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Everything posted by Bartozio

  1. For now Marcus is fine, but just his bases make him the best unit for the first half of the game, so that's not really saying much. His level ups mostly (help) decide how good his combat is going to be later on in the game, where more bulk and strength are going to matter. Also lol at bolded, what is that even supposed to mean? That he'll magicly start leveling Def when he needs it? Even if he doesn't need it now, building up for later is a good thing. All 1 point of skill does is add 2 points to displayed accuracy and half a point to crit, which isn't a whole lot. Keep in mind that Marcus already starts with 15 skill and few weapons have less then 60 accuracy (which is 1-2 range weapons like hand axes and javelins, if you really need him to kill something you can use more accurate weapons), so that's at least 90 accuracy on his less accurate weapons, 94 if you count his base luck as well. Add the fact that he'll have WTA a lot for 15 extra hit and that generic enemies have low AS, and he'll almost always have 85+ displayed hit. Adding more hit is nice of course, but I'd much, much rather see those stats go somewhere else. Luck is also relevant for hit and normal avoid atually. It's again, nice to have, but not nearly as relevant as other stats. Oswin and Kent lack the speed to double though, and Raven and Kent lack the damage to two-shot him (and the weapon rank to use silver weapons to compensate). So that only leaves Hector and Marcus as anyone else... 1. I don't know how that way of writing came to be and yes, it's fine to not use an exclamation mark. I feel like it's easier to write it like this in some cases, and sometimes it's just out of habit. 2. I goofed, my bad. Sain and Raven are the examples of units with average strength now? Besides, current Raven couldn't have killed that Shaman with an iron sword either :P I mean, Kent didn't tank that many hits this chapter, so his bulk wasn't that relevant? My point wasn't that Kent is a bad unit to use on this map, but more that you didn't need him, and you could have given someone else the opportunity to gain some exp. If you plan to give Sain enough exp later on, sure, ignore this example (because I feel Lowen wouldn't be able to fill this position at his level), but the general point is still that you might need to start looking for places where you can get away with replacing strong units with units that gain more exp. I was talking about early on in the map, mostly the first two turns. I feel like Raven had enough free time that Lyn could have gotten to the boss in time if she'd started in his spot. Again, I feel like you could have still made it to the boss in a different position. Or Hector could have just bulldozed his way through to kill the boss, lol. I feel like that support is going to give you less then it takes to set up, but we'll see. Also, small detail, but you could have let Lyn use a different weapon to kill the shaman at that moment, because Hector was going to stand next to her anyway, so he could have just traded with her to make her hold a lancereaver afterwards. Oh, you're not getting Farina? Makes sense I guess, but still a bit of a shame. Why would Pent replace Serra though? Pent's a good unit, so I don't see why you wouldn't use him, but you can just use both? Not having Pent be forced to heal is pretty nice. Oh yeah, definitly not arguing that.
  2. Nice clears once again. I especially liked the chapter 17x one, where Florina could just calmly visit everything and talk to Fargus ignoring all the enemies. Looking at chapter 18 though, the general strategy was fine, but you should maybe start considering rotating some of your "main" units out when they don't have a big role in maps. For instance, in this chapter, I think Sain could have done the same things Kent did, but Sain is 3 levels lower, so he'd have gained more exp for it. You could have also swapped Lyn's and Ravens role at the start, letting Raven (who is a lot lower leveled) get more kills and just more exp in general. Small things for now really, but it might add up over time. Boss killer Lyn in action! If only FE7 had more mounted/armor bosses. I guess, but more str/def will really help his long term usefulness out a lot more. (and lol, who needs the little bit of extra hit from skill and luck when you have full WT control). I mean, the only unit who used expensive weaponry was Lyn, so this isn't really a point in favor of Hector, and more a reason to lower Lyn's score? She also killed the boss and fought all those enemy phases though? I'd personally say stealing those two items and killing a shaman was worth more then Raven killing two steel lance!pegs tbh. (Also, promotion item and statbooster*) Kent mostly showed why being a mounted unit is so good I think (both the movement and rescue utility). Also, him not killing that shaman with an iron sword says more about swords then it does about Kent I feel. Marcus did a lot during the first enemy phase, and after that kept running around doing odd jobs here and there. I really don't think he ended up doing less then Hector and Kent (in fact, I'd even argue Hector could get a lower score). But wouldn't they have died attacking other units as well? Small detail, but it's 11 damage now. Effective damage only means the weapon might is doubled, so one less point of Str is still one less point of damage. I don't dissagree with this, but it's not really relevant when deciding his rating? Like, if Marcus gets less kills, it generally means he had less to do, so he was less useful. That shouldn't result in a higher rating... (I don't disagree with his rating btw, just with this being used as a counter argument).
