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Posts posted by LoyalKing32

  1. 1 hour ago, phoenixmiko said:

    What are the canon, implied or hinted pairings in Shadows of Valentia?

    Also, I heard that Faye has a negative impact on Alm's stats if you put her near him on the battlefield - perhaps reflected by her conversations with him in the suppport log - so is it better to put her on Celica's team instead? Are there any other characters on Alm's team who support people in battle better on Celica's team and vice versa?

    Nah it's reversed. She gets negative avoidance but that's it everything else is good bonuses which fits her character. Nope. Jesse and Silque have a support bonus instead of a convo if you use them in chapter 6 and 5 but that's it. Other than Alm and Celica having support boosts obviously. Also no you shouldn't. Faye makes a worser case than Atlas. At least you can save Atlas completely and utterly by making him a merc. You can't be a merc nor an archer with Faye and Celica already has an offensive healer, Alm does not. Faye even has the again spell pretty sure no other unit naturally has which is more effective on Alm's route. Faye also starts off really under-leveled compared to the rest. It's good for nothing but an easter egg but putting her and Kliff with Alm is absolutely the right choice. Celica's route is filled to the brim with mages so making her a mage in Celica's route is redundant and she will fall behind anyways due to being under-leveled. Just keep her with Alm where she actually can support with somebody (Silque, Alm) please.

  2. 1 hour ago, Baldrick said:

    Not even Boey and Jenny? They weren't palette swaps, and were more memorable than Paison and Leon. Everyone should have gotten the treatment the two archers did.

    Genny bares a resemblance to her Gaiden counterpart. She has the pink hair and that pink dress. I immediately recognized Genny and that was one of the first Echoes redesigns I ever saw.


    Sorry buddy Boey needed an upgrade. He's not consistent to begin with. At least his old design with the red hair is on a generic male mage. 

  3. 1 minute ago, RJWalker said:


    The Whitewing sisters example should be more sufficient for anyone with even half brain to understand how you can take palette swaps and create visually distinct designs while still remaining true to the original design.

    See how their designs evolved over the ages while still being true to the original portrait:




    See? All palette swaps yet now visually distinct. But you still immediately see that they're true to the original. This is what people like me who don't like the drastic design changes want.

    At the very fucking least they look good. Forsyth with that ugly ass hair do and bleh hair color doesn't work the slightest. It did him no favors especially with the new enthusiast loud mouth personality he has. There's things that can't be saved and you're just going to have to deal with it.

  4. 1 minute ago, RJWalker said:

    Holy shit, this is too much. Leon and Python are still close to their original palette swap portraits. That's my whole fucking point. 

    Another example. Palla, Catria and Est were also originally palette swaps. Yet, they too were updated slowly over the ages to look distinct while still remaining close to the original portrait that was shared between the three.

    This is what people like me want. The new designs should still be close to the original. Even if it's a palette swap, you can remaing close to the original yet distinct from each other. 

    And if you can't tell the difference between Gordin and Tomas while literally having their portraits are in front of you, then you need to get your eyes checked.

    They look the exact fucking same. Forgettable trash. Forsyth would look terrible with the overused purple hair. He looks better with green. Learn to accept change you fucking baby.

  5. 1 minute ago, RJWalker said:

    Leon and Python are palette swaps, you fucking lunatic. And their new designs are updates on their old design. They now look distinct while still staying true to their original design. Just I like said: It is possible to update old palette swaps to make them distinct yet still remaining true to their original design.

    And people weren't outraged like claim they would if this was done for more characters.

    Holy shit, is this simple stuff really so fucking hard to understand?

    And you can see how much Python got changed except for the hair you idiot! Even then it got tinkered with along with his face. Leon even gets much much more feminine with make up too. They got changed so much unlike Marth's shitty choices were Gordin and that other green dude look the exact same. They didn't get that changed in comparison to Leon and Python and that's why Marth's cast is forgettable imo. There's no excuses.

  6. Just now, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

    Ok I need to get something done here


    you insulting Archanea over that is a personal offense to me especially when it has been demonstrated Shadow Dragon and Shin Monsho have corrected this issue

    and I am going to use the most egregious example to demonstrate exactly how this issue was corrected


    this is the portrait of both Gordin and Tomas in FE1. It is the exact same portrait and if this were the end of the story your argument would be founded. However,



    both of them are given distinctive portraits in FE3, with the only real similarity left being their hair. It is still recognizable as being Tomas from FE1, but they have removed the pallet swap nature of it. If that's not good enough,




    they give them further portraits in the DS remakes, with Gordin going as far as to have a wholly different portrait to make him look older in FE12, a distinction that did not exist in FE3 between the two books. There is absolutely zero confusion between the two units remaining in the DS remakes, and they have wholly eliminated this point in addition to giving them additional dialogue, fully developed story arcs, and in the case of FE12, support conversations. Archanea has among the most memorable cast in the entire series; it was even so especially in Japan even prior to the DS remakes, and the DS remakes further accentuates this with Support conversations and additional dialogue and character motives and development.


