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Everything posted by Bartozio

  1. The argument itself might be sus, but the timing is not. Was refering to this post. First line is what I'm refering to. I could see it be there just to make it look like he's not mindlessly sheeping, because he doesn't really follow up on it/mentions Claire still reads null to him (more townlean but meta I think? not really sus at the very least). Relevant to the timeline. They don't jump on the wagon, but they still add fuel to it. Possibly because there's already scum on the wagon, and they dislike doubling up. No, I said I doubt all 3 scum are among the people sussing me. So (at least) one is outside of that. And then I mentioned two people defending me, because it's the most obvious opinion to take to diffirentiate. I had Sully as town, but not Claire. Of those three, I have Via as town. Refa and Weiner could go either way (null), slightly more sus of Weiner.
  2. Uhm... I said I didn't want to muddy the waters before grilling Amy... So like, I already had you as a viable vote option before grilling her, but didn't want to vote there yet because because it might influance Amy's reaction. And after her reaction I could still vote you, or keep my vote on her if I didn't like the answer and express also suspecting you anyway. I don't see how that's outright ridiculous. This is like accusing someone of robbing a bank and being mad they have a perfect alibi... Maybe the reason I have a perfect excuse is just because you are wrong? Like seriously, if you want to push me here, explain why it doesn't hold up?
  3. Not impressed tbh, but demotivated Refa is a pain to read... His case on Amy doesn't feel like much, because he even admits he doesn't think of it as that scummy, which makes me think he voted there solely because he wanted to vote somewhere and didn't want to vote me because big enough wagon + misslynch meta. Just sheeping Marth also isn't helping, but then I feel like Refa can play better then this as scum as well so... urgh. Gun to my head, I'd say lost/demotivated town, but I really wouldn't stick my hand in a fire for that. Right, lets see Athena started voting me, but his progression to not voting/defending me felt natural enough to me. (content outside of that pinged me though.) Claire came in and started the real wagon I feel, since a lot of votes after that were sheeping her. Didn't like her reasoning, but from a wagon point of view, it came after Via mentioned he suspected me a bit, but then read my explanation and felt better, and Marth posted he townread me, so definitly not sus in that regard. Rad was then the first to sheep Claire. He did express some suspision on Claire's post (a different part then the scumred on me), but with how quick that was dropped, it felt more like token suspision to me. Athena dropped off here then. Weiner and Refa expressed suspision on me without voting me, which is also intresting in the grand scheme of things. Oh, and Via even. Then Xnad came in not suspecting me. Followed by Dunn and Sully's votes. Oh wait, Dunn didn't vote. Still expressed suspision though. And then Amy also expressed suspision while voting elsewhere. I could write a whole book work about which scum compositions do and don't make sense based off of this, but that's only going to be relevant after we get flips, so I'm going to hold off there. Considering not the whole scum team will get behind lynching me though (or at least, that's very unlikely), I'd say it's pretty likely one of Athena or Xnad is scum. That, or scum is spread between voting me and holding off but clearly suspecting me, likely mostly focussed in the later group. Xnad feels most likely from this narative. Going to think about this for a bit, but consider my suspision here risen.
  4. Hmm, okay. I feel like he has voiced enough suspision about me and Marth to not make me think of a slow starter that much tbh. Could be me missreading his tone there I guess, since he didn't place a vote yet (which I dislike, but let's not go there). How do you feel about Marth then? Bunny girl sempai is pretty much my favorite show this season, so good taste there! I didn't dislike the ending, apart from it not really feeling as an ending. If I said I disliked Kill la Kill and Guren Lagan, would you still recommend it to me? Fair enough, my bad about forgetting you asking her for previous games, lol. Btw, I'm assuming I don't need to tell you you're free to ask me questions about stuff, right?
  5. Watched any good anime recently? For starters, what do you think of Marths case on Dunn? And Dunns play in general? Impressions on Amy and Claire might be nice as well, partially because I never really played a town game with them, so you might have more to go on than me there.
  6. You're technically right that my actual vote was as a joke vote. Marth is right that I pushed/grilled Amy because the way she went about her vote felt off though, so in the grand scheme of things, I don't see how this is relevant? I don't really get the bolded part, please explain when you get back? If it refers to my push on Claire... I wasn't confident she was scum for the hundredth time. 1. Uhm, if you actually believe that after knowing me for over a year I'm going to ignore your opinion on everything related to people? Or just always assume the opposite of what you're saying is true, still debating that one. But seriously, I don't think you get what level of stupidity I'm talking about here. Because it's pretty close to me not even knowing what having an agenda even means. 2. If I'm really that stupid, why would I backtrack on it? Because I clearly had the huge ego to think I could pull this off and lacked the situational awareness to see it backfiring, right? Claire's only suspision is me, same with Rad. I don't think I heard you suspecting anyone else either. Dunn actually expressed suspision on Marth, sure.