  3. Glad to see this is back, nice clear as always. There's room for a few improvements in microing, like having Priscilla heal more instead of taking part in the rescue chain (which was pretty cool outside of that) since Matthew had enough time to get to the chest anyway, or trading a javelin to Oswin with Rebecca at the start to deal with the archer a bit faster, but the overal strategy worked really well. All hail Marcus for charging through the enemy lines while holding a healer! The exp rank is killing, yeah. You need all hte exp sponges you can get. It's kinda funny how Oswin goes from carrying your team (in part) to becoming an exp sponge later though, lol. His promition basicly making him a paladin (although an FE8 style paladin) is pretty cool, but he takes a good while to get there. And like... you can also just use a unit that starts with a mount instead of grinding Eliwood up and using an expensive heavens seal on him (the last part doesn't matter much in a casual playthrough, but it does in a ranked one). You make it sound like you can use only one cavelier/paladin... One point in movement can do more then you think. For instance, in this chapter, Marcus has an easier time then Kent in getting to the thief in time, since he can get there earlier if he moves optimal every turn, or just has the choice to sacrifice a bit of move for better positioning and still make it there at the same time. Also, you forget to mention Sain has more strength then Kent, so on the frontline, he'd deal more damage and would have an easier time breaking through then Kent. I think it can be argued Sain can make even better use of that dracoshield then Kent. I mean, you need to complete a chapter fast anyway in a ranked run, so I don't see it as a huge obstacle? Since Marcus can one shot the thief with a silver lance, you can be a tad slower and still make it, but not much. In a causal playthrough though, you can just sacrifice the silver sword and only kill the thief after he steals the knight crest, which gives you a bit more breathing room. It's 14 before promoting actually, 15 after, which ties with Marcus' base. 700 sounds like a lot, but the two bosses give a good amount of exp (likely 200 for just the kills, and quite possible a bit more from other combat) and you can bring Ninian (9 turns equals at least 90 exp, possibly more if you use her rings a bit) and staffbots (psysic, torch and barier are all useable at that point, and it's unlikely either priscilla or Serra are promoted at that point) to ease up on the requirement even more. In fact, if you get 250 exp from the bosses (which is basicly a chip and a kill on both), 180 from Ninian using a ring every turn for 9 turns, and Priscilla and Serra both average 15 exp per turn (which is what they get for using barier. Physic and torch both give more) you reach exactly 700, without even needing to fight generic enemies (which you should obviously still do to lighten the burden on your resources, but you get the point). Her average at level 10 is around 8 str and 12 speed, so yours got rng screwed a bit. Honestly, in a ranked run, I'd just keep her unpromoted if I was using her and let her take as much exp as possible while promoting some of my units who are better at carrying the run.
  4. 100! I figured I'd post in here after so long and I immideatly get a hundred! It feels good to be back.
  5. YES, I WAS REMEMBERED! Also, I'll keep reminding you until you're over the trauma. No need to thank me, I know I'm too nice. Nice. 6. Favorite captain in Bleach? 7. Favorite arrancar? 8. Favorite arc? 9. Have you read the manga? 10. Favorite opening and ending? 11. Favorite zanpakto? 12. When should Ichigo have stopped getting powerups? 13. Favorite fight? Above all refers to bleach ofc. 14. Favorite character in Kuroko no Basket? 15. Favorite match? 16. Favorite team? 17. What's so great about Kill la Kill and how did it same anime? Have you also watched: 18. Naruto? 19. My Hero Academia? 20. Tsurezure Childeren? Some not anime related questions I guess: 21. Favorite subject in school? 22. Least favorite subject? 23. Do you prefer reading from paper or a screen? 24. Have you ever played Fire Emblem? 25. Favorite anime genre?