    Throwing flagrant name calling around and insinuating this issue exists in the DS remakes serves to only make you look like an ass.

    Oh god they look the exact same! Talk about forgettable cast crew wow!

  7. The pallet swaps still keeping their shitty designs.,No one cares about them because they fail to stand out. Like Marth's pallet swaps still keeping their shitty old designs. It's okay with the Bord Cord bros because they have a gimmick in their design around it like. "Remember me as the handsome one". There's no excuses for the pallet designs not having a gimmick like the Bord Cord bros yet still keeping the shitty pallet swap designs with no notable changes to where they stand out. Stop being an idiotic retard thanks.

  8. 48 minutes ago, Tsak said:

    Anyways last comment on this thread. The game needed a makeover. Without that it wouldn't of sold,  too dated were the character designs.  If you think otherwise well agree to disagree

    Yep, I like Gaiden but THAT needed a makeover ASAP.

    45 minutes ago, RJWalker said:

    If you can't talk without insulting others, then I'm not about to mince my words either. Kindly fuck off. 

    "Seeing more of his story" has nothing to do with this design. Him being likable, like you claimed, is not just completely unrelated to his design but contradicts his new design which makes him look unlikable. Him appearing unlikable is likely the point. But my own point is that you claim he is likable 'now', which has nothing to do with his actual design and has everything to do with his dialogue and personality, to complain that people don't like the fact that the characters' appearance has been altered, sometimes drastically.

    You can fuck off. You're hella cray if you believe there won't be a shit ton of more outrage and the game won't flop if everyone's looking like ass and is extremely forgettable just because YOU are a blinded Gaiden fanboy and can't take change.

  9. 1 hour ago, RJWalker said:

    It has been demonstrated before within this very series that you can make character pallet swaps memorable while staying close to their original design (Matthis-Vyland, Gordin-Castor-Sedgar-Tomas, Navarre-Michalis, etc) so it's completely fair to criticise IS for completely changing characters and treating these changes as the wrong choice.

    Yep that's whining. There was no way to make the cast memorable without changes. Grow up man. Most of those pallet swaps come from Marth's games one of the most forgettable cast ever... Hell nah!

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ranger Jack Walker said:

    His design makes him look unlikable. Now this other person was talking about how Jesse is now a likable character and complaining about how other people don't like the change in design, even though design and personality have nothing to with each other and his current look makes him unlikable.

    Also his current hairstyle is looks worse than his old.

    Current hair worse than the old ugly outdated thing? lol no his face may be punchable but his hair is fine

  11. 1 minute ago, Ranger Jack Walker said:

    I love how much of an asshole you're being. It's one thing to like the new designs. It's completely different to say people who don't are just being whiny.

    Also, you guys keep confusing a character's personality with their design. Like bringing up how Jesse is now a 'likable' character. What does that have to with his design? Oh, right, absolutely fucking nothing. Quite the opposite in fact, considering his design makes him look unlikable.

    His design looks great what are you on. His ugly outdated hairdo needed to get trashed immediately. 

  12. 23 minutes ago, Tsak said:

    Yeah people just don't like change
    Like honestly, even if i was emotionally invested in Gaiden lets be real
    Alot of those characters were dated as fuck palette swaps that needed an overhaul.
    Now if it was like Binding Blade and they changed Roy to have blue hair or something then yeah I'd be like wtf and I'd be with them on their little crusade of don't change mah characters design
    But Roy and Marth are something that's Iconic for the series, to change that is ridiculous... in Gaiden however, the characters that are relatively important keep those features... Why is no one mentioning Rudolf? he looks COMPLETELY different?
    People like to pick and choose whats OK based on taste, I'm basing it completely on what needed to be done
    If Echoes came out with a bunch of designs based off the original palette swap mess, people as a whole would be FURIOUS.
    Mostly because it would look like this game was an afterthought, i honestly wouldn't give two shits about it if everything was just a touch up of Gaiden.
    Now i don't knock Gaiden for using said palette swaps. Back in the day creative liberties on the damn old ass Nintendos were almost non-existant. But you do have to expect to some degree they aren't gonna base these characters they're TRYING to give life to with this mess. Jesse is actually a likable character now, Gray is literally the best, Deen has inspiration from berserk (my opinion). Yall want to say omg i can't stand these drastic redesigns, then go play friggin Gaiden and live in your fantasy where nothing is changed for the better.
    edit: pictures didn't come through whoops

    Yes! This very much this~!

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