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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Why is Princess the only one who gets hugs? It doesn't bother me, and don't take this seriously. I'm just wondering why. Other people need hugs too.
  2. *waves hands in the air* HELLOOOOO! =/

  3. Dude! You don't know how hard I laughed when I saw that.
  4. *gasp* I have been tagged! TAG! YOUR IT!

    *runs away with bullet proof shield taped to back*

  5. I.....like.....your....AVATAR!

    G Gundam ownes!

  6. Lol, good one. Well I gots to go! Delete my comments if ya want, I would do the same thing. See ya buddy!

  7. Well anyways, good to talk to ya again. I gots to go now, Bye!

  8. You know... BUT WE DUN'T GOT DA TIME!! *ninjas out*
  9. Hmm, Good Idea deleting my comment.. AND MEN DUN"T SLAP! *Punches Lyle* YUUUR IIITTT!! AGAIN!!!

  10. Did you start ending you sentences with " . . . " when I was away?

  11. Sorry about that bad spelling.

  12. OK!

    Go look ayt Lyles comments. XD

  13. Make a topic about somthing *has an idea*
  14. *breaks Princess wall* TAG!! Your it again! *runs*

  15. Al'right, I'm stopping before this gets out of hand.
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