  6. Woohoo, it's Claire! 1. Who am I? 2. Favorite alligment in mafia? 3. Favorite anime? 4. EiMM or Mafia? 5. Favorite game genre?
  7. People underestimating you is good. It means you don't get fearkilled as much!
  8. Why do you think you lived so long? tbf, I spend most of my time trying to get my buddies lynched, so... Die already!!! I mean, my vig was just insurance, since it'd fail if the normal kill went through anyway. Most horrible thing about this game: Tuvy never joined the scumchat, so the slip wasn't even really a slip (nobody ever talked to him about Corro). GG town, thanks for playing my many many scum buddies! I had a lot of fun with this game.
  9. Alright, I'm going to sleep now. @Alette please vote with us! ##Vote: Weapons
  10. @Alette I think you didn't really answer Athena's question, which is pretty important right now. Who would you lynch between Snike/Dya/Weapons?
  11. Hell yeah! I'd prefer lynching Snike or Dya first, since I'm more certain about my scumread there, but we can do Weapons first if people insist. Think it mostly depends on Alette now.
  12. ....Whoops. Bolded should say scum.
  13. Alette grabbing on to a read with all she can when she finally has one isn't that weird I think. As in, I'm not suprised by her doing it. I think Dya not getting killed is a bigger tell. Basicly, one is a player being really convinced by a read, the other is scum not caring about town having a vigshot. Why do you think the first one is more likely then the second? I'm VT. I think all the vigs weigh out the lack of investigate powers on our end tbh. I'll admit I was expecting scum to have a roleblocker or something similar to combat towns vigs to some extend, but I just have trouble seeing Athena's play coming from town. And I mean... he could have just roleblocked Snike again and claimed vanilla in your scenario? Part of it is PoE, I also felt like KTS wasn't playing to his town meta and his scum meta is less defined for me. I also dissagree with a lot of your reads/pushes. Small things, but it adds up, especially when a lot of other people feel cleared.
  14. 4 (Mack and Via both flipped vig). And I believe that over scum!Alette making that shot, yes.
  15. Beause Jiggly was getting heavily suspected for pushing her. He had no idea who was scum outside of that. Why shoot someone who's likely getting lynched anyway? Why make the game move on D3 when it could stay locked on a townlynch with likely not a lot of solving happening for town for that day? I don't think you're scum, but if Dya turns out town, the final scum member has to be one of you, Alette and Athena, and I have very good reasons to townread ther later two.
  16. Regardless of what your reads were on the slot, he was the top scumread of me, Athena and Mack. That alone should make him easier to lynch then a lot of other people. In fact, he was the wagon that was competing against the actual D2 lynch the most. Besides that, a lot of people agreed it was very likely there was scum between those two, so why does scum!her shoot there instead of someone she actually mentioned scumreading? Like, I really, really don't see Alette making a play like that as scum.
  17. I'm literaly saying we should let you prove your role... Who do you think is scum then, outside of Alette (cause spoiler, she's not the only wolf remaining, if she even is one)? And why do you think scum!her shoots Jiggly of all people? Pretty sure you can claim that, just don't copy paste anything from your role pm.
  18. About the gamble thing, we either do this, or we gamble on her allignment. I'm feeling a tad more certain about scum not having a vig that can decide *Lo, mostly because it still feels like a weird fakeclaim. If you (and others) don't agree, we need to either lynch Dya today or have you block her shot tonight.
  19. Partly that, other part is that I doubt scum her vigs Jiggly N2.
  20. I don't think scum has a N5 vig btw (or it gets turned of during *Lo, which is lol), so Dya's probably fakeclaiming. Just in case, I'm fine with leaving her alive and letting her shoot Weapons. He lives, we lynch her, he dies we can just lynch Fleet for the win.
  21. Sup guys, I'm (finally) back. Considering Marth was town, that means we have his part time rolecop + probably 3 or 4 vigs as town roles. I highly doubt we also have a full time follower, because that's way too much solving power, even for a 17p game. I really think we should lynch here today. I'm currently thinking scumteam is him, Dya and Weapons, Maybe Fleet fleet instead of one of the later two.
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