  7. Uhm... right.. you caught my master plan of getting everyone to lynch someone who hadn't posted any serious content yet... because I totally believed that would work... Sorry, I just really don't know how to respond seriously to this.
  8. Okay, so lets see here: Town(lean): Via is town. Marth felt a bit stuck at first, but he got moving and it's looking good now. Town lean here. Sully I explained in my post above as a town lean. If I take into account Amy is bad at commiting to reads, her last post looks pretty good. Null: Refa's posts looked good, and while they're not standout'ish (me and Amy were the easiest people to suspect at that point I feel), I don't see a good reason to suspect/lynch him here. Shinori's content so far was fine, can't really blame him for going after Marth at that point in time. Not enough game relevant content that I can't just see scumnori faking it though. With Weiner I can see his logic, which is good, but his play does feel a bit stand-offish and non-commital. Xnad is basicly Weiner with less content for me here, honestly. scum(lean): Athena I'm at this point where I like his thoughts and progression on me (might be a bit biased there), but his content outside of that feels a bit lackluster. I guess that's somewhat understandable with me just being the main topic this phase apparently, but it still gives me bad vibes. With Claire I'm like... on one hand I've seen her BS scumreads onto people before, and her read on me feels like that, but on the other hand there's enough people sheeping it that I'm like... they can't be all scum, so am I just wrong about how obvious the BS is? Add the fact that I don't mind her defence but really don't get why people hard townread her for it, and this makes for a really frustrating slot. Rads only real content was sheeping Claire's vote on me and not being convinced when Athena brought stuff up. The later part isn't an issue on it's own, but the lack of content and safe vote here is. Dunn is basicly Rad, but with even less content. I guess there's his comment about Marth being scummy for not iso'ing him properly now but.... am I even supposed to count that? ##Unvote ##Vote: @Ichigo
  9. My "agenda" would be getting things going so people post serious content to analyze? Super scummy, you're right. Do I need to mention this is sarcasm? You... you get what a joke means, right? Everything around rvs is based on marginal reads Sully. And yes, I could have gone over this weakly by saying "Eh, Amy's case is pretty nitpicky, but it's the best we got, so meh" and then disapear and hope other people start things in earnest, but why do I have to wait for other people to do something I can do myself? Me have limited time in a phase, and the more of that time is spend on serious content, the better. It's how he participated, not that he participated. Right, because it's the logical conclusion that I'm super confident about lynching someone with no serious content. You'd have to be an actual genius to see that I might be exaggerating things a little. My bad there. This is such a huge cop out it's not even funny anymore. If you can't toneread her, so what? Look into her actual actions and whether those make sense as scum/town. Look at the logic behind her arguments and whether those make sense/feel natural. You're saying that because one of your tools is ineffective, you can't read her at all, which is utterly ridiculous. I'll have you know my survival rate as scum is leaps and bounds ahead of my survival rate as town. As much as I disagree with this post, it's a lot closer to what Sully's posts where like in his first town game, as opposed to his first scum game (which I still insist didn't happen, because Anti hero mafia was not a thing), so begrudging town lean here. Can you explain this a bit more? I feel like he's mostly sticking to the sidelines and making general comments, which shouldn't be that hard to fake? I don't have him as a hard scum read or anything, but I don't really see where the townread is coming from. Question then, what would you see as poking around in my shoes? I grilled you and I asked Athena about his reads on people. I didn't ask Weiner, but he had already given an opinion about Claire and was asking for your meta, so I didn't see much point in asking for a read on you there. Via and Marth already gave opinions about the whole gamestate on their own. Soooo... where should I have poked around that I didn't? Me being passive aggresive? Why I'd never Maybe look into his play when I stopped the 1v1? I think that was still midway through D1 and the context should be more similar.
  10. Even jokes are made with some feeling behind them though? You're not a robot, so your head is never/very rarely going to be completely blank when posting something. Trying to get reads during rvs is basicly trying to read into those. Is that a reliable way to find scum on it's own? no. Does it lead to serious conversation sooner and is it thus better than doing nothing? yes. The above is more a general statement than applying solely here (although it still aplies), but I feel people often forget/don't realize this when talking about reads during early game and it's starting to piss me off a bit. Moving on. Maybe I should explain some things here: 1. I liked Amphies case on you from the start, but the not voting thing was giving me nasty flashbacks. So I decided to grill her a little, and didn't want to muddy the water first. 2. I liked her response to said grilling enough to not have her as a slight scum lean, and I wasn't really finding Weiner sus, so at this point you were the obvious person to push for me (those two were the only people who had posted serious content at the moment, and I didn't see something else worth pushing other than you). 3. At that point, I could have made a post saying: "Gee, I don't really have anything else to push, so I guess I'll just sheep this slight scum lean because it's beats doing nothing", or I could think "I'm gonna vote here anyway, might as well dig in my heels and go balls deep because it's fun and more likely to get reactions. Besides people will realize I don't actually have someone who only made joke comments as lock scum, right?". I went with the later. Technically correct, my favorite type of correct. These are still coming, right? Or are you still waiting for a different type of response? Gonna refer to my response to Clair for the meat of this, but the short answer is: She's not actually lock scum. I wanted to make sure to keep things going. About the exchange, part of it might have been that I did agree with her case but wanted to grill her first. Other than that, I can't really say much more than I'm a calculative person in general. My read on Weiner went kind of like: Only agenda like thinking I can see from him here would be [AGENDA], but [AGENDA] implies Claire is scum, so there's no reason to go after Weiner before Claire. Where [AGENDA] = Claire and Weiner are both scum and Weiner is trying to protect Claire. Read my response to Claire for other stuff I guess.
