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Posts posted by Archeleon

  1. 16 minutes ago, Azz said:

    I believe it only works with the weapon the emblem itself has equipped so for Marth, Sigurd, Leif, Roy, Eirika, Ike, Lucina, Corrin and Byleth it would be swords, for Celica and Micaiah it would be tomes, for Lyn it would be bows and for Ephraim it would be lances. It's not based off of the weapons the emblems provide, only the ones you see them have equipped

    I assume it is based on weapon type as the description says, just couldn't find where "weapon type" was listed or defined. I see what you mean now though, thank you. That being said I think Leif would actually provide a bonus to Axe with weapon sync.

  2. 2 hours ago, dragonlordsd said:

    Ah, yeah, forgot about that.

    Out of curiosity, I wonder how many class changes are optimal? I suppose it depends on the unit. I've seen people proposing 4 class changes for some optimal builds. That said, in theory, you might have to promote down to access specific classes, though I don't know if any optimal builds require that.

    Dont think you really need a lot of class changes, just one to go down a different, optimal class path. You can't learn class skills like you could in 3H. Most of the skill optimization will come from Emblems. Figuring out the best Emblem/Class/Inherited Skills are optimal is the biggest thing.

  3. Working on a tool to help with unit optimization and though I have an idea of how to go about it I would like to see what others prioritize when making class choices and what kind of data display would be most useful to you for these decisions. I suppose the main point of uncertainty is whether to base unit/class combination on maximum potential (grind until caps) or more practical play (maybe second seal once to get another round of levels).


    This is what I am currently tracking:

    Character Wise:

    Growth Rates and how they rank in comparison to others.

    Stat Cap Modifiers and how they rank in comparison to others.

    Personal Skill

    Weapon Proficiencies


    Class Wise:

    Growth Rates modified by character growth rate as well as expected stat gain over 40 levels to include class base stats, as well as how they rank.

    Stat Caps modified by character modifiers as well as how many levels it would take to reach the cap as well as how they rank.

    Class Skills with a loose subjective ranking.

    Weapon Proficiencies and how character innate proficiencies increase their ranks.

    Combat stats (Ph Atk/Mag Atk, Hit, Avo, Crit, Dodge) based on gaining 40 levels with that class and what they would be with all stats capped.


    Weapon Wise:

    Identify highest ranking weapon of each type (Sword vs axe) and "classification" (Brave vs Ranged) available to each class.

    How weapon stats affect combat stats of the class based on the 40 level gain.



  4. Grabbed from some of the end game skirmishes. Most units were level 20 with a few at 19 (Thief at 39). Might help with planning. Don't have maddening data.


      Hero Swordmaster Halberdier Royal Knight Berserker Warrior Sniper Bow Knight General Great Knight Paladin Wolf Knight Sage Mage Knight Martial Master High Priest Griffin Knight Wyvern Knight Thief
    HP 58 52 59 54 74 72 53 53 67 59 60 54 35 39 51 43 53 64 47
    Bld 13 10 12 10 19 16 11 11 20 16 13 10 9 10 12 10 11 14 10
    Str 31 26 32 28 36 33 31 25 34 29 31 26 11 21 24 13 27 32 28
    Mag 6 11 15 25 4 7 7 10 3 6 8 13 34 27 26 31 23 17 8
    Dex 28 32 34 34 18 23 38 33 28 31 33 30 25 22 20 23 35 31 37
    Spd 30 36 27 29 22 25 24 28 12 19 28 33 22 25 21 23 36 29 31
    Def 25 20 26 21 15 20 21 17 41 38 26 20 14 19 20 14 20 26 23
    Res 16 19 18 25 8 13 17 21 11 16 21 24 32 29 28 35 27 17 15
    Lck 17 20 11 17 6 6 13 15 11 15 15 18 14 10 14 20 19 11 13
    Atk 31 26 32 28 36 33 31 25 34 29 31 26 34 27 25 22 27 32 28
    Hit 64 74 73 76 39 49 82 73 61 69 73 69 57 49 47 56 79 67 80
    Avo 68 82 59 66 47 53 54 63 29 45 63 75 51 55 49 56 81 63 68
    Crit 14 16 17 17 9 11 19 16 14 15 16 15 12 11 10 11 17 15 18
    Ddg 17 20 11 17 6 6 13 15 11 15 15 18 14 10 14 20 19 11 13
      Steel Axe Brave Sword Silver Lance Silver Lance Silver Axe Silver Axe Silver Bow Steel Lance Silver Axe Silver Axe Silver Axe Silver Dagger Elwind Elwind Silver-Spirit Art Steel-Hand Art Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Dagger
    Mt 13 4 14 14 16 16 13 11 16 16 16 10 7 7 8 5 12 12 10
    Hit 65 80 80 80 70 70 85 75 70 70 70 90 85 85 80 70 90 90 90
    Crit 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0
    Wt 12 13 13 13 15 15 10 10 15 15 15 7 6 6 7 5 11 11 7
    Avo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Ddg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Atk 44 30 46 42 52 49 44 36 50 45 47 36 41 34 33 27 39 44 38
    Hit 129 154 153 156 109 119 167 148 131 139 143 159 142 134 127 126 169 157 170
    Avo 68 76 57 60 47 53 54 63 29 45 59 75 51 55 49 56 81 63 68
    Crit 19 16 17 17 9 11 19 21 14 15 16 15 12 11 10 16 17 15 18
    Ddg 17 20 11 17 6 6 13 15 11 15 15 18 14 10 14 20 19 11 13
    Spd 30 33 26 26 22 25 24 28 12 19 26 33 22 25 21 23 36 29 31

