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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Wow! What kind? Fire? Water? Light? Wind? Lighting? Or is it a secret? boy I can't wait for more story! Too bad you just updated.. I must wait longer..
  2. Wow Really? Like what. =O

  3. Wow. Well done! This mean Freohr is a fighter?
  4. So, what you up to?

  5. *does 1 barrel roll* 8999 to go..
  6. Shut up.. @ Lyle: Yes... You did break me... ._.
  7. ._________________________________.
  8. I'm honored..! Looks like Hexblade has owned some people in the past it would seem. XD
  9. Ugh... Never should I let the story get so far ahead without me reading... But even though I'm the main character in this story, Hexblade owns all these characters! XD
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