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Posts posted by sfgiantsfanmike

  1. Noticed this the last few days. I didn't notice for a while because I didn't have a sword user (trying to get people into mounted classes).

    Finally got Blyleth into his unique class and was didn't have a armor slayer yet so I popped it on him and he started popping enemies left and right with it.

    Only thing that stops me from spamming it more is that I love the gauntlet attacks so I tend to use those more but when I absolutely need a horse or armor unit to drop.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Timlugia said:

    Thing is, Edelgard just gave the same order right before. "If you resist, you forfeit your life"

    Having Rhea reacting with same order doesn't seem that much different.

    Except we have Edelgard captured. She has information we need to take down her schemes. Randomly killing a prisoner is of no use to us. We needed to put aside the thirst for vengeance long enough to interrogate Edelgard. The fact that she had to have vengeance right that second is a huge turn off for me. Should have been a third option where we suggest interrogation but Hubert 'ports in and helps Edelgard escape.    

  3. 20 hours ago, Timlugia said:

    Actually, if we don't talk about high politics or modern morality from the hindsight, there is almost no reason for Byleth to join Edelgard at Holy Tomb.

    From Byleth's perspective at Holy Tomb:


    - Rhea saved Jeralt

    - Edelgard and her associates killed Jeralt (even in her route her defense was very weak)

    - She never explained to you her plan pre skip.

    - Her associates almost killed you with some evil magics just recently, resulting Sothis sacrificing herself.

    - She just insulted Sothis being an evil false god despite you know it's not true

    - She just ordered to kill you and your friends for resisting taken over.

    - She again threatening to kill you if you don't join her


    Why would anyone, from Byleth's perspective to join her, unless they are very deeply in love with her, even more so than to Jeralt?

    Here's my thought train during that moment:

    Okay, Edelgard just betrayed me big time. So many emotions, none good. Then she reveals she's the main antagonist up to that point... livid.

    Win the battle and Rhea DEMANDS I kill her. My initial reaction is to off her... but then, wait. Why is Rhea so aggressive about this? Didn't I just learn the lesson in Caspar's support about jumping the gun rather than waiting and getting more information? No, if anything we should throw her in a jail cell and get names/schemes from her so we can stop all she is up to so I chose to spare Edelgard.

    Then Rhea goes nuts, gives me the if you aren't with me your against me speech and reveals her true form... like, what? I just didn't want to kill the traitor before interrogation and you're going to flip out on me without asking for my why? Yikes, I am glad I chose to spare her now cause that is not how I operate (do what I say when I say it type leadership has never worked for me).



  4. Wow, don't have time to really think about this too much but I'm going with:

    Summoner x Brave Lyn - hard choice between the Lyns but I got the Brave Lyn first

    Brave Lyn x Erika - have been leveling them together and like the combo

    Lyn x Delthea - other half of my leveling team. Gives Lyn that extra umph she needs.

    Nowi x Ninian - These two have done tons of work together so might as well pair them and get the added benefits.

  5. Just got back into the game due to the Choose Your Legend event. 

    Hadn't been able to pull a Lyn even with that first banner featuring her. I come back and they are giving away a Lyn and have her featured on a banner again, which I got lucky enough to pull my first Lyn.

    I am beyond frustrated with this round, I have been grinding away for two days and have yet to see a multiplier for our side (Lyn). I see Camilla with a last 2 hour multiplier go ahead by more than we were up... but we don't get a multiplier???

    System is broken if we can never get a multiplier even when down ~1.2 billion...



  6. HM wise my  top 2 are Sharena and Lissa, with Ninian not too far behind.

    My actual most used is Nowi, with Marth, Ninian and Minerva rounding out my main team. 

    Got to get back to playing with them more often but there are so many units I like the design of, sooo many reds since I pull every red orb I see in the off chance it's a Lynn. On thing this game will probably never lack is interesting characters to try out.


  7. My favorites so far:

    Robin + Nowi - Something about Nowi just seems to draw Robin a bit out of his shell. With Lissa or Lucina, the two that stand out in my memory, Robin feels a bit stuffy/stiff. With Nowi the exchange was ... fun.

    Panne + Fredrick - Loved the fact that Fredrick was actually scared of something. I mean, from there the relationship is predicable but fun to go through.

    Panne + Donnel was fun, too, as well as Sully + Frederick but not on the level of the above for me.

  8. Anything to make the game more available.

    Right now the only two places to get the game are either not legit or the Wii U virtual console...

    Don't like option 1 and am not buying a D.O.A. console for $200+ for a 10+ year old game.

    The easiest option for Nintendo would be to re-release it on all of it's virtual consoles instead of just the one but I'll take a remake just so it's available again.

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