  5. Not sure if this is mentioned somewhere in game, maybe I missed it, but Arts calculate your damage based on the average of Str and Mag. This means that Arts can be used just fine by units that are inclined towards either stat but are particularly suited for units that have a good amount of both.

  6. Just finished AG for the first time a bit ago. I was honestly surprised by Dimitri's disposition towards Edelgard. I expected him to kill her. I didn't expect him to offer a hand, but he just leaves her be. Dimitri at the end of AG has fulfilled his all-consuming objective. He understands at that point that Edelgard has had no meaningful influence in anything that has happened over the last 6 months nor in the ToD and so his hate for her has just evaporated, he no longer has any interest. Edelgard calling out to him might have saved her life if only because he is too shook and exhausted to go through killing someone who is defenseless. 

  7. 20 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Are there any other instances where I must deploy a specific unit to recruit someone else?

    This is where I'm gonna get this:

    Your actions in this battle will greatly impact the outcome of the story.

    Am I right?

    Yes, there are a couple of instances in which you will have to deploy a specific unit in order to recruit someone.


    And yes, the chapter you get that warning on.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    I mean there has to be some scale of power. There are best classes by definition. 


    Aside from Asura, probably DK, IMO. Though HK is best for a few. 

    I genuinely do think they all have power niches that synergize well with the right units and builds, but if you were to twist my arm:

    S - Trickster, Dark Knight

    A - Dancer, Holy Knight, Falcon Knight, Bow Knight, War Master

    B - Mortal Savant, Great Knight, Gremory, Dark Bishop

    C - Wyvern Lord

  9. 29 minutes ago, IonicAmalgam said:

    At 98 hours myself and a good 45 hours is this, only leveled up everyone to level 40 though (from level 1)
    Any classes worth splashing training into for skills for most characters?

    Since the classes in this game don't have 100% static ability sets it can be difficult to give general advice that will work for everyone. I will avoid Class/Weapon specific stuff, abilities that are heavily reliant on a stat, and abilities that excel in specific builds, so be aware that there are some abilities not listed here that are very powerful for those builds. Unless stated otherwise these skills are only learned 50% of the time, but here are some pointers:


    Brigand - Wild Abandon: Wild Abandon is generally more useful than not, though you have to be more careful with your playstyle.

    Brawler - Underdog: Underdog is good in Maddening.

    Mage- Lifeforce: Nowadays I'm not as fond of this but it can be good on units that rely on CA/Spells as long as you have a way to recover. Can also be a safe way to enter into Defiant threshold. I am not a fan of Defiant skills and wouldn't recommend them.

    Wyvern Rider - Offensive Tactics: Safe, easy way to get a damage boost.

    Mortal Savant - Dual Onslaught: If the unit learns it, you probably want it.

    Dark Bishop - Impossible Feat/Absorb Str/Absorb Mag: Large damage boosts.

