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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Wow.. That sure is somthing else.. -_- *EDIT* AWESOME SITH SQUIRREL! XD
  2. And wait a minute! What happened to me picking your new name?

  3. Lol, evil squirrel. SITH SQUIRREL!

  4. I'm goin to get off now, Happy birthday again, and good night.

  5. I'm off for tinight, bye!

  6. Wow! Well, I'm going to get off for tonight. Good night and happy birthday again! ^_^

  7. I'm goin to get off now, bye!

  8. Oooh! That's in this story too? Wow.
  9. Darth Vader is on the PS3 and Yoda is on the 360 right? And his apprentece is in the game too? Wow!

  10. Oh.. Well we all do stupid things right?
  11. Oh... My... Gosh... I REMEMBER THAT!!!!!
  12. Oooh! I have SC II. I heard SC IV has star wars players in it. o_O Sounds awesome.

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