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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Ofcourse she has a point. She thinks ahead before she does somthing.
  2. I don't even enter those stupid topics. In my opinion, you would have to be an idiot to post a pic in it. . Had to say it..
  3. Ow, that hurt..

    xD Your kidding right?!?! xD I hope you are!

  4. I trained Moulder twice, No stat got above 20 either time, besides hp ofcourse.

  6. Awesome fights! Your fights are very similar to the fights in Bleach. This should be animated. Nice work!
  7. Come on! I did that I did, and THAT'S THAT! xD

  8. Everything he just said! *EDIT* Except the friend code thing.. There ya go, you were close.
  9. Hiya Cym! How's it?

  10. He spamed my comments, just returning the favor. I deleted the ones he posted though.

  11. Unloaded total spam that is..

  12. MUHAHAHAHHA!! I just unloaded on "lord ike's" profile! MUHAHAHAHA!!

  13. Back to Serene would be nice! ^_^

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