    Also be on the lookout for Boost Critical, Apex Weapon* and Weaponbreaker skills. The class each unit learns these from varies, but it is generally their preferred class. *If they ever Apex abilities they will be important.




  10. 1 hour ago, IonicAmalgam said:

    How do I complete my first route faster than 406 hours? xD
    In your opinion what is most important stat?
    In your opinion what is most important attribute for arts? Utility? (Eg Cannot be guarded, guard break) Animation? Type Coverage? Damage?

    Focus on 4-8 units to train and make sure they give you good weapon coverage. That'll get you through a route quick enough. 

    Most important stat will depend on the unit's abilities but in general I would rate them as follows:

    Str/Mag > Def/Res/Dex/Spd > Lck/Cha


    CA/Spell attributes also depend on the unit, some only need them to set-up their damage (Petra), some rely on their damage a lot (Hubert), some want to spam them (Bernadetta). In general I think animation is very important. I would steer people away from the ones that make your character dart around (Assassination), or single-hit attacks as they tend to be guarded a lot. Type coverage isn't a huge priority as if you are using the right unit for the job they tend to be unnecessary. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Any tricky levels, paralogues or otherwise, on Scarlet Blaze?

    Anyways, have fun!

    Also, is the 406 hours thing serious??? Because holy shit, that is a ton of time to spend on one route.

    Paralogues are generally only difficult if you haven't trained the units needed for deployment, otherwise they are rather simple. Only one that stands out is the Edelgard/Lysithea/Hapi paralogue.

    Chapter 5 due to Fog.

    Chapter 7 if you want to recruit everyone available. It forces a unit into your roster.

    Chapter 9 takes away two potentially powerful units and is overall difficult when going in blind.

    Chapter 10 is overall a tricky chapter for many reasons (recommend making sure you are prepared, and a save file if you are a completionist.)

    Chapter 14 is difficult, a lot going on.

    The last chapter is difficult as well.


    And yeah, 406 if the time on the save file is to be believed.


  12. 59 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Ferdinand's someone I found... very average. Can't say I was impressed by his unique action at all, this is not a game where normal attack strings are that important, and a passive which buffs them AND needs to be manually recharged each time you switch... yeah, I don't vibe with it. As for his class line, Holy/Dark Knight are indeed great but Cavalier/Paladin are pretty whatever to me. On my first run he really failed to stand out at all, but in fairness this was my fault in not knowing what the good skills were (and he does get a lot of them!). On NG+ he hasn't really stood out because everyone feels OP now, and he doesn't really have anything that makes him extra OP, though he is solid.

    I'd probably have kneejerked him to B originally but looking at how good the skills are I would adjust that to A tier.

    (And yeah, I'm now halfway through NG+ maddening and S-ranking everything effortlessly despite not having anyone above Level 70 or any weapons past +40, so I'll re-iterate my stance that tiering NG+ at maximum power feels incredibly pointless.)

    I'm in the camp that his UA is rather average. It is a good mobility boost and does get him very quick attacks speed. What is not often known about it is that it actually speeds up all his attacks, to include CAs. In theory this also lets him get to desirable strong attacks quicker than most if you manage to keep track of where in the string you are. It also interacts rather well with Consecutive Hits weapon attribute. Yes, he is the zoomiest of all, but that doesn't translate to power directly.

  13. No matter what class you choose for him he will very rarely get past 81 ish Mag and will average 54 Mag. I don't think it is worthwhile bothering with it.

    When it comes to Lck he can get up to the 90s but will usually end up at 70s. If you are worried about Luna, it is only a 2 Def reduction difference.

    You are better off focusing on his Str. His best options are below (These numbers are predictions based on growth rates):

    Wyvern Lord = +36 Str, +18 Spd, +18 Def

    War Master = +36 Str, +18 Dex, +24 Spd

    Mortal Savant = +30 Str, +30 Mag, +18 Lck

    (For comparison Holy Knight = +18 Str, +24 Mag, +12 Lck, +12 Def, +12 Res, +6 Cha.)

    I personally prefer War Master for the boosts to Str, Dex and Spd. If you really want to improve magical damage and get more Lck, Mortal Savant is better than Holy Knight.

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