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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Ok.. *runs to send Princess a pm*

  2. Yea, I have nothing to do with it, But I will say it's about Masu. Things don't look good for him.

  3. Well, to be honest, I already know most of it. I just want to get in on the action!

    And ya, I guess your right. I JUST WANT IN! xD

  4. Oh well, I'm not sure if I should be speaking about it without that " someone" knowing.. Sorry bout that.. =(

  5. Hi! What's goin on? I want in on what you and princess talkin about!

  6. I see my wall has been mostly destroyed...


    Anyway Hello! How ya been? I see we have drama in the forest today!

  7. No, I hated it. Ike just.... LEFT?!?! I thought it was a lame ending IMO.

  9. And my wall is complete! xD

  10. Good, well I'm going to go brawl Toa now, not sure if I'll be back on so I'm going to say good night now. Good night and sweet dreams! Hope you feel better!

  11. Why have a senceless roit? I'm not a wuss.. Unless we have a reason to riot, this is just unnecessary.
  12. Ah, well nevermind then! xD

  13. Ah, Well be sure to get a good nights sleep tonight! :D

  14. Oh, Well your personal pic is a squirrel in a trench coat. There is an old cartoon character named " Sercret Squirrel" Kinda reminds me of you pic. xD

  15. Ok, good for you! :D

  16. Hey, you up for a brawl with Toa and me? In about, 30 mins.

  17. Well if you have a headache, you should go lay down and wait till it goes away. Mabye you have a headache because of the weather or somthing. How ya feel better. =D

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