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Everything posted by r_n

  1. That's one way to put sakurai's thoughts on kirby. sakurai's own words about this are such http://sourcegaming.info/2015/06/23/im-quitting-hal-laboratory/ There's a few (frustratingly citationless) quotes on wikipedia too, but those just go back to frustrating in expectation of making more sequels. I suppose you could say he quit because he didn't want to milk kirby, but it's more broad issues he had. Focusing on Kaga specifically, i doubt he'd have much to say for most of the reasons vincent outlined. For all we know, he doesn't even play FE games anymore. Also he's presumably still working on Vestaria Saga; it's a multi-episode game and part 1 was released late last year. I suspect, judging from what I've heard of interviews with japanese developers especially, that any interview with Kaga would need to be focused on his new game(s) and not a tangent on fire emblem. It's probably telling, too, that he isn't involved with any sort of anniversary celebration or interviews? So as for that fatique system, this seems so weird? It ONLY affects HP, it only really affects dungeon crawling and it seems easily remedied? I guess the alternative (Thracia) is too far in the other direction, but including it in the game in this manner just seems pointless. And also in the game with the smallest cast in the series
  2. I went through a long, long period where i did almost nothing but blues and some axes As such i am DROWNING in lances, including a wide assortment of 4 star repeats (FOUR CATRIAS), but some how have only ever drawn ONE odin and that was like 3 pulls ago. I also don't have a Gaius or Serra. I often forget Gaius is even in the game, i rarely if ever see him in the training tower.
  3. I have played this game since it came out and seriously never noticed this before. That's just weird, it's not like healers are that strong to begin with and their strongest spell is +10. e: Oh good FEH wiki has the full breakdown http://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Damage_Calculation the fact it isn't hard coded makes me wonder if one day we'll get some (likely enemy-only) class that increases their damage
  4. In the training tower, bringing up some of my new pulls. a troubadour has 22 attack, elise has 11 resistence, but Elise is only taking 5 damage. Elise has 25 attack hitting Troubadour's 21 resistence, but deals 2 damage (x2, she doubles). No one has any buffs/debuffs aside from Jeorge's Spur Speed. Is there some quirk with healer damage that I've just never noticed before?
  5. final bosses will probably just be a case by case basis. Iuodin would be super simple, for instance, just make her a manakete. Grima could be like in the game: an alternate to robin. Would probably still get the dragon stone breath weapons, but with a unique Expiration breath. For ones like the random fire dragon in FE7, they might just skip or make a new design for him...or just keep him a dragon the entire time! Nothing says the dragons have to have a human form for the game. Just have a chibi giant dragon.
  6. I would be all about this double SP bonus if I had the resources to spare. Really I wish it was double hero merit or double exp...
  7. It's closer to 2 years and it's not that uncommon so far as development cycles go. About as much time between 11 & 12 and between 12 & awakening. Fates had more time in the oven probably since it was 3 versions.
  8. Surely there's some trash you can just throw away without worrying about it at least, right?
  9. I have 3 star Henry & Robin with a 5 star sanaki...I'll probably support Sanaki first. She doesn't feel as popular, so I can probably rank pretty high.
  10. Oh sorry, I meant the quests for the extra Navarres. The bring FRobin to Lunatic Navarre map. Navarre vs Navarre was the last orb I needed
  11. Finally got Kagero back up to level 38 and Navarre to 37, so I tried it again. Azura/Sakura/Navarre/Kagero (5*) Did the usual kagero strat of getting her into the trees to take care of 90% of the map. She wasn't fast enough to kill the axe, but that's what azura was for. Sakura was here for heals an a defense boost. Good thing too, the math worked such that at one point she had a single hitpoint left after the mage. Worked out great though, because Kagero had her special charged and got Navarre down to 9 HP, letting mine kill him with ease. I should be able to do it again with FRobin but I don't think I'll bother.
  12. Well at least this explains all the weird slavishly brought over stuff from Gaiden that could have been updated: the director really really loved gaiden
  13. Not too surprising on either count. Good on Heroes for being profitiable. The power of gachas
  14. I suggest Arthur. Emerald Axe + Lancebreaker means he should be able to handle that upper lance pretty easily. Then he can just sort of hang out otherwise. Michalis should also do pretty well. Good power, defense. In my run I used Camilla to help clean up some stragglers like Mist, so Michalis, able to ignore forests, can probably do similarly.
  15. Pull #3, likely the last pull I'll be able to do during the duration of the banner unless we get a bunch of orbs dropped on us. 1 colorless, 2 blue, 2 green. Not even a CHANCE at an ike. YOU KNOW, it's pretty funny how many reds I saw during the dang spring festival 4* Lucius, 3* Corrin-F, 3* Cherche, 4* Catria, 3* Gunter. Lucius is new, which is novel at least. I already have 3 four star corrin-fs so this 3 star will probably just be sent home tbh; dont want to waste 2000 feathers on her. Cherche has even less reason beyond hero merit and I am pretty sure I already have 2 other 3* variants in addition to my 4*. Gunter is #4, 2 of which are 4 stars already. This is also my FOURTH 4* Catria which is nice just to start passing Luna around. Hard to complain too much considering I got 3 5*s last night but, you know, still! It would be nice to get some repeats of other stuff...Odins, for example. Or extra Abels for swordbreakers.
