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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. You know what.. You and Lyle use to be the best of friends! Then you started to change, Lyle got sick of it then you two went your seperate ways. Now you and I repeated what you and Lyle did! Do you not think your changing?? I may have have only knew you for a few months, but still. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU??
  2. As you wish. Farwell, Masu.

  3. Yup, that might do it. xD

  4. Fine, but change for the better. So your not going to Masu anymore? Might as well take you off my friends list. I don't want to, but I just haven't been liking to way you have been acting the past few days..

  5. Why do you keep visiting my profile and not commenting?

  6. Oh I see! You were reading the conversation between Masu and I, right?

  7. Lol, al'right then. xD

  8. Hmm..? Do you need somthing?

  9. To be honest, I thought you had a pic of Rhys as you avatar. XD

  10. Well if your not going to reply, fine then. I'll see ya around..

  11. Well "the Viper" sounds awesome. Not sure what Ocelot is..

  12. Oooh! Changed your name I see! :D

  13. YES! Please Masu! Cheer up! Good thinking Toa! *EDIT* We should make one for Lyle.. And what do you mean he has A Kilvas? And meet Soren on the net..? I like your song, it makes me lawl. =D
  14. You still could be a little nicer...

    You've change a bit, not the same Masu I knew before.

  15. My, can't you be a little nicer? I'm trying to say sorry here..

  16. Good, thx. I don't get to talk to you much, so I decided to stop by once in a while and say hi and what you been up to.

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