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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Woot! I have a wall!


  2. I'm now removing you from my friends list. I've had enough.

  3. Al'right, thank you! I'm going to ask Princess what pictures can be used for making signatures, since she makes signatures she sould know. I'll be sure to get you some good pictures! xD

  4. Ya! I'm going to spend this week getting pictures for ya. If it would be ok that is, I would like you to make me one. xD

  5. Oh ok. About Signatures.. I was wondering... If you could make me one pretty soon.. Like in a week.

  6. Lol, thats weird.. Whenever I'm about to leave, you log back in.

    I'll be back later though. Hope you'll be on! xD

  7. Hmm.. things got quiet.. I guess I'll leave for now. Cya later!

  8. Lol, Google.com/ Yahoo.com and Akerum. com all are visiting members profiles. xD

  9. Aww ok...

    *wall complete*

  10. You won't tell me..? =(

  11. Ya, can't argure with that! XD

  12. No more Naraku avi..?

  13. -_-

    So if I may ask, What did Cynthia say?

  14. So anyways, What ya been up to?

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