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Everything posted by Bartozio

  1. Wait I actually have to visit the forum again? Also, /in.
  2. In terms of playing optimally, the best way is probably to just pair a female avatar with Chrom and have her and her kids carry the whole game for you (especially in lunatic and lunatic+). Everything else just becomes a means to get to the point where they can effectively carry in that case, so you don't need to worry about longterm goals for them. This isn't just the fastest way to clear the game, but also by far the easiest. If you want to have more fun and use more characters, you should probably at some point sit down and decide who you want to S-support together and focus on just building those supports (so constantly have those characters paired up, unless there's a very clear benefit to clearing the chapter in not pairing them up). Most people prefer focussing on optimizing the kids, since they tend to just become better versions of their parents and you can find a ton of guides on how best to pair them. If you want to focus on using the parents themselves, I'd say you should decide who to use as combat units and pick whatever pair up seems to benefit their stats the most from who's left (for instance, in my lunatic+ playthrough I really liked to pair Lissa and Tharja with Lonqu and Gregor, because magic units are amazing, but they lacked the speed to double by themself).
  3. \in. Lets see if I can make the impossible happen and survive 3 games in a row!
  4. I think you actually need to manipulate me into saying I'm up for it first though
  5. Lord: Hector Avatar: Robin Villager/Trainee/Noble: Ross Cavalier: Sirius, with Percival as a close second Knight: Oswin Myrmidon/Samurai: Mia Mercenary: Gregor Fighter/Oni Savage: Nolan Pirate/Bandit: Dart Soldier/Spear Fighter: Aran Archer (also includes Ballistician and Apothecary): Rebecca Nomad/Bow Knight: Sue Mage/Diviner: Delthea, with Lute as a close second Dark Mage/Shaman: Canas Monk: Lucius Priest/Cleric: Serra Troubador: Elise Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids): Julian Pegasus Knight: Catria Wyvern Rider: Cherche Manakete (also includes Xane): Xane Beast/Laguz (Royal): Naesala Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal): Skrimir Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons): Azura
  6. I've only played fe4 twice or so, but some mechanics that are easy to miss: - The maps in this game require you to capture multiple castles. Losing your starting castle results in a game over, while losing others means you lose some of the gold you'd otherwise get. - Units can only promote once they reach lvl 20, at which point you need them to go to your home castle to promote there. Levels also don't reset upon promotion, but the level cap is now 30 (unpromoted units can also level to 30). - Weapon weight is always substracted from a units speed, since there is no con in this game. - Depending on what kind of player you are, you might want to use a pairing guide and/or event guide. The game is easily clearable without doing that, but you can get a lot of nice bonusses from them. In terms of pairing, the only thing I'd say matters a great deal is making sure Lewin gets a kid that can use wind magic (so pair him with either Fury or Tailtiu), because otherwise you can't use the best tome in the game in gen 2. - Units in gen 2 start with their parents inventory, so give whoever you paired up nice stuff.
  7. I mean, Erika is basicly a slightly better Lyn (in terms of stats) with a worse personal weapon and a way better promotion. She's not dead weight or anything, so as long as she's forced anyway you might as well make use of her, but outside of that there's no real reason to waste a team slot on her I feel (unless you like her of course, but you say that about any unit). Being sword locked is pretty bad, and until her promotion (which is pretty late) the rapier is the only thing remotely special about her. There's a ton of units who either bring more utility (mounts, staves) or are just better in combat (because of stats and/or 1-2 range). And even after promoting she's still sword locked, so worse than basicly every other mounted unit. She's far from the worst unit in the game, but I wouldn't call her good.
  8. So I reminded you... and I was not 100% sure if it was a perfect, but thought it was...
  9. Wasn't Brexit mafia a perfect as well?
  10. I prefer keeping him as a fighter and changing his class straight after he promotes, because the axe-rank is my main reason for using him. It depends on what you need of him though.
  11. Hosts, thanks for a great game. GG everyone, I had a lot of fun playing with you all. Thank you! At least you noticed the most important thing this game!
  12. You overstated me being town a bit too much, when I felt like Baldrick should have been more obvious town. And nobody should be that sure on a read on me. I mean, I'm me. Making me doubt myself when I came in D4 being deadsure your slot was the last scum was already well done though. Honestly, I would have lynched you and Rad D5 and 6 if it wasn't for that claim. Probably could have seen it was too suicidal to come from scum, but alls well that ends well. Fair. You also couldn't actually scum hunt though.
  13. Honestly, I'm just happy that you took it from me instead of Rad
  14. My head is currently wondering why the hosts are keeping this joke flip going for so long. Also thinking staying alive all the way to the end of a game is pretty nice for a change. And why scum has decided I still don't get nightkilled when I'm considered town by basicly the whole game? What more do I need to do to finally get that checked off my list? Oh, and something about you setting up your endgame being a tad obvious. Was nice seeing your scumgame after all this time though. Even when the decision should be mine, why do I have to wait for other people try harding? this is so unfair. ##Vote: @BBM
  15. Waking up early sucks. I love oversights in rules like that.
  16. OP didn't update, my bad
  17. By which I mean, feel free to nuke. I don't think there's much to disscus left, since I think Jester was also calling BS on the claim.
  18. I'm fine with it honestly.
  19. OP didn't update, my bad.
  20. OP didn't update, my bad
  21. See mate, this is where stereotypes come from Sully flipped tracker, should be in the OP
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