor to the rulers, while also being and not being its own faction. It would, essentially, as Byleth plans, to be part of all three factions, while also not being a part of them. Neutral ground, so to say, as it was first intended to be.


    Byleth and the Knights would request the release of Rhea from the Empire, as well as a peace discussion between the three faction leaders, using the Monastary as neutral ground. The player then has a full month to help all three leaders out with their own plans and goals. Succeeding will result in the four leaders going around Fodlan and working to stamp out any remaining problems, ending with a final battle between an emerging TWSITD. Failing results in gronder field, all three leaders dying, and a life of chaotic turmoil and hard work for the Cerulean Sheep to try and hold Fodlan from falling into destruction.


  6. If we're talking three houses, Silver Snow should not have been a route spilt off from Crimson Flower. It should have been its own route where you try to decline being a professor, and instead become a Knight of Seiros. I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to mechanics, monastery life, gameplay, or story, but I'd think that much at least. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Oooo now that's a hot take. I think you're a bit lost, man. This should be on the "unpopular opinions" thread. I cannot think of a single FE fan that thinks this. Not even myself, I've only played half the series, and I dislike half of those games!

    mmm. If it was a bad franchise, pretty sure we still wouldn't be getting games. Franchise would've died after awakening if the franchise wasn't at least decently good. But to each their own. 

  8. I wouldn't mind said 5th route. Though I wouldn't call it a "Golden Route" so to say. I wouldn't even call it a "Revelations". I don't mind the fact that it wasn't made, but I certainly wouldn't have minded the fact if it was.

    If I had to give my two cents on how to execute said 5th route, I'd personally do it this way (Though please note that the only route I haven't done is Silver Snow, so if there is a large piece of information I am missing that throws this out the window, please disregard my statements here, and please do let me know that I should play Silver Snow before trying to make some idea that really isn't going to matter. Also I'm sorry if all of this seems scattered, choppy, etc. Also obligatory SPOILER WARNING):

    At least two other routes must have been completed (with a few changes here and there, will explain later)

    Sothis knows exactly who she is. No amnesia, nothing of the sort. Byleth has been this sort of "silent, expressionless" person all their life due to Sothis being in their head. This is due to the fact that They consider Sothis a friend (and she does them), and so therefore, Byleth doesn't see the point of talking most, if not all, of the time due to traveling around with a mercenary band all their life. I would say the "expressionless" part is mostly due to Byleth expressing emotions in their head with Sothis, and because they are doing so inside their head to someone else, their body doesn't feel the need to do it physically. 

    However, I will say that because of the way Sothis technically died, she is exhausted and most of her power is sealed, which explains the limited divine pulse and the constant napping (although Sothis doesn't need to be a sleepyhead). Through Byleth's 20ish years of life, Sothis would slowly tell them about her previous life, talking about Rhea, the constant experiments that she did, the Red Canyon, etc.

    So when Byleth meets Dmitri, Claude, and Edelguard for the first time, Byleth sort of knows what's going on (in the first few chapters of the story, but the player does not. This is to establish that WE are not Byleth, and that Byleth is some type of unreliable narrator. I personally don't like the avatar system to an extent. I think having a customizable character is a great idea, but to have US the player as that character? No thank you. Which is why I would propose that even though we can still customize Byleth to an extent, WE are not Byleth, and when we make choices for Byleth, it is Byleth thinking about what they can say, not to give US the player a choice). 

    First, a few small changes (technically huge ones) to Crimson Flower: Rhea is more mentally unstable, and any options to spare students are not there (this particular change is for all three routes, and under the assumption that you cannot recruit students from other houses). When Rhea dies, the crest stone inside Byleth does not break.

    After Byleth sees the destruction of at least one route, they resolve to refuse to let this war happen, and Sothis pushes her power to the limit to divine pulse back to the beginning of the game, so that Byleth has another chance at trying to stop this war. For the "5th route" (yay, i'm finally talking about it), Byleth or Sothis (through Byleth) would propose to Rhea and Seteth, that instead of the three of them teaching the three houses separately, they each collaborate to teach all three houses at once. Byleth would support this idea with the fact that it might make stronger diplomatic relations among the students, so that the "unstable peace" can become more stable. No one wants a war breaking out, and if the future leaders of Fodlan were friends in what is essentially high school, than the start of a war would be less likely, as logic might dictate.

    Rhea, intrigued by a new idea, would most likely support this. Seteth might be a littler cautious about it. Thus the three classrooms become a single, large lecture hall (or something like that). 

    So, the issue of Sothis not telling Byleth to let Rhea know that she, Sothis, is alive. I would say that Sothis disapproves of what Rhea is doing, and what she's done, and so Sothis is angry enough to just not say anything to Rhea. Sothis would also say that doing so might result in Byleth (at least in heart and soul) might be killed due to Rhea wanting her mother back, not some random stranger AND her mother.

    The player would then go through the game as Byleth, with Sothis, raising support with all three lords, and trying to raise support between the students from different houses. Due to Byleth's prior knowledge of each student, they would be more successful in doing so. 

    I would say this also unlocks a "group support" between the three lords and Byleth, in which all 4 of them are present and are talking. Each support would be story locked. I would say the C support would be obtainable after the Lonato chapter, in which Byleth and the three lords talk about the church, and begin to talk about crests. it would essentially show Byleth the problem of how close minded the three lords are to one another, albiet how similar their ideas are. After the Miklan chapter, the C+ support would be obtainable. This is when Byleth openly discusses crests, and would ask that all three write some type of essay on their views (This essay would probably be given as a whole class assignment). Due to this being after Miklan, Byleth would have heard part of their views after the raid on the tower. All three lords believe that crests, in some way, shape, or form (from what I've seen), should not be the center of the universe. Byleth, after reading these essays in silent, would call all three lords and say something along the lines of "these essays are all the same."

