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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. BTW, I wanna show you a video when I'm done. It is the op 3 of Code Geass, If it we to be aired. But the go to R2 after the 2nd op. It's a good thing they did... -_-

  2. And I'll kepp it a secret from ya. Even though I kinda guessed this would happen. I know that you don't know about this one. If you did, the new ending video would make sence yo you. Besides, you know lots o' spoilers..

  3. Well.... I was... bored? XD

  4. NOOOOOO! What song from Code Geass would I want? Duh! I tried.... Naruto.... Shippuden.. O_o

  5. Oh yea! I tried to find some full versions to some songs on youtube. NEVER! DO! THAT! AGAIN!!

  6. ...Masu... hates kids... O_o

  7. Well that's good. Sadly, I must be going now. See ya later! ^_^

  8. Hm... Bad time for me to get on it would seem.. Good night.

  9. I saw 7 people useing theair messanger at the same time... What's up..?

  10. The Knifester is right Lyle. Besides, Nothing wrong with being single, eh?
  11. Hiya Cym! How ya been?

  12. I haven't done anything thing too bad so far. I'm a good noodle! ^_^
  13. I'm off, See ya later!

  14. "Adam" might not beable to finish his list.... But I bet Arc could! ;)
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