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Posts posted by celice221

  1. On 5/18/2017 at 0:43 PM, Naglfar94 said:

    Oh wow you made it far Lol you have now reached the very purple chapter 3 all that purple please don`t kill me for that Lol spare me. 

    but yeah gotta agree there Thor Hammer is the most annoying of them Ishtar with that thing is a nightmare indeed. Very good choice though giving it to Fin it`ll be great on a mounted unit like him since he can hit then move out of the way good choice there. 

    well i made it to the 2nd gen chapter 7 just started on that i like the fact u decided to give julia a tome when she join and im keep oifaye safe it seems the enemy likes to go after lester lol i just laugh at him dodgin their attacks brings joy to my eyes so anythin i should watch out of in chapter 7

  2. 11 hours ago, Naglfar94 said:

    Haha glad ya will and so happy you are having fun with this one. Dunno how far in you are but I`ve made it over halfway through the 2nd gen. The enemies seem to have it out for Oifey Lol he has died twice already good thing for the Valkyrie Staff. Haha when you get there keep Oifey safe haha.

    im halfway through chapter 3 talkin it slow cause of some of the enemies havin the legendary weapons but boy do i hate thorhammer tome i remember when isshtar had that tome that was a nightmare but beatable its so hard to dodge cause it increases ur accuracy i gave that tome to fin and hes doin critical non stop wit it but im havin fun wit the hack im hopin to reach the 2nd gen soon

  3. On 5/10/2017 at 9:01 PM, Naglfar94 said:

    oh Awesome! You got through the prologue glad you are liking it so far. Difficulty wise chapter 1 isn`t that tough. I do recommend you put Ira to sleep though with the sleep staff or the scene will just turn ugly fast. There isn`t much tips I can give for chapter 1 just go about things as usual pretty much. I am way on chapter 4 right now midway through. 

    anyway hope you continue to enjoy! Ah wait there is one thing  should mention though the village way on chapter 4 you know that village that is known for freezing the game when Sylvia visits? Don`t even bother with that village at all. I didn`t change anything there at all. And Noish already comes in with a defender sword so that village is pointless now. The other villages most of the others ones have goodies worth getting though on various chapters and Blaggi tower has something better than a wind sword there now too when Dew goes.


    oh i defintively will be enjoy this more than the original one of fe4

  4. 8 hours ago, Naglfar94 said:

    Well the maps aren`t the best lookin thing around I`ll admit that and I was messing around with them. The colors on the 1st prologue map were supposed to be like autumn based colors it was supposed to be an autumn map. But it came out sorta terrible. However some stuff was intentional some maps I wanted`em to look crazy and wild as I stated a lot of the stuff is just for the laughs and to be weird as heck some some stuff is gonna be absolutely ridiculous in this. Fear not though I didn`t mess around with all of the maps colors.


    As for the sprites of the characters if you are referring to the battle sprites some of their pallets are different as I wanted them to match as close as possible to how your units look like Edean`s queen sprite is no longer generic now. Sigurd`s purple hair I did so to make him more match Ethlin`s hair color a bit. But thank ya for pointing that out Lol I am aware some of my colors look like crap XD Next time I won`t repeat the same mistake on a more larger scale serious toned hack.

    Yeah haha told ya they are deadly. But killable I use Sigurd all the time to take them out. Cuan works well too and his awareness skill will block out their sword skills as they hurt a bunch when they hit. Sigurd and the Lenster trio will be your best friends on the prologue.


    yea i use sigurd,cuan and fin for the dancers and im lovin the hack alrdy on chapter 1

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