    Byleth would explain how uncanny it is that all three lords wrote similar essays, and would ask (as it is their job) if they collaborated. When the lords deny it, Byleth would say something similar to "Then perhaps the three of you should talk more. You all have similar ideas, perhaps the future leaders of Fodlan will be able to lead us to a more prosperous future", indicating to the lords that the three of them might share the same goals.

    The B support would be obtainable after the Remire village chapter (where you fight Solon and meet the flame emperor for the first time). However, one small change: Byleth would confront the Flame emperor alone, without Jeralt. The Flame Emperor would do his thing, asking Byleth to join him, and claim that they didn't order this attack. Byleth would immediately up and say something similar to "Listen, Edelgard. Regardless of whether you did or not, you have given me no evidence?" The FE would obviously be shocked at this statement, and Byleth would continue. "There's no reason to start a war over crests. The others are coming. Go." and the FE would flee in a panic when they see Jeralt + the other Lords coming. 

    The B support would contain the lords and Byleth talking about the Flame Emperor. Dmitri would say its unforgivable that innocents were harmed, Claude would agree. Byleth would play devil's advocate and say the FE stated that he didn't do it. Dmitri would obviously get angry over this, and Byleth would talk about how some subordinates or allies do what they want without the approval of others. Claude would be shocked, but would eventually agree that its a possibility that the FE's minions are so devout, that they might go against their leader's wishes to help their leader in the long run, and so that wouldn't be the fault of the leader, though the leader would have to take responsibility. Dmitri would reluctantly agree that the culprits should be caught, and if it is proven that the FE didn't have a hand in the Remire Village incident, he would calm down. Edelgard would be silent this whole time, and Claude would touch on this with some type of remark. Edelgard would then excuse herself, thus ending the support.

    The B+ support would be obtainable after the death of Jeralt. It would start by Edelgard coming to Byleth, apologizing for his death, saying that it wasn't supposed to happen. Dmitri and Claude would then enter, with Claude making a remark about how Edelgard is acting like she stabbed Jeralt herself, or ordered it. The conversation would then spiral to what the FE wants. Claude would say that it has to be something against the church, as it's the only thing that makes sense, but the reason is unknown. "if only there was a way to talk things through". Dmitri could then bring up the fact that Lady Rhea isn't "clean" herself, stating that the execution of the western church members make her no different than that of Solon and Kronya. Claude would be shocked at this and ask Dmitri to quiet down, as they might be heard by a knight of Seiros. Edelgard would then say something along the lines of "but doesn't that itself prove the point that something is wrong with the Church? They stop conversations like this and restrict certain knowledge from ever reaching the ears of the people". The three lords would talk about this a little bit more but than agree as a whole to investigate the church more. 

    Afterwards, Edelgard would write down her knowledge of the churches shortcomings and try and pass it on as a tome she found. She would also try and get TWSITD off her back, saying that there is no reason to work together anymore, since she sees that with the help of Byleth and the other two lords, taking down the church might be possible. 

    In the A- support, which would be available after Byleth merges with Sothis, Edelgard would reveal her "findings" to the other three. Claude and Dmitri would be obviously surprised, while Byleth would reveal why their appearance changed---Sothis, the experiments of Rhea, how Rhea created the three factions. They would not mention anything about the divine pulse, as time travel might...cause some problems. Edelgard still has no way of knowing how Byleth knew she was the FE, but she can chalk it up the "oh, god powers". 


    After that, that is where most of the game would change. essentially, Byleth would have the three lords and some troops follow them and Rhea to the Holy tomb, and confront Rhea with the evidence that they have. Rhea, would most likely be both enraged and happy (because her mother was alive, enraged at the audacity of them, and the fact that Byleth isn't her mother). However, before she can do anything, TWSITD attack, trying to steal the crest stones. After the fight, they would learn of a huge army coming to attack the Monastery. Big fight, monastery in ruins, At the end, Rhea is assaulted by TWSITD, forcing her to reveal her draconic form. Byleth tries to save her ---> timeskip. 


    After Byleth wakes up, they find that TWSITD have taken over Fodlan, the Adestrian Empire and Holy Kingdom are putting up a feeble resistance, and the Alliance is in inner turmoil as TWSITD is using the Gloucestor family to try and undermine Claude. Rhea is nowhere to be found. Byleth enters the ruined monastery to find what remains of the Knights of seiros, distraught over the loss of Rhea. Byleth rallies them together, stating that the evil that is TWSITD must be purged, as they caused all this death and destruction. The timeskip would essentially be the player going all over Fodlan to defeat TWSITD, gathering former students and eventually recovering Rhea's battered body in Shambhala. 

    The A support would be after all three lords are saved by Byleth, and they all vow to make Fodlan a peaceful place. Rhea would step down from her position as Archbishop, but state that the common people still need someone to look up to. The three lords agree to some extent, each with their own problems, But Byleth vows to make sure the church doesn't go down the wrong path. With the new Dawn of Fodlan near, they begin preparations to  fix the problems that have been plaguing Fodlan: isolation, racism, crests, etc. That's when the final battle starts, and they fight a resurrected nemesis, the ten elites, etc. 


    The epilogue would show how the Church would become a smaller figure in the governing of Fodlan, while the three lords unify Fodlan over the years, and eventually make Fodlan a much more prosperous place.


    Wow. That was really long.

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