  16. Nintendo Directs almost never reach an hour. Most are 20-40 minutes. Skipping through the streams, its almost entirely focused on the card game and specific cards and so on. Maybe they find that game presentations present better in briefer chunks compared with collectable card games?
  17. I thought for sure I was wrong about that. But then I looked it up. The streams on youtube seem to be over an hour long. I think there's like interviews with the artists and such? Still, that's...crazy??
  18. Aren't the cipher streams usually kind of long? Like 20-30? Or am I totally misremembereing I'm guessing they'll also talk more about some future plans and non-character additions, that could be cool. Maybe they'll do more game modes to go with every update, help give more to do beyond arena & grinding.
  19. 10 minutes seems pretty short, but I guess there's not THAT much to talk about. Ohhh, I hope we see the first look at what the alternate poll winner art is.
  20. I'd be surprised if none of the subsequent DLC had a fork as an item. Either as a rare drop in the next set of grind dlc or a reward from doing something in the last set of dlc.
  21. There will probably be a token really fast bow knight with brave bow who has terrrrrible strength.
  22. 10-4 took 2 attempts. Same team both times: Eldigan, Takumi (w/ speed seal though i didnt run all the numbers), Azura, Sanaki Sanaki lured Soren, Takumi lured the first Archer, did some chip damage. Next turn Sanaki attacks, azura & takumi break the left barrier, Eldigan attacks the archer -> archer attacks azura, titania suicides on eldigan, sanaki continues distracting soren. Next turn Eldigan attacks the arhcer & Azura dances Takumi to grab the kill & fill his special, Sanaki kills Soren -> nothing of note one enemy phase. Eldigan kills the newly spawned axe in the corner (carefully so as to not bring the archer over), Takumi special kills the blue mage that broke through the lower left barrier, Sanaki (w/ a dance) breaks the upper right barrier. Next turn not much happened, just some slight respositioning but then disaster struck. I left Azura, with 11 HP, in the way of the red cavalier...where she took 12 damage. Then next turn eldigan gets swapped by said cavalier into the kill range of the green mage. But did win out the following turn though, so nice +5 HM for takumi & Sanaki Round 2 was exactly the same except I put the HP+3 on Azura. Now she lives the fight and instagibs the cavalier. Archer & Ike took slightly different pathways, but i still had plenty of places to go and wait out the final enemy phase. 10-5 did in one go. Azura/Eldigan/Sanaki/Narcian. Narcian kills the lance cavalier, Eldigan lure/kills Titania & lures Mist, Sanaki gets danced to the left of Eldigan to lure soren over. Mist moves to the right, letting Eldigan move up and kill Soren, Narcian comes over to be bait for Mist, Azura dances Elidgan away from Ike. Ike comes down, takes a few hits from Azura, Mist is focused on Narcian still. Azura finishes ike, Eldigan moves up to (but does not hit) Mist, sanaki gets in position. Then just wrap it up following turn with Eldigan & Sanaki. Pretty fun set of quests, I enjoyed going through these a lot. Was fun figuring the last 4 out. I think it helped that failures weren't an instant game over, so you could still see how things shook out and get some extra HM.
  23. I stole MKV's strat for 10-1 (weaponless Eldigan, Sakura for heals & an extra defense buff, Azura to help get positioning & kill the red mage, camilla for moral support), but 10-2 & 10-3 I just kind of winged it. Took a couple tries each. Needed to use Felicia for 10-2 to distract the mage. 10-3 i brought in FRobin to handle Bruno and then just used a lot of dancing to get her out while everyone else helped peck away then stall the remainder. Titania's AI seems to take priority over attacking, always, first; the final turn had her rush eldigan even though she does 0 damage when she could have let the flying sword go first & do 8 damage. Not sure how I'll handle 10-4. No real choke point, the enemies projectile users are all pretty fast...maybe if i can clear one of the corners and just hole up there.
  24. Well at least it wasn't +speed/-attack rein. Good to know. I actually do have spare Draconic Auras for both of them and can probably work on grabbing L&D2 at least (thank you hana). I might keep Vantage on rein for the time being, though. I usually don't take any one team into various places, but I do have a horse emblem team growing so Olwen can slot pretty easily in as a replacement for ursula depending on what I need. Thanks guys.
  25. Last night, I pulled a 4 star Reinhardt & a 5 Star Olwen. I like both of them, though rein won't fill his ~full potential~ until i scrounge up another 16k feathers. A series of questions! Rein is +speed/-res, Olwen is +speed/-hp. These good natures? Especially relevant for Rein since he's needing promotion. I know Olwen isn't as good as her brother, but is she still pretty ok otherwise? I notice she kind of has power issues, so does she wind up having trouble killing things? What are some good skills and maybe some "ok" skills if I lack the good ones. Some skills I know I have immediate access to incase they matter: Dagger breaker, armored blow, iceberg, glacies, lancebreaker (but only up to B rank and only if i start promoting arthurs), Luna, some assorted threaten stats, hone cavalary, swift sparrow I've got other skills in here too, I just need to dig through everything.
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