  11. Woot, more people join the fray! I swear I'm going to find a way to rig a game so Via is scum and I can actually see if his scum meta is so radicaly different from this, but for now I'll just assume everyone who has that experience is right I guess. Liked Marth's opening post (or first serious post I guess). I agree that Weiner didn't really open another avenue for conversation, but I also feel like there really wasn't much else to go on? Trying to read Amphy for making the read is a logical next step for him, and I read asking for her meta as him heading in that direction. @Magnificence Incarnate thoughts? I have to leave now, but I'll respond to Claire later this evening.
  12. K, fair enough. I liked Weiner's play so far, and I think the only agenda he could have for not joining the Claire band wagon is that they're both scum, which is a scenario we might as well consider after lynching Claire. So let's make Yolo-sempai proud and clap us some Claire I guess? If by love you mean "I had a great rvs post all thought out, but then the game already got half serious before I arrived and now I don't wanna post it anymore. Oh god, am I getting lynched for going to bed before deadline again", then yes. Also like... lol, it's rvs, what were you expecting other than easy accusations? It reminded me a bit of Honneybottoms (played by Walrein, which may or may not have been Amphy, I suck at name changes) in CupHeads mafia going an entire phase without moving off an rvs vote, even though they interjected relevant game thoughts (they were scum, and yes it's early D1, but it started similar). Currently, it being probably more personality than allignment driven and their opinions not being bad is giving me a slight townlean there though. What are your thoughts on Amphy, Weiner and Claire?
  13. Fair enough. I'd advice you to make sure your vote is either on who you suspect most or the person you're currently focussing on. That said: ##Unvote ##Vote: @Mitsuru Kirijo Btw, thoughts on Weiner so far?
  14. Because I can. I feel like this post has impatience behind it? The second line is pretty sarcastic and stuff, lol. I kind of get your point, but what I don't get is: why are you not voting her?
  15. Being lazy/demotivated is an emotional outburst these days?
  16. ##Vote: @Ampharos Don't worry, I got you! Also disclaimer: I might not be able to post much today, but I'll be around in full tommorow.
  17. She can snowball really hard if you level her, because of good offensive growths and being a flyer you get early game. She's not all that broken without Lyn mode training though. An alternative is to just raise their stats instead of their level. It should be possible to raise enemy growth rates, which would mean enemies in the late game become a good bit stronger. It would also make units like Raven and Guy stronger though.
  18. All of you meaning three? Also /in.
  19. Bad is only relative to other units. She can become decent if you train her, but in terms of cost vs reward she comes out as one of the weakest units in FE7.
  20. It's possible, but it puts a lot more strain on your funds. Farina is a good unit and one who can help out your exp rank a bit, but having more freedom in using expensive staves and statboosters can also help out a good bit. Basicly, it's a very reasonable choice, although one I wouldn't have made (because favoritism).
  21. Wait... Via is being interviewed and this is already the last day? How did I not know this? AHHHHHHH I mean... sup Via! 1. First/current impresions of me? 2. Any great advice on how to not get lynched in a mafia game? 3. What's a show I've probably never watched but really should watch? 4. How do you manage to never roll scum these days? 5. Have you been enjoying your interview?
  22. ...The point of our discussion was that it was a shame he didn't get Def on his level up, right? Maybe not 100, but he'll rarely, if at all, get below 80, which is still pretty reliable. And that's against dodgy enemies. Crit is nice, but not something you can count on, especially not when it's below 30. True, but even then, you only need some luck to not get critted by enemies not using killer weapons, and Marcus pretty much has enough at base. Sain and Raven aren't going to one shot at this stage of the game though, even if they got more levels (unless you arena grinded them or only focussed on leveling them), so that's not really relevant? And yeah sure, units with insane Str can still one round enemies with an iron sword, but Kents str isn't bad. Swords are just bad weapons with their low might. The fact that Raven is good even when he's locked to swords speaks more of how insane he is then it does about how swords aren't bad. There no reason for Kent to ever use an iron sword over an iron lance, unless he's facing an axe user (in which case, it does the same damage I think, but more accuracy and avoid).
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